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Quality Assessment of Multi-resolution Remote Sensing Land Cover Data: A Case Study in Taoyuan County of Hunan Province

  • XU Guangming , 1, 2 ,
  • YANG Yaping , 2, 4, * ,
  • YANG Fei 2, 4 ,
  • JING Wenlong 2, 3 ,
  • CHANG Zhongbing 2, 5
  • 1. College of Tourism and Environment, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi′an 710062, China
  • 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 4. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 5. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China
*Corresponding author: YANG Yaping, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-04-16

  Request revised date: 2015-11-19

  Online published: 2016-04-19


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The quality assessment of remote sensing land cover data is the premise and guarantee of using it reasonably, and it's helpful to improve remote sensing mapping methods. In this study, the 1:100000 land use data of Taoyuan county in 2010 was used as the reference data to validate four different resolution land cover data: RapidEye_5 m, FROM_GLC (30 m), GlobCover2009 (300 m) and MODIS_V005 (500 m). We evaluated the four different resolution land cover data from three aspects, including area relevance and consistency, spatial consistency, and window analysis based on the conversion of classification systems. The results show that: the overall accuracy of RapidEye_5 m data is the highest, MODIS_V005 and FROM_GLC are intermediate, and GlobCover2009 data is relatively lower. The land cover data with higher resolution have a certain superiority for classifications of residence, transportation land, water and other fine material, and the area relevance and the overall consistency of primary types is higher than secondary types. Producer accuracy and user accuracy of the four types of land cover data in crop land, woodland and water is better, while in the construction land and other unused land is lower. Moreover, the spatial consistency of FROM_GLC and MODIS_V005 data is poor in the shrub grassland. The spatial consistency of the four different resolution land cover data is better in the flat areas. Confusion occurred mainly among shrub grassland, woodland and crop land. With the increase of resolution for land cover data, more and more land cover types can be distinguished. The number of land cover types separated from RapidEye_5 m and FROM_GLC (30 m) land cover data focuses on the range of 7-16, in contrast, data with lower resolution focuses on the range of 1-5. Furthermore, data with higher resolution are better to distinguish the grand objects in hilly and mountainous areas.

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XU Guangming , YANG Yaping , YANG Fei , JING Wenlong , CHANG Zhongbing . Quality Assessment of Multi-resolution Remote Sensing Land Cover Data: A Case Study in Taoyuan County of Hunan Province[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(4) : 553 -563 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00553

1 引言

土地覆被数据,对揭示人类活动影响全球生态、环境、资源变化,科学制定可持续发展规划有重要意义[1-2]。目前应用较广的全球土地覆被数据集有:(1)美国马里兰大学生产的UMD数据集、波士顿大学生产的MODIS数据集,以及美国地质调查局研发的IGBP-DISCover数据集[3-4];(2)欧盟联合研究中心空间应用研究所生产了GLC 2000产品,欧洲空间局以全球合作的方式生产的GlobCover数据集(GlobCover 2005和GlobCover 2009)[5-6];(3)中国国家基础地理信息中心研制出了全球30 m地表覆盖数据GlobeLand 30,是目前空间分辨率最高的全球土地覆被数据集,清华大学地球系统科学研究中心也生产了30 m的全球土地覆被数据FROM-GLC,并改进更新生产了FROM-GLC-seg和FROM-GLC-agg 2个数据集[7]。中国生产的全国土地利用/土地覆被数据集,主要包括:中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心的1:10万土地利用现状遥感监测数据库,该数据集每5年更新一次,目前已更新到2010年;中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所联合7家单位生产了1:25万全国土地覆盖数据集,包括1980年和2005年2期数据。
随着遥感技术不断进步,开展遥感土地覆被数据的质量评价是正确合理使用数据的前提和保障。为此,国内外学者在这方面做了很多相关研究,Mayaux、Scepan和Friedl等采用数据可信度的定量评价、随机采样等方法分别对GLC 2000、IGBP-DISCover和MODIS_V005数据产品进行了精度验证[8-10];Herold等使用独立验证样本评价了4种1 km分辨率全球土地覆被数据的精度,分析了不同土地覆盖类型交错分布对数据精度的影响[11];Giri等对GLC 2000和MODIS数据集进行了对比分析,指出在不同地区不同地物的面积和空间一致性存在差异[12];McCallum等对比分析了4种1 km分辨率全球土地覆被数据,得出由于数据源时间、分类技术和分类体系等的不同,使4种数据的空间一致性较差[13]。刘向培、宋宏利等对几种较低分辨率全球土地覆被数据在中国区域的精度进行了评价,并分析了误差与空间分布;刘向培等指出土地覆盖数据精度随着数据差异性指数的增加而降低[14-15];杨永可等利用Google Earth选取验证样本,对5种低分辨率的全球土地覆盖数据集,在中国及周边区域进行了精度评价[16]
这些研究虽然比较了一些产品之间的差异,但大多是相同空间分辨率或者较低分辨率数据之间的比较,还没有文献针对由中高分辨率到低分辨率(5~500 m)跨度较大的土地覆被数据产品质量进行系统评价。本文以南方丘陵山区,地形复杂、地物类型丰富多样的湖南省桃源县为例,对4种不同分辨率土地覆被数据质量,引入窗口的分类统计分析方法,进行综合评价分析。

2 研究区和数据源及预处理

(1)桃源县位于湖南省西北部(图1),地理位置为111°29'E,28°55'N,县域面积4441.22 km2,在湖南省县(市)中居第4位。桃源县东部地势较为平坦,南部与北部均由西向东倾斜,海拔一般在50~200 m,西部地区起伏较大,海拔在200~1000 m。桃源县属中亚热带季风气候,多年平均气温为16.5 ℃,年平均降水量1437 mm。
Fig. 1 Location of Taoyuan county

