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A New Method to Detect False Change Polygons in Land Use/Cover Change Map Based on Symmetric Theory Model

  • GAO Xizhang , 1 ,
  • LIU HaiJiang , *, 2 ,
  • LI Baolin 1 ,
  • YUAN Yuecheng 1
  • 1. State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. China National Environment Monitoring Center, Beijing 100012, China
*Corresponding author: LIU Haijiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2014-01-20

  Request revised date: 2014-06-13

  Online published: 2014-09-04


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Co-registration error between two land use maps based on different dates can cause a considerable overestimation of the land use/cover change. Even a small amount of misregistration markedly reduces the accuracy of land cover change estimates. Without relevant information about misregistration, existing methods cannot work effectively to detect and eliminate the false changes caused by misregistration. In this paper, we propose a methodology (Symmetric Theory) from the viewpoint of the relationship between original land use polygon and the changed polygons to detect the false change caused by misregistration. Symmetric Theory presents that the area of ‘changing from’ and ‘changing to’ polygons overlaid from the original polygon is symmetric in some degree, if true change polygons are eliminated from the changing polygons. Based on this theory, an automated detecting model is designed and developed. A case study was conducted using this method based on two land cover maps from 1980 and 2000, and their simulated misregistration maps for Naiman County, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, China (a total area of 8137.6 km2). This study shows that this method can effectively discriminate the spurious land cover changes from true land cover changes with false change detection accuracy ranging from 75.0% to 87.4%, true change detection accuracy ranging from 71.2% to 93.8%, and overall detection accuracy ranging from 73.3% to 92.7%. However, with the image shifts from half to ten pixels (15m to 300m), the ability of detecting false changes decreases with the increase of image misregistration. And when using this method, the SI threshold should be set as 0.2-0.4. If no relevant knowledge is mentioned, 0.3 is the best choice.

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GAO Xizhang , LIU HaiJiang , LI Baolin , YUAN Yuecheng . A New Method to Detect False Change Polygons in Land Use/Cover Change Map Based on Symmetric Theory Model[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(5) : 784 -789 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00784

1 引言

近30 a来,土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)研究逐渐成为全球环境变化研究的前沿和核心课题[1-4]。土地利用/覆被变化数据作为全球环境变化、区域环境质量评价的核心基础数据,一般通过两个或多个时相的土地利用/覆被矢量图间的空间叠加操作来生成两个或多个时相间的土地利用/覆被变化图,通过变化图斑来表达对应的变化地块信息[5]。然而,不同时相的土地利用/覆被图间的空间配准误差会导致产生大量的伪变化图斑,对变化结果产生巨大影响[6-7]。而一旦土地利用/覆被变化检测出现伪信息,环境质量变化驱动力因素分析就易出现偏差,乃至错误。研究表明,当空间配准误差为原始影像分辨率的1/5时,会对变化面积估算结果产生10%左右的误差影响[8]。因此,检测并消除伪变化图斑对提高土地利用/覆被变化数据的精度具有重要意义。

2 图斑检测原理及方法

2.1 检测原理

Fig.1 Example of false change polygons caused by misregistration

图1 空间配准误差导致的伪变化图斑示例

针对具有空间偏移误差的土地利用/覆被伪变化图斑,我们提出用面积对称系数(Symmetrical Index,SI)来表征同一原始图斑所产生的2类伪变化图斑的对称程度,其计算公式为:
SI = | A from - A to | A from + A to (1)

2.2 检测流程

Fig.2 Flow chart of false change detection model based on Symmetric Theory Model

图2 基于面积对称模型的伪变化检测流程图


3 图斑检测实验分析

3.1 实验数据及处理

本文以内蒙古自治区通辽市奈曼旗1980年和2000年2时相土地利用/覆被图为基础数据进行伪变化数据的模拟和检测。该数据来源于中国科学院土地利用/覆被变化数据库中[20]。研究区总面积为8137.6 km2,其土地利用分类采用一级分类(共分为6类)。1980年土地覆被图中包含4768个图斑,2000年数据中包含5381个图斑(图3),20年间土地利用真实变化面积为1895.2 km2,约占研究区总面积的23%左右。
Fig.3 The Land-Use/Cover Map of Naiman County in 1980 and 2000

