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A Novel Pure Pixel Index Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on the Maximum Distance

  • XU Jun , 1, * ,
  • XU Fuhong 2 ,
  • CAI Tijian 1 ,
  • WANG Cailing 3 ,
  • HUANG Dechang 1 ,
  • LI Weiping 1
  • 1. School of Information Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
  • 2. Division of Planning and Finance, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
  • 3. College of Computer, Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an 710065, China
*Corresponding author: XU Jun, E-mail:

Received date: 2013-12-09

  Request revised date: 2014-03-05

  Online published: 2015-01-05


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


In hyperspectral unmixing, PPI algorithm is a relatively mature algorithm, but each projection vector in PPI algorithm is generated randomly, and the endmembers extracted by PPI algorithm are not stable. That is, different endmembers can be obtained from the same image by repeatedly running PPI algorithm. This paper, based on the convex geometry description of linear spectral mixing model, utilized the feature that the endmembers are the endpoints of the single convex body enclosed in the hyperspectral image feature space, and proposed a novel pure pixel index algorithm for endmember extraction based on the maximum distance. The average of the spectral vectors of all the sample points is calculated and used as the center of a hypersphere. Next, we calculate the Euclidean distances of all the sample points to the center of the hypersphere, and design a radius of equal to or greater than the maximum distance for the hypersphere in the feature space to include all of the sample points. We evenly select the reference points on the surface of the hypersphere. The farthest sample point with respect to each reference point can be found by calculating the Euclidean distance. Subsequently, every sample point’s frequency of being the most distant to the reference points is recorded as an index to evaluate whether the sample point is an endmember or not. Finally, we use the AVIRIS data of Nevada Cuprite to testify this algorithm. The experimental results illustrate that the precision of the endmember extraction using the algorithm proposed in this paper is better than N-FINDR algorithm and VCA algorithm in general. Moreover, it has a good robustness and could overcome the instability of PPI algorithm caused by random projection.

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XU Jun , XU Fuhong , CAI Tijian , WANG Cailing , HUANG Dechang , LI Weiping . A Novel Pure Pixel Index Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on the Maximum Distance[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(1) : 86 -90 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00086

1 引言


2 最大距离纯像元指数

Fig. 1 The schematic diagram of endmember extraction algorithm based on maximum distance pure pixel index

图1 最大距离纯像元指数提取端元的原理示意图

(1)选取特征空间中所有样本点的光谱均值作为超球的球心: O = X ̅ = 1 n i = 1 n X i i=1,2,…,n, n为特征空间中样本点的个数),O表示超球的球心, X i 表示特征空间中的样本点的光谱矢量;
(2)计算所有样本点到球心的欧氏距离 distance ( X i ) = X i - O 2 ;
(3)根据文献[12],与球心距离最大的样本点必是单形体的顶点之一,以等于或大于这个最大距离作为半径,将所有样本点包含在超球内部, R max [ dis tan ce E j - O 2 ] ( j=1,2,…,m, m为端元个数, E j 为端元);

3 超球面上均匀选择参考点

图2仍以二维空间为例,在包围所有样本的超球面上,任取一个参考点a1,取经过该参考点和球心O的一条直线,该直线与超球面必然相交于另一点a2;过球心O做一条垂直于a1 a2的直线,与超球面相交于两个点b1b2;过a1 b1的中点和a2 b2的中点做一条垂线与超球面交于点c1c2,同时过a1 b2b1 a2的中点做一条垂线与超球面相交于点d1d2。依此类推,可以在超球面上继续寻找参考点e1,e2,f1,f2,g1,g2……。
Fig. 2 The schematic diagram of reference points selection based on hypersphere

图2 超球面上选择参考点的原理示意图


4 算法验证与分析

Fig. 3 The false color composite image of the AVIRIS data of Cuprite area

图3 Cuprite区域的AVIRIS数据假彩色合成图

Fig. 4 The pure pixel images obtained by the algorithm proposed in this paper and by the PPI algorithm

图4 本文算法及PPI算法生成的像元纯净影像

Fig. 5 The histograms obtained from two pure pixel images

图5 像元纯净影像的灰度直方图

图5(a)可看出,像元的DN值主要集中于灰度级的两端,因此,便于选择一个阈值将DN值较大的像元提取出来,进而提取各端元;而图5 (b)中像元的DN值分布相对离散,给阈值的选取带来不便。
利用上述4种算法提取的端元,分别通过全约束的最小二乘法进行光谱解混[18-19],将各丰度图与实地勘测报告比较,从而确定各端元对应的矿物,然后与美国地质调查局(USGS)光谱库[20]中相应 矿物的光谱进行对比,计算它们之间的光谱角 (表1)。
Tab. 1 The contrast of the algorithm proposed in this paper with N-FINDR and VCA

表1 本文算法与N-FINDR和VCA的对比

矿物 本文算法(50次均值) PPI(50次均值) VCA N-FINDR
皂石(Nortronite) 0.0568 0.0836 0.0713 0.0576
明矾石(Alunite) 0.0622 0.0829 0.0862 0.0635
蒙脱石(Montmorillonite) 0.0626 0.0743 0.0642 0.0961
玉髓(Chalcedony) 0.1048 0.1512 0.1243 0.1219
沙漠地表(Desert Varnish) 0.1022 0.1141 0.1081 0.1131
铵长石(Buddingtonite) 0.0939 0.1254 0.1056 0.0916
白云母(Muscovite) 0.0706 0.0982 0.0751 0.0808
高岭石(Kaolinite) 0.1295 0.1442 0.1348 0.1303
榍石(Sphene) 0.0612 0.0813 0.0627 0.0726

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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