图1 湖南省桃源县地理位置

(2)本文选取RapidEye_5 m、FROM_GLC、GlobCover 2009,以及MODIS_V005 4种不同空间分辨率的土地覆被数据做质量评价,产品的详细参数如表1所示。数据来源:RapidEye_5 m是2010年5 m的桃源县RapidEye影像;30 m的FROM_GLC(Finer Resolution Observation and Monitoring-Global Land Cover)数据来自于清华大学地球系统科学研究中心,该数据在研究区以2009年4月和7月的Landsat TM/ETM+影像为数据源,是目前世界上空间分辨率最高的全球土地覆被数据;300 m的GlobCover 2009是欧洲空间局以2009年ENVISAT卫星上的MERIS数据;2010年MODIS数据生产组更新生产了MODIS Collection 5的数据,输入数据为TERRA/MODIS传感器500 m分辨率的16天合成的表面反射率数据。制作方法:RapidEye_5 m是以面向对象和目视解译相结合,分类得到的高空间分辨率土地覆被数据,分类过程中使用了实地考察采集的验证点数据作为辅助,以保证数据精度的可靠性;FROM_GLC主要以MODIS EVI时间序列、生物气候量、全球DEM数据等为辅助,进行监督分类;GlobCover 2009将全球分为22个生态气候区,对每个气候区分别进行分层提取[17];MODIS_V005使用决策树的方法,在分类样本中加入了地表温度作为输入参数,对城市、湿地和落叶针叶林类型进行了修正[18]。分类系统:RapidEye_5 m共分为20个土地覆被类型,6个一级类;FROM_GLC分了农地、森林、草地、灌丛、水体、不透水层、裸地、冰雪和云9个一级类,二级类型共27个[7];GlobCover 2009采用LCCS分类体系,共有22个土地覆被类型;MODIS_V005使用IGBP分类系统,共17个土地覆被 类型。
本文评价采用2010年湖南省桃源县1:10万土地利用数据为参考数据,进行分析。该数据基于Landsat TM/ETM+遥感影像,由相关专家目视解译生成,并进行了大量的野外实地验证和考察。
Tab. 1 Basic information of land cover data

表1 土地覆被数据基本信息

数据名称 空间分辨率/m 数据时间/年 卫星/传感器 分类方法
RapidEye_5 m 5 2010 RapidEye 面向对象
FROM_GLC 30 2009-2010 Landsat/TM、ETM+ 监督分类
GlobCover2009 300 2009 ENVISAT/MERIS 神经网络分类
MODIS_V005 500 2010 TERRA/MODIS 决策树
Tab. 2 Primary types and secondary types after conversion

表2 分类系统转换后的一级类和二级类

一级类 二级类
1乔木林地 11针叶林、12常绿阔叶林、13落叶阔叶林、14混交林
2灌木草地 21灌木林、22草地
3耕地 31农田
4水体 41水体
5建筑用地 51居民地、52工业用地、53交通用地
6其他未利用地 61裸地/裸岩
Tab. 3 Conversion of classification systems of land cover data

表3 土地覆被分类系统转换

分类编码 MODIS_V005 GlobCover2009 FROM_GLC RapidEye_5 m
1乔木林地 常绿针叶林、常绿阔叶林、落叶针叶林、落叶阔叶林、混交林、树林草原 常绿阔叶/半落叶林、郁闭常绿针叶林、郁闭落叶阔叶林、混交林 阔叶林、针叶林、混交林 常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、针叶林、混交林、竹林
2灌木草地 郁闭灌木林、稀疏灌木林、稀树草原、草原 植被(50%~70%)/耕地(20%~50%)镶嵌、灌木/林地(50%~70%)/草地(20%~50%)镶嵌、草地(50%~70%)/林地(20%~50%)/灌木镶嵌、灌木林、草地 天然草地 草地、茶园、柑橘、灌木林、其他经济林
3耕地 耕地、农田与自然植被镶嵌 水田、旱地、耕地(50%~70%)/植被(20%~50%)镶嵌 其他农地、裸农地 菜地、水田、旱地
4水体 水体、永久湿地 水体 水库/鱼塘、河流 水体、沼泽
5建筑用地 城镇 城镇 不透水层(高反照率、低反照率) 居民地、道路、工矿用地
6其他未利用地 - - 砾/岩石地 裸地、裸岩

注:— 表示在研究区没有分出此类型

由于4种土地覆被数据及参考数据使用的分类系统各不相同,故先进行了分类系统的转换。对上述数据进行归并整合,最终形成6个一级类和12个二级类体系[19],如表2表3所示。此外,为了便于数据叠加分析,首先将各数据统一到相同的坐标系和地理投影下;然后,把矢量的参考数据分别转换(用MAXIMUM_COMBINED_AREA方法)为5、30、300和500 m 4种大小的栅格数据,并与对应分辨率的4种土地覆被数据作比较;最后,按照分类系统转换后的分类体系,对各种栅格的土地覆被数据及参考数据进行重分类。

3 土地覆被数据质量评价方法

3.1 面积相关性和一致性分析

各种类型面积是土地覆被数据产品中蕴含的非常重要而直接的信息[19],是LUCC研究的一个重要内容。面积相关系数表示2种数据各类型面积之间的线性相关性程度,面积一致性系数则用以表示待评价数据各类型面积相对于参考数据的偏离程度[20]。本文使用相关系数 R 和面积一致性系数 C 来评价4种遥感土地覆被数据与参考数据在一级和二级类上的面积一致性程度,相关系数 R 和面积一致性系数 C 定义如式(1)、(2)所示。
R i = k = 1 n ( x k - x ̅ ) ( y k - y ̅ ) k = 1 n ( x k - x ̅ ) 2 k = 1 n ( y k - y ̅ ) 2 (1)
C = 1 - A i - B i B i (2)
式中:i为第i种土地覆被数据产品; k =1,2,3,…,n,代表各种不同的土地覆被类型;xk为待评价数据各土地覆被类型的面积;yk为参考数据各土地覆被类型的面积; x ̅ 为待评价数据各类型面积的平均值; y ̅ 为参考数据各类型面积的平均值;Ai为待评价数据中第i类地物的面积;Bi为参考数据中对应的第i类地物的面积;一致性系数 C 越大(最大为1),代表待评价数据与参考数据的面积越接近(待评价数据在研究区没有分出此类型时除外)。