图3 奈曼旗1980年和2000年土地利用/覆被图

首先,以原始土地利用/覆被数据的影像分辨率(30 m)为基本单位,基于1980年数据向东南方向分别偏移0.5、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10个像元距离,产生11幅土地利用/覆被数据,这11幅数据代表有空间几何校正误差的模拟数据。然后,基于1980年原始数据、模拟偏移数据与2000年数据进行空间叠加处理,生成一幅真实的土地利用/覆被变化图及11幅模拟的带有不同程度几何校正误差的土地利用/覆被变化图。

3.2 模型评价方法

R df = A df A of × 100 % (2)
R dt = A dt A ot × 100 % (3)
R do = A df + A dt A of + A ot × 100 % (4)

3.3 模拟结果与分析

3.3.1 检测精度
Tab.1 False change detection accuracy with different SI threshold(%)

表1 不同SI阈值下伪变化检测精度(%)

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
0.5 86.30 88.51 89.13 89.56 89.75 89.85 89.95 90.13 90.26
1 84.41 86.65 87.40 87.72 87.99 88.15 88.36 88.47 88.69
2 82.88 84.97 85.96 86.23 86.67 86.84 87.05 87.15 87.29
3 81.14 84.38 85.27 85.90 86.15 86.51 86.65 86.79 86.85
4 80.72 84.23 85.49 86.06 86.42 86.69 86.91 86.98 87.05
5 77.11 82.21 83.57 84.46 84.92 85.32 85.46 85.58 85.66
6 73.92 80.10 82.19 83.06 83.60 83.89 84.16 84.31 84.41
7 69.51 77.72 80.45 81.50 81.94 82.37 82.69 82.83 82.99
8 66.40 74.69 78.72 80.03 80.56 80.94 81.34 81.51 81.75
9 61.10 73.42 77.22 78.86 79.60 80.10 80.50 80.67 80.95
10 58.05 70.97 74.96 76.45 77.31 77.86 78.31 78.61 78.84
Tab.2 True change detection accuracy with different SI threshold(%)

表2 不同SI阈值下真变化检测精度(%)

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
0.5 97.32 96.48 96.35 96.17 95.96 95.65 95.45 94.67 93.05
1 94.77 93.97 93.77 93.32 93.19 92.65 92.51 91.68 89.93
2 90.79 90.03 89.56 88.48 87.83 87.42 86.97 86.15 84.55
3 87.51 86.06 85.16 84.4 83.53 82.71 82.24 81.05 79.18
4 84.52 82.14 80.41 79.41 78.75 78.24 77.62 76.35 73.83
5 83.32 80.19 78.36 77.24 76.28 75.53 74.92 73.71 70.77
6 81.48 78.08 75.69 74.69 73.41 72.74 72.09 70.45 67.68
7 81.03 76.74 74.38 72.68 71.71 70.70 69.49 68.32 66.40
8 80.59 76.02 72.84 71.11 70.02 69.21 67.61 66.36 63.34
9 80.68 74.85 71.89 69.98 68.52 67.56 65.92 64.31 61.48
10 80.10 74.38 71.18 69.33 67.96 67.06 65.81 63.74 60.75
Tab.3 Overall detection accuracy with different SI threshold (%)

表3 不同SI阈值下总体检测精度(%)

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
0.5 95.24 95.69 95.64 95.52 95.35 95.08 94.91 94.23 92.78
1 92.16 92.70 92.66 92.34 92.28 91.87 91.78 91.12 89.71
2 88.52 88.53 88.58 87.83 87.50 87.25 86.99 86.44 85.34
3 85.19 85.44 85.52 84.94 84.48 84.10 83.85 83.14 81.98
4 82.93 83.02 83.54 82.20 81.96 81.78 81.51 80.81 79.37
5 80.47 81.12 81.76 80.56 80.25 80.02 79.76 79.16 77.60
6 77.78 79.07 79.87 78.79 78.40 78.20 78.00 77.24 75.87
7 75.12 77.24 77.49 77.21 76.96 76.69 76.27 75.77 74.92
8 73.03 75.31 75.97 75.85 75.63 75.45 74.92 74.42 73.14
9 69.95 74.07 74.81 74.84 74.59 74.43 73.91 73.27 72.15
10 67.73 72.47 73.30 73.32 73.2 73.12 72.82 72.08 70.90
3.3.2 阈值的设定

4 结语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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