Construction of Global and China's Surrounding Regional Resources and Environmental Science Database

  • State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2012-04-24

  Revised date: 2012-09-24

  Online published: 2012-10-25


Global and China's Surrounding Regional Resources and Environmental Science Database is the basic support data for the resources and environmental leading scientific researches such as global change and for national macro decisions, which has vital significance for national security. From the key deployment project "Construction and Decision Supporting Research of the Global and Neighboring Countries' Resources and Environmental Science Database" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, we have constructed the global and surrounding area resources and environmental science database framework, which includes three big system: Standards System Structure of the Resources and Environmental Science Database, Global Resources and Environmental Science Database and Surrounding Regional Resources and Environmental Science Database. The Standards System Structure of the Resources and Environmental Science Database includes three types combined with 22 standards; the Global Resources and Environmental Science Database and Surrounding Regional Resources includes two categories, 13 classes and 35 small types of database; the Surrounding Regional Resources and Environmental Science Database consists of four areas, i.e. northeast Asia, southeast Asia, South Asia and central Asia, which are up to 23 small kinds of database and aim at providing reference to the next work on the construction of large scale resources and environmental science database. And the work of the construction of the Global and China's Surrounding Regional Resources and Environmental Science Database will be better perfected by the "further" and "expanding" aspects in the future.

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JIANG Dong, HUANG Yao-Huan-*, PENG Da-Fang . Construction of Global and China's Surrounding Regional Resources and Environmental Science Database[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2012 , 14(5) : 592 -598 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00592


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