Orginal Article

Scale Parameter Estimation Based on the Spatial and Spectral Statistics in High Spatial Resolution Image Segmentation

  • MING Dongping , 1, * ,
  • ZHOU Wen 1 ,
  • WANG Min 2
  • 1. School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China;;
*Corresponding author: MING Dongping, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-15

  Request revised date: 2016-01-23

  Online published: 2016-05-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) is becoming an important technology for the information extraction from high spatial resolution images. Multi-scale image segmentation is a key and fundamental procedure of OBIA, however, the scale selection within the multi-scale image segmentation is always difficult to achieve for the high-performance OBIA. This paper firstly generalizes the commonly used segmentation scale parameters into three aspects: the spatial parameter (the spatial distance between classes), the attribute parameter (the attribute distance or spectral difference between classes) and the merging threshold (the area or pixel number of the minimum useful object). Next, this paper proposes a spatial and spectral statistics-based scale parameter estimation method for OBIA. The main concept of this proposed method is to use the average local variogram (without considering the anisotropism of spatial distribution) or the semivariogram (considering the anisotropism of spatial distribution) to pre-estimate the optimal spatial parameter. Next, the selection of the optimal attribute parameter and the selection of the merging threshold are achieved based on the local variance histogram and the simple geometric computation, respectively. Taking the mean-shift segmentation as an example, this study uses Ikonos, Quickbird and aerial panchromatic images as the experimental data to verify the validity of the proposed scale parameter estimation method. Experiments based on the quantitative multi-scale segmentation evaluation could testify the validity of this method. This pre-estimation based scale parameter selection method is practically helpful and efficient in OBIA. The idea of this method can be further extended to be integrated into other segmentation algorithms and be adaptive to other sensor data.

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MING Dongping , ZHOU Wen , WANG Min . Scale Parameter Estimation Based on the Spatial and Spectral Statistics in High Spatial Resolution Image Segmentation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(5) : 622 -631 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00622

1 引言

随着卫星遥感传感器技术的发展,遥感影像的空间分辨率得到了极大提高。在高空间分辨率遥感图像上,类别内的光谱异质性加剧,导致同物异谱和异物同谱现象较中低分辨率遥感影像更加明显,因此,高分辨率遥感影像像元分类不仅难以获得较高的精度,也难以保证图斑的完整性。面向对象影像分析方法(Object-Based Image Analysis,OBIA)能更有效地把空间信息和专家知识结合到遥感信息提取中,近十几年来逐渐成为高空间分辨率遥感信息提取的主流技术[1],并成为连接遥感与地理信息系统的桥梁[2]。在OBIA中,多尺度分割是将遥感影像从离散的规则像元转化为均质的影像对象基元的关键性基础工作,然而在多尺度分割过程中真正的挑战是定义合适的尺度参数[3],因为尺度参数不合适会导致过分割或者欠分割,进而会降低面向对象遥感信息提取的精度[4-5]

2 面向对象影像分析中的尺度及尺度参数


3 基于谱空间统计的高分辨率影像 分割尺度估计

Fig. 1 Workflow of the pre-estimation of the optimal scale parameters based on spatial and spectral statistics

