Journal of Geo-information Science >
An Assessment Model for Interactive Group Space-time Accessibility
Received date: 2014-04-10
Request revised date: 2014-05-08
Online published: 2014-11-01
Human activities and interactions in space and time are essential in people's daily life. The study of space-time accessibility based on group interactions, concerning the freedom of group member behaviors, has attracted considerable research interests in many research fields, including geography, transportation, planning, and behavioral science. However, most existing accessibility evaluation methods are lack of considerations of the opening hours of facilities, for example the open hour from 9:00 am-9:00 pm, and individual preferences such as personal taste of food. In this paper, by extending individual space-time path and individual space-time prism, which are the key concepts of Hägerstrand's time geography, we proposed the group interactive space-time path and the group interactive space-time prism to represent interactions among people in space and time. Then we build a space-time accessibility evaluation model for group interactions by taking into account both the opening hours of facilities and the individual preferences. In particular, this accessibility evaluation model involves four evaluation factors, including group preference, minimum interaction time, facility attractiveness and travel time decay. Finally, we testify this model with a case study of group accessibility regarding to food service facilities in Beijing, China. The evaluated values of accessibility to food service facilities are graded and the top ones can be used for recommendations. For example, when people want to host a party at a restaurant, they may request that the flavor offered by this restaurant should satisfy every group member, the restaurant is open during the preferable time, and its location is not far away from this group of people. The experiment result shows that this model may provide good references to many applications such as group activity location recommendations, mobile social networks and individual travel-activity guide.
ZHAI Han , CHEN Jie , LU Feng , ZHANG Jing . An Assessment Model for Interactive Group Space-time Accessibility[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014 , 16(6) : 859 -866 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00859
Fig. 1 Space-time path by group interactions图1 群体互动时空路径 |
Tab. 1 Classification of food facilities in the study area表1 实验区餐饮类服务设施分类 |
主类 | 亚类 | 子类 |
中餐厅 | 北京菜 | 烤鸭、官府菜、农家菜等 |
新疆菜 | 新疆菜 | |
湖北菜 | 湖北菜 | |
贵州菜 | 贵州菜 | |
西北菜 | 西北菜 | |
东北菜 | 东北菜 | |
鲁菜 | 鲁菜 | |
云南菜 | 云南菜 | |
湘菜 | 湘菜 | |
粤菜 | 粤菜、茶餐厅等 | |
江浙菜 | 淮扬菜、上海菜等 | |
川菜 | 香锅、烤鱼等 | |
外餐厅 | 西餐 | 法国菜、意大利菜等 |
日本 | 日本料理、日式烧烤等 | |
东南亚菜 | 泰国菜、印度菜等 | |
韩国料理 | 韩国料理 | |
快餐厅 | 面包甜点 | 面包西点、冰淇淋等 |
小吃快餐 | 粉面馆、粥店等 | |
其 他 | 素菜 | 素菜 |
海鲜 | 海鲜 | |
清真菜 | 清真菜 | |
火锅 | 涮羊肉、重庆火锅、羊蝎子等 | |
自助餐 | 自助餐 | |
其他 | 酒吧、咖啡厅、茶馆等 |
Fig.2 Space-time prism by group interactions图2 群体互动时空棱柱(根据文献[15]修改) |
Fig. 3 Group activity participation time图3 群体互动时长示意图 |
Fig. 4 Road network and food facility distributions in the study area图4 实验区交通网络及餐饮类设施丰富兴趣点分布示意图 |
Tab. 2 Individual preferences and space-time budgets表2 个人活动偏好及时空预算 |
场景 | 个人 | 出发地点 | 返回地点 | 出发时间 | 返回时间 | 最小互动时长(min) | 个人偏好 |
场景1 | A | 国家天文台 | 国家天文台 | 18:00:00 | 20:00:00 | 60 | 无 |
B | 对外经贸大学 | 对外经贸大学 | 17:30:00 | 20:00:00 | 60 | 无 | |
C | 北京邮电大学 | 北京邮电大学 | 18:00:00 | 20:30:00 | 60 | 无 | |
场景2 | A | 国家天文台 | 国家天文台 | 18:00:00 | 20:00:00 | 60 | 海鲜、烤鱼 |
B | 对外经贸大学 | 对外经贸大学 | 17:30:00 | 20:00:00 | 60 | 火锅、烤鱼 | |
C | 北京邮电大学 | 北京邮电大学 | 18:00:00 | 20:30:00 | 60 | 牛排、烤鱼 | |
场景3 | A | 国家天文台 | 国家天文台 | 21:00:00 | 23:00:00 | 60 | 无 |
B | 对外经贸大学 | 对外经贸大学 | 21:00:00 | 23:00:00 | 60 | 无 | |
C | 北京邮电大学 | 北京邮电大学 | 21:00:00 | 23:00:00 | 60 | 无 |
Fig. 5 The assessments on interactive group space-time accessibility图5 群体时空可达性评价结果 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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