Lithological Mapping by Multiple Reference Spectra Based SAM

  • SHUAI Shuang , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHANG Zhi , 2, * ,
  • WANG Shaojun 2 ,
  • CHEN An 2, 3
  • 1. Hubei Institute of Land Surveying and Mapping, Wuhan 430010, China
  • 2. China University of Geoscience(Wuhan) Public Administration College, Wuhan 430074, China
  • 3. Wuhan Fourteenth High School, Wuhan 430061, China
*Corresponding author: ZHANG Zhi, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-03-16

  Request revised date: 2015-04-30

  Online published: 2016-01-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The spectral angle mapper (SAM) is a spectral matching method. This method can determine the types of target objects through quantifying the spectral similarity between a target pixel spectrum and a known reference spectrum.SAM has been widely used in rock type identification that uses multispectral data. In the most existing studies, a mean reflectance spectrum of a specific lithological training area has been used as the reference spectrum for the lithological class in SAM. However, the SAM, which uses the mean spectrum, does not take into account the spectral variability, which is an inherent property of many rocks. Andthe spectral variabilityseriously affects SAM classification results.In order to eliminate the impactof the spectral variability inside the lithological classes, a SAM method based on multiple reference spectra is used in this research. First, a geological map of the study area was used to select training areas forfive lithological classes from the Landsat-8 data of the study area.Then the spectral variability inside the lithological classes and the separability between the lithological classeswereexamined. At last, both ofthe SAM with mean reference spectrum and the multiple reference spectra based SAM wereused in lithological mapping of Landsat-8 data in the study area.The results show that the multiple reference spectra based SAM successfully eliminated the influence of the spectral variability on the SAM with mean reference spectrum, and madesignificant improvement tothe accuracy of lithological mapping.

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SHUAI Shuang , ZHANG Zhi , WANG Shaojun , CHEN An . Lithological Mapping by Multiple Reference Spectra Based SAM[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(1) : 133 -140 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00133

1 前言

目前的研究中,大都假设待分类岩石单元均具有可区分的光谱特征,并将影像上各岩石单元训练区内像元的均值光谱,作为代表这些岩石单元的参照光谱。事实上,这种将均值光谱作为参照光谱的方法,并未考虑各岩石单元组成的复杂性导致其内部的光谱差异性(Spectral variability)。这种差异性表现为光谱整体形状的变化,吸收谷、反射峰位置的变化及吸收、反射强度的变化。一方面,影像上岩石单元可以是不同种类岩石的组合,而岩石又是多种矿物的集合体,其光谱特征受到组成矿物的成分、化学结构及粒度等因素影响。另一方面,遥感数据的获取过程也放大了这种光谱差异性,例如,传感器的拍摄角度、入射照度及成像时大气状况的影响[10]。SAM对光谱曲线形状敏感,但基本不受反射率强度的影响,在进行SAM岩性划分时,由于岩石单元内部像元光谱形状的变化性、吸收谷、反射峰位置的变化,以及吸收反射强度的变化,使均值光谱(Mean spectrum)难以代表岩石单元内部所有像元,也可能导致一些岩石单元的均值光谱难以区分,进而影响SAM的分类精度。因此,探究消除SAM岩性划分中岩石光谱的差异影响显得尤为重要。

2 SAM岩性划分的思路与方法

已有研究表明,使用图像像元光谱作为参照光谱库,进行SAM分类可获得更好的分类效果[11]。本研究使用2种图像像元选取参照光谱库的SAM方法进行岩性划分:(1)将影像上各岩石单元训练区内所有像元的均值光谱,作为参照光谱对影像进行SAM岩性划分,称为均值参照光谱库的SAM岩性划分(SAM with mean reference spectrum);(2)选取各岩石单元训练区内多像元光谱作为参照光谱,对影像进行SAM岩性划分,称为多元参照光谱库的SAM岩性划分(Multiple reference spectra based SAM)。在进行SAM分类前,首先对影像进行必要的预处理;其次根据地质图资料和岩石地层影像特征,在遥感影像上选取各岩石单元训练区,并验证各训练区内像元光谱的差异性,计算各训练区间的样本可分离性;最后,按照上述2种方法分别进行岩性划分实验,并评价划分精度。

