Orginal Article

Effect of Outcrop Sampling Density on the Underlying Terrain Reconstruction

  • DUAN Jiazhen ,
  • XIONG Liyang , * ,
  • TANG Guoan
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment, Ministry of Education, Nanjing Normal University Nanjing, 210023, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Geographical Environment Evolution, Nanjing, 210023, China
  • 3. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing, 210023, China
*Corresponding author: XIONG Liyang, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-03-11

  Request revised date: 2015-03-29

  Online published: 2016-04-19


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The Pre-Quaternary underlying terrain profoundly controls the evolution and formation of loess landform. Obvious relationships, i.e. the geomorphological inheritance, could be found between the underlying terrain and the modern terrain. As a consequence, the Pre-Quaternary underlying terrain in the Loess Plateau should be regarded as the key factor for the understanding of the loess landform evolution. Among numerous numerical calculation methods, spatial interpolation has been regarded as an important method to reconstruct the DEM of underlying terrain by using the sampled bedrock outcrop points selected from a geological map. However, the sampling density has a great impact on the accuracy of the reconstructed underlying terrain. In this paper, the Suide geological map area (1:200 000) was selected as the study area, and then the influence of sampling density on the accuracy of the reconstructed underlying terrain was investigated using spline method. By adopting cross-validation method to evaluate reconstructed underlying terrain, the result shows that, different interpolation methods cause uncertainties to different degrees during the reconstruction of underlying terrain, particularly the spline method. On a basis of high density outcrop points and spline function interpolation process, the morphology of underlying terrain exhibits a typical “Runge phenomenon”. This phenomenon was always resulted from a polynomial interpolation process. With an increased sampling density, the error in underlying terrain appears a slowly decrease tendency firstly, and then it keeps stable. Meanwhile, the number of the extracted features has a linear upward trend. The result also shows that the sampling density of 1.7-2.0 points per square kilometer could achieve a good balance between the accuracy and underlying terrain feature reservation. The aforementioned results adjust our previous understandings that spline function could smooth the interpolated surface to some extent. And the result also provides guidance for the selection of a reasonable spatial sampling density.

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DUAN Jiazhen , XIONG Liyang , TANG Guoan . Effect of Outcrop Sampling Density on the Underlying Terrain Reconstruction[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(4) : 461 -468 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00461

1 引言

空间插值作为一种根据已知采样点的高程值估计未知点高程值的数学方法[6],是在有限数据条件下进行曲面建模的最佳方案之一。插值方法的选择是构建DEM的关键环节。合理的插值方法能得出相对“最佳”的结果,从而提高DEM的插值精度。国内外众多学者对不同插值方法进行了大量的研究[7-14]。在黄土地形曲面建模研究中,付永恒和张锦明通过对比实验认为,在地形较为复杂的地区样条插值是较好的选择[15]。熊礼阳等通过对比不同插值方法,认为如果采用低阶多项式样条函数,样条插值可获得较小误差的插值结果,在低密度下对古地形的模拟重建结果相对较好[16]。王春等采用高程数值误差场和局地坡面形态误差场等分析技术,认为样条插值有很好的地面形态重构 精度[17]
Fig. 1 Interpolation results of by Kriging function and regular spline function under high sampling density

图1 高密度样点条件下普通克里金函数与规则样条函数插值结果对比

2 数据与方法

2.1 实验样区与实验数据

实验样区为1:20万绥德幅J-49-(21)地质图所覆盖区域,面积达7300 km2。该地区属黄土丘陵沟壑区第一幅区[20],为典型的峁梁状黄土丘陵沟壑区。区域沟壑密度平均为5~6 km/km2,地面裂度为42%[21]。该千沟万壑的地形特征使得下伏地层在沟谷中露头众多,为下伏古地形重建提供了插值样本数据基础。实验数据包括:
(1) 地质图:采用1﹕20万绥德幅地质图,作为古地形基岩出露点位判读的数据源。
(2) DEM:采用与地质图区域相对应的25 m分辨率数据作为基本的高程信息源。
(3) 遥感影像:采用高清Google Earth影像图 (5 m分辨率)对地质图出露基岩点位进行位置校正。

