Design and Implementation of Geospatial Sensor Web Information Public Service Platform

  • State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China

Received date: 2013-11-14

  Revised date: 2013-12-05

  Online published: 2013-12-25


With the development of earth observation technologies, sensor type and quantity increase massively. In order to manage information and service resources related to Earth Observation Sensor Web efficiently, allow users access and apply these resources comprehensively and accurately, based on Sensor Web information model and service interface specifications, this paper designs and implements geospatial sensor web Information Public Service Platform, namely GeoSensor. GeoSensor is based on a service-oriented architecture, calls and combines sensor registration service, sensor observation service, real-time mapping service, satellite location-based service and other services, gets real-time sensor information, sensor observational data, data product and other information resources and demonstrates these information resources in the Map World with graphics, text, tables, and video vividly. GeoSensor mainly consists of four major functional modules: (ⅰ) Sensor Retrieval Module which is mainly used for retrieving motion sensors, in-situ sensors and remote sensors according to the specified filter criteria, such as time, space, subject and other conditions; (ⅱ) Sensor Observational Data Retrieval Module is mainly used according to the specified filter conditions, access to various types of sensor observation data, and show these observational data in Map World in different ways; (ⅲ) Sensor Control Module is mainly used to control in-situ sensors and video sensors, and feedback the result of sensor control based on these changes of the sensor observational data or the access method of sensor observational data; And (ⅳ) Thematic Map Service is to use sensor observation data to generate thematic maps, and the data products generated by this service can reflect the overall situation within a specific area. GeoSensor achieves online search, instant access, network control and real-time mapping and other functions for these resources. In the future, a more powerful sensor web information public service platform with semantics will be build, which could be used in smart city.

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CHEN Nai-Cheng, YANG Xun-Liang, WANG Xiao-Lei . Design and Implementation of Geospatial Sensor Web Information Public Service Platform[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2013 , 15(6) : 887 -894917 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00887


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