The Model Analysis on Spatial Mismatch of Tourism Development in Anhui Province

  • Department of Resources, Environment and Tourism, Chizhou College, Chizhou 247000, China

Received date: 2014-10-31

  Revised date: 2014-11-30

  Online published: 2015-05-10


The existence of regional differences between tourism resources and tourism locations makes it necessary to analyze the spatial mismatch about regional tourism development and its causes, therefore to provide a scientific basis for promoting balanced development to regional tourism. With the assistance of gravity model and two-dimensional portfolio matrix,this article chooses tourism income, resource abundance and tourism location as the evaluation indices. Based on the research on 16 cities of Anhui province, we make a quantitative analysis of the spatial mismatch of tourism development and visualize the result using ArcGIS. The study shows that the spatial mismatch exists in tourism income, resource abundance and tourism location on different levels. The center of tourism income locates at 117.63°E and 31.18°N, the center of resource abundance locates at 117.51°E and 31.12°N, and the center of tourism location locates at 117.20°E and 32.00°N. In longitudinal direction, the largest spatial mismatch is 0.43°, and the minimum is 0.12°. In latitudinal direction, the largest spatial mismatch is 0.88°, and the minimum is 0.06°. Compared with the regional geometric center, the largest spatial mismatch in longitude and latitude direction appears in the center of tourism income and resource abundance, and both are relatively favoring southward. According to the combination matrix between tourism income and resource abundance, and that between tourism income and tourism location, 8 cities indicate mismatched development and the other 8 indicate synchronous development. Generally, tourism spatial mismatch in Anhui is mainly caused by the uneven allocation of tourism locations and tourism resources. To be specific, the main causes are: the resource distribution, that little of which distributed in the northern region, medium in the central region and lots in the southern region; and the traffic condition, that is mild in the northern region, heavy in the central region, and light in the southern region. According to the various characteristics of these cities, each city should make full use of regional advantages and exploit its own potentialities. The international tourism and cultural demonstration areas in the south of Anhui, in Wan-jiang urban belt, in Hefei economic circle, and in the tourism region of north Anhui should take different spatial correction strategies to promote the development of regional tourism collaboratively.

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CHENG Xiaoli, HU Wenhai . The Model Analysis on Spatial Mismatch of Tourism Development in Anhui Province[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(5) : 607 -613 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00607


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