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Research on the Earthquake Information Service Platform with Public Participation

  • GAO Fanghong , 1, 2 ,
  • HOU Zhiwei , 1, 2, * ,
  • GAO Xing 1, 3
  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Collaborative Innovation Center of South China Sea Studies, Nanjing 210093, China
*Corresponding author: HOU Zhiwei, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-10-28

  Request revised date: 2015-12-18

  Online published: 2016-04-19


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Monitoring and gathering the earthquake disaster information by authorities, and then informing the public along with guidelines on the countermeasures is currently the dominating information circulation model for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. However, with this unilateral model, there are no accesses and channels for the masses to query and feed back the disaster information actively, which hinders the preparedness and reduction of earthquake disaster and the post-disaster reconstruction. As a consequence, the public may not be fully prepared, causing the occurrence of huge damages as well as the long term recovery afterwards. Intended to offer a resolution to these problems, this paper summarized the characteristics and applications of PPGIS in supporting public participation. Also, to facilitate the design of the database and functions of the platform, this paper classified the earthquake disaster information into four categories according to the stages in disaster management. Furthermore, this article discussed the functions of a public earthquake information service platform, which is based on PPGIS, in providing people with seismic disaster knowledge and information, and in enabling the crowd to submit and return the emergent rescue needs and to participate in the reconstruction. The data quality and method of quality control have been discussed too. At the end of this paper, the authors designed and developed the prototype system of PPGIS based public earthquake information service platform. This prototype has put forward an applicable solution to enable the public to acquire and feed back the disaster information, and provides a reference for the design and implementation of other similar systems.

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GAO Fanghong , HOU Zhiwei , GAO Xing . Research on the Earthquake Information Service Platform with Public Participation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(4) : 477 -485 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00477

1 引言

为了使决策者、救援人员,尤其是社会公众能够及时、全面、准确地获取灾情信息,减轻地震灾害的损失和影响,实现地震灾害“群测群防”,本文研究了基于公众参与式GIS(Public Participation Geographic Information System,PPGIS)理论,以及志愿者地理信息(Volunteered Geographic Information,VGI)[7]和众包(Crowdsourcing)[8]模式的面向社会公众的地震灾害信息服务平台的作用及其设计与实现。通过允许用户自主标注震害、伤亡、交通、物资需求情况等灾情信息,并对已发布信息进行质量评价,满足了公众震前变化信息监测预警、震时震害信息发布、震后恢复重建信息反馈等需求,使得大面积、多类型、细粒度、近实时的灾情数据采集成为可能,是专业体系信息的重要补充,为决策者科学高效地进行决策提供了重要参考。此外,系统获取的海量数据也可作为震灾评估、重建规划、震灾预防等工作的数据来源之一。

2 PPGIS与地震灾害信息

2.1 PPGIS概述

与传统由专家主导的GIS不同,PPGIS是一种基于网络、面向社区、强调空间信息的双向沟通且易于使用的GIS[9]。它整合了复杂的本地知识和空间背景信息,支持动态、交互式地提出和分析各种方案,能扩大公众参与政府决策能力,从而帮助非政府组织、基层和社区组织实现其目标[10]。基于WebGIS、异步JavaScript及XML(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML,AJAX)等技术的PPGIS实现了地图的异步使用及多种空间解决方案与反馈信息的同步共享和浏览[11-12],由此公众可免费或低成本地参与到和他们利益相关的数据采集、制图、分析和决策等过程中[13],从而提高当地政府决策的透明度,改善公众与公共服务机构的相互沟通与理解,提高政府决策的科学性和有效性[9]。这种由公众以地图为主要媒介来提供信息、表达观点、参与决策的方法,已被广泛应用于自然资源调查、管理与保护[14],城市或区域、环境、交通及土地规划[15-16],项目选址[17]及信息监测[18-19]等诸多领域。同时,PPGIS也应用于自然灾害的预警、数据采集、制图、减灾、风险评估[20-23]等方面。