2.1 均值参照光谱库的SAM岩性划分方法

α = co s - 1 i = 1 n a i b i i = 1 n a i 2 1 2 i = 1 n b i 2 1 2 (1)

2.2 多元参照光谱库的SAM岩性划分方法

假如某岩石单元训练区中有n个像元,即参照光谱库 b = { b 1 , b 2 , b 3 , , b n } 。那么待分类像元光谱向量a与参照光谱库中某一光谱向量bi间的光谱角ai计算如式(2)所示。
α i a , b i = co s - 1 a b i a b i (2)
待分类像元与该岩石单元间的代表光谱角 α ( a , b ) 可由式(3)表示。
α a , b = min α 1 a , b 1 , α 2 a , b 2 , , α n a , b n (3)
式中: min [ ] 代表求待分类像元光谱向量a与参照光谱库b中所有光谱向量间光谱角度的最小值。

2.3 岩性划分训练区优化

训练区的优化通过设定阈值对初选的训练区内像元进行筛选实现。具体过程:将训练区内某像元c与训练区内其他像元一一计算光谱角度,在计算获取的所有光谱角中求得最小值 c min ;将 c min 与设定的阈值作比较,若 c min 小于阈值,则通过筛选,若 c min 大于阈值,则认为像元c为异常像元,并将其剔除。需要说明的是,为了统一标准,训练区优化过程设定的阈值与随后的SAM分类过程中设定的阈值相同。

2.4 光谱差异(Spectral variability)及样本可分离性(Separability)分析

B ij = 1 2 ( M i - M j ) T V i + V j ) 2 - 1 ( M i - M j ) + 1 2 ln ( V i + V j ) 2 V i V j (4)
J M ij = 2 ( 1 - e - B ij ) (5)

3 Landsat-8影像的SAM岩性划分分析

3.1 岩性划分研究区地理特征

研究区位于新疆喀什市阿克陶县克孜勒乡,区内岩石地层出露良好,气候干燥少雨,植被覆盖度很低,有利于遥感影像地层划分。数据源自2013年6月3日采集的Landsat-8数据。Landsat-8数据包含了ETM+传感器所有的波段,为了尽量消除大气吸收的影响,进行了逐波段的重新调整,调整比较大的是Band 5(0.845~0.885 μm),排除了0.825 μm处水汽吸收特征。此外,Landsat-8新增了用于海岸带观测的深蓝波段和用于云检测的短波红外波段。

3.2 岩石单元分区及训练区选取

Fig. 1 The choice of lithological training areas

图1 岩石单元训练区的选择

3.3 光谱差异和样本可分离性分析

3.3.1 光谱差异分析
Fig. 2 The mean spectral curves and pixels’ spectral curves of different lithological training areas

图2 各岩石单元训练区像元光谱曲线和均值光谱曲线

Tab. 1 The mean angle and standard deviation between pixels of different lithological training areas

表1 各岩石单元训练区内像元间光谱角均值、标准差表

K1 K2 K3 E1 E2
均值 2.5742 3.2127 2.7956 3.4711 2.7143
标准差 1.4546 1.6973 1.2803 1.8437 1.4631
3.3.2 样本可分离性分析
Tab. 2 The J-M values of different lithological training areas

表2 各岩石单元间J-M距离

J-M距离 K1 K2 K3 E1 E2
K1 1.989 1.998 1.993 2.000
K2 1.989 1.869 1.960 1.995
K3 1.998 1.869 1.989 1.981
E1 1.993 1.960 1.989 2.000
E2 2.000 1.995 1.981 2.000

