Orginal Article

Identification and Description of Manufacturing Clusters: A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta Region

  • YUAN Feng , 1, * ,
  • CHEN Wen 1 ,
  • SONG Zhengna 2
  • 1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Science, Nanjing 210008, China
  • 2. Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China
*Corresponding author: YUAN Feng, E-mail:

Received date: 2013-12-11

  Request revised date: 2014-04-19

  Online published: 2015-12-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Industrial vertical linkage and geographical proximity are not only the basic characteristics of industrial clusters, but also the main foundation to identify the clusters. With the applications of principal component analysis based on input-output table and spatial clustering analysis based on firm-level spatial distribution data, this paper quantitatively identified the major manufacturing clusters in the Yangtze River Delta region. Then the paper depicted and compared different spatial organization types of manufacturing clusters from three different scales, including the enterprise, industry and the regional scale. Results showed that: firstly, the Yangtze River Delta has formed 12 vertical close-knit manufacturing groups, such as metallurgy and equipment manufacturing, and information and communication technology manufacturing, which heavily aggregate along the "Z" shaped area enclosed by Shanghai-Nanjing railway, Shanghai-Hangzhou railway and Hangzhou-Ningbo railway; secondly, the regional manufacturing clusters have presented different organization patterns, which were highly affected by the industrial and regional characteristics; thirdly, the capital-intensive clusters represented by metallurgy and equipment manufacturing, the technology-intensive clusters represented by information and communication technology manufacturing and the labor-intensive clusters represented by textile and garment manufacturing have exhibited different industrial cluster organization patterns, including: the Spoke pattern based on large enterprises, the satellite pattern based on foreign capital enterprises and the Marshall pattern based on small and medium-sized enterprises; fourthly, Shanghai’s and Jiangsu’s manufacturing clusters were significantly greater than Zhejiang’s according to the cluster size and the proportion of large and foreign enterprises. Moreover, an obvious industrial specialization existed between different regional labor-intensive manufacturing clusters, while the industrial structures between the capital-intensive and technology-intensive regional clusters were similar.

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YUAN Feng , CHEN Wen , SONG Zhengna . Identification and Description of Manufacturing Clusters: A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta Region[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015 , 17(12) : 1511 -1519 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01511

1 引言

早在19世纪末,英国经济学家Marshall就发现制造业存在由大企业组织和由在特定区位集中的专业化小企业组织2种方式[1]。二战后,大批量生产技术的进步推动了大型垂直一体化企业成为制造业组织的主导形式[2-3]。但是,1970年代末,随着交通、通讯技术进步和经济全球化进程加快,地方化中小企业为主的组织方式又得到复苏[4-6]。学术界也复兴了对企业空间集聚现象的研究,并提出了“产业区”、“新的产业空间”、“学习型区域”等概 念[3,7-8],其中,最广为接受的是由Porter提出的“产业集群”理论[9-11]。目前,关于产业集群研究仍然存在激烈的学术争论[10,12],焦点之一是如何界定和辨识区域产业集群[13]
为此,本文以长江三角洲地区(以下简称“长三角地区”)为例,试图从产业集群的功能联系和空间邻近性出发,采用企业数据界定边界更为精确的区域产业集群,并在此基础上分析所识别集群的组织特征。长三角地区包括上海、江苏、浙江两省一市的范围,面积21.07万 km2,是中国综合实力最强、城市化和工业化程度最高的区域[20-21],其中,上海、南京、苏州、无锡、常州、镇江、扬州、泰州、南通、杭州、宁波、湖州、嘉兴、绍兴、舟山、台州16市是长三角地区的核心区。制造业集群式和专业化分工发展是长三角地区制造业快速增长的重要因素[22-24],以该地区作为案例区具有一定典型性。