2.2 地震灾害信息及其分类

Tab. 1 Classification of earthquake disaster information

表1 地震灾害信息分类

一级分类 二级分类 三级分类
地震基础信息 基础地理信息 行政区划、水系、交通、地形等
基础地质信息 地质构造、地震活动、水文工程地质等
生命线信息 供水、电、气系统;通讯系统;交通系统
历史灾害信息 历史地震、历史地质灾害、其他灾害
防震减灾信息 地震预防 抗震规划与设计、避难场所、物资储备
科普宣传 灾害知识、自救互救知识、法律法规
地震应急 应急预案、应急演练、风险区划
地震现场信息 灾害信息 震情、次生灾害、房屋和生命线震害、危险源、遥感影像
受灾人员信息 死亡、受伤、被困、失踪、疫病、待疏散人员
救援信息 物资需求、发放;救援人员、路径;抢修恢复、捐助;志愿者
其他信息 天气、交通情况,地震谣言、生产经营、环境破坏、社会治安等
灾后重建信息 灾害损失 经济损失、环境损失、心理创伤
灾后重建 承载力评估、重建规划、援建信息、重建需求与反馈

3 基于PPGIS的公众地震信息服务的作用

(1) 地震信息获取
Fig. 1 Functions of the PPGIS based earthquake disaster information platform

图1 基于PPGIS的地震信息平台作用

(2) 地震知识获取与传播
(3) 地震信息与救助需求提交与反馈
基于位置的开放式公众参与、普通公众与决策机构的快速双向反馈、基于Web 2.0的强交互性操作是PPGIS与其他应急救援系统的主要区别。PPGIS的这些特性,使基于PPGIS的地震信息服务平台能够在第一时间获取到各类地震灾害信息。在应对2004年印度洋海啸、2010年海地地震和2011年东日本大地震等灾害事件过程中,开源众包平台Ushahidi与Sahana Eden应用于追踪用户在地图上的报告、获取受影响民众的需求、定位救援队伍和救助物资的位置[29]等。不仅如此,用户还可通过在PPGIS平台上进行信息标注震前异象、危险区、地震及次生灾害发生的时间、位置、范围、危害程度和损失、伤亡情况,以及对于某一救援或灾后重建举措的反馈信息等。此外,通过对已有信息进行评论,使真实信息得到关注,虚假信息得以剔除。当救灾决策部门、救援人员和其他公众获取标注的信息后,救灾决策部门可以对平台标注的需求或问题快速响应,进行快速、科学地决策,以便及时制定或调整救援方案,避免延误救援或导致救援孤岛的出现。而公众则可根据平台信息主动行动,开展自救互救、避灾抢险等工作。
Fig. 2 Processes of user data quality control

图2 用户数据质量管理流程

(4) 参与灾后重建

4 地震信息服务平台设计与实现

4.1 逻辑层次

Fig. 3 Logical levels of the platform

图3 系统逻辑层次

Tab. 2 Platform database scheme

表2 平台数据库设计方案

子数据库 主要数据内容
系统数据库 用户、角色、权限、日志
地理数据库 遥感影像、地质图、医院、避难场所/路线
灾害数据库 地震点、次生灾害、危险区、灾害信息评价
救援数据库 救援点、救援路线、安置点、物资发放点、医疗点
需求数据库 物资需求、医疗需求、心理需求、寻人
重建数据库 重建规划、意见、建议、重建需求
防减灾数据库 建筑物等级、物资准备、演练、应急预案/规划、防减灾知识
(4)数据获取层是指从权威的第三方公开渠道获取平台所需数据,经处理后进行存储、展示、分析操作。数据获取方式主要包括利用在线API(应用程序接口)获取在线地图、医院,以及温度、风力风向等天气数据;利用Ajax技术、微博API或网络爬虫获取地震信息;同时,可加载公开的地质图等WMS(Web Map Service)或WMTS(Web Map Tile Service)地图服务。

