Journal of Geo-information Science >
Urban Transportation Infrastructure and Its Effects on Regional Development in Yancheng: A Spatial Analysis Perspective
Received date: 2012-09-11
Revised date: 2012-12-03
Online published: 2013-02-25
Transportation and land use is an interactive dynamic process. Urban and regional development is greatly affected by the transportation infrastructure. Transportation-induced development plays an important role on the regional development and urban planning. Quatitative assessment of urban transportation infrastructure and its effects on regional development is essential to promote future urban planning and sustainable development. Yancheng, a coastal city in Jiangsu Province of China, is chosen as the study area. A research framework is developed to evaluate the spatial effects of transportation-induced development in Yancheng over the past 20 years. Firstly, series of land use mapping based on the 1990, 2000, 2010 Landsat TM images classification are acquired through data pre-processing and image classification. Secondly, buffer analysis based on lines and points with the proposed distances are implemented on different transportation infrastructure such as G204 Road, G15 Shenghai Highway and Xinchang Railway. Thirdly, the spatio-temporal change in land use in the proposed buffer zones along the major roads and surrounding their major exits are acquired through the overlay analysis. Fourth and Finally, the statistical analysis are performed to obtain the major urban transportaion infrastructure and its effects on the surrouding land use. In the technical work, a geoprocessing model is developed to evaluate the major road impacts on the urban and regional development based on Model Builder moduler. Such a geoprocessing model can effecitively used to select the optimal buffer distance around a line or a point. The follow-up calculation and analysis are based on the proposed buffer anlysis. In this study, the best buffer distance along the major roads is 5km in both sides, and the best buffer distance surrounding the exits of major roads is 10km. The results show that such a spatial analysis perspective is a novel way to evaluate the transportation-induced urban and regional development. The land use type from cropland to construction land along the major roads is changed rapidly, especially since 2000. The cumulative land use change is very significant along the major roads, particularly along the new-built G15 Shenghai Highway.
XU Fen, ZHANG Xiao-Xiang, YAN Wang-Bei, SHANG Chun-Feng, SHEN Xiang, MEI Dan-Dan . Urban Transportation Infrastructure and Its Effects on Regional Development in Yancheng: A Spatial Analysis Perspective[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(1) : 29 -37 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00029
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