Journal of Geo-information Science >
Scale Parameter Estimation Based on the Spatial and Spectral Statistics in High Spatial Resolution Image Segmentation
Received date: 2015-12-15
Request revised date: 2016-01-23
Online published: 2016-05-10
Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) is becoming an important technology for the information extraction from high spatial resolution images. Multi-scale image segmentation is a key and fundamental procedure of OBIA, however, the scale selection within the multi-scale image segmentation is always difficult to achieve for the high-performance OBIA. This paper firstly generalizes the commonly used segmentation scale parameters into three aspects: the spatial parameter (the spatial distance between classes), the attribute parameter (the attribute distance or spectral difference between classes) and the merging threshold (the area or pixel number of the minimum useful object). Next, this paper proposes a spatial and spectral statistics-based scale parameter estimation method for OBIA. The main concept of this proposed method is to use the average local variogram (without considering the anisotropism of spatial distribution) or the semivariogram (considering the anisotropism of spatial distribution) to pre-estimate the optimal spatial parameter. Next, the selection of the optimal attribute parameter and the selection of the merging threshold are achieved based on the local variance histogram and the simple geometric computation, respectively. Taking the mean-shift segmentation as an example, this study uses Ikonos, Quickbird and aerial panchromatic images as the experimental data to verify the validity of the proposed scale parameter estimation method. Experiments based on the quantitative multi-scale segmentation evaluation could testify the validity of this method. This pre-estimation based scale parameter selection method is practically helpful and efficient in OBIA. The idea of this method can be further extended to be integrated into other segmentation algorithms and be adaptive to other sensor data.
MING Dongping , ZHOU Wen , WANG Min . Scale Parameter Estimation Based on the Spatial and Spectral Statistics in High Spatial Resolution Image Segmentation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(5) : 622 -631 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00622
Fig. 1 Workflow of the pre-estimation of the optimal scale parameters based on spatial and spectral statistics图1 基于谱空间统计的尺度分割参数估计流程图 |
Fig. 2 Workflow of the optimal bandwidth selection图2 合适的属性分割参数估计流程图 |
Fig. 3 Sketch map of computing the merging threshold图3 所示合并阈值参数估计示意图 注:rh为影像水平方向半方差函数的变程,rv影像垂直方向半方差函数的变程 |
Fig. 4 Experimental panchromatic high spatial resolution images图4 高空间分辨率全色实验影像 |
Fig. 5 ALvariogram and SCROC-ALV of building_1 and building_2图5 建筑区平均局部方差及变化率计算结果图 |
Fig. 6 Semivariogram and the change of synthetic semivariance of farmland_1 and farmland_2图6 农田区半方差及综合半方差变差计算结果图 |
Fig. 7 Images and histograms of LV with window size of hs for different features图7 LV影像及直方图(窗口大小为hs估计参数) |
Fig. 8 Changes of segmentation evaluations with respect to different hs values图8 空间尺度参数hs变化时的分割评价结果 |
Tab. 1 Peak ranges and peak point in the verifications of hs表1 hs验证实验中的分割评价峰值范围和峰值点 |
影像 | building_1 | building_2 | farmland_1 | farmland_2 |
峰值范围 (hs) | 18~24 | 15~21 | 18~24 | 18~24 |
峰值点 (hs) | 24 | 21 | 24 | 21 |
本文方法的估计合适参数 | 19 | 15 | 18 | 22 |
Fig. 9 Changes of segmentation evaluations with respect to different hr values图9 属性尺度参数hr变化时的分割评价结果 |
Tab. 2 Peak ranges and peak point in the verifications of hr表2 hr验证实验中的分割评价峰值范围和峰值点 |
影像 | building_1 | building_2 | farmland_1 | farmland_2 |
峰值范围 (hr) | 6~8 | 3~6 | 1~2,5~6 | 5,7~9 |
峰值点 (hr) | 7 | 6 | 1, 2, 5 | 7 |
本文方法的估计合适参数 | 6 | 8 | 5 | 5 |
Fig. 10 Changes of segmentation evaluations with respect to different M values图10 合并阈值参数M变化时的分割评价结果 |
Tab. 3 Peak ranges and peak point in the verifications of M表3 M验证实验中的分割评价峰值范围和峰值点 |
影像 | building_1 | building_2 | farmland_1 | farmland_2 |
峰值范围 (M) | 150~200 | 100~200 | 150~200 | 100~200 |
峰值点 (M) | 200 | 150 | 150 | 250 |
本文方法的估计合适参数 | 181 | 113 | 162 | 242 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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