Orginal Article

Disparity Research on the Equalization of Rural Basic Public Services in the Impoverished County of Wuling Mountain Area

  • CHI Yao ,
  • WANG Yanhui , *
  • 1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Resource Environment and Geographic Information System, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;2. Key Laboratory of 3-Dimensional Information Acquisition and Application, Ministry of Education, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;3. State Key Laboratory Incubation Base of Urban Environmental Processes and Digital Simulation, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
*Corresponding author: WANG Yanhui, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-07-15

  Request revised date: 2015-12-13

  Online published: 2016-03-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The significance of the ideas and directions on the equalization development of rural basic public services among contiguous destitute areas has been reflected in current rural poverty alleviation and development. In this paper, we selected 67 key counties in the poverty alleviation of Wuling Mountain contiguous poor area, designed a comprehensive evaluation index system of rural basic public services for the poor areas, and used the subjective and objective weight method that is based on the game theory to evaluate the comprehensive development level of the rural basic public services. In addition, we conducted an advanced analysis by adopting the Gini coefficient and the minimum variance method to multi-dimensionally address the development diversities of their rural basic public services at a multiple area-province-county scale. As a result, it reveals the spatial differences of rural basic public services in the poor counties and provides a reference for the local governments by providing the optimal allocation plan for the rural basic public service resources. The case study results for the study area are concluded as follows: (1) The overall quality of the rural basic public services in the study area is not high, showing a trend which is high in the northwest but low in the southeast, while the overall development level of the area which is under the jurisdiction of Hubei Province and Chongqing City is relatively high; (2) The development disparity of the rural public security service index show an evident variant trend among the counties of the area, while the other dimensions are relatively average; (3) In the aspect of development disparity types, most counties are five-dimension dominated, while Mayang county is affected by two dimensions, and Dejiang and Shiqian county are dominated by the jointed seven-dimension type.

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CHI Yao , WANG Yanhui . Disparity Research on the Equalization of Rural Basic Public Services in the Impoverished County of Wuling Mountain Area[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(3) : 298 -306 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00298

1 引言

基本公共服务均等化发展是衡量区域社会协调发展的重要标志[1].农村地区尤其是贫困地区农村基本公共服务的非均衡化既不利于城乡之间经济和社会关系的协调发展,影响区域扶贫效果的稳固性和持续性,也不利于贫困地区农村从根本上摆脱贫困落后的面貌.为了顺利实现《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020年)》[2](简称"新纲要")对未来10年中国农村扶贫开发的规划及要求,缩小城乡差距,统筹区域可持续发展,客观评价贫困地区农村基本公共服务的均衡发展水平,全面加强贫困地区农村基本公共服务的制度建设显得尤为紧迫.以往相关研究主要集中在基本公共服务的分析方法,指标体系构建及评价尺度上,其中大多数研究采用单一客观赋权[3-4]或主观赋权[5-6]分析方法,从投入,产出和效果3方面建立社会保障,公共安全,基础教育等基本公共服务指标体系[7-8],从省市级层面上对社会整体基本公共服务差异状况进行评价和测 度[9-10].目前,较少有针对"新纲要"扶贫开发战略的贫困地区县级层面上的农村基本公共服务发展水平的系统研究.

2 研究区概况与数据来源

武陵山片区是国家划定的14个连片特困区之一,位于湖北省,湖南省,重庆市和贵州省的交界地区,它集革命老区,民族地区和贫困地区于一体,跨省市交界面大,少数民族聚集多,贫困人口分布广,扶贫攻坚难度大.依据《武陵山片区区域发展与扶贫攻坚规划(2011-2020年)》,共包括71个县(市,区),其中湖北省有11个县市,湖南省有37个县市区,重庆市有7个县区和贵州省有16个县市.国土总面积为17.18万km2,共确定11 303个贫困村,占全国的7.64%.片区71个县(市,区)中有42个国家扶贫开发工作重点县,13个省级重点县,贫困发生率为11.21%,比全国高7.41个百分点.片区的教育,文化,卫生,体育等方面软硬件建设严重滞后,城乡居民就业不充分.人均教育,卫生支出仅相当于全国平均水平的51%.研究该地的农村基本公共服务发展水平,可以为深入探索区域发展和扶贫攻坚新机制,新体制和新模式提供瞄准贫困县发展差距的技术支撑.
Fig. 1 Overview of the research area

图1 研究区概况

3 研究方法

为满足当前"新纲要"扶贫开发规划需求,本文以武陵连片特困区67个扶贫重点县的调查数据为测算样本,着重建立以贫困县为计算单元的农村基本公共服务的指标体系,采用博弈论的主客观权重测算武陵山片区67个县的农村基本公共服务综合指数,利用Moran's I指数测定农村基本公共服务的空间聚集状况,通过基尼系数与最小方差法从片区-省-县多尺度分析农村基本公共服务的发展差异.