3.2 空间一致性分析

OA = k = 1 6 n kk n (3)
PA = k = 1 6 n kk n k + (4)
UA = k = 1 6 n kk n + k (5)
式中: n 为总像元数; n kk k 类型正确分类的总像元数; n k + 为参考数据中 k 类型的总像元数; n + k 为待评价数据中 k 类型的总像元数。

3.3 基于窗口的分类统计分析

对原始未进行类型转换的4种不同分辨率的土地覆被数据(栅格),分别进行开窗统计分类数量,选取了1 km × 1 km,3 km × 3 km和6 km × 6 km 3种不同大小的矩形窗口,在ArcGIS 10.2中利用栅格空间分析模块,统计4种土地覆被数据在不同大小范围内能分出的类型数,并比较分析它们之间的差异。同时,为更好地比较不同地形条件下4种土地覆被数据分类差异,在桃源县的平原地带和丘陵山区分别选取了100 km × 100 km和200 km × 200 km 2块地进行开窗统计,窗口大小设置为3 km × 3 km。

4 土地覆被数据质量评价结果与分析

4.1 部分地物分类效果比较

图2不同分辨率土地覆被数据产品分类效果对比可看出,RapidEye_5 m和MODIS_V005数据对林地的分类较多,FROM_GLC和GlobCover 2009数据对耕地分类较多。较高分辨率的RapidEye_5 m和FROM_GLC数据对水体、居民地的轮廓刻画最好,符合地物的真实形状,而300 m的GlobCover 2009 和500 m的MODIS_V005数据相对而言,分类效果不理想,已无法保持地物的连续性和形态。对于道路这种更为精细的地物,只有高分辨率的RapidEye_5 m可描绘出一些主要的交通干道,其他3种土地覆盖数据无法区别出来。
Fig. 2 Comparison of classification effects between land cover data with different resolutions

图2 不同分辨率的土地覆被数据产品分类效果对比

Fig. 3 Comparison of producer accuracy and user accuracy between different resolution land cover data

图3 不同分辨率土地覆被数据生产者精度和用户精度对比

4.2 面积相关性和一致性分析

面积相关性系数可反映出各类型面积,在总体与参考数据的相关性程度,如表4表5所示,RapidEye_5m、FROM_GLC、GlobCover 2009及 MODIS_V005 4种数据,在研究区的一级类面积相关性系数分别为0.9468、0.7775、0.8272和0.7831,二级类面积相关性系数分别为0.862、0.3656、0.5974和0.2119。其中,4种数据的一级类面积相关性系数普遍明显高于二级类,这反映二级类的分类精度依然有待提高。RapidEye_5 m的一级类面积相关性系数最大(为0.9468),而FROM_GLC与参考数据一级类上面积相关性相对最低(为0.7775)。
Tab. 4 Comparison of area consistency and relevance in the primary types

表4 不同分辨率土地覆被数据一级类面积一致性和相关性比较

一级土地覆被类型 一级类面积一致性系数
RapidEye_5 m FROM_GLC GlobCover 2009 MODIS_V005
乔木林地 0.71 0.97 0.60 0.11
灌木草地 0.88 0.01 0.94 0.004
耕地 0.74 0.22 0.36 0.66
水体 0.97 0.51 0.55 0.86
建筑用地 0.68 0.14 0.06 0.36
其他未利用地 -3.98 0.99 0.00 0.00
一级类相关性系数 0.9468 0.7775 0.8272 0.7831
各数据与参考数据在二级类上的面积相关性程度只有RapidEye_5 m较高,相关性系数达0.862,高于其他3种数据在一级类上的面积相关性程度,体现出高分辨率数据在分类精度上的优势。另外,3种数据在二级类上的面积相关性显著较低,相关性系数最大不超过0.6,其中,500 m的MODIS_ V005数据最低,仅为0.2119,这与其较低的分辨率有关。
面积一致性系数在细节上反映各类面积与参考数据的偏离程度大小,一级类面积一致性比较如表4所示,总体上RapidEye_5 m与参考数据面积一致性,优于其他3种数据。其中,水体的一致性系数最大,达0.97,这是由于水体的光谱特征比较明显,各数据的水体面积一致性系数相对较高;对于乔木林地,面积一致性系数最高的为FROM_GLC的0.97,最低的为MODIS_V005的0.11,主要是因为MODIS_V005数据分类系统中乔木林地的二级类别包含较多,过高的估计乔木林地的面积,造成与参考数据的偏离较大;灌木草地的面积一致性系数最大为GlobCover 2009的0.94,FROM_GLC和MODIS_V005较低分别为0.01和0.004,这是由各数据分类系统差异造成的,GlobCover 2009对于灌木草地类型分类较为详细,而FROM_GLC和MODIS_V005数据,在灌木草地类型的分类面积却相当少;对于耕地,各土地覆被数据之间差异较大,其中,RapidEye_5 m、MODIS_V005的面积一致性系数较高,分别为0.74和0.66,而FROM_GLC、GlobCover 2009的面积一致性系数分别为0.22和0.36,因为耕地与草地、居民地等类型容易交错分布,同样造成FROM_GLC和GlobCover 2009过高的估计了耕地面积;建筑用地与其他未利用地的面积一致性系数总体普遍较低,因为这2种类型的面积相对较少,且易与其他类型相互交错分布。
表5显示各数据在二级类上面积一致性系数总体偏低。二级类上面积一致性系数较低,主要集中在常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、混交林、灌木林、工业用地、交通用地、裸地/裸岩,这些光谱特征相似,易混淆或面积相对较少的类型上。其中,RapidEye_5 m由于其高分辨率的优势,对居民地、工业用地、交通用地较为精细的地物的面积一致性体现较好,一致性系数分别为0.62、0.70和0.86,而GlobCover 2009和MODIS_V005较低分辨率数据已区分不出这些类型,所以二级类上面积一致性总体较差。
Tab. 5 Comparison of area consistency and relevance in the secondary types