4.2 功能体系设计

Fig. 4 Design of the function architecture

图4 功能体系设计

Fig. 5 Interface of earthquake information query

图5 地震信息查询界面

R = i = 0 5 R i n i i = 0 5 n i R > 0 0 R 0 (1)
R i = i i > 0 - 3 i = 0 (2)
式中:R表示最后的评价得分; R i 表示第i级别的评分值; n i 表示对应的评分次数。i为评价星级,由用户给出,且i的最大值max(i)=5,最小值min(i)=0;当i=0时, R i = -3,表示该信息被评价为虚假或谣言。当评分次数n>0,且R=0时,表示该数据不可信,并在页面显示其对应的评价次数。

4.3 原型系统实现

Fig. 6 Technical framework of the platform

图6 平台实现技术框架

Fig. 7 Interface of information markup

图7 信息标注页面

数据库部分采用了开源关系数据库PostgreSQL及其空间扩展PostGIS数据库,通过标准SQL(结构化查询语言)及PostGIS的空间管理函数(管理和操纵几何类型的数据表及其元数据)、访 问函数、空间关系函数等空间函数,实现非空间数据和空间数据的定义、查询及存取、处理。

5 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Goodchild M F, Glennon J A.Crowdsourcing geographic information for disaster response: a research frontier[J]. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2010,3(3):231-241.ABSTRACT Geographic data and tools are essential in all aspects of emergency management: preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Geographic information created by amateur citizens, often known as volunteered geographic information, has recently provided an interesting alternative to traditional authoritative information from mapping agencies and corporations, and several recent papers have provided the beginnings of a literature on the more fundamental issues raised by this new source. Data quality is a major concern, since volunteered information is asserted and carries none of the assurances that lead to trust in officially created data. During emergencies time is the essence, and the risks associated with volunteered information are often outweighed by the benefits of its use. An example is discussed using the four wildfires that impacted the Santa Barbara area in 2007–2009, and lessons are drawn.


王晓军. 参与式地理信息系统研究综述[J].中国生态农业学报,2010,18(5):1138-1144.参与式地理信息系统(PGIS 或PPGIS)是参与式理念和方法与地理信息技术与系统(GITS)结合后的应用领域。20年来,PGIS被世界各地作为促进社区和公众利用GITS来组 织科学和乡土空间信息的一种技术或工具,也作为一项有效的参与式规划支持系统(PSS)。基于PGIS文献研究和作者的实践,首先较全面地介绍了PGIS 兴起的技术和社会背景;然后基于参与理念,澄清其对传统GIS择优与摈弃后所表现出的主要特征;最后,根据不同项目对参与程度(质量)的不同追求,将其分 为基于网络PPGIS、社区融合GIS、可视交互式PGIS和参与性GIS等4种应用形态,并分析其当前研究进展。研究表明,PGIS还处于发展之中,仍 有许多技术、社会和政治问题有待深入研究和探索。


[Wang X J.Participatory geographic information system review[J]. Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, 2010,18(5):1138-1144. ]

Sieber R.Public participation geographic information systems: a literature review and framework[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2006,96(3):491-507.Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) pertains to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to broaden public involvement in policymaking as well as to the value of GIS to promote the goals of nongovernmental organizations, grassroots groups, and community-based organizations. The article first traces the social history of PPGIS. It then argues that PPGIS has been socially constructed by a broad set of actors in research across disciplines and in practice across sectors. This produced and reproduced concept is then explicated through four major themes found across the breadth of the PPGIS literature: place and people, technology and data, process, and outcome and evaluation. The themes constitute a framework for evaluating current PPGIS activities and a roadmap for future PPGIS research and practice.


Butt M A, Li S.Developing a web-based, collaborative PPGIS prototype to support public participation[J]. Applied Geomatics, 2012,4(3):197-215.Web-based Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS) tools, among others, have now been widely recognized as an efficient integral of sound planning processes to support the public involvement. However, Geographical Information System (GIS) alone cannot make the planning process more participative. Demands for web-based PPGIS tools, integrated with other information and computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) tools, have rapidly become increasingly important for supporting public participation. This paper discusses a prototype development based on a research project that looks into integrating CSCW principles and groupware tools with web-based GIS. The study has been put into the context of public participation in municipal planning and development. A discussion of key design and implementation issues concludes the paper.


