Journal of Geo-information Science >
Assessment and Conservation Strategy on Habitat Suitability of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan National Nature Reserve
Received date: 2015-08-03
Request revised date: 2015-09-14
Online published: 2016-04-19
To strengthen the protection of the rare animal species of Syrmaticus humiae, we assessed the habitat suitability of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve. Based on the field survey data, we selected the vegetation type, vegetation coverage, altitude and slope as the evaluation factors and built the habitat suitability model using GIS technology. The results showed that: (1) the deciduous broadleaved forest area with the altitude of 1000-1850 m, the slope of 5-25º and the vegetation coverage higher than 70% are the most suitable habitat for Syrmaticus humiae, so these areas should be taken as the key protection habitat; (2) there are a total of 25 kinds of habitat types for Syrmaticus humiae to settle, however, considering the efficiency and cost of the conservation, 15 kinds among the habitat types with bigger area are selected as the potential habitat, and 54.31% of the potential habitat is distributed in the core zone of the nature reserve, 15.75% of the potential habitat is distributed in the buffer zone, and 29.94% of the potential habitat is distributed in the experiment zone; (3) the assessment of the habitat suitability showed that the area of the suitable habitat is about 74 km2 and takes almost 36.30% of the total area of Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve. Based on the habit assessment of Syrmaticus humiae, a series of conservation strategy was proposed respectively.
LIU Huiming , LIU Xiaoman , WANG Changzuo , WANG Qiao . Assessment and Conservation Strategy on Habitat Suitability of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan National Nature Reserve[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(4) : 526 -536 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00526
Fig. 1 The geographical distribution of Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图1 金钟山自然保护区地理分布 |
Fig. 2 Spatial pattern of the human-induced disturbance in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图2 金钟山黑颈长尾雉国家自然保护区人为干扰空间分布图 |
Tab. 1 Statistical data of the pattern of the human-induced disturbance in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve表1 金钟山黒颈长尾雉国家自然保护区人为干扰统计表 |
核心区 | 缓冲区 | 实验区 | ||||||
面积/hm2 | 百分比/(%) | 面积/hm2 | 百分比/(%) | 面积/hm2 | 百分比/(%) | |||
农田 | 26.64 | 0.14 | 35.72 | 0.19 | 80.83 | 0.39 | ||
城镇居民点 | 127.49 | 0.67 | 157.94 | 0.83 | 494.74 | 2.16 | ||
人工设施 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3.60 | 0.02 | ||
道路 | 57 094 | - | 40 316 | - | 101 062 | - |
注:百分比为各区域内人为活动斑块面积与整个保护区的面积之比 |
Tab. 2 Ratings and codes of habitat suitability factors表2 各生境适宜性因子等级和代码 |
因子类型 | 分级 | 代码 |
海拔/m | 700~1000 | 1 |
1000~1300 | 2 | |
1300~1850 | 3 | |
坡度/º | <5 | 1 |
5~15 | 2 | |
15~25 | 3 | |
25~35 | 4 | |
35~60 | 5 | |
植被覆盖度 | <30% | 1 |
30%~50% | 2 | |
50%~70% | 3 | |
70%~90% | 4 | |
>90% | 5 | |
植被类型 | 农田和村庄 | 11 |
山顶矮林 | 12 | |
常绿落叶阔叶混交林 | 13 | |
常绿阔叶林 | 14 | |
湿地 | 15 | |
灌丛 | 16 | |
竹林 | 17 | |
经济林 | 18 | |
草丛 | 19 | |
落叶阔叶林 | 20 | |
幼林地 | 21 | |
针叶林 | 22 |
注:生境单位代码由5位数字组成,前3位依次分别为海拔代码、坡度代码、植被覆盖度代码,最后2位为植被类型代码,如23 420,即表示海拔位于1000~1300 m(代码为2)、坡度为15~25º(代码为3)、植被覆盖度在70%~90%之间(代码为4),以及植被类型为落叶阔叶林(代码为20)的生境单元类型 |
Fig. 3 The distribution points of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图3 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉野外分布点 |
Fig. 4 Grade distribution of the habitat suitability factors (altitude) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图4 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(海拔)等级分布图 |
Tab. 3 Statistical table of the habitat suitability factors (altitude) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve表3 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(海拔)分布统计表 |
代码 | 海拔范围/m | 出现次数 | 出现频率/(%) | 面积/km2 | 面积百分比/(%) | 密度(出现次数/km2) |
1 | 700~1000 | 1 | 0.68 | 42.94 | 20.96 | 0.02 |
2 | 1000~1300 | 52 | 35.62 | 101.19 | 49.40 | 0.51 |
3 | 1300~1850 | 93 | 63.70 | 60.71 | 29.64 | 1.53 |
Fig. 5 Grade distribution of the habitat suitability factors (slope) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图5 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(坡度)等级分布图 |
