Journal of Geo-information Science >
The Uncertainty of Polygon-based Statistical Data Spatial Analysis: Case of Census Data of Haidian District, Beijing
Received date: 2012-07-10
Revised date: 2012-12-24
Online published: 2013-06-17
In statistic geographic information system, census data, stored as polygon attribute, is a kind of polygon- based statistical data. Moreover, in the studies of geography and social science, polygon-based statistical data is a main data source for uncovering spatial patterns of social phenomena by spatial analysis. However, due to the limitation of data and restriction of computer processing power, uncertainty of polygon-based statistical data spatial analysis is always ignored, and there is no well methodology for analyzing such uncertainty. To address this question, we developed a method concerning modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP) to evaluate uncertainty of polygon-based statistical data spatial analysis. The population data collected from each buiding in Beijing makes the mehtod applicable. For MAUP, we considered it as scale and aggregation separately. For polygon- based statistical data, we applied census data of Haidian District (Beijing) with polygons of buildings as its georeference. With this method, we introduced scale and shape indices and applied visual analysis and data fitting to detect the uncertainty of five analysis methods: Sum, Mean, Standard deviation, Global Moran's I and Anselin Local Moran's I (LISA). In addition, the relationships between scale, shape indices and the five analysis methods are also revealed in order to demonstrate the way that MAUP affects polygon-based statistical data spatial analysis. The result of the research shows as follows: (1) the results derived from census data spatial analysis with normal census tracts as zone system are arbitrary and have great uncertainty. (2) The results derived from census data spatial analysis with regular nets as zone system well describe the spatial patterns of original data, but still depend on the scale and zoning of the net system. (3) The results derived from census data spatial analysis with regular grid as zone system, are functionally related to the scale of the grid system, and the uncertainty of the results represents multi-scale spatial patterns of original data. And (4) aggregation together with scale affects census data spatial analysis. With regard to regular net system with fixed scale, the number of the neighbors of each polygon affects the results of the analysis. According to the above, it is better to re-aggregate the census data by regular grid system with proper scale and apply multi-scale methods in polygon-based statistical data analysis.
ZHANG Xiao-Hu, ZHONG Er-Shun, WANG Shao-Hua, ZHANG Xun, ZHANG Ji . The Uncertainty of Polygon-based Statistical Data Spatial Analysis: Case of Census Data of Haidian District, Beijing[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(3) : 369 -379 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00369
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