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Time Series of Raster-oriented Method for Marine Abnormal Events Extraction

  • LI Xiaohong , 1, 2 ,
  • YAN Jinfeng 1 ,
  • LI Yilong 2 ,
  • XUE Cunjin , 2, 3, *
  • 1. Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Digital Earth Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China
  • 3. Key Laboratory of Earth Observation, Sanya 572029, China
*Corresponding author: XUE Cunjin, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-10-13

  Request revised date: 2015-12-04

  Online published: 2016-04-19


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Marine Abnormal Event (MAE) is an abnormal decrease or increase of marine environmental parameters, which covers a specified spatial domain and lasts for a specified temporal duration. Marine abnormal event can provide the temporal and spatial characteristics of regional sea-air interactions and global climate change, which has an important scientific significance. Based on the above information, we propose a novel algorithm to extract the MAE from the long-term raster datasets, named as MAESTEM (Marine Abnormal Event Spatio-Temporal Extraction Method). The MAESTEM has three key steps: the extraction of MAE at a temporal dimension, the extraction of MAE at a spatial dimension, and the tracking of MAE. At the temporal dimension, each grid pixel within an image is taken to be the one-dimensional time series, and its mean and standard deviation are taken as the criteria to define its abnormal snapshot status. If and only if the abnormal snapshot and its subsequent ones are not smaller than the specified threshold, i.e. T, the abnormal snapshots are defined as a temporal MAE, denoted by TMAE. We utilize the spatial neighborhood statistics method to count the number of spatial neighborhoods of a raster pixel which belongs to TMAE and to obtain the marine abnormal events at the spatial dimension, denoted as SAME, by using the spatial dimension abnormal extracting method. In the final step, we use the spatial topological relationship of SMAE to identify whether the SAMEs at the previous and post snapshots belongs to the same event. If they overlap, they are considered being in the same event. If the temporal duration of the event exceeds the temporal threshold, save the event, otherwise, delete it. Finally, the Pacific Ocean is taken as a research area, and its monthly averaged sea level anomaly (SLA), which is obtained from the remote sensing imagery during a period from January 1993 to December 2012, is used to test the feasibility and efficiency of MAESTEM.

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LI Xiaohong , YAN Jinfeng , LI Yilong , XUE Cunjin . Time Series of Raster-oriented Method for Marine Abnormal Events Extraction[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(4) : 453 -460 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00453

1 引言

海洋异常事件(Marine Abnormal Event,MAE)是指在特定的海洋区域内,海洋环境要素(如海洋表面温度、叶绿素-a浓度)相对于平均状态下的异常升高或异常降低。海洋异常事件通常持续一定的时间范围,覆盖特定的空间区域,其时空特性对海洋时空分析方法、区域海气相互作用、全球气候变化研究和人类社会都有重大的影响[1-2]。随着对地观测技术的发展,长时间序列的卫星遥感数据为获取宏观尺度的地理现象或特征提供了重要数据源[3],如何从长时间序列的卫星遥感数据中提取地理异常事件已成为研究热点。
不同领域的专家针对不同的应用目的,提出了不同的异常事件提取算法。例如,在异常探测领域,时空异常探测主要致力于寻找在时间上和空间上的异常属性值。Cheng等利用时空邻域的理论在栅格图像中发现时空异常值[4];Lu等利用图像分割技术分析气象图像序列中的时空异常值[5],并设计了相应的方法;Birant等利用基于密度聚类的方法寻找时间和空间上的异常值[6];Das等利用基于距离和基于邻域的异常探测查找全球气候数据的时空异常[7]; Benezeth等针对行为模拟和异常检测提出了一个基于位置的方法,用马尔科夫区域随机模型计算同时发生的可能性,检测视频中异常事件的发生,如异常交通事件中汽车的非法转弯等[8]
在地理科学领域,传统的异常事件描述方法有区块极值模拟,利用广义极值分布(Generalized Extreme Value,GEV)模拟一组连续观测块的最大值[9];Yu等提出了一个统计模型-时空图形化模型,采用广义极值分布(GEV)模拟时空异常事件,模型可以用来估计异常事件的时间格局,根据当前数据的趋势,预测未来异常事件的分布,如极端降雨等,这为洪涝灾害预警和策略计划提供了重要的帮助[10];Huang等利用空间序列索引以及基于时域分片的算法查找连续的时空事件,讨论了时空事件数据集的序列模式[11];Tan等将地球科学原始数据转换为市场购物篮数据的形式来辨别时空事件,并挖掘事件序列之间的关联模式[12];Wu等提出了一个基于范围搜索最近邻域(Range-based Searching Nearest Neighbors,RSNN)的空间聚类算法,首先通过原始时间序列数据聚类减少数据大小和空间自相关,然后利用extractEvents算法从聚类的时间序列数据中提取异常事件序列,最后进行关联模式挖掘[1]

