Journal of Geo-information Science >
Streaming Transmission of Vector Data Based on RTP
Received date: 2015-03-16
Request revised date: 2015-04-26
Online published: 2015-09-07
Over the past decade, WebGIS has been widely adopted in various applications to visualize and share geospatial information over the Internet. To address the Internet transmission problems regarding large-volume vector data, streaming transmission based on streaming media transmission protocol is proposed. This paper focuses on the organization mode and the streaming transmission mechanism of vector data, and a service framework for vector data streaming transmission is put forward. The framework consists of server-side vector data preprocessing, streaming progressive transmission, client-side vector data reconstruction and application. A vector data structure is designed which is taken to be an independent group storage. Each group is a separate transmission unit, and the grouped features can be handled immediately after they arrive at the client side. This structure can support the data structure of point, polyline, polygon and other basic geometrics and abide by the OpenGIS standard encoding specification. The server-side preprocessing divides the originally stored vector data into several groups for progressive transfer. Referencing to the multimedia model, we propose an RTP-based streaming transmission schema on the basis of analyzing the packet headers of the RTP and RTCP. The RTP payload format is called vector data stream (VDS), and it is composed of a stream header and a stream body. The combination of RTP method with UDP for streaming transmission has better transmission efficiency than the XML-based WFS for web mapping applications. The error control method and security mechanism we proposed make up UDP's unreliable connection issue. The results are compared with WFS using 1:100 million Chinese basic geographic databases. The comparison reveals that the transfer size of WFS is larger than VDS and the transfer time of streaming transmission is approximately half of WFS's. Thus, the outline of a large-volume vector data map could be viewed quickly based on the proposed mechanisms and algorithms. The experimental results demonstrate the technical feasibility and usability of this approach.
MIAO Ru , SONG Jia . Streaming Transmission of Vector Data Based on RTP[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(9) : 1029 -1038 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01029
Fig. 1 Traditional transmission and streaming transmission图1 传统传输方式与流式传输方式 |
Fig. 2 Framework of streaming transmission of vector data图2 矢量数据流式传输框架 |
Fig. 3 Structure of Vector Data Stream图3 VDS的结构 |
Fig. 4 The meaning of fields in Stream Header图4 Stream Header各字段的含义 |
Fig. 5 The meaning of fields in Stream Body图5 Stream Body各字段含义 |
Fig. 6 Process of vector file converter图6 矢量文件转换器流程图 |
Tab. 1 Comparison of vector file sizes before and after the conversion表1 转换前后文件的大小对比 |
矢量文件 | 要素类型 | 要素个数 | 原始大小(MB) | 转换后的大小(MB) |
中国1:100万县级行政区 | 面 | 4459 | 66.52 | 33.50 |
中国1:100万等高线 | 线 | 96 786 | 144.67 | 72.42 |
中国1:100万居民点 | 点 | 35 602 | 3.84 | 1.01 |
Fig. 7 Framework of streaming transmission based on RTP图7 基于RTP的流式传输框图 |
Fig. 8 RTP packet of streaming transmission图8 流式传输过程中的RTP分组 |
Fig. 9 Sending and receiving RTP packets图9 RTP数据包的发送和接收流程图 |
Tab. 2 Structure of tagRepeatPackCmd表2 重传命令tagRepeatPackCmd结构 |
位置 | 字段 | 含义 | 类型 |
Byte 0 | PackSerialNo | 重发的数据包序号 | Int32 |
Byte 4 | RepeatTimes | 重发请求的次数(可选项) | Int32 |
Fig. 10 Error control of vector data streaming transmission图10 矢量数据流式传输中的差错控制 |
Tab. 3 Structure of tagSecretKey表3 矢量数据的密钥tagSecretKey结构 |
位置 | 字段 | 含义 | 类型 |
Byte 0 | MD5SecretKey | MD5加密算法密钥 | bit[32] |
Byte 32 | RSASecretKey | RSA加密算法密钥 | bit[1024] |
Fig. 11 Architecture of the prototype system图11 原型系统的总体架构 |
Fig. 12 The streaming web mapping for the 1:1M county-level divisions in China图12 1:100万县级行政区流式显示过程 |
Fig. 13 Comparison of transmission efficiency between WFS and RTP streaming图13 WFS与流式传输效率对比 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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