3.1 农村基本公共服务综合指数的测定

3.1.1 农村基本公共服务评价指标体系的构建
Tab. 1 The weight system of the rural basic public services index

表1 农村基本公共服务指标权重体系

维度 评价指标 主观权重 客观权重 主客观权重
农村基础教育 学前三年教育毛入园率/(%) 0.028 0.046 0.048
高中阶段教育毛入学率/(%) 0.139 0.029 0.086
有幼儿园或学前班的行政村比率/(%) 0.028 0.038 0.042
农村环境保护 森林覆盖率/(%) 0.039 0.016 0.030
有生产生活垃圾集中堆放点的行政村比率/(%) 0.011 0.041 0.037
有垃圾填埋场地的行政村比率/(%) 0.011 0.030 0.028
有专职保洁员的行政村比率/(%) 0.005 0.022 0.019
农村公共安全 有警务室的行政村比率/(%) 0.032 0.072 0.071
有社区民警的行政村比率/(%) 0.032 0.064 0.064
农村公共文化 有文化/体育活动广场的行政村比率/(%) 0.005 0.036 0.030
有健身器材的行政村比率/(%) 0.005 0.043 0.036
通广播电视的行政村比率/(%) 0.027 0.032 0.037
通宽带网络的行政村比率/(%) 0.027 0.041 0.044
农村公共卫生 有卫生室的行政村比率/(%) 0.084 0.033 0.064
千人卫生机构床位数/个 0.084 0.014 0.049
农村社会保障 千人社会福利院床位数/个 0.014 0.017 0.020
千人参加新型农村合作医疗保险数 0.070 0.010 0.040
千人参加新型农村社会养老保险数 0.070 0.050 0.070
有社区服务中心的行政村比率/(%) 0.014 0.096 0.080
农村基础设施 通水泥/沥青公路的行政村比率/(%) 0.072 0.040 0.064
通电的行政村比率/(%) 0.083 0.008 0.044
通客运班车的行政村比率/(%) 0.010 0.036 0.033
有农家超市的行政村比率/(%) 0.008 0.054 0.046
饮用入户管道水的行政村比率/(%) 0.072 0.056 0.076
有设施农业大棚的行政村比率/(%) 0.016 0.030 0.030
有设施畜牧业大棚的行政村比率/(%) 0.016 0.044 0.041
3.1.2 基于博弈论的主客观权重法
w = ( w 1 w 2 w m ) (1)
u = ( u 1 u 2 u m ) (2)
w w T w u T u w T u u T α w α u = w w T u u T (3)
w = α w w + α u u (4)
式中: α w 为AHP的权重值; α u 为EVM的权重值.
3.1.3 农村基本公共服务综合指数
X ij = X ij - X i j min X i j max - X i j min (5)
式中: X i j max 为样本数据的最大值; X i j min 为样本数据的最小值;i=1,2, et al.,67; j=1,2,, et al.,26.
RBP S i = j = 1 n X ij ' w j (6)
式中: X ij ' 为标准化后的i县域第j个农村基本公共服务指标度量值; w j 为第j类指标的权重值; n 为基础指标的数目,本文n=26; RBP S i i县域农村基本公共服务的综合指数,是定量评价区域基本公共服务整体发展水平的综合性指标;片区及各省的农村基本公共服务综合指数值为其所辖县域综合指数的均值.RBPS值越大表明该区域的基本公共服务整体水平发展较好,反之表明该区域的基本公共服务整体水平发展较差.
D = RBP S i - RBPS ¯ σ (7)
式中: RBPS ¯ 为农村基本公共服务综合指数平均值; σ 为标准差.以1个标准差为单位,将RBPS划分为4个等级,分别为相对富集区(D≥1),相对均衡区(0≤D<1),相对短缺区(-1≤D<0),相对严重短缺区(D<-1).