2 集群分析的理论背景


2.1 企业维度

Tab. 1 Classification of regional clusters

表1 区域产业集群分类

马歇尔式产业集群 卫星式产业集群 轮辐式产业集群
主要特征 中小企业为主;专业化程度;密集的竞争与合作关系网络;基于信任关系 中小企业为主;对外部企业(母公司)依赖性强;基于低廉劳动力成本的产业低端环节 大型企业与中小企业共存、共生;
优势 柔性专业化;较强的创新和学习能力 经营成本和风险小;通过母公司易于获取技术 经营成本低;技术扩散成本低
劣势 路径依赖与锁定;对剧烈的外部环境变化相应迟缓 生产和创新过于依赖外部企业;技术水平低 大型企业依赖;技术创新热情较低
发展轨迹 向轮辐式产业集群演变;部分活动外包给其他区域;衰弱或消亡 向马歇尔产业集群演变;企业向其他区域迁移而逐渐消亡 向卫星式产业集群演变;部分活动外包给其他区域;鼓励技术创新与对外合作


2.2 产业维度


2.3 区域维度


3 研究方法与数据来源


3.1 研究方法

a ij = x ij P j b ij = y ij S i (1)
式中,xijj产业从i产业购买的中间投入;Pjj产业的总中间投入;yiji产业销售给j产业的中间产出;Sji产业的总中间产出。aijbij的集合分别构成矩阵A和矩阵B’,将矩阵B’转置得到矩阵B;根据矩阵AB,计算4个相关系数来衡量产业mn的投入产出结构的相似性:R(am,an)衡量2产业中间投入结构的相似程度;R(bm,bn)测量2个产业的中间产出结构的相似程度;R(am,bn)表示产业m中间投入结构与产业n中间产出结构的相似程度;R(bm,an)衡量产业m中间产出结构与产业n的中间投入结构的相似程度。取上述4个相关系数中绝对值最大者组成产业间投入产出结构相似矩阵C,矩阵C每一列反映了一个制造业产业由与其他制造业产业投入产出相关性表示的投入产出结构特征;将矩阵C的每一列作为一个变量,通过主成分分析,得到特征值大于1的主成分;然后,用方差极大法进行正交旋转将因子荷载差异最大化,根据旋转后的荷载矩阵,以确定各个制造业群组中的产业,本文将每个主成分中荷载值超过0.40的产业归入对应的制造业群组,其中,载荷值大于0.70的作为主要产业,载荷值在0.40~0.70之间的作为次要产业[37-38]。各产业在每组制造业群组中的地位可由中间投入贡献率(Gbi)和中间产出贡献率(Gfi)来定义,如式(2) 所示。
G bi = j k x ij i = 1 k P i × 100 G fi = j k x ij i = 1 k S i × 100 (2)
(2)运用空间聚类的方法测度不同群组制造业的空间特征和识别区域制造业集群。首先以县域为单元,通过Getis and Ord Gi*统计的方法测度长三角地区各制造业群组的整体分布情况。对于特定制造业群组q在县pGi*统计量可由式(3)定义:
G p * = Σ q w pq L q - W p L ̅ ( N S 1 p - W q 2 ) ( N - 1 (3)
Getis and Ord Gi*方法无法判断由于企业内部规模经济引起的产业向个别企业集中引起的集聚现象[39]。所以,本文通过STAC方法来确定制造业集群更为精确的边界。该方法用标准离差椭圆或者多边形的方式来表示企业点分布的空间聚类,为了更符合集群的实际情况,研究中用多边形区域作为区域集群的具体边界。

3.2 数据来源与处理

企业层面数据来自于2004年第二次经济普查企业数据库,包含了企业名称、行业分类、产值、职工人数、地址等信息,共包含45.4万家制造业企业,职工总人数达到1594.1万人。根据地址信息采用地址解析(Geocoding)方法,对数据进行空间化处理。通过Google Map API批量导出企业的经纬度坐标,然后通过ArcGIS的Add XY data功能生成企业的空间矢量数据。除去部分地址不清晰和无法识别的企业,总共得到约38万家企业信息,总空间化率为83.7%。