2 海洋异常事件时空提取算法

海洋异常事件时空提取算法(Marine Abnormal Event Spatio-Temporal Extraction Method,MAESTEM)是利用长时间序列的海洋栅格数据集,根据海洋环境要素的时空变化特性,提取海洋异常事件。MAESTEM主要包括4个步骤:(1)数据预处理,用于消除季节波动引起的变异;(2)事件的时间维度提取,实现事件在时间上的连续性;(3)在此基础上的空间维度提取,实现事件在空间上的连续性;(4)MAE追踪算法,实现事件在时空上的连续性。具体流程如图1所示。
Fig. 1 An extraction flowchart of MAE

图1 海洋异常事件提取流程

2.1 数据预处理

相对于正常的季节性周期模式,地理学家更关注异常模式,如厄尔尼诺(El Niño)、拉尼娜(La Niña)等。地球科学数据具有很强的季节性成分,数据模式经常受季节性变化影响,只有去除气候时间序列的季节性成分后,异常气候事件(如干旱、洪水、热浪等)才更明显[14]。因此,在识别异常气候事件前,去除气候时间序列的季节性成分是关键。本文注重海洋异常变化,而长时间序列的海洋环境参数季节性变化主要受太阳辐射影响,因此在识别海洋异常事件前,先移除由季节性太阳辐射引起的变化。根据先前知识,标准化月均距平算法Z-score能够有效地去除季节性成分[14]。针对1-12月的任意月份,如1月,获取每年1月的值,构成时间序列,计算其平均值和标准差,并通过其均值和标准差,离散化任意年份1月的数值,如式(1)所示[15]
X i , j ' = X i , j - X j ¯ δ j j = 1,2 , , 12 (1)
式中:i为年; j为月; X j ¯ δ j 分别为平均值和标准差; X i , j ' X i , j 分别为长时间影像的原值和转换值。

2.2 时间维度的异常提取算法

经过数据预处理,长时间序列的遥感影像变为月均距平栅格数据,根据MAE的定义,MAE应该持续一定的时间段,通过时间邻域窗口大小来表达这个时间段。假设时间邻域窗口大小为WT,时间标准阈值为TCT,且 WT TCT 则时间维度的MAE提取步骤如下:
(1)将每一个栅格像元作为一个时间序列,获取每个时间序列的栅格像元值,假设 V ( row , col ) = ( v t 1 , v t 2 , v t 3 , , v tn ) ,其中rowcol分别为栅格数据中的行号和列号,t1t2、…、tn为时刻状态,n为数据的时间序列长度;
(2)计算V(row,col)的平均值M(row,col)和标准差SD(row,col) ;
S ( V t ) = 1 V t M + kSD 0 其他 - 1 V t M - kSD (2)
t = - WT 2 t = WT 2 T s ( v t ) TCT (3)
式中: T s ( v t ) 代表异常持续的时间长度。

2.3 空间维度的异常提取算法

(1)T时刻,获取一个栅格像元的值,假设为 V ( row , col ) ;
(2)获取该栅格像元w×w邻域的值,统计空间邻域内属性值为-1、0、1的个数,分别用 Num ( - 1 ) Num(0)、Num(1)表示,则MV=max(Num(-1)、Num(0)、 Num ( 1 ) ) ;
V ( row , col ) = - 1 MV = Num ( - 1 0 MV = Num 0 1 MV = Num 1 (4)
(4)重复步骤(1)-(3),直到处理完所有栅格 像元。