Xiao N, Ahlqvist O, Kwan M P.Public participation GIS for the general public[C]. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geocomputation, 2007.

Tulloch D.What PPGIS really needs is[C]. Proceedings of the Second Annual Public Participation GIS Conference, 2003.

Brown G, Reed P.Values compatibility analysis: using Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) for decision support in national forest management[J]. Applied Spatial Analysis & Policy, 2012,5(4):317-332.ABSTRACT Human values are embedded in forest management decisions but are rarely systematically and explicitly included in the decision process. National legislation for public lands often provides conflicting goals but little guidance for agencies such as the U.S. Forest Service to operationalize public value preferences. The historical difficulty of integrating public values into forest management decisions includes the problems of measurement, aggregation, and tradeoff analysis. In this paper, we present a method for measuring and integrating spatially-explicit public values collected using public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) into a decision support framework we call values compatibility analysis (VCA). We provide a case study to demonstrate how spatially-explicit public values can be used to determine the compatibility of designating ATV/OHV routes on national forest land. The applications and limitations of VCA for decision support are elaborated and we conclude that an effective decision support framework should provide some degree of standardization, be broadly inclusive, and provide the opportunity to engage in systematic place-based value trade-off analyses.


Zhong T, Young R K, Lowry M, et al.A model for public involvement in transportation improvement programming using participatory geographic information systems[J]. Computers Environment & Urban Systems, 2008,32(2):123-133.Public involvement in transportation improvement programming is becoming increasingly important as well as being a recommendation of federal legislation in the United States. Although most transportation planning agencies have not actively involved the public during this stage of the planning process, there are many benefits to doing so, such as, gaining support from the public for the funded project list, increasing the credibility of agencies, reducing project costs, and avoiding construction delays. Effective public involvement during the programming step incorporates inclusive participation, two-way communications, transparent processes, and serious treatment of the public鈥檚 input. This paper presents a model for public involvement in the programming process with all these features using a web-based portal application with a Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS). The process is composed of the following five steps: describing values and concerns, determining criteria, reviewing projects, evaluating scenarios, and creating reports. Challenges agencies may encounter in implementing such a system are also covered in this paper.


杨潇,张玉超.PPGIS在我国环境规划公众参与中的应用初探[J].环境保护科学,2009,35(2):117-120.PPGIS是公众参与地理信息 系统的简称(Public Participatory Geographic Information System),是利用GIS技术将专业性较强的信息以一种直观、易懂方式展示给公众,继而推动公众参与的一种技术手段。本文在探讨目前我国环境规划公众 参与现状的基础上,提出了将PPGIS应用于环境规划公众参与的基本思路和组织实施方法,并对应用前景进行了展望。


[Yang X, Zhang Y C.Study on PPGIS application in public participation of China environmental planning[J]. Environmental Protection Science, 2009,35(2):117-120. ]

刘政荣. PPGIS及其在加拿大安大略省核废料处理选址项目中的应用[J].武汉大学学报:信息科学版,2005,30(1):82-85.介绍了公众参与地理信息系统 ,给出了一个应用项目———加拿大安大略省核废料处理设施选址公众参与地理信息系统


[Liu Z R.Application of PPGIS to siting nuclear waste disposal facility in Canada[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2005,30(1):82-85. ]



[Yuan C Z, Yu L Y.Research on the applicaiton of PPGIS in geographic information change monitoring[J]. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology, 2013,36(11):34-37. ]