4 长江三角洲地区制造业集群的识别分析

4.1 功能联系识别

Tab. 2 Factor analysis results with Varimax rotation

表2 方差极大方法正交旋转后的主成分结果

因子 特征值 解释方差(%) 累计方差(%) 核心投入行业(%) 核心产出行业(%)
1 21.93 29.64 29.64 钢压延加工业(25.50) 钢压延加工业(17.17)
2 10.71 14.47 44.11 电子元器件制造业(52.20) 通信设备制造业(21.28)
3 7.54 10.19 54.30 棉、化纤纺织及印染精加工业(32.82) 纺织服装、鞋、帽制造业(24.33)
4 7.34 9.92 64.22 基础化学原料制造业(20.51) 合成材料制造业(19.44)
5 3.75 5.07 69.29 电力、热力的生产和供应业(77.90) 电力、热力的生产和供应业(55.24)
6 3.16 4.28 73.57 造纸及纸制品业(65.35) 造纸及纸制品业(89.60)
7 2.91 3.93 77.50 其他食品加工和食品制造业(54.84) 其他食品加工和食品制造业(65.09)
8 2.30 3.10 80.60 木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业(80.93) 家具制造业(38.54)
9 1.97 2.67 83.27 塑料制品业(53.69) 其他电气机械及器材制造业(44.60)
10 1.51 2.03 85.30 汽车零部件及配件制造业(74.46) 汽车制造业(52.44)
11 1.34 1.81 87.11 有色金属冶炼业(42.87) 其他电气机械及器材制造业(55.73)
12 1.10 1.48 88.59 饲料加工业(61.98) 饲料加工业(85.50)
Fig. 1 Input linkages in the main manufacturing groups

图1 主要制造业群组的投入联系

4.2 区域制造业集群的辨识与结果分析

运用Getis and Ord Gi*方法测度冶金及装备制造、电子信息制造、纺织及服装制造3个群组的空间分布,考虑到县域规模差异对估计结果的影响,研究中将群组的职工人数取自然对数以后再代入式(3)[18],结果如图2所示。总体上来看,3个制造业群组在空间上均呈现高度集聚特征,主要集中在上海、苏南和浙北等长三角核心区,尤其呈现较为明显的沿沪宁线、沪杭线、杭甬线的“Z”字形分布特征,说明了长三角核心区在长三角地区制造业发展中的主体地位。
Fig. 2 Spatial linkage of the main manufacturing groups

图2 主要制造业群组的空间联系情况

Fig. 3 The distribution of the main regional clusters

图3 主要制造业区域集群分布

5 长江三角洲地区制造业集群组织 特征分析


5.1 不同类型企业影响区域集群的规模


5.2 不同产业特性的区域集群倾向以不同的集群组织模式

Tab. 3 Profile of the regional clusters

表3 区域集群的基本情况

集群 所属群组 所在地区 总就业人数 前3位产业占比**(%) 国企占比(%) 外企占比(%) 企业规模情况*(%)
(万人) 占群组***(%) 小型 中型 大型
1 冶金及装备制造 江苏沿江 59.9 60.7 21.5 3.3 17.4 2.4 9.6 88.0
2 冶金及装备制造 上海 46.5 64.9 16.7 14.9 26.9 4.1 9.6 86.3
3 冶金及装备制造 杭州 8.8 82.1 3.2 1.9 4.4 1.4 9.2 89.4
4 冶金及装备制造 宁波、慈溪、余姚 8.0 67.5 2.9 0.8 19.6 2.9 14.0 83.2
5 冶金及装备制造 温州、乐清、瑞安 7.8 71.9 2.8 2.7 18.5 1.7 6.1 92.2
6 电子信息制造 上海、苏锡常 94.3 73.3 58.1 1.0 77.6 23.0 42.0 35.1
7 电子信息制造 南京 7.9 73.0 4.9 8.4 50.8 22.2 46.8 30.9
8 电子信息制造 杭州、富阳 5.5 73.2 3.4 1.9 55.0 25.7 49.0 25.3
9 电子信息制造 宁波、慈溪 2.0 86.2 1.2 1.0 37.6 68.9 31.1 0.0
10 电子信息制造 台州、温岭 1.5 92.5 0.9 0 6.0 61.8 38.2 0.0
11 纺织及服装制造 上海、苏锡常、南通 219.5 67.0 62.6 2.1 44.5 40.8 40.9 18.3
12 纺织及服装制造 杭州、绍兴、海宁 57.7 49.8 16.4 0.9 32.5 45.0 48.2 6.8
13 纺织及服装制造 温州、乐清、瑞安 24.4 91.2 7.0 0.1 17.2 37.7 55.3 7.0
14 纺织及服装制造 嘉兴、平湖、嘉善 20.8 87.2 5.9 0 36.4 39.0 57.7 3.3