2.4 海洋异常事件追踪算法

Fig. 2 Spatial and temporal information of MAE

图2 海洋异常事件的空间和时间信息

① 如果postMAE的空间范围和preMAE空间范围有交集,则认为postMAE和preMAE是一个事件,postMAE和preMAE空间范围的并集为异常事件MAE_1的空间范围,则事件持续时间N=N+1,更新数据库,执行步骤(4);
② 如果preMAE空间范围和任何的postMAE的空间范围都没有交集,且如果事件持续时间N小于给定的阈值MAET,那么认为PreMAE不是合格的异常事件,将PreMAE及其信息从数据库中删除,更新数据库。如果事件持续时间N大于阈值MAET,则是合格的异常事件,保存数据库。如果T时刻的所有异常事件已经遍历,T=T+1,执行步 骤(1);

3 实例验证

太平洋海域是海洋环境要素和ENSO(El Niño Southern Oscillation)的多互动区域,在全球气候变化和区域海气相互作用中扮演重要的角色[19],因此,本文选择太平洋海域作为研究区域(100° E~60° W,50° S~50° N),1993年1月至2012年12月的月均海表面高度异常(Sea Level Anomaly,SLA)作为实验数据。SLA数据来源于AVISO分发中心(,空间分辨率为0.25º,时间分辨率为月,空间覆盖为全球。根据ENSO的定义,海洋尼诺指数持续5个月以上高于0.5º(或低于-0.5º)定义为一次El Niño(或La Niña)事件,所以时间阈值设定为5个月,即TCT=5 和MAET=5。根据经验统计和正态分布理论,k=1,提取的海洋异常事件空间覆盖范围过大,区域差异性很难体现,k=3,提取的海洋异常事件较少,时间上的连续性很难保证,所以比例因子k设定为2,即k=2;空间邻域采用3×3邻域,即w=3,栅格数据集的空间分辨率为0.25 º,所以空间邻域窗口大小设定为0.75 º。基于上述阈值,1993年1月至2012年12月的月均SLA共有37个海洋异常降低事件,29个海洋异常升高事件。
ENSO是全球气候变化的典型信号之一,和SLA之间存在相互“响应”和“驱动”关系,且1997-1999年的ENSO事件是130年来最强的一次气候异常事件[20],因此选择该期间的SLA海洋异常事件作为分析实例。图3显示了1997-1999年的一次El Niño事件和一次La Niña事件,MEI大于0.5的区间定义为El Niño事件,MEI小于-0.5的区间定义为La Niña事件[21]图4为1997年3月至1999年8月的SLA海洋异常事件,其中蓝色代表异常降低事件,红色代表异常升高事件。从图4中可以看出,1997-1999年发生2个异常降低事件和一个海洋异常升高事件。在西太平洋发生的海洋异常降低事件定义为WPOMAE(Western Pacific Ocean Marine Abnormal Event),1997年4月产生,1999年8月消失。在北太平洋的海洋异常降低事件定义为NPCMAE(North Pacific Ocean Marine Abnormal Event),1997年11月产生,1999年1月消失。东太平洋发生的海洋异常升高事件定义为EPCMAE(Eastern Pacific Ocean Marine Abnormal Event),1997年3月产生,1998年11月消失。
结合图3图4分析可知,El Niño事件1997年3月开始发生,WPOMAE在El Niño之后的4月产生,随着El Niño的增强,WPOMAE覆盖范围不断扩大,位置不断由西太平洋向中太平洋移动;1998年6月El Niño事件消失,1998年8月La Niña事件产生,WPOMAE覆盖范围不断衰减分裂,1999年8月在中太平洋消失。
Fig. 3 ENSO index from 1997 to 1999

图3 1997-1999年ENSO指数图

Fig. 4 Tracking MAE from 1997 to 1999

图4 1997-1999年海洋异常事件追踪过程

图3图4可知,El Niño事件在1997年3月产生的同时EPCMAE在中太平洋突然产生,并随着El Niño事件的增强,EPCMAE覆盖范围不断扩大,位置不断向东太平洋移动;1998年2月随着El Niño事件强度的减弱,EPCMAE覆盖范围不断衰减分裂;1998年8月开始产生La Niña事件,EPCMAE基本消失;1998年11月EPCMAE在东太平洋完全消失。
众所周知,ENSO事件与太平洋海域SLA存在相互“响应”与“驱动”的关系。Casey和Adamec对1993-1999年的SLA数据进行EOF分析和SVD分析,结果显示El Niño发生期间(1997-1998年),赤道西太平洋海面高度降低,赤道东太平洋海面高度升高[22],这与EPCMAE和WPOMAE期间的SLA变化相吻合。此外,通过分析WPOMAE和EPCMAE的时空变化,还可获得SLA在西太平洋和东太平洋的空间分布及在时间上的动态变化。

