With the rapid development of computer network technologies and distributed computing technologies, common collaboration and cooperation based on geospatial information for team users are increasingly popular. Since the traditional plotting system is single-user mode that is not able to meet the requirement of collaborative plotting of group users in modern society in a distributed environment, in this paper we focused on establishing a distributed real-time collaborative plotting system with grid technology, and the structure of the system based on grid was designed. The system structure is introduced and the key technologies such as collaborative management, collaborative information and grid dispatcher were also presented. The prototype of the distributed real-time collaborative plotting system was implemented based on the combination of gird and GIS technologies, and common collaboration and cooperation based on geospatial information for team users was achieved. The network symbol library and WebGIS software are used in the system. The research showed that the distributed real-time collaborative plotting system we built with gird technology can satisfy the requirement of collaboration on the condition of Wide Area Network, and the experiment of collaborative plotting of users showed that the distributed real-time collaborative plotting system achieved fast response and high stability.
ZHANG Jianbing, REN Yingchao, XU Yunbo, ZHAO Yanqing
. Research on the Distributed Real-time Collaborative Plotting System Based on Grid[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2012
, 14(2)
: 187
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00187
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