表5 不同分辨率土地覆被数据二级类面积一致性和相关性比较

二级土地覆被类型 二级类面积一致性系数
RapidEye_5 m FROM_GLC GlobCover 2009 MODIS_V005
针叶林 0.65 0.09 0.10 0.55
常绿阔叶林 -7.84 -1.87 0.89 0.01
落叶阔叶林 -14.09 0.00 0.67 0.03
混交林 -3.82 -35.11 -33.55 -172.89
灌木林 0.70 0.00 0.94 0.001
草地 -9.31 0.34 0.74 0.41
农田 0.74 0.22 0.36 0.66
水体 0.97 0.51 0.55 0.86
居住地 0.62 0.14 0.06 0.36
工业用地 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
交通用地 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00
裸地/裸岩 -6.49 0.99 0.00 0.00
二级类相关性系数 0.862 0.3656 0.5974 0.2119

4.3 空间一致性分析

面积一致性只能在一定程度上评价遥感土地覆被数据的质量,空间一致性是遥感土地覆被数据质量高低必不可少的衡量指标。各数据的总体精度(表6)结果表明,RapidEye_5 m数据具有最好的空间一致性,MODIS_V005和FROM_GLC次之,GlobCover 2009数据的空间一致性相对最差,总体精度为48.4%。值得注意的是,300 m的GlobCover 2009数据的总体精度低于500 m的MODIS_V005,这与2种数据的分类系统差异有关,GlobCover 2009数据在灌木草地类型里包含了较多的林地混合类型,MODIS_V005数据在面积占比最大的乔木林地类型上的生产者精度高达93.84%,超出GlobCover 2009数据近2.4倍,使得MODIS_ V005数据的总体精度高于GlobCover 2009,宋宏利等的研究结果也表明GlobCover数据在中国区域的空间一致性较差(总体精度为44.71%)[15]。由图3可看出,随着各土地覆被数据的分辨率降低,水体的生产者精度也逐渐降低,RapidEye_5m数据具有最高的水体的生产者精度,达到77.03%,这与各数据产品的制作方法有一定关系,RapidEye_5m在水体提取中首先应用水体指数提取再人工修改,FROM_GLC数据对水体先进行掩膜提取,使得他们在水体类型上的空间一致性较好。在耕地上,RapidEye_5 m、MODIS_V005数据具有较高的用户精度,平均为77.82%,而FROM_GLC和GlobCover 2009数据,具有较高的生产者精度,平均达83.38%。在乔木林地和水体2类地物上,GlobCover2009数据具有最高的用户精度。
Tab. 6 The overall accuracy of each land cover data(%)

表6 各土地覆被数据的总体精度(%)

土地覆被数据 总体精度(OA)
RapidEye_5 m 63.4
GlobCover 48.4
MODIS_V005 55.1
4种数据对比发现,在乔木林地上的生产者精度都高于其在灌木草地上的生产者精度,其中FROM_GLC和MODIS_V005数据的差异最明显,二者在乔木林地上都具有较高的生产者精度,平均达到77.66%,但在灌木草地上的生产者精度,平均只有0.19%,相差较大。这主要是因乔木林地和灌木草地在光谱特征上容易混淆,加上各土地覆被数据的分类系统差异,也会影响分类精度。本文面积一致性分析中也说明了这一点,这与刘向培等人对于MODIS_V005数据的分析结果一致[14]。在建筑用地和其他未利用地类型方面,各数据的的生产者精度均较低,但RapidEye_5 m高于其他数据,主要是由于这2类地物周边经常穿插分布着耕地,草地、灌丛等类型,插花程度较为严重,产生的混合像元随之增多,不易区分。

4.4 基于窗口的分类统计分析

选取1 km × 1 km,3 km × 3 km和6 km × 6 km 3种不同大小的矩形窗口,对4种土地覆被数据分别进行窗口运算,统计它们分出的类型数,如图4所示,对比3种不同尺度的窗口统计数据发现:随着土地覆被数据分辨率的提高,在研究区能分出的类型数也越来越多,并且分出较多类型数的面积比例也随之增加。
对比图4(a)、(b)、(c)可看出,RapidEye_ 5 m、FROM_GLC、GlobCover 2009及MODIS_ V005 4种不同分辨率的土地覆被数据,总体上呈现出明显的分异规律,较低分辨率的GlobCover 2009及MODIS_V005数据能分出的类别数基本集中在1-5种较少水平上,面积比例平均占80%以上,相反,较高分辨率的RapidEye_5 m和FROM_GLC数据能分出的类别数基本集中在7-16种较多水平上,尤其是3 km × 3 km和6 km × 6 km窗口大小统计下,在分类数的坐标横轴上,4种土地覆被数据随着分辨率升高,依次向横轴右边(类型数越来越大方向)偏移,特别是高分辨率的RapidEye_5 m数据基本集中在10个类型以上,这在一定程度上反映出高分辨率数据在遥感分类中能更好地区分各种地物。
在桃源县的平原地带和丘陵山区,分别选取100 km × 100 km和200 km × 200 km 2大块地进行开窗统计。图5为不同地形条件3 km × 3 km窗口下的类型统计结果,总体表现出土地覆被数据分辨率越高,则能分出较多类型数的面积比例也越大。从图5(a)可看出,在平原地区,由于地物类型分布相对简单,5、30和300 m数据在分类数上,没有表现出强烈的分异现象,大部分都能分出6-9种地物。
Fig. 4 Statistical chart of classification categories under different windows

图4 不同大小窗口各土地覆被数据分类类型统计图

Fig. 5 Statistical chart of classification categories under different terrain conditions

图5 不同地形条件下各土地覆被数据分类统计图

在丘陵山区,由于地形起伏较大,各种地物类型交错分布,导致地物的破碎程度加大,混合像元现象严重,使得不同分辨率的数据在分类上差异显著,如图5(b)所示,500 m的MODIS_V005分出4种以上类型的面积比例仅有3.33%;300 m的GlobCover 2009数据能分出的类型数集中在3-7种;30 m的FROM_GLC能分出的类型数集中在5-9种;RapidEye_5 m能分出的类型数集中在9-16种,这说明较高分辨率的数据,在丘陵山区对地物区分效果更好。