2.2 实验方法

2.2.1 实验流程
Fig. 2 Flow chart of this research

图2 实验流程图

2.2.2 基岩出露点数据采样
Fig. 3 Geological map of the study area and the distribution of samplings

图3 实验样区地质图及样本点分布图

2.2.3 不同密度插值点与检验点分类
实验首先利用ArcGIS地统计分析模块中的创建子集方法提取检验样点(占原始样本点数据10%)和实验样点(占原始样本点数据90%);其次,在实验样点中,以10%为增量提取不同密度下的样本点,得到原实验样本点数据量10%~100%的10个子样本点数据集(表1);然后,以各样本点数据为基础,采用ArcGIS空间分析模块中的样条插值方法进行插值(搜索样点数为12,格网尺寸为25 m,权重取0.1);最后,得到10个不同样点密度下的插值结果。
Tab. 1 Numbers of samplings and their equivalent density in each dataset

表1 各样本点集样本点数及等效密度表

样本集 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10
点数 2531 5061 7592 10 122 12 653 15 183 17 714 20 244 22 775 25 305
等效密度/(个/km2 0.346 0.693 1.040 1.386 1.733 2.080 2.427 2.773 3.120 3.466

3 实验结果与分析

3.1 古地形重建结果

Fig. 4 Reconstructed results of the underlying terrain under different sampling density

图4 各样点密度古地形重建结果

3.2 结果分析

3.2.1 XY散点图分析
Fig. 5 XY scatter diagram for the measured value and estimated value under different sampling density

图5 不同样本集下检验样点的实测值与估计值XY散点图

Fig. 6 Correlation coefficient for the measured value and the estimated value of the test samples

图6 检验样点的实测值与估计值相关系数

3.2.2 误差分析
本文采用交叉验证方法验证样条插值的效果,即通过计算检验样点的实测值与计算值的误差来评判插值结果的优劣[22-23]。实验采用平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE)、平均相对误差(Mean Relative Error, MRE)、均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)作为衡量样条插值精度评价指标。其中,MAE反映估计值的误差范围,MRE反映计算值对于实测值的准确度,RMSE反映计算值的灵敏度和极值情况[22]。其表达式如式(1)-(3)所示。
MAE = i = 1 n ABS ( Z a , i - Z e , i ) n (1)
MRE = 1 n i = 1 n | ABS ( Z a , i - Z e , i ) Z a , i | (2)
RMSE = 1 n - 1 i = 1 n ( Z a , i - Z e , i ) 2 (3)
式中: Z a , i Z e , i 分别为第i个样点的实际测量值和插值的预测值;n为验证样点的点数。
Tab. 2 Error statistics under different sampling density

表2 各样点密度下插值结果精度误差统计表

样本集 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10
MAE 16.132 13.325 11.295 10.912 9.032 9.032 8.004 7.343 6.718 6.587
RMSE 31.647 26.701 21.030 25.904 17.708 18.607 16.358 13.654 12.612 13.060
MRE 0.018 0.015 0.013 0.012 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.007
Fig. 7 Error statistic under different sampling density

图7 各样点密度下精度误差

结果表明,随着样本点数据量的增加,各误差度量指标均呈现趋缓的下降趋势,即随着样本点密度增加,插值结果逐步逼近实际地形,但在样点密度达到一定程度后,插值结果误差趋于稳定,所构建的地形质量无明显上升。就本文而言,当样本点密度增加到2个/km2时,古地形插值质量已达到 稳定。
3.2.3 地形特征分析
为量化局部地形起伏现象,对不同样点密度下样条插值重建的下伏古地形提取局部最高点(Local Highest Point,LHP)和局部最低点(Local Lowest Point,LLP)数目[24],将其作为衡量插值结果局部起伏状态的指标。具体操作流程如图8所示。
Fig. 8 Flow chart of LHP extraction method based on reverse DEM

