Journal of Geo-information Science >
Land Cover Classification in Mongolian Plateau Based on Decision Tree Method: A Case Study in Tov Province, Mongolia
Received date: 2013-07-29
Revised date: 2013-10-29
Online published: 2014-05-10
Global and regional land use/cover data processed by remote sensing images is a supportive part for the researches related to environment and so on. Mongolia Plateau includes all of Mongolia, parts of southern Russia and northern China. Study on land use/cover changes in Mongolia Plateau has important practical and scientific significance to discover the resources, environmental and ecological characteristics of this area and even in northeast Asia area, and also it is beneficial to enhance international cooperation in regional resources utilization, ecological and environmental protection and sustainable development. According to the land use/cover mapping requirement in Mongolia Plateau, a land cover classification approach was designed based on QUEST (Quick Unbiased and Efficient Statistical Tree) decision tree method in the representative area of Mongolia Plateau, where includes Tov Province and Ulaanbaatar City in Mongolia. Land cover classification dataset in this area was captured using Landsat TM images, through QUEST automatic classification and visual interpretation. Results show that the total area of steppe occupies 70.88%, followed by forest accounting for 14.83%, barren 10.73%, cropland 2.98%, water 0.31%, built area 0.27%, and wetland 0.02%. 139 GPS verification points for accuracy assessment were collected by fieldwork, which was held in August 2013. Accuracy assessment found that land cover overall accuracy is up to 72.66% in class I, while the overall accuracy in class II is obviously descent, mainly due to the confusion of real steppe and desert steppe. This was caused by the different understanding of these two steppe types between scientists from China and Mongolia. In general, the QUEST decision tree method used in this paper is proved to be feasible for higher accuracy land cover classification mapping in this area.
Key words: remote sensing; Mongolian Plateau; QUEST; land cover
TIAN Jing, WANG Juanle, LI Yifan, ZHOU Yujie, GUO Haihui, ZHU Junxiang . Land Cover Classification in Mongolian Plateau Based on Decision Tree Method: A Case Study in Tov Province, Mongolia[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(3) : 460 -469 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00460
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