3.2 农村基本公共服务维度指标发展差异分析

G = i = 1 n Y i X i + 2 i = 1 n - 1 Y i 1 - V i - 1 (8)
式中: Y i 为各县人口数占总人口数的比重; X i 为各县农村基本公共服务维度值占总维度值的比重; n 为研究区县的数目; V i 为按人均指标排序后 X 1 X i 累计数.
另外,本文引入最小方差法(Least Square Error,LSE)模型反映县域间农村基本公共服务发展的差异水平及差异类型,公式如式(9)所示[19].
S 2 = 1 n i = 1 n X i - X ̅ 2 (9)
式中: S 2 为方差; X i 为样本数据; X ̅ 为样本的平均值; n 为样本数.

3.3 农村基本公共服务的空间集聚

本文分别利用Global Moran's I和Local Moran's I指数来分析武陵山片区农村基本公共服务综合发展水平,以及各维度发展水平空间分布的自相关性,并用标准化统计量 Z 来检验空间相关关系的存在与否.Global Moran's I是一种全局总体统计指标,可以表明具有相近观察值的地区是否在空间上聚集;Local Moran's I是局部空间自相关,通常用LISA聚类图表示每个区域观察值与其周边观察值的联系,以体现局部空间关系的显著性[22-23].
Global Moran's I表达式如式(10)所示.
I = n S 0 i = 1 n j = 1 , j i n W ij X i - X ̅ X j - X ̅ i = 1 n X i - X ̅ 2 (10)
式中: n 为研究对象即研究区县级行政单元的数量; W ij 为空间权重矩阵; S 0 为所有空间权重之和. I 取值为[-1,1], I 大于0表示存在空间正相关,反之为负相关,等于0表示不存在空间相关性.
Local Moran's I表达式如式(11)所示.
I i = X i - X ̅ S i 2 j = 1 , j i n W ij X j - X ̅ (11)

4 结果分析

4.1 武陵山片区农村基本公共服务综合发展水平

Fig. 2 Rural basic public services index classification map in the Wuling Mountain area

图2 武陵山片区农村基本公共服务综合指数分级图


4.2 武陵山片区各维度农村基本公共服务发展水平

利用Moran's I指数评价武陵山片区农村基本公共服务维度指标的空间聚集状况,取显著性水平为0.05,对统计量 Z 进行P值检验.通过检验且Z≥1.96或Z≤-1.96则认为区域具有空间自相关性,即空间集聚.
Tab. 2 The spatial calculation of the rural basic public services' dimensions

表2 农村基本公共服务维度的空间测算

测算指标 农村基础教育 农村环境保护 农村公共安全 农村公共文化 农村公共卫生 农村社会保障 农村基础设施 综合指数
Moran's I 0.256 0.032 0.094 0.170 0.006 0.217 -0.034 0.018
Z 3.626 0.641 1.494 2.513 0.281 3.112 -0.254 0.451
P 0.000 0.521 0.135 0.012 0.778 0.002 0.799 0.652
Fig. 3 LISA clustering map for the index of rural basic education

图3 农村基础教育的LISA聚类图

Fig. 4 LISA clustering map for the index of rural public culture

图4 农村公共文化的LISA聚类图

Fig. 5 LISA clustering map for the index of rural social security

图5 农村社会保障的LISA聚类图

Fig. 6 The Gini coefficient of the rural basic public services' dimension indices at the area and provincial scales

图6 片区及省级范围农村基本公共服务维度指标的基尼系数

Fig. 7 Disparity analysis of rural basic public services in the county areas based on LSE

图7 基于LSE的县级范围内农村基本公共服务的差异分析

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Higgs G, White S D.Changes in service provision in rural areas. Part 1: the use of GIS in analysing accessibility to services in rural deprivation research[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 1997,13(4):441-451.Previous work has highlighted the importance of public service provision in rural areas particularly for potentially vulnerable groups such as the elderly, unemployed and single parents especially where this coincides with a lack of access to either private or public transport. Disadvantage can often be compounded by limited access to services for such groups with the superior resources of more affluent social groups enabling them to respond and adapt to the increasing centralisation and reduction of services. This paper reviews previous investigations of the implications of changing accessibility to services in rural areas and draws attention to the need for a new research agenda which uses spatial analytical techniques to gauge the current levels of (in)accessibility to key services at the community level. These techniques are illustrated in Part 2 of the paper with reference to changes in post office provision in mid Wales, and the policy significance of incorporating geographical information systems-based measures of provision into traditional area-based indicators of disadvantage is discussed.