4.5 数据质量误差评价分析

图6为4种数据与参考数据各类型空间一致性逐像元比较,对未变化的像元赋值0,变化区域赋值1,然后将4种数据叠加在一起生成的变化频率空间分布图。如图6所示,空间一致性较好的地区位于桃源县中部东、西两侧,北部顶端及西南部,其中,中东部地势较为平坦,分布着大片耕地,所以,空间一致性最好;而北部顶端主要为针叶林,西南部主要为常绿阔叶林,各自类型单一,特征较为明显;各数据在桃源县的中北部地区空间一致性一般,这些地区因为土地覆被类型交错较为严重,主要为灌 木林、耕地、针叶林相互交错分布;而空间一致性最差的地方为桃源县的东北、西北部及中南部地区,其中,东北部主要为一些经济林和耕地交错分布,西北部分布着大量混交林,混合像元较多,不易区分,而中南部是地势从平坦到起伏较大的过渡区域,在这些地方针叶林、阔叶林、灌木林、草地、耕地土地覆被类型交错分布现象严重,因而空间一致性较差。
Fig. 6 Spatial distribution of consistency between the four types of land cover data and the reference data

图6 4种土地覆被数据与参考数据一致性的空间分布

图7所示,4种数据的灌木草地分类精度均不够理想,主要是因为灌木草地与乔木林地、耕地的混淆现象较为严重。与参考数据相比,RapidEye_ 5 m、FROM_GLC和MODIS_V005数据在灌木草地中分别有53%、49.73%和89.73%被错分为乔木林地,MODIS_V005数据错分最为严重,另外,FROM_GLC和GlobCover2009数据,在灌木草地类型中有48.67%、50.2%被错分为耕地,MODIS_V005数据在耕地中有47.37%被错分为乔木林地;4种数据的建筑用地与其他未利用地中,都有较大比例被错分到耕地中,这是因为居民地等建筑用地经常与耕地交错分布。
Fig. 7 Confusion analysis between the land cover data with different resolutions and the reference data

图7 不同分辨率土地覆被数据与参考数据的空间混淆分析

5 结论

本文以桃源县为例,选取RapidEye_5 m、FROM_ GLC、GlobCover2009及MODIS_V005 4种不同分辨率的遥感土地覆被数据分别与研究区1:10万的土地利用参考数据作比较,主要从面积相关性和一致性、空间一致性、以及基于窗口的分类类别统计分析3方面,对4种数据进行质量评价,结论如下:
(1)RapidEye_5 m数据总体精度最高,MODIS_V005和FROM_GLC次之,GlobCover 2009数据相对最低;高分辨率土地覆被数据对于居民地、交通用地、水体等精细地物分类较好,具有一定优越性;对全球尺度或大区域研究,MODIS_V005、FROM_GLC数据基本可以满足,GlobCover 2009数据在丘陵山区效果不好;各数据在一级类上的面积相关性和一致性总体高于二级类,整体反映出二级类的分类精度有待提高。
(3)随着土地覆被数据分辨率的提高,能分出的地物类型数,以及分出较多类型数的面积比例也随之增加。较高分辨率的RapidEye_5 m和FROM_ GLC数据分出的类型数集中在7-16种较高水平上,低分辨率数据集中在1-5种较少水平上。在丘陵山区,不同分辨率的数据在分类上差异显著,高分辨率的数据在丘陵山区对地物区分效果更好,集中在11-16种地物。因此,对于不同区域的LUCC研究,建议在地形复杂地区选择较高分辨率的土地覆被数据。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[ Chen J, Chen J, Liao A P, et al.Concepts and key techniques for 30 m global land cover mapping[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2014,43(6):551-557. ]

陈利军,陈军,廖安平,等.30 m全球地表覆盖遥感分类方法初探[J].测绘通报,2012(S1):350-353.全球地表覆盖分布及变化是气候变化研究、生态环境评估、地理国情监测、宏观调控分析等不可或缺的重要基础信息。由于全球范围内地表覆盖复杂多样,光谱 差异大,单一的分类算法缺乏通用性,提出层次分类策略并进行试验分析。结果表明,层次分类策略要优于SVM、J48、RF和贝叶斯等分类方法。通过全球范 围10个试验区的试验,除受大面积云影响的马来西亚试验区精度为65%之外,其他区域的总体分类精度均达到70%以上,具有较强的鲁棒性和通用性,可以用 于30m全球地表覆盖产品的研制。

[ Chen L J, Chen J, Liao A P, et al.A preliminary study on the method of 30 m global land cover classification[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2012,S1:350-353. ]

Loveland T R, Reed B C.Development of a global land cover characteristics database and IGBP DISCover from 1 km AVHRR data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2000,21(6/7):1303-1330.Researchers from the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy produced a 1 km resolution global land cover characteristics database for use in a wide range of continental-to global-scale environmental studies. This database provides a unique view of the broad patterns of the biogeographical and ecoclimatic diversity of the global land surface, and presents a detailed interpretation of the extent of human development. The project was carried out as an International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Data and Information Systems (IGBP-DIS) initiative. The IGBP DISCover global land cover product is an integral component of the global land cover database. DISCover includes 17 general land cover classes defined to meet the needs of IGBP core science projects. A formal accuracy assessment of the DISCover data layer will be completed in 1998. The 1 km global land cover database was developed through a continent-by-continent unsupervised classification of 1 km monthly Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) composites covering 1992-1993. Extensive post-classification stratification was necessary to resolve spectral/temporal confusion between disparate land cover types. The complete global database consists of 961 seasonal land cover regions that capture patterns of land cover, seasonality and relative primary productivity. The seasonal land cover regions were aggregated to produce seven separate land cover data sets used for global environmental modelling and assessment. The data sets include IGBP DISCover, U.S. Geological Survey Anderson System, Simple Biosphere Model, Simple Biosphere Model 2, Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme, Olson Ecosystems and Running Global Remote Sensing Land Cover. The database also includes all digital sources that were used in the classification. The complete database can be sourced from the website:


Friedl M A, McIver D K. Global land cover mapping from MODIS: Algorithms and early results[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2002,83(1/2):287-302.Until recently, advanced very high-resolution radiometer (AVHRR) observations were the only viable source of data for global land cover mapping. While many useful insights have been gained from analyses based on AVHRR data, the availability of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data with greatly improved spectral, spatial, geometric, and radiometric attributes provides significant new opportunities and challenges for remote sensing-based land cover mapping research. In this paper, we describe the algorithms and databases being used to produce the MODIS global land cover product. This product provides maps of global land cover at 1-km spatial resolution using several classification systems, principally that of the IGBP. To generate these maps, a supervised classification methodology is used that exploits a global database of training sites interpreted from high-resolution imagery in association with ancillary data. In addition to the IGBP class at each pixel, the MODIS land cover product provides several other parameters including estimates for the classification confidence associated with the IGBP label, a prediction for the most likely alternative class, and class labels for several other classification schemes that are used by the global modeling community. Initial results based on 5 months of MODIS data are encouraging. At global scales, the distribution of vegetation and land cover types is qualitatively realistic. At regional scales, comparisons among heritage AVHRR products, Landsat TM data, and results from MODIS show that the algorithm is performing well. As a longer time series of data is added to the processing stream and the representation of global land cover in the site database is refined, the quality of the MODIS land cover product will improve accordingly.


