Study on Spatial Distribution and Correlation of Historical Disputes in the South China Sea with GIS

  • 1. Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science and Technology, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China;
    2. Collaborative Innovation Center for the South China Sea Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China;
    3. School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

Received date: 2013-06-25

  Revised date: 2013-09-27

  Online published: 2014-03-10


The South China Sea accounts for two-thirds of ocean land in China. It is not only the natural barrier of China's national security and important port and strategic channel, but also an area of the important energy, resource base and the prevalent geopolitical economic problems in our country in the future. With network technology and GIS technology, this study focus on spatial distribution and correlation analysis of the development trend on disputes of the South China Sea for providing auxiliary decision support. Results show that: (1) the method of document research and web crawler can quickly and efficiently obtain geography data about historical disputes in the South China Sea. GIS can carry on the space-time changes to geographic data in depth; (2) In terms of the time distribution of data, disputes of the South China Sea present a significantly increase over time, and in individual years appear a spate of major of the South China Sea issue; (3) In terms of spatial distribution, disputes in the South China Sea about Vietnam and the Philippines are much more, while other neighboring countries are relatively less; And (4) the claimed areas by countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia are mainly located in the Nansha Islands. They distributed clearly, and overlapped partially. This study also reveals the availability of the network technology and GIS technique, enriches the ways, and provides new ideas and methods for historical geography research. At present, the preliminary analysis of the historical disputes has been completed. In the next step of historical geography study, we will mainly focus on independent events in disputes of the South China Sea, from a deeper level to reveal the change situation of the geography of history events, in order to provide support for the decision involved in the South China Sea.

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ZOU Wei, LIU Yongxue, LI Manchun, ZHANG Hexia, CHEN Yingxue . Study on Spatial Distribution and Correlation of Historical Disputes in the South China Sea with GIS[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(2) : 249 -256 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00249


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