Donovan G B, Shannon. Measuring change in place values for environmental and natural resource planning using Public Participation GIS (PPGIS): results and challenges for longitudinal research[J]. Society & Natural Resources, 2014,27(1):36-54.Landscape values are a type of place value and are identified and mapped using public participation GIS (PPGIS). PPGIS engages nonexperts to identify important spatial information for environmental or natural resource planning. In 1998, we used PPGIS to identify landscape values for the Chugach National Forest (Alaska) plan revision process. In 2012, we conducted a longitudinal study of the same national forest using Internet PPGIS to identify changes in landscape values. The empirical results indicate stability in landscape values both in importance and spatial distribution. However, the use of different PPGIS methods (paper map vs. Internet) in the longitudinal study also introduced challenges in interpreting and explaining the spatial results. We discuss trade-offs in conducting longitudinal PPGIS research using mixed methods. PPGIS appears well suited for public lands planning, and national forest planning in particular, but barriers to use, such as regulatory approval, remain formidable.


Zhong F Y.Design of public participation geographic information system for geologic hazard warning[J]. Management & Engineering, 2011,3:37-43.

Chingombe W, Pedzisai E, Manatsa D, et al.A participatory approach in GIS data collection for flood risk management, Muzarabani district, Zimbabwe[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2015,8(2):1029-1040.Recent attempts to integrate geographic information systems (GIS) and participatory techniques have given rise to terminologies such as participatory GIS and community - integrated GIS . Little has been published about the usefulness of participatory GIS, especially for purposes of flood risk assessment in Zimbabwe. This paper attempts to address this research gap and demonstrates that when combined with participatory methodologies, GIS can provide a mechanism for assessing flood extend in flood-prone communities of Chadereka in Muzarabani communal lands. Flood risk is increasing in the flood-prone areas in Zimbabwe, especially in remote areas where gauging stations are non-existent because of lack of hydrometeorological and climate data for these areas, historical and projected flood events cannot be assessed through modelling. The spatial extent of the flood zone of the December 2007 flash flood event that took place in Chadereka area was mapped using participatory geographic information systems (PGIS), as well as the data collected through interviews that were held with key informants and focus group discussions. Using this approach, a flood extend assessment map was drawn by triangulating the resultant 12 PGIS maps produced by the local community. The results of the study suggest that if conventional GIS and flood modelling is cross checked with PGIS and fieldwork results, the spatial characteristics of floods in ungauged flood-prone areas can be improved and enable the profiling of floods in Chadereka ward.


Mccall M K.Participatory mapping and Participatory GIS (PGIS) for CRA, community DRR and hazard assessment[J]. Geneva: ProVention, 2008.DESCRIPTION Prepared for: Geneva: ProVention Consortium, CRA Toolkit, Participation Resources. and The ‘PGIS for DRR’ literature addresses a range of applications in DRR and CRA which can be categorised into: o mapping people’s local knowledge of hazard characteristics o mapping vulnerability assessments o mapping coping strategies, resilience, and adaptation o mapping people’s perceptions and priorities in overall risk assessment o spatial planning, such as planning the siting of hazardous materials and structures; o spatial planning - the siting of warning systems, relief centres, shelters, escape routes, etc. o mapping urban risks, as a special category for LSK knowledge analysis and mapping o mapping slow onset hazards as a special category o post-disaster mapping needs. Available from:


李卫江,温家洪,吴燕娟.基于PGIS的社区洪涝灾害概率风险评估——以福建省泰宁县城区为例[J].地理研究,2014,33(1):31-42.以福建泰宁县城区为例,基于PGIS 和概率(情景)风险分析方法,开展社区尺度的洪涝灾害风险研究。利用1949-2011年13 次历史洪灾资料,计算了洪水的强度&mdash;超越概率,得出大于洪峰流量2929.18 m<sup>3</sup>/s 和洪峰水位281.50 m的年超越概率为1.6%。在此情景下,县城淹没面积达1.3 km<sup>2</sup>(占总面积31.0%),最大淹没深度超过3.5 m,最长淹没时间超过10小时,共有1846 幢建筑物(占全部建筑的42.2%)受影响。分别针对受灾区域房屋建筑、住宅室内财产和商户室内财产,建立灾损方程,评估损失价值,并绘制灾损地图。结果表明,洪涝灾害对社区造成的影响显著,有必要制定应急预案,建立早期预警等进行防灾降险。


[Li W J, Wen J H, Wu Y J.PGIS-based probabilistic community flood disaster risk assessment: a case of Taining county town, Fujian Province[J]. Geographical Research, 2014,33(1):31-42. ]

Cova T J.GIS in emergency management[J]. Geographical Information Systems, 1999,2:845-858.

