Journal of Geo-information Science >
Suitability Analysis on Behavior-based Aggregation of Land Use Classification in Yunnan Province
Received date: 2015-05-30
Request revised date: 2015-07-07
Online published: 2016-03-10
Comparison of the same study area between two time points on the same categorical variable can reveal changes occurred among categories over time, such as transitions among land categories. Therefore, it is an effective method to aggregate a large number of categories into a smaller number of broader categories in order to simplify interpretation and give insights concerning categorical change over time. We use an algorithm to aggregate categories in a sequence of steps based on the categories' behaviors in terms of gross losses and gross gains. The behavior-based algorithm aggregates net gaining categories with net gaining categories, and aggregates net losing categories with net losing categories, but doesn't aggregates a net gaining category with a net losing category. The algorithm's steps are summarized into three phases. The first phase is the Exclusive Zero phase, when our algorithm aggregates pairs of Exclusive Zero categories until all Exclusive Zero categories are aggregated into one comprehensive Exclusive Zeroes category, which remains as one of the three categories at the end of the algorithm. The second phase is the Exclusive Loser and Gainer phase, when the algorithm aggregates pairs of Exclusive Gainer categories and pairs of Exclusive Loser categories. The third phase is the swapping phase. In this final phase, our algorithm computes the transition sum for every possible pair of categories that have the same direction of net change. Moreover, the behavior-based algorithm at each step in the sequence keeps the values of net change and maximizes swap change. This article introduces three mathematical principles and defines six aggregation behaviors. In the last section of this article, we present a case study, in which the data are obtained in Yunnan Province between 1990 and 2010 for 20 land categories, in order to prove the advantage and feasibility of this algorithm in terms of area change and intensity change. The results show that the behavior-based algorithm produces a set of 9 categories that retains almost the original amount of change, while giving a total area change of 5.10%, which is only 0.06% lower than the original change. In contrast, the common used classification system of 6 categories produces a total area change of 4.7%, which is 0.4% lower than the results of our algorithm. It has been found that the behavior-based algorithm is an effective method to retain land use dynamic change information.
Key words: behavior-based aggregation; land use; classification; net change; swap change; Yunnan Province
SUN Yunhua , GUO Tao , CUI Ximin , CUI Weihong . Suitability Analysis on Behavior-based Aggregation of Land Use Classification in Yunnan Province[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(3) : 396 -405 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00396
Fig. 1 Methodological flow of the algorithm图1 基于行为聚类的算法流程图 |
Tab. 1 Behavior-based aggregation sequence表1 基于行为聚类方法的次序 |
地类数量 | 地类总变化/(%) | 转变变化/(%) | 净变化/(%) | 聚类次序 | 聚类类型 |
20 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 湖泊,沼泽地 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
19 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 河渠,水库坑塘 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
18 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 冰川与永久积雪,裸地 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