图8 反地形DEM局部最高点提取流程图

Tab. 3 Number of LHPs and LLPs number with different sampling density

表3 各样点密度下局部最高点和最低点统计表

样本集 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n10
LHP 300 589 895 1234 1515 1853 2158 2457 2762 3097
LLP 370 761 1105 1493 1895 2308 2650 2968 3279 3641
Fig. 9 Number of LHPs and LLPs with different sampling density

图9 各样点密度下局部最高点与局部最低点

Fig. 10 Relation between local extreme value and each precision index

图10 各精度指标与局部极值点相关图

Fig. 11 Each precision result normalization with different sampling density

图11 不同样点密度下各精度结果归一化图


4 结论与展望

(1)不同插值方法在黄土古地形重建中具有不确定因素。尤其在高密度样本条件下,使用样条插值方法,其插值结果呈现显著的剧烈波动现象,即“龙格现象”。 该现象说明在一定程度上,基于有限数据采用样条函数进行地下三维建模并不一定能获得平滑曲面。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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王春,江岭,徐静,等.DEM地面形态重构方法的精度差异特征研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2014,30(4):18-21,26.依据DEM地形建模过程,阐述了DEM地面形态重构概念,并以黄土丘陵1∶5万DEM数据为 例,采用高程数值误差场和局地坡面形态误差场相结合的分析技术,实验分析了双线性、三次卷积、局部二次多项式、规则样条函数等常用插值方法在基于加密格网 的DEM地面形态重构过程中的精度差异,以及DEM地面形态可重构的基本条件等问题.研究表明:在高程数值误差的极值大小、离散程度、空间分布等方面,规 则样条函数插值法具有最好的地面形态重构精度,其次为局部二次多项式、三次卷积和双线性插值法;对于已确定综合尺度的地形,存在满足高保真地面形态描述要 求的最佳DEM格网分辨率阈值,只有当实际DEM格网分辨率等于或高于该阈值时,才有可能无歧义、高精度地重构出DEM所描述的综合地形的地面形态.


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Aguilar F J, Agüera F, Aguilar M A, et al.Effects of terrain morphology, sampling density, and interpolation methods on grid DEM accuracy[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2005,71(7):805-816.ABSTRACT This paper explores the effects of terrain morphology, sampling density, and interpolation methods for scattered sample data on the accuracy of interpolated heights in grid Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Sampled data were collected with a 2 by 2 meters sampling interval from seven different morphologies, applying digital photogrammetric methods to large scale aerial stereo imagery (1:5000). The experimental design was outlined using a factorial scheme, and an analysis of variance was carried out. This analysis yielded the following main conclusions: DEM accuracy (RMSE) is affected significantly by the variables studied in this paper according to &ldquo;morphology 17 sampling density 17 interpolation&rdquo; method. Multiquadric Radial Basis Function (RBF) was rated as the best interpolation method, although Multilog RBF performed similarly for most morphologies. The rest of RBF interpolants tested (Natural Cubic Splines, Inverse Multiquadric, and Thin Plate Splines) showed numerical instability working with low smoothing factors. Inverse Distance Weighted interpolant performed worse than RBF Multiquadric or RBF Multilog. In addition, it is found that the relationship between the RMSE and the sampling density N is adjusted to a decreasing potential function that may be expressed as RMSE/Sdz 17 0.1906(N/M)170.5684 (R2 17 0.8578), being Sdz the standard deviation of the heights of the M check points used for accuracy estimation, and N the number of sampling points used for creating the DEM. The results obtained in this study allow us to observe the possibility of establishing empirical relationships between the RMSE expected in the interpolation of a Grid DEM and such variables as terrain ruggedness, sampling density, and the interpolation method, among others that could be added. Therefore, it would be possible to establish a priori the optimum grid size required to generate or storage a DEM of a particular accuracy, with the economy in computing time and file size that this would signify for the digital flow of the mapping information.