Fig. 4 Input linkages among the regional clusters

图4 区域集群间的投入联系


5.3 同一类型产业集群因地区差异而呈现不同的 组织特征


6 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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段学军,虞孝感,Josef,等.从极化区的功能探讨长江三角洲的扩展范围[J].地理学报,2009,64(2):211-220.<p>极化区作为一种具有全球意义的区域发展模式和空间组合形式, 日益成为集聚经济要 素和支配国家乃至全球经济命脉的巨大载体, 承担着引领国家经济发展、参与世界竞争的功 能。长江三角洲地区经过了近30 年的高速发展, 已经初具极化区的特征。但是, 与其它世界 级极化区相比, 长江三角洲地区整体实力和带动能力仍然不足, 国际竞争力还很有限。通过 扩展极化区范围, 可以扩大长江三角洲核心地区的腹地, 缓解极化区资源环境瓶颈约束。关于长江三角洲地区的合理范围, 各界意见纷纭, 争论较多。基于&ldquo;长三角&rdquo; 作为世界极化区 的要求, 从极化区的科学概念、条件和以提高国际竞争力、完善极化区功能的目标出发, 通 过区域内城市之间的功能互补和经济联系分析, 结合区域一体化的现实性, 研究了扩大&ldquo;长 三角&rdquo; 的合理范围, 得出了应把温州、金华、盐城、淮安、马鞍山、芜湖、铜陵、巢湖、合 肥、滁州、宣城等城市作为扩展优先选择区, 把宿迁、徐州、连云港、丽水、衢州、池州、 安庆、蚌埠、黄山、宿州等城市作为扩展保留资格区, 从而把长江三角洲地区从16 个城市逐 步扩大到37 个城市的结论。</p>

李加林,许继琴,李伟芳,等.长江三角洲地区城市用地增长的时空特征分析[J].地理学报,2007,62(4):437-447.<p>以Landsat MSS、TM、ETM 卫星影像为主要数据源,利用遥感和GIS 手段,提取了长江三角洲地区5 个时相(1979 年、1990 年、1995 年、2000 年、2005 年) 城市用地信息,分析了城市用地扩展速度、扩展强度、空间结构的变化特征,进而探讨了长江三角洲1979 年以来的城市空间生长过程。结果表明:① 1979 年以来,长江三角洲城市用地增长呈明显的加快趋势,城市用地总体扩展强度也表现为不断提高。不同行政等级城市用地的扩展强度表现为直 辖市&gt; 地级市&gt; 副省级市&gt; 县(县级市)。② 长江三角洲城市用地空间结构的分维和稳定性特征具有一定的波动性。城市用地的空间结构特征与城市用地增长过程和发展阶段具有一定的联系。③ 长江三角洲城市生长表现出&ldquo;一核二带&rdquo;、&ldquo;二核三带&rdquo;、&ldquo;四核四带&rdquo;和&ldquo;五核五带&rdquo;的空间轨迹。</p>



Yang Y, Hsia C.Spatial clustering and organizational dynamics of transborder production networks: A case study of Taiwanese information-technology companies in the Greater Suzhou Area, China[J]. Environment and Planning A , 2007,39(6):1346-1363.Transborder investment by Taiwanese information-technology (IT) companies has driven the development of a new industrial space in the Greater Suzhou Area (GSA) of China over the last ten years. In this paper we aim to explore some characteristics of this expansion from the perspective of the organizational dynamics of global production networks. We found that foreign brand-name companies have played a key role in propelling this wave of investment in the GSA by Taiwanese IT companies. At the same time, their business strategies have influenced the mechanisms governing these Taiwanese companies’ supply chains and have forged the dynamics of spatial agglomeration. We argue that the transborder extension of the production networks is interwoven with the exercise of power between enterprise organizations. Our findings suggest that interdependence among firms in close geographical proximity is inseparable from the asymmetrical power relations embodied in global commodity chains; a point emphasized by economic geographers as the main reason for transborder production shifts that result in the formation of new industrial spaces in developing countries. However, if these production networks can respond collectively to such a strict environment through instituting suitable organizational governance, then their competitive advantage will be enhanced, while also benefiting the host region’s development through localization.