17 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 低覆盖度草地,滩地 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
16 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 有林地,聚类18 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
15 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 聚类16,裸岩石砾地 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
14 | 5.16 | 3.60 | 1.56 | 旱地,聚类20 | G/净增加,G/N净增加 |
13 | 5.15 | 3.59 | 1.56 | 聚类14,聚类17 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
12 | 5.15 | 3.58 | 1.56 | 水田,聚类 15 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
11 | 5.14 | 3.57 | 1.56 | 聚类13,聚类 19 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
10 | 5.12 | 3.56 | 1.56 | 聚类11,工交建设用地 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
9 | 5.10 | 3.53 | 1.56 | 聚类10,城镇 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
8 | 5.05 | 3.49 | 1.56 | 疏林地,中覆盖度草地 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
7 | 5.01 | 3.45 | 1.56 | 聚类12,灌木林地 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
6 | 4.64 | 3.08 | 1.56 | 其他林地,农村居民点 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
5 | 4.64 | 3.08 | 1.56 | 聚类7,聚类8 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
4 | 4.09 | 2.52 | 1.56 | 聚类5,高覆盖度草地 | L/净减少,L/净减少 |
3 | 3.06 | 1.50 | 1.56 | 聚类9,聚类6 | G/净增加,G/净增加 |
2 | 2.95 | 1.38 | 1.56 |
Fig. 2 Swap change and net change during 1990-2010 in terms of percentage on the study extent for the behavior-based aggregation sequence图2 1990-2010年行为聚类次序地类转换和地类净变化面积百分比 |
Fig. 3 Percentage of area change of different land categories during 1990-2010图3 1990-2010年土地利用类型变化面积百分比 |
Tab. 2 Cross-tab of six land categories during 1990-2010 in Yunnan Province (hm2)表2 1990-2010年云南省6个一级类型的转移矩阵(hm2) |
1990年 | 2010年 | ||||||
耕地 | 林地 | 草地 | 水域 | 建设用地 | 裸地 | 总减少 | |
耕地 | 6 530 509 | 120 729 | 146 418 | 6122 | 99 727 | 1407 | 374 403 |
林地 | 104 013 | 21 606 562 | 239 751 | 5735 | 16 805 | 766 | 367 072 |
草地 | 211 137 | 299 079 | 8 216 116 | 5935 | 21 057 | 1644 | 538 852 |
水域 | 2156 | 1413 | 8898 | 270 013 | 784 | 158 | 13 409 |
建设用地 | 5597 | 1023 | 1362 | 645 | 170 057 | 473 | 9100 |
裸地 | 2234 | 1413 | 57 804 | 275 | 96 | 151 779 | 61 822 |
总增加 | 325 137 | 423 658 | 454 233 | 18 712 | 138 469 | 4448 |
Tab. 3 Cross-tab of nine land categories during 1990-2010 in Yunnan Province (hm2)表3 1990-2010年云南省行为聚类结果的转移矩阵(hm2) |
1990年 | 2010年 | |||||||||
耕地 | 森林地 | 疏林地 | 园地 | 天然牧草地 | 人工草地 | 水域 | 建设用地 | 裸地 | 总减少 | |
耕地 | 6 529 142 | 81 532 | 19 346 | 19 823 | 144 086 | 2244 | 6088 | 99 711 | 1407 | 374 237 |
森林地 | 60 799 | 16 675 113 | 17 398 | 226 482 | 179 115 | 31 | 4218 | 11076 | 321 | 499 443 |
疏林地 | 38 126 | 68 825 | 4 406 585 | 44 312 | 57 316 | 63 | 1446 | 4352 | 403 | 214 843 |
园地 | 5079 | 1289 | 199 | 157 009 | 3139 | 32 | 43 | 1373 | 42 | 11 196 |
天然牧草地 | 210 692 | 197 730 | 22 972 | 76 378 | 7 948 931 | 2085 | 5888 | 20 270 | 1621 | 537 636 |
人工草地 | 419 | 1652 | 240 | 23 | 6920 | 254 358 | 26 | 785 | 23 | 10 088 |
水域 | 2147 | 980 | 295 | 138 | 5563 | 3335 | 268 223 | 781 | 158 | 13 397 |
建设用地 | 5597 | 479 | 356 | 188 | 1362 | 0 | 645 | 170 052 | 473 | 9100 |
裸地 | 2234 | 1413 | 0 | 0 | 12 124 | 45 540 | 275 | 96 | 151 324 | 61 682 |
总增加 | 325 093 | 353 899 | 60 806 | 367 344 | 409 625 | 53 330 | 18 629 | 138 444 | 4448 | 374 237 |
Fig. 4 Gross gain intensity and gross loss intensity of different land categories during 1990-2010图4 1990-2010年土地利用类型增加强度和减少强度变化 |
Fig. 5 Comparison between the 20 original categories, the 6 common used categories and the 9 behavior-based categories图5 基于行为聚类,常用分类系统和原始分类系统结果比较 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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