Integrated Assessment of Eco-environmental Vulnerability in North Shanxi Province

  • 1. Beijing Geo-engineering Design & Research Institute, Beijing 100505, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Received date: 2013-01-31

  Revised date: 2013-06-13

  Online published: 2013-09-29


Assessment of eco-environmental vulnerability can be taken as a strategic basis for the comprehensive improvement on a degraded system. North Shanxi Province was a constituent part of farming-pastoral ecotone in north China, was characteristic of vulnerable under integrated impact of natural and human factors. In this paper, based on remote sensing data and geographic information system software, combined with spatial principal component analysis and analytic hierarchy process (AHP), an integrated method was used to evaluate the eco-environmental vulnerability of North Shanxi Province. The results show that the vulnerability of the eco-environment in North Shanxi Province is characteristic of imbalance in general under integrated influences of natural and human factors. The northeast part is evaluated as the most vulnerable region, which occupy 33.1% of the total studied area. The southwest part is the slightly and moderately vulnerable areas, which occupy 49.1% of the total studied area. And the lightly vulnerable areas scatter throughout the entire region. Totally, the moderately and lightly vulnerable areas occupy 55.5%. This indicates that a majority of the region owns moderate and light vulnerability. The vulnerability in this area is mainly caused by nature factors, and human activities are the critical external reasons to cause the variable of vulnerability degree. The natural factors affecting the eco-environmental vulnerability of the North Shanxi Province are aridity, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), water and soil erosion rate, etc., whereas the human factors are land use, proportion of the second industry accounting for GDP, index of environmental protection investment and water source amounts, etc. The main characteristics of the extremely and heavily vulnerable regions are aridity, low NDVI, serious water and soil erosion, unreasonable land use, high proportion of the second industry accounting for GDP, low environment protection investment index and few water source amounts. Degree of eco-environmental vulnerability in North Shanxi Province will drop with increasingly rational human activities and more and more environmental protection investments. Results of this research can provide a basis for rational regulating and controlling of human activities and eco-environment protection and improvement in North Shanxi Province.

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XU Qiang-Yong, HUANG Mei, LI Lei, TANG Lei, WANG Jun-Bang . Integrated Assessment of Eco-environmental Vulnerability in North Shanxi Province[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(5) : 705 -711 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00705


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