Journal of Geo-information Science >
Analysis of Plain Afforestation in Henan Province Using HJ-1A/B CCD
Received date: 2013-12-27
Online published: 2014-09-04
The term “afforestation” in this paper generally represents all kinds of non-crop vegetation in crop-dominated plain area, including but not limited to the vegetation in crop land (e.g., orchard, herb, nursery garden, fast-growing and high-yielding timber, farmland shelterbelt, and artificial turf), residential green, urban vegetation landscapes, trees planted alongside the roads and rivers, and the wind break and sand fixation forest. Accurate and timely information about afforestation in the plain region is useful because it can reflect the degree of agricultural diversity and the environmental health. However, getting the information about afforestation using remote sensing is hindered by some factors: afforestation are spatially scattered, temporally and spectrally overlapped with some crop lands. In addition, as a land use type, afforestation in plains often shares common spaces with other types of land use, such as croplands and roads. As a result, there is little, if any, data about afforestation in plains, let alone the afforestation change monitoring. As a follow-up to UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, the Chinese government is currently conducting a similar assessment at the provincial level, covering years of 2000-2005-2010, and using the traditional (FAO) land cover/land use system. It is beyond the expectation that the “forest” - as the major indicator of a good environment, in the province such as Henan, has only experienced a negligible increase. This is simply because the recent afforestation in plains was classified as other land cover types. With the advent of Chinese satellite HJ-1 A/B in September 2008, there may be a chance to extract information about afforestation in plains since its CCD sensor has Red and NIR channels, with a 30m spatial resolution and a 4-day temporal resolution. To test this potentiality, three steps were taken to extract afforestation in this study: (1) extract the plain information using 2010 Land Cover Map; (2) eliminate the double-crop (winter wheat) land using NDVIJune data when all the wheat had been harvested; (3) eliminate the single-crop land using NDVIApril data. Afforestation was extracted by calculating ((NDVIApril≥0.22)∩(NDVIJune≥0.35)). Validation was conducted using correlation with the statistics of 26 major cities, resulting in a significant R2=0.9166. The algorithm performed well in the wheat region, yet it did poor in the rice and rice-wheat transition regions, which are mainly distributed in the southern part of Xinyang. Aside from Xinyang, afforestation area extracted from HJ-1 is 6909.8 km2. This accounts for 20.53% of the total forest in Henan Province. Future study should make full use of HJ-1 high temporal resolution data by conducting zoning according to the climate and the soil.
Key words: plain afforestation; HJ-1 A/B CCD; NDVI; farmland shelterbelt; crop phenology
DIAO Huijuan , WANG Zhengxing , YU Xinfang . Analysis of Plain Afforestation in Henan Province Using HJ-1A/B CCD[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(5) : 824 -832 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00824
Fig.1 Reclassified land cover of Henan in 2010 extraction图1 河南省2010年土地覆盖图 |
Fig.2 Flowchart of afforestation extraction图2 平原绿地提取算法流程图 |
Tab.1 Acquisition date and calibration parameters of HJ-1A/B CCD(cloud cover is less than 5%)表1 HJ-1A/B卫星数据获取时间与定标参数(云量小于5%) |
数据时间 | 环境卫星数据文件 | 定标参数 | |||
Band3 | Band4 | ||||
4月份 | g | L0 | g | L0 | |
2011-04-28 | HJ1A-CCD1-1-72-20110428-L20000526769 | 1.0312 | 3.6123 | 1.0049 | 1.9028 |
2011-04-24 | HJ1A-CCD1-1-76-20110424-L20000524449 | 1.0312 | 3.6123 | 1.0049 | 1.9028 |
2011-04-18 | HJ1B-CCD2-4-76-20110418-L20000522183 | 1.1316 | 5.2537 | 1.0578 | 6.3497 |