马慧强,韩增林,江海旭.我国基本公共服务空间差异格局与质量特征分析[J].经济地理,2011,31(2):212-217.我国的贫富差异日益扩大,基本 公共服务空间分异明显,社会分层,居住、医疗、教育等分异现象日益突出,成为考验我国建设社会主义和谐社会,保持社会安定团结的重要问题。顺利推进基本公 共服务均等化是我国和谐社会发展面临的一项重要问题。本文在探讨基本公共服务内涵的基础上,依据基本公共服务的内涵,按系统性、完整性和数据可获得性等原 则,以教育服务、文化服务、卫生服务、信息化服务、生态环境服务、基础设施服务、社会保障服务7个一级指标,以及29个二级指标构建了我国地市级基本公共 服务质量水平测度指标体系,在此基础上,用熵值法对我国286个地级以上城市(除拉萨)进行系统分析。通过研究发现,我国城市之间基本公共服务空间差异显 著,质量特征比较明显。主要结论有: 我国基本公共服务质量水平总体不高,且空间差异明显,呈现从东部沿海到中、西部逐步降低的特点,不利于全国和谐社会的建设,也不利于区域之间经济和社会关 系的协调发展;我国基本公共服务质量较高的城市呈集聚状态,呈现“群”状的特点,基本公共服务质量水平较高的集聚地区包括辽中南、京津冀、山东半岛、长三 角、珠三角、海峡西岸、成渝地区、内蒙古中部等区域,这与十大城市群中的六大沿海城市群相吻合;我国基本公共服务水平与城市经济发展水平密切相关,经济发 达的地区和城市,其基本公共服务质量相对来说都比较高;城市基本公共服务质量水平与城市规模存在一定的对应关系,城市规模越大,城市基本公共服务质量就相 对越高;我国基本公共服务水平各单项水平不均衡。

[ Ma H Q, Han Z L, Jiang H X.The characteristics and spatial differences of basic public services of cities at prefecture level and above in China[J]. Economic Geography, 2011,31(2):212-217. ]

Neutens T, Delafontaine M, Scott D M, et al.A GIS-based method to identify spatiotemporal gaps in public service delivery[J]. Applied Geography, 2012,32(2):253-264.The focus of methodological approaches to identify (public) service deprivation has been predominantly on the shortcomings in the spatial coverage of the transportation system and the urban opportunity landscape. Accessibility is thereby generally modeled as a static concept with little – if any – account for temporal variations in services and transportation provision across the diurnal cycle and week, such as those resulting from opening hours and congestion effects. This paper suggests the use of time-specific measures of service accessibility and demand. The measures are integrated in a GIS-based multi-criteria analysis with the aim to detect spatiotemporal variations in service deprivation. The applicability of the method has been illustrated in a case study about the planning of a mobile government office bus in the city of Ghent (Belgium). It has been shown that the suitability of alternative stop locations for the bus depends on the time interval during which it will be operated.


Liu Y S, Lu S S, Chen Y F.Spatio-temporal change of urban-rural equalized development patterns in China and its driving factors[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2013,32:320-330.The urban–rural equalized development is not only significant theoretically, but also a strategic challenge facing the coordinated development of urban and rural China. In this paper we put forward an innovative theory of URED against the background of China's urban–rural transformation. The spatio-temporal pattern, its change and driving factors of urban–rural equalized development during 1996–2009 were analyzed using principal component analysis, the Markov chain model and exploratory spatial data analysis model based on the data for 31 Chinese provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities). It is found that during the study period URED exhibited an obvious tendency of “club homogenization” in China. However, since 2003 the homogenization of the URED for entire China has weakened. Moreover, URED showed a significant geographic characteristic of “polarization” during 1996–2003. Namely, the spatial units of a high URED level were concentrated in eastern China near the coast, and the spatial units of a low URED level were located mainly in central and western China. However, this spatial polarized structure of URED was destroyed since 2003, and the spatial disparity at the provincial level has decreased. Finally, it is concluded that policies and institutional structure, economic growth and urbanization were the main driving factors of the identified URED spatio-temporal pattern and its change in China. This study may serve as a scientific reference regarding decision-making in coordinating urban and rural development and in constructing the new countryside of China.