Bartholomé E, Belward A S.GLC2000: A new approach to global land cover mapping from earth observation data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006,26(9):1959-1977.A new global land cover database for the year 2000 (GLC2000) has been produced by an international partnership of 30 research groups coordinated by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre. The database contains two levels of land cover information鈥攄etailed, regionally optimized land cover legends for each continent and a less thematically detailed global legend that harmonizes regional legends into one consistent product. The land cover maps are all based on daily data from the VEGETATION sensor on-board SPOT 4, though mapping of some regions involved use of data from other Earth observing sensors to resolve specific issues. Detailed legend definition, image classification and map quality assurance were carried out region by region. The global product was made through aggregation of these. The database is designed to serve users from science programmes, policy makers, environmental convention secretariats, non-governmental organizations and development-aid projects. The regional and global data are available free of charge for all non-commercial applications from


Arino O, Bicheron P.GLOBCOVER: The most detailed portrait of the earth[J]. E. S. A. Bull, 2008,136(4):24-31.

俞乐,王杰,李雪草,等.基于多源数据集成的多分辨率全球地表覆盖制图[J].中国科学:地球科学,2014,44(8):1646-1660.全球地表覆盖数据产品(如地表 覆盖,植被连续场)最高空间分辨率已达到30 m.不同领域的用户对于这些产品的精度和空间分辨率有着不同的需求.基于此,本文从制图精度和空间分辨率两方面对现有的30 m地表覆盖数据进行改进和分析.首先通过将两套30 m全球地表覆盖产品(FROM-GLC、FROM-GLC-seg(Segmentation))与两套粗分辨率全球产品(基于夜间灯光数据的不透水层 NL-ISA、MODIS城市产品MODIS-urban)进行集成,生成了30 m分辨率的地表覆盖新产品FROM-GLC-agg(Aggregation).随后,采用了分辨率低于30 m的数据集(如MODIS地表覆盖产品MCD12Q1,全球地表覆盖产品GlobCover2009,MODIS水体掩模产品MOD44W等)对 FROM-GLC-agg进行后处理以进一步消除类别混淆.经过多源数据合成的新地表覆盖数据产品中来自30 m分辨率全球地表覆盖产品的象元仍占98.9%.在此基础上,通过众数聚合和比例聚合这两种升尺度方法生成了8套粗分辨率(250 m,500 m,1 km,5km,10 km,25 km,50 km和100 km)全球地表覆盖数据集来满足不同应用的需求.通过基于混淆矩阵的精度比较表明FROM-GLC-agg的总体精度为65.51%,该精度显著优于先前 的两套30 m地表覆盖产品.多源数据合成后的30 m分辨率数据以及升尺度处理后的250 m,500 m,1km分辨率数据的最高总体精度分别为69.50%,76.65%,74.60%和73.47%.对采用众数聚合法得到的不同分辨率下地表覆盖类型的 面积偏差分析显示,当分辨率超过5 km时,大部分植被类型会有至少5%的面积偏差.因此,对于需要使用粗分辨率地表覆盖数据作为输入的用户,建议使用包含了准确地表覆盖类型占比的比例聚合 数据.

[ Yu L, Wang J, Li X C, et al.A multi-resolution global land cover dataset through multisource data aggregation[J]. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2014,44(8):1646-1660. ]

Mayaux P, Eva H, Gallego J, et al.Validation of the Global Land Cover 2000 Map[J]. IEEE Transactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2006,44(7):1728-1739.

Scepan J.Thematic validation of high-resolution global land-cover data sets[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1999,65(9):1051-1060.This paper describes a procedure to validate the thematic accuracy of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Data and Information System (IGBP-DIS) DISCover (Version 1.0) 1-Kilometer Global Land-Cover Data Set. Issues of data set sampling design, image geometry and registration and core sample interpretation procedures are addressed. Landsat Thematic Mapper and SPOT satellite image data were used to verify 379 primary core samples selected from DISCover 1.0 using a stratified random sampling procedure. The goal was to verify a minimum of 25 samples per DISCover class, this was accomplished for 13 of the 15 verified classes. Three regional Expert Image Interpreters independently verified each sample, and a majority decision rule was used to determine sample accuracy. For the 15 DISCover classes validated. the average class accuracy was 59.4 percent with accuracies for the 15 verified DISCover classes ranging between 40.0 percent and 100 percent. The overall area-weighted accuracy of the data set was determined to be 66.9 percent. When only samples which had a majority interpretation for errors as well as for correct classification were considered, the average class accuracy of the data set was calculated to be 73.5 percent.


Friedl M A, Sulla-Menashe D, Tan B, et al.MODIS Collection5 global land cover: Algorithm refinements and characterization of new datasets[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010,114(1):168-182.Information related to land cover is immensely important to global change science. In the past decade, data sources and methodologies for creating global land cover maps from remote sensing have evolved rapidly. Here we describe the datasets and algorithms used to create the Collection 5 MODIS Global Land Cover Type product, which is substantially changed relative to Collection 4. In addition to using updated input data, the algorithm and ancillary datasets used to produce the product have been refined. Most importantly, the Collection 5 product is generated at 500-m spatial resolution, providing a four-fold increase in spatial resolution relative to the previous version. In addition, many components of the classification algorithm have been changed. The training site database has been revised, land surface temperature is now included as an input feature, and ancillary datasets used in post-processing of ensemble decision tree results have been updated. Further, methods used to correct classifier results for bias imposed by training data properties have been refined, techniques used to fuse ancillary data based on spatially varying prior probabilities have been revised, and a variety of methods have been developed to address limitations of the algorithm for the urban, wetland, and deciduous needleleaf classes. Finally, techniques used to stabilize classification results across years have been developed and implemented to reduce year-to-year variation in land cover labels not associated with land cover change. Results from a cross-validation analysis indicate that the overall accuracy of the product is about 75% correctly classified, but that the range in class-specific accuracies is large. Comparison of Collection 5 maps with Collection 4 results show substantial differences arising from increased spatial resolution and changes in the input data and classification algorithm.