Wei Y H D. China’s shoe manufacturing and the Wenzhou Model: perspectives on the world’s leading producer and exporter of footwear[J]. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2009,50(6):720-739.A U.S.-based geographer and specialist on China advances his research on industrial districts and regional development by presenting a 2008 study of shoe manufa


Boschma R A, Frenken K.Why is economic geography not an evolutionary science? Towards an evolutionary economic geography[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 2005,3(6):273-302.The paper explains the commonalities and differences between neoclassical, institutional and evolutionary approaches that have been influential in economic geography during the last couple of decades. For all three approaches, we argue that they are in agreement in some respects and in conflict in other respects. While explaining to what extent and in what ways the Evolutionary Economic Geography approach differs from the New Economic Geography and the Institutional Economic Geography, we can specify the value-added of economic geography as an evolutionary science.


Wei Y H, Li W, Wang C.Restructuring industrial districts, scaling up regional development: A study of the Wenzhou model, China[J]. Economic Geography, 2007,83(4):421-444.

Amin A, Thrift N.Neo-Marshallian nodes in global networks[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1992,16(4):571-587.

Whitford J.The decline of a model? Challenge and response in the Italian industrial districts[J]. Economy and Society, 2001,30(1):38-65.The article presents an extensive critical review of recent debates on the restructuring of Italian industrial districts in the 1990s. It shows that, despite consensus on the empirical 'facts' of district restructuring, there remains extensive disagreement over appropriate public policies. This debate fundamentally turns on analysts' interpretations of how, or indeed whether, strong institutions and localized subcultures allow territorial networks of small firms to compete successfully with larger and more highly capitalized multinational corporations. But perhaps the most crucial and contentious issues are questions about the past adequacy of the districts' regulatory and service institutions in overcoming structural difficulties of the model, and, more importantly, about further innovations that may be required given recent changes in the external economic context.


Knorringa P, Meyer-Stamer J. New dimensions in local enterprise co-operation and development: From clusters to industrial districts[EB/OL]. .

Markusen A.Sticky places in slippery space: A typology of industrial districts[J]. Economic Geography, 1996,72(3):293-313.Identifies and assesses three types of industrial districts that exist as alternatives to the "new industrial district" model, to remark on the limits



Kim J Y, Zhang L Y.Formation of foreign direct investment clustering: a new path to local economic development? The case of Qingdao[J]. Regional Studies, 2008,42(2):265-280.This paper investigates the clustering of Chinese electronics manufacturers, large and small, alongside established foreign producers in Qingdao, North China. It examines how the supplier–buyer linkages between foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) and local firms have driven the development of a successful electronic industry cluster around development zones established by the local authority, underpinning the success of the large domestic firms both at home and abroad. It also analyses how FIEs' collaboration with local firms fosters local economic development in Qingdao. By integrating the theoretical perspectives of the hub-and-spoke model from economic geography and flagship-and-five partner's model in the science of strategic management, it develops its own theoretical lens to investigate the inter-firm network between the FIEs and local firms. The secret of the success of the Chinese electronic producers lies in their ability to drive, rather than being subordinate to, this network.


王缉慈. 超越集群[M].北京:科学出版社,2010.



Gordon I R, Mccann P.Industrial clusters: Complexes, agglomeration and/or social Networks[J]. Urban Studies, 2000,37(3):513-532.The concept of industrial clusters has attracted much attention during the past decade, both as descriptive of an increasingly important phenomenon and as a basis for effective public intervention in the economies of lagging city-regions. However, there is much ambiguity in the way in which this concept is used, presenting an obstacle both to empirical testing and to realistic assessments of policy relevance. In this paper, we distinguish three ideal-typical models of processes which may underlie spatial concentrations of related activities, with very different implications both in terms of relevant evidence and the scope for promotional policies. Survey data for the London conurbation are used to explore the relation between concentration and different forms of linkage, with results which point to the dominance of pure agglomeration effects in this context at least.