3.4 训练区优化

Tab. 3 The optimization of different lithological training areas

表3 各岩石单元训练区像元优化情况

训练区 K1 K2 K3 E1 E2
原始像元数 64 30 64 36 63
剩余像元数 60 28 55 27 55
像元剔除率(%) 6.25 6.67 14.06 25.00 12.70

3.5 2种SAM方法岩性划分结果及精度评价

Tab. 4 Confusion matrices of the classification results of two SAM methods

表4 2种SAM岩性划分结果精度评价

类别 均值参照光谱库的SAM 多元参照光谱库的SAM
生产者精度(%) 用户精度(%) 生产者精度(%) 用户精度(%)
K1 68.21 95.98 93.39 96.93
K2 58.80 92.98 80.03 63.44
K3 89.07 64.48 89.43 80.44
E1 45.21 34.78 72.10 93.66
E2 91.40 90.96 85.11 98.06
总体精度 76.8057 86.4557
Kappa系数 0.6989 0.8250
Fig. 3 The classifications effects of two SAM methods

图3 2种SAM方法的分类效果图


4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Zhang X Y, Li P J.Lithological mapping from hyperspectral data by improved use of spectral angle mapper[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2014,31:95-109.The spectral angle mapper (SAM), as a spectral matching method, has been widely used in lithological type identification and mapping using hyperspectral data. The SAM quantifies the spectral similarity between an image pixel spectrum and a reference spectrum with known components. In most existing studies a mean reflectance spectrum has been used as the reference spectrum for a specific lithological class. However, this conventional use of SAM does not take into account the spectral variability, which is an inherent property of many rocks and is further magnified in remote sensing data acquisition process. In this study, two methods of determining reference spectra used in SAM are proposed for the improved lithological mapping. In first method the mean of spectral derivatives was combined with the mean of original spectra, i.e., the mean spectrum and the mean spectral derivative were jointly used in SAM classification, to improve the class separability. The second method is the use of multiple reference spectra in SAM to accommodate the spectral variability. The proposed methods were evaluated in lithological mapping using EO-1 Hyperion hyperspectral data of two arid areas. The spectral variability and separability of the rock types under investigation were also examined and compared using spectral data alone and using both spectral data and first derivatives. The experimental results indicated that spectral variability significantly affected the identification of lithological classes with the conventional SAM method using a mean reference spectrum. The proposed methods achieved significant improvement in the accuracy of lithological mapping, outperforming the conventional use of SAM with a mean spectrum as the reference spectrum, and the matching filtering, a widely used spectral mapping method.


李培军. 用ASETR图像和地统计学纹理进行岩性分类[J].矿物岩石,2004(3):116-120.运用新获取的ASTER数据可以对岩性进行识别与分类:首先运用地统计学中的变差函数来计算分析几种选定的岩性单元的灰度值空间变化特征;运用ASTER数据的可见光一近红外波段、短波红外(SWIR)波段以及二者的组合进行岩性的分类,分析分类精度的变化。用变差函数作为纹理的计算函数来提取图像纹理,并与原始的光谱数据结合,进行岩性的分类。结果表明,与单纯的光谱分类相比,加入纹理信息可显著改善分类精度;用不同方向的滞后距离提取的图像纹理对图像的分类结果有一定的差异,尤其是对存在明显的各向异性的岩石单元。


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余海阔,李培军.运用LANDSAT ETM+和ASTER数据进行岩性分类[J].岩石学报,2010(1):345-350.本文评价了运用ASTER和LANDSAT ETM+数据进行岩性制图的性能。分别利用ASTER数据不同波段区图像及其组合,以及ETM+数据进行岩性分类,并探讨了将ASTER和ETM+数据叠加在一起进行了岩性分类;利用现有地质图对所有分类结果进行了定量评价。结果表明,ASTER数据不同波段的岩性识别能力不同,并且较ETM+数据能更准确地识别岩性。更重要的是,把ASTER与ETM+数据结合在一起进行岩性分类,可获得比用任一数据单独分类更高的分类精度,表明二者的光谱特征具有一定的互补性。

