Journal of Geo-information Science >
Estimation of Variation of Poyang Lake Area Based on Long-term MODIS Observations
Received date: 2013-01-14
Revised date: 2013-02-25
Online published: 2013-06-17
critical to monitor its long-term change to understand the condition and variation of Poyang Lake and to evaluate its response to climate change and human activities.In this paper,an algorithm for extracting water area of Poyang Lake using MODIS land surface reflectance data is presented.Firstly,the maximum water area is acquired based on composition of the minimum land surface reflectance in red band for each year.Then,only those pixels in the maximum water coverage region are identified as the water or land status with MODIS land surface reflec- tance in green,near-infrared and shortwave channels.Lastly,the water coverage fraction is calculated during certain periods and used to analyze the seasonal and annual variations of Poyang Lake.This algorithm could eliminate the impacts of cloud contamination and rapid seasonal change of lake water area on this analysis.The water area were extracted and analyzed from MODIS 8-day land surface reflectance observations(MOD09A1)during 2000 to 2010.The results show that the water area of Poyang Lake based on our algorithm is of high consistency to the hydrological observations at local sites.The algorithm could represent the significant seasonal variations of the water area of Poyang Lake.From April to September,the lake is vast due to the abundant water from Poyang Lake basin and Yangtze River.From October to March in the next year,the lake shrinks significantly.The minimum water area occurs in January,while it is in July for the maximum water area.During 2000 to 2010,no significant change of the water area of Poyang Lake is found during the flood season.After 2003,the lake shows a noticeable decrease in its water area during the dry season.
Key words: change analysis; water area; Poyang Lake; time series; MODIS
LIU Xiang, YOU Hui, CHENG Xiao, GE Quan-Qing, LIU Rong-Gao . Estimation of Variation of Poyang Lake Area Based on Long-term MODIS Observations[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(3) : 469 -475 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00469
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