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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McGuire M P, Janeja V P, Gangopadhyay A. Mining trajectories of moving dynamic spatio-temporal regions in sensor datasets[J]. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2014,28(4):961-1003.When mining large spatio-temporal datasets, interesting patterns typically emerge where the dataset is most dynamic. These dynamic regions can be characterized by a location or set of locations that exhibit different behaviors from their neighbors and the time periods where these differences are most pronounced. Examples include locally intense areas of precipitation, anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) readings, and locally high levels of water pollution, to name a few. The focus of this paper is to find and analyze the pattern of moving dynamic spatio-temporal regions in large sensor datasets. The approach presented in this paper uses a measure of local spatial autocorrelation over time to determine how pronounced the difference in measurements taken at a spatial location is with those taken at neighboring locations. Dynamic regions are analyzed both globally, in the form of spatial locations and time periods that have the largest difference in local spatial autocorrelation, and locally, in the form of dynamic spatial locations for a particular time period or dynamic time periods for a particular spatial node. Then, moving dynamic regions are identified by determining the spatio-temporal connectivity, extent, and trajectory for groups of locally dynamic spatial locations whose position has shifted from one time period to the next. The efficacy of the approach is demonstrated on two real-world spatio-temporal datasets (a) NEXRAD precipitation and (b) SST. Promising results were found in discovering highly dynamic regions in these datasets depicting several real environmental phenomenon which are validated as actual events of interest.


薛存金,周成虎,苏奋振,等.面向过程的时空数据模型研究[J].测绘学报,2010,39(1):95-101.根据近20年来时空数据模型的 研究现状、存在问题及其原因剖析,以连续渐变地理实体的表达、组织和存储为研究对象,提出面向过程的时空数据模型。根据连续渐变地理实体的内在特性,将其 分级抽象为过程对象系列,进一步探讨过程对象及过程对象间逻辑关系,并设计其UML模型结构及物理存储结构。通过抽象的过程对象隐式地记录地理实体动态变 化机制,及自定义的过程对象存储表提供演变机制的函数接口模式,实现连续渐变地理实体的过程化组织、存储与动态分析。最后,以海洋数据的过程化组织与分析 为例,构建时空过程模型原型系统(海洋过程对象—关系数据库系统与功能分析平台),验证和评价该模型的实用性。

[ Xue C J, Zhou C H, Su F Z, et al.Research on process-oriented spatio-temporal data model[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2010,39(1):95-101. ]

薛存金,董庆.海洋时空过程数据模型及其原型系统构建研究[J].海洋通报,2012,31(6):667-674.从地球信息科学角度,分析了海洋现象的过程特性,并给出过程对象的BNF范式组织结构。把具 有过程特性的海洋现象分级抽象为海洋过程对象、阶段对象、序列对象和状态对象,讨论了海洋过程对象的语义分级抽象与顺序、包含关系及过程对象内的演变机 制,分析了通过过程对象隐式记录演变机制、过程对象存储表提供其程序接口,实现连续渐变表达机制在模型中的实现策略,发展了基于过程对象、过程对象关系表 的模型的过程化组织结构。在Geodatabase9.2基础上,扩展过程对象的存储机制,构建海洋时空过程数据模型的原型系统(海洋时空过程数据库系统 MarineSTPDMGDB和海洋系统功能平台MDMProtoTypeSystem),并给出其框架结构及关键技术实现流程。原型系统的构建及功能分 析结果证明了模型的科学性与适用性,为“数字海洋”战略的实施提供了理论基础。


[ Xue C J, Dong Q.Research on the marine spatio-temporal process data model and its prototype system construction[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2012,31(6):667-674. ]

McPhaden M J, Zebiak S E, Glantz M H. ENSO as an integrating concept in earth science[J]. Science, 2006,314(5806):1740-1745.Abstract The El Ni09o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle of alternating warm El Ni09o and cold La Ni09a events is the dominant year-to-year climate signal on Earth. ENSO originates in the tropical Pacific through interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, but its environmental and socioeconomic impacts are felt worldwide. Spurred on by the powerful 1997-1998 El Ni09o, efforts to understand the causes and consequences of ENSO have greatly expanded in the past few years. These efforts reveal the breadth of ENSO's influence on the Earth system and the potential to exploit its predictability for societal benefit. However, many intertwined issues regarding ENSO dynamics, impacts, forecasting, and applications remain unresolved. Research to address these issues will not only lead to progress across a broad range of scientific disciplines but also provide an opportunity to educate the public and policy makers about the importance of climate variability and change in the modern world.


