Journal of Geo-information Science >
Research on Spatial Configuration Model of Islands andWaterways Based on Voronoi Diagram
Received date: 2013-07-04
Revised date: 2013-08-29
Online published: 2014-05-10
A waterway is any navigable body of water. Waterways can include natural water area such as rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and artificial water area such as canals and harbor. In order for a waterway to be navigable, it must be deep and wide enough and has suitable hydrology to allow vessels passing safely. In the sea, waterways usually connect mainland or islands. Especially, in the water area filling with reefs, they will be the only passage and the lifeline of the transportations and supplies. The islands and reefs also can influence the security of the waterways in that area. Consider the relationships between islands and waterways, it can not only influence the security of the waterways, but also reflect the value of the islands. In this paper, a spatial configuration model of islands and waterways based on Voronoi diagram was proposed to describe the spatial relationships between islands and waterways. The intensity of waterways controlled by islands was used to indicate the security state ofA waterway is any navigable body of water. Waterways can include natural water area such as rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and artificial water area such as canals and harbor. In order for a waterway to be navigable, it must be deep and wide enough and has suitable hydrology to allow vessels passing safely. In the sea, waterways usually connect mainland or islands. Especially, in the water area filling with reefs, they will be the only passage and the lifeline of the transportations and supplies. The islands and reefs also can influence the security of the waterways in that area. Consider the relationships between islands and waterways, it can not only influence the security of the waterways, but also reflect the value of the islands. In this paper, a spatial configuration model of islands and waterways based on Voronoi diagram was proposed to describe the spatial relationships between islands and waterways. The intensity of waterways controlled by islands was used to indicate the security state of the waterways and reflect the value of the islands. Then the data of 43 islands and three waterways were used to calculate the intensity and extent of the three waterways controlled by the islands and the spatial configuration of islands and waterways is analyzed. The results of this research showed: (1) the relationship of spatial configuration is a key factor of the intensity and extent of the waterways controlled by the islands. (2) Under the spatial interaction conditions, the more prominent on the location advantage of islands, the more outstanding on the effect of the control. This study provided a new vision of the security of waterways and the value of islands. The method is easy and useful to evaluate the security of waterways and the value of islands.
SHIWei, SU Fenzhen, ZHOU Chenghu . Research on Spatial Configuration Model of Islands andWaterways Based on Voronoi Diagram[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(3) : 382 -389442 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00382
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