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宋晚郊,张绪教,高万里,等.东昆仑造山带巴颜喀拉山群ASTER岩性信息提取[J].现代地质,2013,1:116-123.巴颜喀拉山群在东昆仑地区分布广泛,岩性复杂,准确划分其岩性对 巴颜喀拉山群的地层划分及构造属性的研究具有重要意义.对东昆仑造山带巴颜喀拉山群地区ASTER图像进行几何校正和大气校正后,通过主成分分析和矿物指 数等岩性信息提取方法,获得主成分分析及比值图像;根据不同地质体的影像特征并结合野外地质调查,对研究区的巴颜喀拉山群进行了岩性段的划分.研究发现: 分布于南部的上巴颜喀拉山群(T3by)岩性相对单一,主要为灰-深灰色粉砂质板岩和砂岩,在影像上特征不明显,所以仍将其划分为2个岩性段;而分布于研 究区北部的原下巴颜喀拉山群(T1by),影像上色调纹理特征差异较大,由此将原来的2段细化分为4段,a段主要为深灰色粉砂岩和千枚岩,b段为灰绿色细 砂岩,c段为黄褐色细砂岩,d段为深灰色细砂岩夹板岩.研究结果较好地体现了遥感技术在高原区域岩性划分中的优点,同时为巴颜喀拉山群地层的对比提供了参 考.


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Lawrence C R.Lithologic mapping of the Mordor, NT, Australia ultramafic complex by using the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005,99:105-126.ASTER TIR spectral emittance data and laboratory emissivity measurements document a wide wavelength range of Si-O spectral features, which reflect the lithological diversity of the Mordor ultramafic complex and adjacent rocks. SAM processing of the spectral emittance data distinguished 2 classes representing the mafic–ultramafic rocks and 4 classes comprising the quartzose to intermediate composition rocks. Utilization of the complementary attributes of the spectral reflectance and spectral emittance data resulted in discrimination of 4 mafic–ultramafic categories; 3 categories of alluvial–colluvial deposits; and a significantly more completely mapped quartzite unit than could be accomplished by using either data set alone.


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Crosta A P, Sabine C, Taranik J V.Hydrothermal alteration mapping at Bodie,California, using AVIRIS hyperspectraldata[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1998,65:309-319.AVIRIS data covering the Bodie and neighboring Paramount mining districts, eastern California, were used to map hydrothermal alteration minerals. Two spectral analysis algorithms were used: Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Tricorder. The objective was to compare the performance of the two algorithms where no ground or atmospheric information is available. AVIRIS data were calibrated to apparent surface reflectance using a modified MODTRAN radiative transfer model in conjunction with laboratory and in-flight calibration data. Both algorithms appear to produce satisfactory results for geologic reconnaissance and mapping applications, but Tricor- der generally classified more pixels and identified more mineral species than SAM. For some minerals, such as Na-montmorillonite, results from Tricorder and SAM matched reasonably well, but major differences appeared in how the two algorithms classified kaolinite group minerals and ferric oxides. Laboratory spectra of rock samples from five localities were compared to reference spectra of minerals identified by the classification algorithms for corresponding pixels, with the results matching to some extent.


Murphy RJ, Monteiro ST, Schneider S.Evaluating classification techniques for mapping vertical geology using field-based hyperspectral sensors[J]. IEEE Transactions on GeoscienceAndRemote Sensing, 2012,50:3066-3080.Hyperspectral data acquired from field-based platforms present new challenges for their analysis, particularly for complex vertical surfaces exposed to large changes in the geometry and intensity of illumination. The use of hyperspectral data to map rock types on a vertical mine face is demonstrated, with a view to providing real-time information for automated mining applications. The performance of two classification techniques, namely, spectral angle mapper (SAM) and support vector machines (SVMs), is compared rigorously using a spectral library acquired under various conditions of illumination. SAM and SVM are then applied to a mine face, and results are compared with geological boundaries mapped in the field. Effects of changing conditions of illumination, including shadow, were investigated by applying SAM and SVM to imagery acquired at different times of the day. As expected, classification of the spectral libraries showed that, on average, SVM gave superior results for SAM, although SAM performed better where spectra were acquired under conditions of shadow. In contrast, when applied to hypserspectral imagery of a mine face, SVM did not perform as well as SAM. Shadow, through its impact upon spectral curve shape and albedo, had a profound impact on classification using SAM and SVM.


