Journal of Geo-information Science >
Retrieval of Global Long-term Leaf Area Index from LTDR AVHRR and MODIS Observations
Received date: 2015-03-06
Request revised date: 2015-04-21
Online published: 2015-11-10
Leaf area index (LAI) is a primary parameter for charactering the water, carbon and energy exchanges among soil, vegetation and the atmosphere. Global long-term LAI datasets help to understand the response and feedback of vegetation to climate change. In this paper, the global LAI was retrieved during a 32-year period from 1981 to 2012 by utilizing a combination of MODIS measurements and reprocessed long-term data record (LTDR) AVHRR observations. The high-quality MODIS observations were used to constrain the LAI retrieval from historical AVHRR data, by establishing the pixel-by-pixel relationship between them directly. Thus, the inconsistency of LAI derived from these two notably different sensors could be reduced, and the quality of LAI derived from AVHRR data could be improved. Firstly, MODIS LAI series (2000-2012) were generated from high-quality MODIS land surface reflectance based on the GLOBCARBON LAI algorithm. Then, the relationships between AVHRR Simple Ratio (SR) and MODIS LAI were regressed pixel-by-pixel using the multi-year average values of these two data for each 8-day period. After that, the AVHRR LAI was estimated from historical AVHRR observations based on these pixel-level relationships from 1981 to 1999. The retrieved LAI could represent the spatial distribution of global vegetation and the seasonal characteristics of the major biomes. The LAI derived from AVHRR was inter-compared with that from MODIS. The results demonstrate a good consistency between the LAIs from these two different sensors. The comparison with NASA MODIS standard products of MOD15A2 shows that our results are consistent with MOD15A2 in both spatial pattern and seasonal cycle.
Key words: vegetation; leaf area index; global; long-term; remote sensing retrieval
LIU Yang , LIU Ronggao . Retrieval of Global Long-term Leaf Area Index from LTDR AVHRR and MODIS Observations[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(11) : 1304 -1312 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01304
Fig. 1 LAI map in January (DOY001) and July (DOY193) in 1995 and 2005图1 1995和2005年1月(DOY001)及7月(DOY193)叶面积指数分布图 |
Fig. 2 AVHRR, MODIS and MOD15A2 mean LAI maps in January and July图2 AVHRR、MODIS及MOD15A2的1月及7月平均叶面积指数分布图 |
Fig. 3 AVHRR, MODIS and MOD15A2 8-day mean LAI series for various biomes, including coniferous, deciduous, tropical and mixed forests, shrubs, and grasses and crops图3 不同生物群系类型AVHRR、MODIS及MOD15A2的8 d平均叶面积指数时间序列图 |
Fig. 4 AVHRR, MODIS and MOD15A2 LAI frequencies for various biomes, including coniferous, deciduous, tropical and mixed forests, shrubs, and grasses and crops图4 不同植被类型AVHRR、MODIS及MOD15A2的LAI频率直方图 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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GCOS.GCOS, Systematic observation requirements for satellite-based products for climate. WMO/TD No.1338. September 2006, 103. (available at ).
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