Journal of Geo-information Science >
A Quick Method for Query Spatial Relationships between Polygon Layers Based on Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture
Received date: 2014-12-15
Revised date: 2015-01-19
Online published: 2015-05-10
The commonly used Plane Sweep algorithm in spatial relationship query is a serial algorithm. Some scholars had studied some parallel query algorithms that based on multi-core CPU. However, due to the limitations induced by the number of CPU's core and thread, when dealing with massive data query, these methods are incapable to meet the requirements for query efficiency. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a new parallel algorithm of spatial relationship query between polygon layers based on heterogeneous multi-core architecture. The algorithm used STR-tree index to filter the disjointed polygons first. After the filtration, we built a quadtree index to manage the line segments of the polygons, so that we could quickly get the line segment combination to prepare for computing the intersection situations. Then, the CPU+GPU architecture was adopted to parallel compute the line segments'intersection situation. In details, we firstly put each line segment combination into each thread of GPU to calculate the relevant intersection situation, and the intersection type was counted using CPU. Next, the topological relations between the polygon rings were judged according to the type of line segment intersection, thus the values of DE-9IM parameters between these polygons were calculated based on the topological relations, and accordingly, the spatial relationship between the polygons were determined. At last, the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm was verified by an experiment. In the experiment, we gradually increased the polygon number of the source layer and the target layer. When both of the two layers had 50000 polygons, here took the Contains relation as an example, we found that the computation time of the parallel algorithm is 15.143s faster than ArcGIS, and the speedup ratio can reach up to 2. In general, the parallel algorithm has more obvious advantages in dealing with higher volumes of data.
YOU Zhijie, XIE Chuanjie, MA Yihang, LONG Zhou . A Quick Method for Query Spatial Relationships between Polygon Layers Based on Heterogeneous Multi-core Architecture[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(5) : 547 -555 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00547
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