Tab. 4 Statistical table of the habitat suitability factors (slope) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve表4 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(坡度)分布统计表 |
代码 | 坡度/° | 出现次数 | 出现频率/(%) | 面积/km2 | 面积百分比/(%) | 密度/(出现次数/km2) |
1 | <5 | 6 | 4.11 | 7.48 | 3.65 | 0.80 |
2 | 5~15 | 38 | 26.03 | 52.41 | 25.58 | 0.73 |
3 | 15~25 | 92 | 63.01 | 110.19 | 53.79 | 0.83 |
4 | 25~35 | 9 | 6.16 | 33.49 | 16.35 | 0.27 |
5 | 35~60 | 1 | 0.68 | 1.27 | 0.62 | 0.79 |
Fig. 6 Grade distribution of the habitat suitability factors (vegetation types) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图6 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(植被类型)等级分布图 |
Table 5 Statistical table of the habitat suitability factors (vegetation types) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve表5 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(植被类型)分布统计表 |
代码 | 植被类型 | 出现次数 | 出现频率/(%) | 面积/km2 | 面积百分比/(%) | 密度(出现次数/km2) |
11 | 农田和村庄 | 0 | 0.00 | 1.14 | 0.56 | 0 |
12 | 山顶矮林 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.08 | 0.04 | 0 |
13 | 常绿落叶阔叶混交林 | 20 | 13.70 | 4.01 | 1.96 | 4.99 |
14 | 常绿阔叶林 | 5 | 3.42 | 4.54 | 2.21 | 1.10 |
15 | 湿地 | 0 | 0.00 | 9.32 | 4.55 | 0 |
16 | 灌丛 | 9 | 6.16 | 17.70 | 8.64 | 0.51 |
17 | 竹林 | 0 | 0.00 | 0.11 | 0.05 | 0 |
18 | 经济林 | 33 | 22.60 | 19.34 | 9.44 | 1.71 |
19 | 草丛 | 0 | 0.00 | 9.37 | 4.57 | 0 |
20 | 落叶阔叶林 | 52 | 35.62 | 93.03 | 45.40 | 0.56 |
21 | 幼林地 | 24 | 16.44 | 31.82 | 15.53 | 0.75 |
22 | 针叶林 | 3 | 2.05 | 14.44 | 7.05 | 0.21 |
Tab. 6 Statistical table of the habitat suitability factors (vegetation coverage) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve表6 金钟山保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(植被覆盖度)分布统计表 |
代码 | 植被覆盖度/(%) | 出现次数 | 出现频率/(%) | 面积/km2 | 面积百分比/(%) | 密度/(出现次数/km2) |
1 | <30 | 0 | 0.00 | 3.08 | 1.51 | 0 |
2 | 30~50 | 0 | 0.00 | 2.69 | 1.31 | 0 |
3 | 5~70 | 1 | 0.68 | 2.37 | 1.16 | 0.42 |
4 | 70~90 | 81 | 55.48 | 143.66 | 70.12 | 0.56 |
5 | >90 | 64 | 43.84 | 53.09 | 25.91 | 1.21 |
Fig. 7 Grade distribution of the habitat suitability factors (vegetation coverage) of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图7 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉生境适宜性因子(植被覆盖度)等级分布图 |
Tab. 7 The main potential habitat types and distribution of Syrmaticus humiae表7 黑颈长尾雉主要潜在生境类型表 |
生境单元代码 | 海拔/m | 坡度/(°) | 植被覆盖度/(%) | 植被类型 | 面积/hm2 | 比例/(%) |
23420 | 1000~1300 | 15~25 | 70~90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 1546.29 | 18.49 |
23520 | 1000~1300 | 15~25 | >90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 1102.41 | 13.18 |
22420 | 1000~1300 | 5~15 | 70~90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 816.48 | 9.76 |
23421 | 1000~1300 | 15~25 | 70~90 | 幼林地 | 672.30 | 8.04 |
33520 | 1300~1850 | 15~25 | >90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 626.13 | 7.49 |
24520 | 1000~1300 | 25~35 | >90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 434.16 | 5.19 |
23418 | 1000~1300 | 15~25 | 70~90 | 经济林 | 402.57 | 4.81 |
23416 | 1000~1300 | 15~25 | 70~90 | 灌丛 | 358.83 | 4.29 |
32520 | 1300~1850 | 15~25 | >90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 358.02 | 4.28 |
22421 | 1000~1300 | 5~15 | 70~90 | 幼林地 | 295.65 | 3.54 |
23521 | 1000~1300 | 15~25 | >90 | 幼林地 | 293.22 | 3.51 |
13418 | 700~1000 | 15~25 | 70~90 | 经济林 | 191.97 | 2.30 |
33521 | 1300~1850 | 15~25 | >90 | 幼林地 | 191.16 | 2.29 |
32421 | 1300~1850 | 15~25 | 70~90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 165.24 | 1.98 |
34520 | 1300~1850 | 25~35 | >90 | 落叶阔叶林 | 165.24 | 1.98 |
Fig. 8 Grade distribution of the potential habitat of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图8 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉潜在生境分布图 |
Tab. 8 Function zones of the potential habitat表8 潜在生境功能分区图 |
功能区 | 潜在生境面积/hm2 | 面积比例/(%) |
核心区 | 4139.14 | 54.31 |
缓冲区 | 1200.21 | 15.75 |
实验区 | 2281.67 | 29.94 |
Fig. 9 Grade distribution of the potential habitat suitability of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图9 金钟山自然保护区黑颈长尾雉潜在生境适宜性等级分布图 |
Fig. 10 Comparison diagram of the potential habitat suitability of Syrmaticus humiae in Jinzhongshan Nature Reserve图10 金钟山自然保护区各功能区黑颈长尾雉潜在生境适宜性对比图 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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