Journal of Geo-information Science >
Comparison of Carbon Dioxide in Mid-troposphere and Near-surface
Received date: 2015-03-16
Request revised date: 2015-04-30
Online published: 2015-11-10
Recently, direct observational radiance evidence at two ground-based stations in Southern Great Plains and the North Slope of Alaska confirmed that the theoretical predictions of the atmospheric greenhouse effect due to anthropogenic emissions and provided empirical evidence of how the rising CO2 levels affected the surface energy balance. Therefore, it is important to retrieve CO2 concentration with high precision globally and further to analyze its sources and sinks. This research focuses on the comparison between near-surface and mid-tropospheric CO2 difference characteristics. First, the CO2 products from AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) and GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite) were compared globally during 2010 to 2013. Time series result showed that the mid-tropospheric CO2 concentrations in each month from AIRS were all higher than the near-surface CO2 retrieved from GOSAT, which maybe because of the well-mixed of CO2 in mid-troposphere. And the spatial distribution of four year average CO2 was different between AIRS and GOSAT. As for AIRS, the high value region was between 30°N to 90°N, which affected by large amount of land and high human activity. However, the high value region for GOSAT CO2 occurred in tropical and subtropical area, such as Africa and Eastern China with a large population, which is not revealed by AIRS mid-troposphere CO2. The result demonstrates the significance of satellite sensitive to near-surface CO2 like GOSAT, which can provide important information in near-surface to make up the lack of ground-based stations. Moreover, the differences of CO2 between ocean and land, North Hemisphere (NH) and South Hemisphere (SH) were analyzed. The seasonal features of mean CO2 in ocean and land were similar, while CO2 value of land were higher than that of ocean due to human activity. In addition, different characteristics of CO2 in NH and SH was related to the opposite seasonal patterns in both hemispheres. And higher CO2 value occurred in NH because of the burn of fossil fuel. With the degradation of AIRS, CrIS (Cross-track Infrared Sounder) instrument on Suomi NPP (National Polar-orbiting Partnership) was launched in 2011, and promises to provide high quality data like AIRS. Therefore, the CO2 column average and vertical profile products that generated from CSPP (Community Satellite Processing Package) NUCAPS (NOAA/NESDIS/STAR NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System) were analyzed for the first time and found consistent conclusions with the comparison between AIRS and GOSAT CO2.
Key words: CO2; near-surface; mid-troposphere; AIRS; GOSAT; CrIS
ZHOU Cong , SHI Runhe , GAO Wei . Comparison of Carbon Dioxide in Mid-troposphere and Near-surface[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(11) : 1286 -1293 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01286
Tab. 1 Detailed information of each instrument表1 卫星仪器参数详细信息 |
卫星参数 | AIRS | TANSO-FTS | CrIS |
发射日期 | 2002年5月4日(Aqua) | 2009年1月23日(GOSAT) | 2011年10月28 日(Suomi-NPP) |
过境时间 (当地时) | 13:30(升交点) | 13:00(降交点) | 13:30(升交点) |
运行高度 (km) | 705.3 | 666 | 824 |
仪器类型 | 光栅光谱仪 | 傅立叶变换光谱仪 | 傅立叶变换光谱仪 |
波谱范围(μm) | 3.7~15.4 | 0.75~14.3 | 3.9~15.4 |
波谱分辨率(cm-1) | 0.5~2 | 0.2 | 短波2.5;中波1.25;长波0.625 |
瞬时视场(km) | 13.5 | 10.5 | 14 |
Fig. 1 CO2 concentrations retrieved from AIRS and GOSAT图1 AIRS与GOSAT全球平均CO2浓度 |
Fig. 2 Time series of mean CO2 from AIRS and GOSAT图2 AIRS与GOSAT平均CO2浓度的时间序列图 |
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of CO2 concentrations图3 CO2浓度的空间分布图 |
Fig. 4 Product results from CSPP NUCAPS CrIS (1st March, 2015)图4 CSPP NUCAPS CrIS 产品结果(2015年3月1日) |
Fig. 5 CO2 vertical profile from CSPP NUCAPS CrIS (1st March, 2015)图5 CSPP NUCAPS CrIS CO2廓线分布图(2015年3月1日) |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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