A Task Oriented Method for Mobile Collection and Rapid Report of Disaster Information and Its Application

  • 1. National Disaster Reduction Center of China Satellite Application Center for Disaster Reduction of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Beijing 100124, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Integrated Disaster Assessment and Risk Governance of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Beijing 100124, China

Received date: 2013-01-29

  Revised date: 2013-05-10

  Online published: 2013-08-08


A task oriented method for mobile collection and direct report of disaster information is proposed to meet emergency work requirements around the disaster site, such as disaster information report, check and assessment, disaster emergency response, remote sensing image interpretation and so on. It will be an operational application and the total solution of natural disaster mobile information platform is introduced in the paper at length. The core of the method is regarded as the task planning, which depends on the layer for disaster information collection around the disaster site. It solves several problems occurred to the disaster information collection in the field, including multi-type disaster information collection, rapid integration, instant report, real time monitoring, team collaboration and so on. The combination of satellite positioning, base map plotting and mobile communication is widely used for disaster information collection. Compared with the universal method, four advantages are involved in the new method. First, it is a flexible method and suitable to collect any disaster information around the disaster site. Second, post-data-processing is avoided, which is resulted from poor accuracy of satellite positioning system. Third, multi-type information can be collected in an integrative way and reported rapidly. Finally, several teams are serviced by the platform to collect information synergistically around the disaster site. Natural disaster mobile information platform is developed based on the method, which is composed of the terminal, the background server and the database. The terminal plays an important role in the platform, by means of which the operator can collect the multi-type disaster information synthetically around the disaster site, report the disaster data rapidly, do the online data integration in real time, share relative information quickly and so on. It was applied in collapsed house assessment around Jiegu Town, Qinghai Province after the Yushu Earthquake. The whole town was divided into 685 plots according to collapsed houses. Four mobile terminals are employed by the working group in the field to investigate and collect data of damaged and collapsed houses, such as the level of damage, the number of damaged houses, the unit-price of one house, the number of families, the number of affected persons and so on. The analysis of statistics could help to assess the loss from the Yushu Earthquake.

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LIAO Yong-Feng, LI Bo, LEI Yu, LIN Zhi-Jiang . A Task Oriented Method for Mobile Collection and Rapid Report of Disaster Information and Its Application[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(4) : 538 -545 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00538


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