Herold M, Mayaux P, Woodcock C E, et al.Some challenges in global land cover mapping: An assessment of agreement and accuracy in existing 1km datasets[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2008,112(5):2538-2556.Many investigators need and use global land cover maps for a wide variety of purposes. Ironically, after many years of very limited availability, there are now multiple global land cover maps and it is not readily apparent (1) which is most useful for particular applications or (2) how to combine the different maps to provide an improved dataset. The existing global land cover maps at 1km spatial resolution have arisen from different initiatives and are based on different remote sensing data and employed different methodologies. Perhaps more significantly, they have different legends. As a result, comparison of the different land cover maps is difficult and information about their relative utility is limited. In an attempt to compare the datasets and assess their strengths and weaknesses we harmonized the thematic legends of four available coarse-resolution global land cover maps (IGBP DISCover, UMD, MODIS 1-km, and GLC2000) using the LCCS-based land cover legend translation protocols. Analysis of the agreement among the global land cover maps and existing validation information highlights general patterns of agreement, inconsistencies and uncertainties. The thematic classes of Evergreen broadleaf trees, Snow and Ice, and Barren show high producer and user accuracy and good agreement among the datasets, while classes of mixed tree types show high commission errors. Overall, the results show a limited ability of the four global products to discriminate mixed classes characterized by a mosaic of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous vegetation. There is a strong relationship between class accuracy, spatial agreement among the datasets, and the heterogeneity of landscapes. Suggestions for future mapping projects include careful definition of mixed unit classes, and improvement in mapping heterogeneous landscapes.


Giri C, Zhu Z L, Reed B.A comparative analysis of the global land cover 2000 and modis land cover datasets[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005,9(1):123-132.Accurate and up-to-date global land cover data sets are necessary for various global change research studies including climate change, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem assessment, and environmental modeling. In recent years, substantial advancement has been achieved in generating such data products. Yet, we are far from producing geospatially consistent high-quality data at an operational level. We compared the recently available Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC-2000) and MODerate resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) global land cover data to evaluate the similarities and differences in methodologies and results, and to identify areas of spatial agreement and disagreement. These two global land cover data sets were prepared using different data sources, classification systems, and methodologies, but using the same spatial resolution (i.e., 1 km) satellite data. Our analysis shows a general agreement at the class aggregate level except for savannas/shrublands, and wetlands. The disagreement, however, increases when comparing detailed land cover classes. Similarly, percent agreement between the two data sets was found to be highly variable among biomes. The identified areas of spatial agreement and disagreement will be useful for both data producers and users. Data producers may use the areas of spatial agreement for training area selection and pay special attention to areas of disagreement for further improvement in future land cover characterization and mapping. Users can conveniently use the findings in the areas of agreement, whereas users might need to verify the informaiton in the areas of disagreement with the help of secondary information. Learning from past experience and building on the existing infrastructure (e.g., regional networks), further research is necessary to (1) reduce ambiguity in land cover definitions, (2) increase availability of improved spatial, spectral, radiometric, and geometric resolution satellite data, and (3) develop advanced classification algorithms.


McCallum I, Obersteiner M, Nilsson S, et al. A spatial comparison of four satellite derived 1km global land cover datasets[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2006,8(4):246-255.Global change issues are high on the current international political agenda. A variety of global protocols and conventions have been established aimed at mitigating global environmental risks. A system for monitoring, evaluation and compliance of these international agreements is needed, with each component requiring comprehensive analytical work based on consistent datasets. Consequently, scientists and policymakers have put faith in earth observation data for improved global analysis. Land cover provides in many aspects the foundation for environmental monitoring [FAO, 2002a. Proceedings of the FAO/UNEP Expert Consultation on Strategies for Global Land Cover Mapping and Monitoring. FAO, Rome, Italy, 38 pp.]. Despite the significance of land cover as an environmental variable, our knowledge of land cover and its dynamics is poor [Foody, G.M., 2002. Status of land cover classification accuracy assessment. Rem. Sens. Environ. 80, 185-201]. This study compares four satellite derived 1 km land cover datasets freely available from the internet and in wide use among the scientific community. Our analysis shows that while these datasets have in many cases reasonable agreement at a global level in terms of total area and general spatial pattern, there is limited agreement on the spatial distribution of the individual land classes. If global datasets are used at a continental or regional level, agreement in many cases decreases significantly. Reasons for these differences are many鈥攔anging from the classes and thresholds applied, time of data collection, sensor type, classification techniques, use of in situ data, etc., and make comparison difficult. Results of studies based on global land cover datasets are likely influenced by the dataset chosen. Scientists and policymakers should be made aware of the inherent limitations in using current global land cover datasets, and would be wise to utilise multiple datasets for comparison.


