Spatial Heterogeneity of Land Use Degree in Jiuxiang River Watershed, Nanjing City, China

  • 1. College of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China;
    2. Department of Resources Environmental and tourism, Chizhou College, Chizhou 247000,China

Received date: 2012-04-24

  Revised date: 2012-09-10

  Online published: 2012-10-25


We quantitatively analyzed the space heterogeneity of land use degree in the Jiuxiang River watershed. This is of great significance to land consolidation and sustainable use of land resources in the urbanized watershed. Jiuxiang River watershed in Nanjing City, as a case study area, its two landscape classification maps were conducted from 2003 and 2009 by remote sensing images interpretation, which were used as the main data source for assessment of land use degree. Spatial heterogeneity characteristics of land use degree in the study area were analyzed during 2003-009 by means of spatial statistics like spatial autocorrelation and semi-variance analysis. The results showed that with the increase of spatial distance, the spatial correlation of land use degree showed a downward trend in Jiuxiang River basin. The high value area of land use degree was mainly located in the northwest Xianlin College Town and Shibu Bridge area, and the low value area mainly gathered in the northern Qinglongshan Mountain, the central Linshan Mountain and the northern West Lake Park area. Land use degree was mainly at the level of moderate in Jiuxiang River Basin from 2003 to 2009, accounting for about 40% of the watershed area. Affected by the urbanization process, the spatial heterogeneity of land use degree changed obviously, and the watershed land use degree showed the trend of conversion to stronger and weaker, the distribution area had an increase of 1.13% and 4.27%, respectively in six years. The land use degree in Xianlin College Town area enhanced, showed a trend of rapid expansion, but the land use degree slightly decreased in Jiuxiang River headwater, along the downstream coast and the West Lake Park. So we should establish a watershed ecological planning or land use planning to reduce the land use degree by controlling the density of building lands strictly, protecting forestlands, and enhancing the landscape construction.

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HU He-Bing, LIU Gong-Yu-*, HAO Jing-Feng, AN Jing . Spatial Heterogeneity of Land Use Degree in Jiuxiang River Watershed, Nanjing City, China[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2012 , 14(5) : 627 -634 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00627


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