Mongolia and Inner Mongolia LUCC Regional Differentiation Over the Past 30 Years

  • 1. Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing 100012, China;
    2. Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;
    3. Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150000, China;
    4. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China

Received date: 2012-04-23

  Revised date: 2012-09-25

  Online published: 2013-09-29


LUCC is a hot and difficult topic in the research of global change. Through the Mongolia Plateau LUCC research,we aimed to provide scientific and technological support for the upgrading of the regional land use structure and sustainable development. Based on EOA 300m land cover datasets,with reference to the remote sensing images in 1970s and 2005 of Mongolia Plateau,we established 1970s and 2005 land use dynamic database and used land use amount models(such as land use changes degree,land use change dynamic degree, land use change consumption reduction degree and land use change development degree)to analyze the process of land use type conversation between the Republic of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia,reveal the regional land use change characteristics and regularity,predict various land use types change,and analysis the land change driving force. The results are as follows:the grassland area decreased year by year,grassland degradation trend is evident;bare land area increases ceaselessly,the desertification phenomenon is serious;farmland and urban construction land area continue to grow;water area presenting an attenuation trend;unused land is the primary source of a variety of other types of land use increasing;forest land area of the Republic Mongolia slightly reduced, while Inner Mongolia forest land area increased significantly. Considering the special geographical environment and the influence of national policy of the Mongolia Plateau,especially the environmental protection policy and the rapid economical development in recent years,land use changes would become very complex. The dynamic changes of land use of Mongolia Plateau were mainly caused by climate drying and warming,policy change,economic development,population growth and so on. Natural factors determine the regional characteristics of land use pattern that main land use types are grassland and bare land in the Mongolia Plateau. Human factors determined the difference in land use dynamic change between Republic of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia over the past 30 years.

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SHI Hua-Ding, ZHOU Ti-Yin, MENG Fan-Gao, BAI He-Ming . Mongolia and Inner Mongolia LUCC Regional Differentiation Over the Past 30 Years[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(5) : 719 -725 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00719


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