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黄秉维. 编制黄河中游流域土壤侵蚀分区图的经验教训[J].科学通报,1955,12:15-21,14.正 一根治黄河水害和開發黄河水利的綜合規劃是在苏联專家組帮助下拟訂的最徹底的战勝數千年來为害不絕的黄河,並且也是最充分的利用它來为我國人民服务的偉大計劃。这个規劃的原則和基本內容以及鄧子恢副總理關於該規劃的報告已在第一届全國人民代表大会第二次会議上通过了。全国人民代表大会的决議代表着我國六億人民的愿望、决心和力量。我們已开始向黄河進軍,我們将大規校地徹底地改造黄河。变害河为利河的无限美好的远景,只要幾十年的時間就可以完全实现了。

[ Huang B W.The Experience and lessons of the compilation of soil erosion zoning map in the middle reaches of the Yellow River[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1955,12:15-21,14. ]

田剑,汤国安,周毅,等.黄土高原沟谷密度空间分异特征研究[J].地理科学,2013,33(5):622-628.以5 m分辨率DEM为信息源,借助样方分析思想,运用数字地形分析方法和克里格插值模型,获得黄土高原全区的沟谷密度分布图。在此基础上,探讨黄土高原沟谷的 空间分异特征及影响因素。实验结果表明,黄土高原沟谷密度空间分异明显,沟谷密度在陕北的绥德-米脂一带达到高峰,由北向南递减。以六盘山和吕梁山为界, 沟谷密度有三种变化特征,六盘山以西地区,沟谷密度较低且变化平稳,六盘山以东吕梁山以西地区的沟谷密度由北向南呈现梯度显著下降变化,吕梁山以东地区, 沟谷密度呈现起伏变化,沟谷密度值分布在1.7~6.4 km/km2范围内。在宏观上,由陇西盆地、鄂尔多斯地台和汾渭裂谷等地质构造控制沟谷空间分布态势;降雨强度因素对沟谷侵蚀作用显著,加剧了沟谷密度空 间分异特征;植被条件和地面组成物质呈现由西北向东南变化制约着沟谷发育。土壤侵蚀方面,沟谷密度与输沙模数空间耦合性较强,存在明显的正相关。

[ Tian J, Tang G A, Zhou Y, et al.Spatial variation of gully density in the Loess Plateau[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013,33(5):622-628. ]

邬伦,吴小娟,肖晨超,等.五种常用降水量插值方法误差时空分布特征研究——以深圳市为例[J].地理与地理信息科学,2010,26(3):19-24.在洪水、滑坡等地质灾害预警预 报中,通常需要对多个时点、多个站点的降水量观测数据进行高精度插值,雨量插值精度对灾害预警预报的可靠度具有很大的影响,因此研究降水量插值方法误差的 时空分布特征具有重要的科研和实用价值。该文以深圳市2008年6月12日至14日百年一遇的强降水过程为例,采用交叉验证方法对反距离权重法、普通克里 金法、全局多项式法、局部多项式法和径向基函数法五种常用空间插值方法误差的时空分布特征进行分析,研究成果可为根据雨量时空分布特点选取适用雨量插值模 型提供相关依据,并为相关研究提供借鉴。

[ Wu L, Wu X J, Xiao C C, et al.On temporal and spatial error distributions of five precipitation interpolation models: a case of Shenzhen[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2010,26(3):19-24. ]

王春,顾留碗,陶旸,等.DEM地形描述误差(Et)计算模型研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2014,16(5):699-706.论文依据DEM地形描述误差(简称Et)的产生机理,在分析现有 Et计算模型的基础上,研究建立了顾及DEM格网布设位置的新型Et计算模型,同时以1:5万黄土丘陵地形为例,采用对比分析法揭示了DEM高程插值模型 对Et计算结果准确性的影响。实验测试表明:(1)模型能有效地解算出Et的标准差、平均值、最大值、最小值等指标,准确展示出Et的空间分布特征,有助 于实现DEM地形描述质量与应用不确定性的分区评价;(2)与双线性、三次卷积、局部二次多项式等常用DEM插值模型相比,以4×4 DEM格网单元为搜索圆的完全规则样条函数插值模型所重构的DEM地表形态,能更为理想地反映Et的量值大小和空间分布。


[ Wang C, Gu L W, Tao Y, et al.A new calculation model of DEM terrain description error[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014,16(5):699-706. ]


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