Journal of Geo-information Science >
Information Extraction of Thin Rivers around Built-up Lands with False NDWI
Received date: 2013-04-07
Revised date: 2013-07-19
Online published: 2014-01-05
The normalized difference water index (NDWI), (Green -NIR)/(Green+NIR), proposed by Mcfeeter, is widely used but easily to mix built-up land and water body due to the spectrum similarity on these two bands (green and near infrared reflection) between the two features (water body and built-up land). It is proposed by water indexes such as MNDWI, CIWI and NWI that importing mid-infrared (MIR) band could help solve the problem, as built-up lands have a higher value on MIR compared with NIR. However, more than half of the satellites have not a MIR band, such as Beijing-1 satellite, HJ-1A/B satellites, QuickBird, IKONOS, SPOT1-3 satellites and so on. A false normalized difference water index (FNDWI) has been proposed to fix the problem without access to MIR band. FNDWI replaces the green band in NDWI with a new FGreen (false green) band, which is created by adjusting the original green band with NIR band value. FNDWI has been tested with NDWI on five different typical regions, including urban, suburb, town, village, and non-built-up lands. The experiments reveal that FNDWI has depressed the value of built-up land, highlighted river water body, thus enhanced the differences between water and built-up land by 116% to 335% of NDWI, as well as remained the original NDWI difference between vegetation and water body. Also, it is found that there exits correlation between river width (measured by pixels) and difference enhancement from NDWI to FNDWI. Difference enhancement of thinner river areas is larger than that of wider river areas. Correlation coefficient between river width and difference enhancement reaches -0.82, indicating their apparent negative correlation. In urban, suburb and town regions, water extracting results using NDWI results are polluted by built-up land information while that using FNDWI is fairly clean. Above all, it is concluded that FNDWI is better than NDWI while extracting water bodies around built-up lands, especially on those thin rivers around urban areas.
Key words: built-up land; FNDWI; thin river; water body extracting; NDWI
ZHOU Yi, XIE Guanglei, WANG Shixin, WANG Feng, WANG Futao . Information Extraction of Thin Rivers around Built-up Lands with False NDWI[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(1) : 102 -107 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.000102
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