Wei Y H D, Lu Y, Chen W. Globalizing regional development in Sunan, China: Does Suzhou Industrial Park fit a Neo-Marshallian district model[J]. Regional Studies, 2009,43(3):409-427.中国科学院机构知识库(中国科学院机构知识库网格(CAS IR GRID))以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。


贺灿飞,梁进社,张华.区域制造业集群的辨识——以北京市制造业为例[J].地理科学,2005,25(5):521-528.辨识产业集群的定性方法,过于 依赖专家的主观判断,存在诸多局限性。基于投入产出表构建一个反映产业之间功能联系的矩阵,采用主成分分析定量辨识基于经济技术联系的区域产业集群。此 外,设计了几个衡量集群内产业联系强度的系数来判定被辨识集群的合理性,并通过相关系数衡量集群内产业的空间集聚特性。以北京市1997年投入产出表上 74个制造业行业为例,采用主成分分析方法辨别出14个产业集群,包括钢压延加工集群、有机化学制品集群、电子元器件集群以及棉毛纺织集群等。集群内产业 功能联系紧密,相关产业内的企业在空间上集聚,符合产业集群的理论定义。


吕卫国,陈雯.江苏省制造业产业集群及其空间集聚特征[J].经济地理,2009,29(10):1677-1684.空间集聚是产业集群固有特征,也是产业集群识别和分析的核心。采用Ellison和 Glaeser1997设计的产业集聚指数和产业间共同集聚指数,重点对江苏省5个典型的制造业产业集群的空间集聚特征进行了分析。结果表明,5个典型的 制造业产业集群均存在明显的产业集聚和产业间共同集聚。通过比较县域和市域两个尺度下的产业集聚和产业间共同集聚特征,发现,各集群空间集聚范围有一定差 异,钢铁、机械装备制造集群、石油、化学加工集群和汽车制造集群的空间集聚范围明显超越县域在市域,电子、通讯制造集群集聚范围在县域和市域尺度同时存 在,而棉毛纺织服装制造集群集聚范围主要在县域。还发现,各集群的集聚程度也存在差异,电子、通讯制造集群无论是产业内还是产业间集聚程度最高,达高集聚 水平,表明电子、通讯制造集群内外部性很高,集群内企业具有很强的相互吸引作用。汽车制造集群集聚程度较低,其他集群集聚程度为中等水平。

Porter M E. Locations, Clusters,Company Strategy[A]. In Clark G L, Feldman M. and Gertler M S(eds.). Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography[M], 1999.

Ellison G, Glaeser E L.Geographic concentration in U.S. manufacturing industries: A dartboard approach[J]. Journal of Political Economy, 1997,105(5):889-927.This paper discusses the prevalence of Silicon Valley-style localizations of individual manufacturing industries in the United States. Several models in which


袁丰,魏也华,陈雯,等.苏州市区信息通讯企业空间集聚与新企业选址[J].地理学报,2010,64(2):153-163.高科技产业是全球化背景下城市发展与区域竞争的关键,但是高科技产业发展空间极不平衡,空间要素显著影响高科技企业区位选择及空间集聚.针对现有研究主要集中在国家、省等大尺度单元,本文引入空间点模式分析方法,探讨了1996-2006年间苏州市区不同空间尺度上信息通讯企业的时空集聚特征.研究发现:在0~6 km的尺度上,信息通讯企业表现出明显的集聚特征,并随着尺度的增加呈现出倒"U"型集聚趋势;随着时间的推移,企业空间集聚的"热点地区"逐渐从老城区向外围推移,但是集聚峰区依然主要分布在老城区及其外围的国家和省级开发区;同时,新企业的选址与原有企业的分布特征表现出很强的相关性.运用计数模型的计量结果也表明企业集聚特征对新企业区位选择具有显著影响,同时起作用的还有地方政府政策影响下的开发区建设、城市内外交通条件、自然环境条件等因素.