王绍武,龚道溢.近百年来的 ENSO 事件及其强度[J].气象,1999,25(1):9-13.利用Nino3区、NinoC区海表温度序列及两个SOI序列,同时考虑SST和SOI建立了1867~1998年季分辨率的ENSO指数序列。根据ENSO指数序列,并参考Wright的SOI指数及其它资料。确认了1867~1998年ENSO事件,共确定出32次暖事件(正SST、负SOI)及32次冷事件(负SST、正SOI)。对每次事件的强度分强、中、弱三等进行了评估。虽然1982/1983年暖事件的峰值最高,但从整个事件的平均强度来看,1997/1998年的暖事件则是130多年来最强的一次。近20年是暖事件的多发期。


[ Wang S W, Gong D Y.ENSO events and their Intensity during the past century[J]. Meteorological Monthly, 1999,25(1):9-13. ]

Wolter K, Timlin M S.El Niño/southern oscillation behaviour since 1871 as diagnosed in an extended multivariate ENSO index (MEI. ext)[J]. International Journal of Climatology, 2011,31(7):1074-1087.El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) remains the most important coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon to cause global climate variability on seasonal to interannual time scales. This paper addresses the need for a reliable ENSO index that allows for the historical definition of ENSO events in the instrumental record back to 1871. The Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) was originally defined as the first seasonally varying principal component of six atmosphere-ocean (COADS) variable fields in the tropical Pacific basin. It provides for a more complete and flexible description of the ENSO phenomenon than single variable ENSO indices such as the SOI or Nino 3.4 SST. Here we describe our effort to boil the MEI concept down to its most essential components (based on SLP, SST) to enable historical analyses that more than double its period of record to 1871-2005. The new MEI. ext confirms that ENSO activity went through a lull in the early-to mid-20th century, but was just about as prevalent one century ago as in recent decades. We diagnose strong relationships between peak amplitudes of ENSO events and their duration, as well as between their peak amplitudes and their spacing (periodicity). Our effort is designed to help with the assessment of ENSO conditions through as long a record as possible to be able to differentiate between 'natural' ENSO behaviour in all its rich facets, and the 'Brave New World' of this phenomenon under evolving GHG-related climate conditions. So far, none of the behaviour of recent ENSO events appears unprecedented, including duration, onset timing, and spacing in the last few decades compared to a full century before then. Copyright (C) 2011 Royal Meteorological Society


Casey K S, Adamec D.Sea surface temperature and sea surface height variability in the North Pacific Ocean from 1993 to 1999[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (1978-2012), 2002,107(C8):1-12.1] Correlations between advanced very high resolution radiometer Pathfinder sea surface temperature (SST) and TOPEX sea surface height (SSH) anomalies are calculated for the 7 year period 1993鈥1999 in the equatorial and North Pacific. These correlations provide measures of SSH and SST covariability and are obtained using an empirical orthogonal function analysis separately on the two fields and a singular value decomposition (SVD) method on both fields simultaneously. These correlations reveal distinct SST-SSH states: a warm, elevated period from January 1993 to December 1994; a cooler, lower phase spanning January 1995 through December 1996; and the strongly variable El Ni帽o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) period spanning 1997鈥1999. The relationships between these SST-SSH states and the dominant interannual and interdecadal modes of Pacific variability are investigated through correlations with indices for the Southern Oscillation, Pacific-North American (PNA) pattern, and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). When including the tropics, significant correlations between the first SVD mode of the SST-SSH covariability and the interannual ENSO pattern and interdecadal PDO pattern are evident. Restricting the focus to the extratropical North Pacific reveals significant correlations with only the interdecadal PDO pattern. While the first mode reveals connections to the ENSO and PDO patterns, the second SVD mode indicates significant correlations to the PNA pattern for both the tropical and extratropical Pacific.