刘向培,王汉杰,何明元,等.三种土地覆盖遥感数据在中国区域的精度分析[J].农业工程学报,2012,28(24):252-259.土地覆盖遥感数据的精度分析是数据应用的前提和基础。该文以中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心提供的2000年中国土地覆盖数据作为参考,基于对土地覆盖类型的归并,在各种土地覆盖类型的分布面积、空间位置等方面分析了GLC2000、MODIS V004和MODIS V005三种数据描述中国土地覆盖状况的能力,并引入差异性指数,深入分析影响土地覆盖数据精度的原因,得到以下主要结论:总体上各数据均能反映中国主要土地覆盖类型的分布情况,GLC2000、MODIS V004和MODIS V005数据的总体精度分别为62.8%、61.7%和61.9%;3种数据的乔木林地面积较参考数据均偏大,而建筑用地、湿地和水体的面积均偏小;乔木林地、灌木草地、耕地和裸地冰川的精度较高,建筑用地和湿地的精度较低;GLC2000数据在省级水平上对乔木林地和耕地的描述最准确,MODIS V005数据的平均用户精度和生产者精度最高;土地覆盖数据的精度随着数据差异性指数的增加而降低,随着差异性指数为1的区域面积比例的增加而升高;MODIS V005数据的精度受土地覆盖差异性的影响相对较小。


[ Liu X P, Wang H J, He M Y, et al.Precision analysis of three land-cover types in China region[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2012,28(24):252-259. ]



[ Song H L, Zhang X N.Precision analysis and validation of multi-sources land cover products derived from remote sensing in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2012,28(22):207-214. ]

杨永可,肖鹏峰,冯学智,等.大尺度土地覆盖数据集在中国及周边区域的精度评价[J].遥感学报,2014,18(2):453-475.大尺度土地覆盖数据是全球陆地 表层过程研究、生态系统评估、环境建模等科学研究的重要基础,研究现有数据集的特点对数据使用者及生产新的数据集都具有指导意义。本研究以中国及周边区域 为研究区,根据不同分类体系对地物的定义,研究不同分类体系中对应地物的相关系数,并将所有分类体系转换为IGBP分类体系;然后,从定性和定量两方面分 析现有5种土地覆盖数据集(IGBP DISCover、UMD、GLC2000、MOD12Q1和GlobCover 2005)的空间一致性;并利用Google Earth高分影像选取两期验证样本评价5种土地覆盖数据集的精度。结果表明:同种地物在不同土地覆盖数据集之间的空间分布格局差异较大,且不同土地覆盖 数据集之间的总体一致性系数较低;5种土地覆盖数据集中,GLC2000的总体精度和Kappa系数均最高,GlobCover 2005的总体精度和Kappa系数均最低。


[ Yang Y K, Xiao P F, Feng X Z, et al.Comparison and assessment of large-scale land cover datasets in China and adjacent regions[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014,18(2):453-475. ]



[ Niu Z G, Shan Y X, Zhan H Y.Accuracy assessment of wetland categories from the GlobCover2009 data over china[J]. Wetland Science, 2012,10(4):389-395. ]

宁佳,张树文,蔡红艳,等.MODIS和GLOBCOVER全球土地覆盖数据集对比分析——以黑龙江流域为例[J].地球信息科学学报,2012,14(2):240-249.随着全球气候变化的日益加剧,全球变化研究对全球土地覆盖数据的 需要也越来越迫切.目前全球土地覆盖数据产品主要包括由欧洲和美国生产的5类数据产品,其中,美国波士顿大学生产的全球土地覆盖数据产品(即MODIS数 据集)和欧洲空间局通过全球合作生产的全球土地覆盖数据产品(即Globcover数据集)具有较好的实效性,应用越来越广泛.由于数据来源、分类系统和 分类方法不同,两个数据集在土地覆盖类型的数量和空间分布上有明显的差异.本研究从数据使用者的角度,对比了MODIS和Globcover数据集在黑龙 江流域上数量和空间分布的差异,并采用LANDSAT TM/ETM+影像随机采样和野外照片验证两种方式对两个数据集的分类精度进行了验证.结果表明,在黑龙江流域,两个数据集数量和空间分布差异较大.在数 量上,两个数据集一级土地覆盖类型均以森林和农田为主,草地次之,但二级土地覆盖类型差异较大.在空间上,二级类空间一致性区域和一级类空间一致性的区域 分别仅与流域的22.5%和53.6%.两个数据集精度均不高,一级土地覆盖类型精度约为60%,Globcover数据较MODIS数据破碎化明显,整 体精度略低于MODIS数据集,不同的二级土地覆盖类型精度不同.考虑到黑龙江流域的代表性,我们认为Globcover数据集和MODIS数据集可满足 较低要求的土地覆盖分析需求.本研究为全球气候变化研究选择合适的数据集提供了基础.


[ Ning J, Zhang S W, Cai H Y, et al.A comparative analysis of the MODIS land cover data sets and Globcover land cover data sets in Heilongjiang basin[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2012,14(2):240-249. ]

冉有华,李新,卢玲.四种常用的全球1 km土地覆盖数据中国区域的精度评价[J].冰川冻土,2009,31(3):490-500.<FONT face=Verdana>精确的全球及区域土地覆盖数据是陆地表层过程研究的重要基础. 定量的评价已有数据的质量将有助于未来更好的开展土地覆盖制图. 基于一个新的分类系统(森林、灌木草地、农田、裸地、城市、湿地和水体),以中国1:10万土地利用数据为参考数据,从类型面积一致性、空间一致性两方面对4各全球土地覆盖数据集在中国区域的分类精度进行了评价,包括美国地质调查局为国际地圈-生物圈计划的全球土地覆盖数据集(IGBPDISCover);美国马里兰大学的全球土地覆盖数据集(UMd);欧盟联合研究中心(JRC)空间应用研究所(SAI)的2000年全球土地覆盖数据产品(GLC2000);MODIS 2000年的土地覆盖数据产品(MOD12Q1). 并对4种土地覆盖产品误差的空间和类型分布进行了分析. 结果表明: 在4种土地覆盖分类产品中,GLC2000和MODIS土地覆盖数据有更高的整体分类精度,IGBP数据的整体分类精度次之,但是3种数据在局部都存在明显的分类错误;UMd的分类精度整体最低. 通过对4种数据分类精度的空间和类型分布规律的分析,认为4种数据都不能很好的满足陆地表层过程模拟的需要. 建议发展土地覆盖类型决策融合方法,将现存多源土地覆盖分类信息融合起来,制备更高精度的中国土地覆盖分类图. </FONT>

[ Ran Y H, Li X, Lu L.Accuracy evaluation of the four remote sensing based land cover products over china[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2009,31(3):490-500. ]



[ Wu W B, Yang P, Zhang L, et al.Accuracy assessment of four global land cover datasets in China[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2009,25(12):167-173. ]