郭小聪,代凯.国内近五年基本公共服务均等化研究:综述与评估[J].中国人民大学学报,2013(1):145-154.实现基本公共服务均等化是我国 未来社会发展的重要政策目标。近年来,国内学术界有关基本公共服务均等化问题的研究不断深入发展,研究成果主要集中在基本公共服务均等化基础性研究、我国 基本公共服务非均等化现状研究、基本公共服务非均等化原因分析和实现基本公共服务均等化路径研究四个方面。对已有的研究成果进行综述和评估后发现,关于基 本公共服务均等化问题的研究还存在以下不足:地区间研究多,群体间研究少;制度性研究多,实证性分析少;政府供给角度研究多,公众需求角度研究少等。因 此,未来的研究需要注重政府行为的实证研究,强化公众需求视角的分析。

[ Guo X C, Dai K.Domestic research on equalization of basic public services in the recent five years: summary and evaluation[J]. Journal of Renmin University of China, 2013,1:145-154. ]

Scott R S, Lance D E, Vaughn R A C, et al. Rural health care bypass behavior: how community and spatial characteristics affect primary health care selection[J]. The Journal of Rural Health, 2015,31(2):146-156.PURPOSE: (1) To assess the prevalence of rural primary care physician () bypass, a in which residents travel farther than necessary to obtain health care, (2) To examine the role of community and non-health-care-related characteristics on bypass , and (3) To analyze spatial bypass patterns to determine which rural communities are most affected by bypass.: Data came from the Montana Health Matters survey, which gathered self-reported information from Montana residents on their health care utilization, satisfaction with health care services, and community and demographic characteristics. Logistic regression and spatial analysis were used to examine the probability and spatial patterns of bypass.: Overall, 39% of respondents bypass local health care. Similar to previous studies, dissatisfaction with local health care was found to increase the likelihood of bypass. Dissatisfaction with local shopping also increases the likelihood of bypass, while the number of friends in a community, and commonality with community reduce the likelihood of bypass. Other significant factors associated with bypass include age, income, health, and living in a highly rural community or one with high commuting flows.: Our results suggest that outshopping theory, in which patients bundle services and shopping for added convenience, extends to primary health care selection. This implies that rural health care selection is multifaceted, and that in addition to perceived satisfaction with local health care, the quality of local shopping and levels of community attachment also influence bypass .


Batley R, Mcloughlin C.The politics of public services: a service characteristics approach[J]. World Development, 2015,74:275-285.Politics is widely regarded as affecting and being affected by the performance of public services, yet little research differentiates between services in exploring these effects. The article addresses this gap by proposing a framework for understanding and comparing the politics of different services. It identifies how the nature of the good, type of market failure, tasks involved in delivery, and demand for a service—hitherto regarded largely as economic and managerial concerns—affect political commitment, organizational control, and user power. Policy responses can be targeted to address service characteristics where they present opportunities or constraints to better services.


孙才志,王雪妮,邹玮.基于WPI-LSE模型的中国水贫困测度及空间驱动类型分析[J].经济地理,2012,32(3):9-15.在构建水贫困评价指标体系基础上,采用WPI模型测度了2009 年中国31个省市(自治区)的水贫困水平,并以资源、设施、能力、使用和环境5系统得分的贡献率为指标,采用LSE方法将各省市划分为不同的水贫困驱动类 型。结果表明:我国水贫困程度呈自东南向西北逐渐加重的规律;资源因素是所有北方地区共同的水贫困驱动因素;在东北、中、西部区域内经济和社会发展水平不 高的地区,设施和能力因素构成对水贫困的驱动因素;在资源条件较好的东南和西南地区、以及发展水平不高的西北地区,使用因素形成对水贫困的驱动效应;东北 和东部地区的水贫困亦由环境因素所驱动。研究结果可为各地区制定缓解水贫困的水资源管理策略提供必要的理论基础。

[ Sun C Z, Wang X N, Zou W.Measurement and spatial driving type analysis for water poverty in China based on WPI-LSE model[J]. Economic Geography, 2012,32(3):9-15. ]