刘长青. 基于本体的地震多源数据协同检索研究[D].北京:首都师范大学,2012.

[Liu C Q.Collaborative retrieval of eatehquake multi-source data based on ontology[D]. Beijing: Captial Normal University, 2012. ]



[Bai X F, Li Y Q, Chen J H, et al.Research on earthquake spot emergency response information classification[J]. Journal of Seismological Research, 2010,33(1):111-118. ]

陈容,崔鹏,苏志满,等.汶川地震极重灾区公众减灾意识调查分析[J].灾害学,2014,29(2):228-233.采用问卷调查和入户深入访谈的方式了解汶川8.0级地震极重灾区都江堰市虹VI乡和紫坪铺镇 11个村的群众减灾意识、减灾需求和建议,并从性别、年龄、文化程度三个方面分析比较减灾行为倾向,初步反映汶川地震灾后重建4年后极重灾区民众的山地灾 害减灾意识状况。调查结果表明:多数被调查者的减灾意识较强,尤其是接受过减灾培训的地质灾害监测员和群众,但也反映大部分群众尤其是中青年对二次灾害存 在侥幸心理,对避灾技能的理解还有待加强,社区减灾能动性有待进一步发挥。最后结合当地实际提出改进防灾避险明白卡、注重宣传培训效果,强化民众减灾意 识,充分调动群众减灾能动性和完善风险沟通协调机制等对策和建议,从而为有关部门开展山地灾害防治的宣传培训提供参考,同时为促进社区减灾提供社会心理依 据。


[Chen R, Cui P, Su Z M, et al.Survey and analysis on public awareness of disaster reduction in the severest disaster areas of 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake[J]. Journal of Catastrophology, 2014,29(2):228-233. ]

张培震. 中国地震灾害与防震减灾[J].地震地质,2008,30(3):577-583.2008年6月26日下午,十一届全国人大常委会在北京人民大会堂举行第四讲专题讲座,题目是"中国地震灾害与防震减灾"。主讲人是中国地震局地质研究所所长、研究员、国家汶川地震专家委员会南北带地震构造研究组组长张培震。经征得本人同意,现将讲稿发表,作为汶川<i>M</i><sub>S</sub>8.0地震科考研究专辑的序言。

[Zhang P Z.Earthquake disaster and the perparedness reduction work in China[J]. Seismology and Geology, 2008,30(3):577-583. ]

Duc K N, Vu T T, Ban Y.Ushahidi and Sahana Eden open-source platforms to assist disaster relief: geospatial components and capabilities[J]. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation & Cartography, 2014:163-174.In responses to recent large-scale disaster events, huge amount of ground information have been collected in addition to the synoptic views from satellite images. Different platforms have been in place to facilitate the collection and management of such critical location-based information from the crowd. This study investigated the current implementation of geospatial components and their capabilities in open-source platforms, particularly Ushahidi and Sahana Eden. Using the 2011 Christchurch earthquake data and following the four main functions of a geo-info system: Data input, Geospatial analysis, Data management, and Visualization, the performance of geospatial-components were evaluated by a group of users. The result showed that with rich visualization on interactive map both Sahana Eden and Ushahidi enable emergency managers to track the needs of disaster-affected people. While Ushahidi can only filter incidents records by time or category, geospatial data management of Sahana Eden is proven to be more powerful, allowing emergency managers input different geospatial data such as incidents, organizations, human resource, warehouses, hospitals, shelters, assets, and projects and visualizing all of these features on a map. It also helps to simplify the coordination among aids agencies. However, geospatial analysis is the limitation of both platforms. The findings recommended that data input with more variety of formats and more geospatial analysis functions should be added. Further research will expand to more case studies taking into account the requirements of disaster management practitioners and emergency responders.


