Journal of Geo-information Science >
Design Method of the Semantic-driven Hierarchical Map Symbols
Received date: 2012-11-02
Revised date: 2012-12-02
Online published: 2012-12-25
Research of map symbols is an important part of cartography. Currently, the main research of map symbols was focused on the visual graphics but paying little attention to the semantic. This paper puts forward a method of semantic-driven hierarchical map symbols design. In this method the semantic relation of map symbols is as a benchmark to the construction of symbol graphics, and the symbol graphics is controlled by semantic model. So we can fully exploit the intrinsic value of the semantic components of the map symbols in its design activities. We mainly focused on such four key steps of the method. The first one is semantic feature extraction. We systematically summarized the semantic feature of the map symbols by using ontological level concept. Second step is about morphemes design. The concept, design principles of morphemes and its important role in map symbols design was discussed. The third is about modeling of the associative semantic relation. In this step the modeling methods was discussed and a practice that show how to construct an associative semantic model based on common map symbols for the public geographical information was conducted. The fourth is semantics-driven generation of map symbols. The processes and characteristics of a symbol's generation was analyzed. An existing map symbol standard was improved by using our symbol design method. And a group of cognitive experiments have been done which show that the propound method has a superior performance in cognitive efficiency and relatively stable and high transmission efficiency in the analog process of information transmission. In conclusion, the semantic relation of the geospatial objects is the core of the method of semantic-driven hierarchical map symbols design, which is aimed to improve the graphic design and understanding of map symbols. Characterized by the symbol design oriented ontology domain, this method makes the map symbols more semantic-evident for better recognition, understanding and application.
Key words: map symbols; symbol design; morphemes; semantic-driven; semantic modeling
TIAN Jiang-Feng, GU Fen-Li, JIA Jing, TUN Jin-Bing . Design Method of the Semantic-driven Hierarchical Map Symbols[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2012 , 14(6) : 736 -743 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00736
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