Catalano M T, Leize T L, Pfaff T J.Measuring resource inequality: the Gini coefficient[J]. Numeracy, 2009,2(2):1-22.ABSTRACT This paper stems from work done by the authors at the Mathematics for Social Justice Workshop held in June of 2007 at Middlebury College. We provide a description of the Gini coefficient and some discussion of how it can be used to promote quantitative literacy skills in mathematics courses. The Gini Coefficient was introduced in 1921 by Italian statistician Corrado Gini as a measure of inequality. It is defined as twice the area between two curves. One, the Lorenz curve for a given population with respect to a given resource, represents the cumulative percentage of the resource as a function of the cumulative percentage of the population that shares that percentage of the resource. The second curve is the line y = x which is the Lorenz curve for a population which shares the resource equally. The Gini coefficient can be interpreted as the percentage of inequality represented in the population with respect to the given resource. We propose that the Gini coefficient can be used to enhance students&rsquo; understanding of calculus concepts and provide practice for students in using both calculus and quantitative literacy skills. Our examples are based mainly on distribution of energy resources using publicly available data from the Energy Information Agency of the United States Government. For energy resources within the United States, we find that by household, the Gini coefficient is 0.346, while using the 51 data points represented by the states and Washington D.C., the Gini coefficient is 0.158. When we consider the countries of the world as a population of 210, the Gini coefficient is 0.670. We close with ideas for questions which can be posed to students and discussion of the experiences two other mathematics instructors have had incorporating the Gini coefficient into pre-calculus-level mathematics classes.


张彦琦,唐贵立,王文昌,等.基尼系数和泰尔指数在卫生资源配置公平性研究中的应用[J].中国卫生统计,2008,25(3):243-246.目的 探讨Gini系数和Theil指数在卫生资源配置公平性研究中的应用。方法 计算重庆市1997~2005年医院,卫生院床位、执业(助理)医师、注册护士按人口配置的Gini系数和Theil指数,并对Theil指数进行分解。结果 重庆市卫生资源人均拥有量低于全国水平。床位、医生和护士的Gini系数分别为0.30~0.34、0.21~0.28和0.40~0.45。Gini系数和Theil指数变动趋势一致。经济圈间差异对总Theil指数的贡献率高于经济圈内差异,有下降的趋势。都市发达经济圈内部卫生资源配置的公平性最差。结论 在卫生资源配置公平性评价中,Gini系数与Theil指数可结合应用进行综合评价。


[ Zhang Y Q, Tang G L, Wang W C, et al.Application of Gini coefficient and Theil index in study on equity of health resources distribution[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics, 2008,25(3):243-246. ]

朱子明,祁新华.基于Moran'I的闽南三角洲空间发展研究[J].经济地理,2009,29(12):1977-1980.采用GIS空间分析的方法分析 了闽南三角洲的空间发展现状;运用MoranI’和LISA聚类图,探讨了闽南三角洲空间发展特征。研究表明:尽管总体上闽南三角洲的空间正相关效应不显 著,但局部空间关联明显,存在较强的规律性,空间发展形态主要表现为点轴式初级阶段和阶梯状分布。最后,对结果进行讨论,并对闽南三角洲空间发展提出了建 议。

[ Zhu Z M, Qi X H.Research on spatial development of Minnan Delta basing on Moran'I[J]. Economic Geography, 2009,29(12):1977-1980. ]

张晓旭,冯宗宪.中国人均GDP 的空间相关与地区收敛:1978-2003[J].经济学,2008,7(2):399-414.本文运用探索性空间数据分析方法研究了中国30个省份人均GDP之间的空间相关性,结果表明,自改革开放以来,中国各地区人均收入的空间相关逐年加强。通过计算局部空间自相关指标,本文进一步验证了中国经济中空间异质性的存在,即地区人均收入与地理位置密切相关。在此基础上,本文运用三种不同的空间经济计量模型研究了中国各省份人均GDP增长的收敛性。结果表明,空间自回归模型和广义空间模型不能正确拟合中国省级地区增长数据,而空间误差自回归模型能够满意地解释中国省级地区经济增长,这表明地理位置的影响尽管对各地区的经济增长造成了深刻的影响,但并没有改变地区经济增长的收敛趋势。空间误差自回归模型还显示劳动力和资本流动以及知识溢出在省级地区水平上是显著存在的,并且有利于地区经济增长的收敛。

[ Zhang X X, Feng Z X.Spatial correlation and regional convergencein per-capita GDP in China: 1978-2003[J]. China Economic Quarterly, 2008,7(2):399-414. ]