Hecker C, van der Meijde M, van der Werff H, et al. Assessingthe influence of reference spectra on synthetic SAM classification results[J]. IEEETransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008,46:4162-4172.Spectral matching algorithms, such as the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM), utilize the spectral similarity between individual image pixel spectra and a spectral reference library with known components. Here, we illustrate and quantify the effects that different sources of reference libraries have on SAM classification results. Synthetic images of three mineral endmembers were classified by using reference libraries derived from airborne hyperspectral imagery, ground spectra (Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser), and from a standard library (United States Geologic Survey). Results show that the source of the reference library strongly influences the classification results if all available wavelengths are used. This effect can be partially neutralized by using appropriate preprocessing methods. Two different types of spectral subsetting of the data, two types of continuum removal, and a combination thereof were tested. Best results were achieved by using a feature subset (i.e., limiting the input wavelengths to the diagnostic absorption features). This increased the average classification accuracy from 74% to 95% (ground spectral library) and from 68% to 94% (standard library).


Bowers T L, Rowan L C.Remote mineralogic and lithologic mapping of theice river alkaline complex, British Columbia, Canada, using AVIRIS data[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering &. Remote Sensing, 1996,62:1379-1386.The Ice River Alkaline Complex is a late Paleozoic intrusion of mafic alkaline racks, syenite, and carbonatite exposed in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. The complex intrudes Cambrian and Ordovician shales, slates, and limestones of the Chancellor and Ottertail Formations and the McKay Group. We examined the alkaline complex and adjacent country rocks using Airborne Visible-infrared imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data. The data were first calibrated to relative reflectance and then used to spectrally map mineralogies in the study area by using a linear spectral unmixing program. This technique models each pixel spectrum in an AVIRIS image as a linear combination of unique endmember spectra. We selected endmember spectra from well-exposed and spectrally distinct mineralogic units, vegetation, and snow. Four of the endmembers reflect mineralogic variations within the McKay group in the study area, and may represent lateral and vertical variations of sedimentary or metamorphic facies. Otherwise, the resultant spatial distribution of endmembers shows generally close agreement with the published geologic map, although, in several places, our image-map is more accurate than the published map.


Chen X F, Warner T A, Campagna D J.Integrating visible, near-infrared andshort-wave infrared hyperspectral and multispectral thermal imagery for geo-logical mapping at Cuprite, Nevada[J]. Remote Sensing Environment, 2007,110:344-356.This study investigated the potential value of integrating hyperspectral visible, near-infrared, and short-wave infrared imagery with multispectral thermal data for geological mapping. Two coregistered aerial data sets of Cuprite, Nevada were used: Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) hyperspectral data, and MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator (MASTER) multispectral thermal data. Four classification methods were each applied to AVIRIS, MASTER, and a combined set. Confusion matrices were used to assess the classification accuracy. The assessment showed, in terms of kappa coefficient, that most classification methods applied to the combined data achieved a marked improvement compared to the results using either AVIRIS or MASTER thermal infrared (TIR) data alone. Spectral angle mapper (SAM) showed the best overall classification performance. Minimum distance classification had the second best accuracy, followed by spectral feature fitting (SFF) and maximum likelihood classification. The results of the study showed that SFF applied to the combination of AVIRIS with MASTER TIR data are especially valuable for identification of silicified alteration and quartzite, both of which exhibit distinctive features in the TIR region. SAM showed some advantages over SFF in dealing with multispectral TIR data, obtaining higher accuracy in discriminating low albedo volcanic rocks and limestone which do not have unique, distinguishing features in the TIR region. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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