Goodchild M F, Li L.Assuring the quality of volunteered geographic information[J]. Spatial Statistics, 2012:110-120.Volunteered geographic information (VGI) is a phenomenon of recent years, offering an alternative mechanism for the acquisition and compilation of geographic information. As such it offers substantial advantages, but suffers from a general lack of quality assurance. We discuss the issues involved in the determination of quality for geospatial data, and trace the history of research on VGI quality. We describe three approaches to quality assurance, which we term the crowd-sourcing, social, and geographic approaches respectively. We discuss the advantages and limitations of each, and the research that will be needed to operationalize the geographic approach.


孙施文,胡丽萍.灾后重建规划,为了现在和未来的责任[J].城市规划学刊,2008(4):6-10.本文通过对灾后重建规划核心问题的分析,针对灾后重建的特殊性,强调了社会性重建和制度性重建的重要性, 在此基础上对重建选址、灾后规划和重建的方式方法以及需要关注的问题等进行了探讨.


[Sun S W, Hu L P.The planning for reconstruction, the duty for future[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2008,4:6-10. ]

孙施文,邹涛.公众参与规划,推进灾后重建——基于都江堰灾后城市住房的重建过程[J].城市规划学刊,2010,3:75-80.都江堰从灾后重建一开始就通过 制度创新,充分发动居民参与到灾后重建之中。结合灾后居民住房重建过程的描述,通过对3个典型案例的分析,揭示了在不同利益矛盾情形下公众参与的成效,阐 释了政府职能转变、发挥居民主体作用的制度建设、居民尽早参与规划过程以及社区规划师的作用等是保证公众有效参与、灾后重建稳步有序开展的关键性因素。


[Sun S W, Zou T.Effective public participation in the house rebuilding process in Dujiangyan, Sichuan[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2010,3:75-80. ]



[Liu L, Tang X M, Li W W, et al.The application of PPGIS in urban planning decision[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2006,31(6):111-113. ]

Bugs G.Assessment of online PPGIS study cases in urban planning[J]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012.The paper assesses newest study cases in PPGIS in order to contribute to tools development that would be able to establish more appropriate practices for public participation in urban planning. By adopting previously applied comparison methodology, it assesses the usability, interactivity and functionalities of four selected online PPGIS study cases. It concentrates on online PPGIS assuming that the combination of traditional participatory methods with GIS, ICT, and the interactivity of the Web nowadays, can be of great value to make the participatory debate more democratic and consistent and, eventually, improve the levels of public participation in urban planning, strengthening the role of citizens in decision making. However, the assessment shows that online PPGIS applications are, in some aspects, limited. It is still an open question how online PPGIS should be built to face the difficulties of traditional methods and provide the proposed benefits.


李文越,吴成鹏.基于PPGIS的城市规划公共参与引介——以巴西卡内拉实验为例[J].华中建筑,2013,8:74-77.公共参与型地理信息系统 (PPGIS)是将GIS技术应用于公众参与领域的一种新兴的公众参与组织形式,该形式在国外刚刚兴起,我国相关研究不多。2009年,巴西卡内拉运用 PPGIS技术组织了一次效果理想并颇受关注与好评的城市规划公众参与实验,案例具有借鉴性和启发性。文章详细介绍了卡内拉实验的过程和结果,分析了卡内 拉实验成功的原因,对比相关案例总结PPGIS在城市规划公众参与中应用的形式,并最后提出实验引发的启示。


[Li W Y, Wu C P.Introduction of PPGIS applied in urban palnning: taking the experiment in Canela, Brazil as an example[J]. Huazhong Architecture, 2013,8:74-77. ]