2010-04-23 | HJ1B-CCD2-2-72-20100423-L20000292276 | 1.2461 | 5.2537 | 1.1261 | 6.3497 |
6月份 | |||||
2009-06-24 | HJ1B-CCD1-1-72-20090624-L20000132930 | 0.6849 | 6.2193 | 0.7224 | 2.8302 |
2009-06-24 | HJ1B-CCD1-1-76-20090624-L20000132923 | 0.6849 | 6.2193 | 0.7224 | 2.8302 |
2011-06-07 | HJ1A-CCD1-6-72-20110607-L20000551747 | 1.0312 | 3.6123 | 1.0049 | 1.9028 |
2011-06-08 | HJ1B-CCD2-3-76-20110608-L20000552402 | 1.1316 | 5.2537 | 1.0578 | 6.3497 |
Fig.3 A subset of afforestation extraction using HJ-1A/B NDVIApril and NDVIJune图3 河南省平原绿化信息提取典型地区示意图 |
Fig.4 Afforestation spatial distribution of Henan, circa 2010图4 2010年河南省平原绿化状况空间分布 |
Tab.2 Afforestation of Henan by HJ-1 A/B CCD, circa 2010表2 平原绿化HJ-1 A/B CCD遥感解译分类统计 |
类型 | 个数 | 面积(km2) | 斑块平均(km2) |
特大城市 | 2 | 184.55 | 92.28 |
大城市 | 7 | 215.37 | 30.77 |
中等城市 | 17 | 232.23 | 13.66 |
小城镇以下居民地 | 93 524 | 1019.06 | 0.0109 |
护路林 | 94.05 | ||
护水林 | 145.38 | ||
4个工程区农田林 | 5019.16 | ||
平原林木绿化合计 | 6909.8 | 占全省绿化,20.53% |
Tab.3 Afforestation in 4 major afforestation projects by HJ-1 A/B CCD, circa 2010表3 平原绿化遥感解译分类统计(4个工程区) |
工程区 | 林木面积(km2) |
黄淮海平原黄泛区 | 2976.2 |
黄淮海平原一般农区 | 827.38 |
淮北淮南低洼平原 | 561.01 |
南阳盆地 | 655.35 |
工程区平原绿化合计 | 5019.16 |
Fig.5 Afforestation spatial distribution in once flood-hit sandy region, circa 2010图5 2010年河南省黄泛区平原绿化空间分布 |
Tab.4 Afforestation in once flood-hit sandy region, circa 2010表4 黄淮海平原黄泛区工程区平原绿化分县统计 |
地级市名 | 区县名 | 绿化面积(km2) | 覆盖率(%) | 地级市名 | 区县名 | 绿化面积(km2) | 覆盖率(%) |
郑州市 | 中牟县 | 343.05 | 24.06 | 濮阳市 | 清丰县 | 40.62 | 4.66 |
新郑市 | 105.74 | 11.97 | 南乐县 | 20.71 | 4.66 | ||
开封市 | 兰考县 | 77.78 | 7.01 | 濮阳县 | 71.00 | 4.95 | |
开封县 | 195.75 | 13.78 | 台前县 | 50.29 | 11.43 | ||
杞县 | 53.91 | 4.27 | 范县 | 60.75 | 10.12 | ||
通许县 | 224.80 | 29.52 | 华龙区 | 13.45 | 5.19 | ||
尉氏县 | 329.87 | 25.36 | 商丘市 | 虞城县 | 66.28 | 4.27 | |
安阳市 | 内黄县 | 270.96 | 23.54 | 宁陵县 | 66.14 | 8.32 | |
滑县 | 73.39 | 4.13 | 睢县 | 9.56 | 1.04 | ||
汤阴县 | 16.59 | 2.57 | 夏邑县 | 13.95 | 0.94 | ||
鹤壁市 | 浚县 | 20.68 | 2.04 | 民权县 | 120.47 | 9.72 | |
淇县 | 5.06 | 0.88 | 睢阳区 | 11.95 | 1.26 | ||
许昌市 | 鄢陵县 | 105.51 | 12.20 | 梁园区 | 49.35 | 7.03 | |
新乡市 | 原阳县 | 25.58 | 1.97 | 周口市 | 太康县 | 45.47 | 2.57 |
延津县 | 29.96 | 3.15 | 淮阳县 | 69.82 | 4.76 | ||
封丘县 | 25.52 | 2.08 | 扶沟县 | 149.19 | 12.77 | ||
长垣县 | 43.10 | 4.16 | 西华县 | 74.27 | 6.17 | ||
新乡县 | 2.91 | 0.76 | 焦作市 | 温县 | 9.50 | 1.79 | |
卫辉市 | 13.59 | 1.55 | 武陟县 | 19.67 | 2.32 | ||
孟州市 | 50.03 | 9.76 | |||||
黄泛区总计 | 2976.20 |
Tab.5 Afforestation correlation for 26 major cities: statistics vs. HJ-1 A/B CCD表5 2010年26个平原城市市区绿化统计面积与遥感解译对比 |
城市 | 统计面积(km2) | 遥感解译面积 (km2) | 差值 (km2) | 相差百分比(%) | 城市 | 统计面积(km2) | 遥感解译 面积(km2) | 差值 (km2) | 相差百分比(%) |
郑州 | 124.58 | 125.34 | -0.76 | -0.61 | 周口 | 21.37 | 21.01 | 0.36 | 1.68 |
开封 | 33.41 | 36.07 | -2.66 | -7.96 | 驻马店 | 22.26 | 20.77 | 1.49 | 6.69 |
洛阳 | 60.8 | 40.32 | 20.48 | 33.68 | 济源 | 13.72 | 7.97 | 5.75 | 41.91 |
平顶山 | 27.21 | 30.56 | -3.35 | -12.31 | 荥阳 | 8.82 | 2.96 | 5.86 | 66.44 |
安阳 | 29.43 | 15.66 | 13.77 | 46.79 | 新郑 | 10.67 | 14.74 | -4.07 | -38.14 |
鹤壁 | 23.5 | 20.35 | 3.15 | 13.40 | 新密 | 7.03 | 5.25 | 1.78 | 25.32 |
新乡 | 44.12 | 35.79 | 8.33 | 18.88 | 辉县 | 7.6 | 6.24 | 1.36 | 17.89 |
焦作 | 37.96 | 36.54 | 1.42 | 3.74 | 沁阳 | 4.5 | 10.58 | -6.08 | -135.11 |
濮阳 | 17.51 | 15.32 | 2.19 | 12.51 | 禹州 | 12.59 | 8.78 | 3.81 | 30.26 |
许昌 | 31.87 | 45.58 | -13.71 | -43.02 | 长葛 | 8.48 | 13.73 | -5.25 | -61.91 |
漯河 | 22.99 | 31.25 | -8.26 | -35.93 | 邓州 | 10.36 | 3.87 | 6.49 | 62.64 |
南阳 | 29.4 | 34.21 | -4.81 | -16.36 | 项城 | 9.5 | 14.89 | -5.39 | -56.74 |
商丘 | 23.29 | 20.24 | 3.05 | 13.10 | |||||
信阳 | 28.95 | 25.16 | 3.79 | 13.09 | 总计 | 671.92 | 643.18 | 28.74 | 4.28 |
Fig.6 Afforestation correlation for 26 major cities: statistics vs. HJ-1 A/B CCD图6 遥感解译与统计平原绿化相关分析 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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