图1 基于谱空间统计的尺度分割参数估计流程图

3.1 基于空间统计学的空间尺度分割参数估计方法

3.1.1 不考虑地物空间分布各向异性
当地物空间分布呈现杂乱或随机性的特点时,依据文献[17]的思想,采用不考虑各向异性的平均局部方差法进行空间尺度分割参数估计。局部方差(Local Variance,LV)最早由Woodcock和Strahler在1987年提出,用于揭示遥感影像的空间结构。其通过利用一个n像元×n像元的移动窗来计算窗口内的标准差的均值(即局部方差),在全局影像上求平均,描述方差随像元尺寸变化而变化的情况,最后形成平均局部方差曲线图,用于刻画遥感影像空间分辨率与地物尺寸之间的相互关系。本文提出采用平均局部方差方法进行空间尺度分割参数估计。实际上,某个像元位置的局部方差的计算与考虑了不同方向的半方差计算相似,因而采用平均局部方差来估计最佳空间分割参数是合理的。
如果用平均局部方差随计算窗口大小变化而产生的平均局部方差(Average Local Variance,ALV)图替代随计算间隔变化的变异函数图(Semivariogram),与文献[18]的思想一致,平均局部方差曲线的变程对应的窗口尺寸ws所对应的hs为最佳空间尺度分割参数,这里关键问题是确定平均局部方差图的变程,其中hs=(ws-1)/2。通常函数拟合是求取变异函数变程的主要途径。然而,在很多实际应用中,空间统计特征联合分布的类型常常是未知的,造成数学函数拟合方法求取变程难于实现。此外,由于计算间隔比较小时变异函数的值对变程的影响要大于计算间隔比较大时,故本文采用简化的方法求取ALvariogram的变程。这里引入2个测度指标来辅助求取合适的hs
ROC - ALV i = AL V i - AL V i - 1 AL V i - 1 (1)
SCROC - ALV i = ROC - ALV i - 1 - ROC - ALV i (2)
式中:ROC-ALV是平均局部方差随计算窗口尺寸变化的一阶变化率,[ROC-ALV]i是计算间隔大小为hsi时的ALV,其取值范围为[0,1]; SCROC - AL V i 是[ROC-ALV]i的变化,是其二阶变化率,其取值范围为为[0,1]。一般 [ SCROC - ALV ] i 都是很小的小数,根据经验,ROC-ALVSCROC-ALV的阈值分别设为0.01和0.001,即随着计算间隔hs增大,第一次出现[ROC-ALV]i小于0.01且[SCROC-ALV]i小于0.001时的hs为待确定的合适的空间尺度分割参数。
3.1.2 考虑地物空间分布各向异性
Δ γ s ( h ) i = γ s ( h ) i - γ s ( h ) i = 1 (3)
Δ γ s ( h ) i = [ γ h ( h ) i + γ v ( h ) i ] 2 (4)
式中: Δ γ s ( h ) i 表示计算间隔hsi对应的综合半方差变差; γ s ( h ) i 表示计算间隔hsi对应的综合半方差,等于计算间隔hsi对应的水平方向半方差 γ h ( h ) i 与计算间隔hsi对应的垂直半方差 γ h ( h ) i 的平均值。综合半方差的平稳性较弱,取综合半方差变差 Δ γ s ( h ) i 第一次出现负值时对应的计算间隔为合适的空间尺度分割参数hs

3.2 基于局部方差直方图统计的属性尺度分割参数估计方法

属性分割参数的估计常常要结合邻域的大小引入先验知识,因此很难直接进行属性分割参数估计。然而,只要合适空间尺度分割参数能确定,在样本量足够多的情况下,可在此基础上分析局部方差的潜在分布模式,进行属性分割参数的估计。在不考虑计算效率的情况下,本文基于合适的属性尺度参数对应局部方差出现频率最多且这个合适的属性尺度参数不能过大(因为过大的属性参数常常会导致过分割)的选择原则,提出在最佳空间属性分割参数基础上,利用原始影像局部方差图像(即当计算窗口大小ws =2×hs+1时,由原始影像逐像元计算局部方差而得到的逐像元局部方差所构成的图像)的直方图的第一个峰值来辅助进行属性尺度分割参数估计的方法,其方法流程如图2所示。
Fig. 2 Workflow of the optimal bandwidth selection

图2 合适的属性分割参数估计流程图


3.3 基于空间尺度分割参数的合并阈值参数估计

合并阈值参数M的实质是有意义的分割斑块大小或有意义斑块内的像元数目。如上所述,局部方差计算窗口的大小(或合适空间分割参数的大小)能指示空间目标的大小,因此文献[17]利用ALvariogram进行合并阈值参数M取值的粗略估计,但是该方法假设的前提是地物属性空间分布的各向同性,而通常地物属性的空间分布体现为各向异性,因此合并阈值参数M的估计需要引入以下原则和先验知识假设。估计M的一个基本原则是M的取值既不能太大也不能太小。首先,为了保证有意义的小目标不被合并到邻域斑块,M的取值不能太大;同时,为了保证分割后的斑块不能太破碎,M的取值也不能太小,那样会导致分割斑块之间的异质性较低而影响最终OBIA分析的可分性。因此,结合图3所示合并阈值参数估计示意图,以INT[ ]表示取整函数,引入如下假设和规则:
(1)当不考虑地物空间分布各向异性的情况下,M的估计采用平均局部方差方法确定的 h s 来估计。如图3(a)所示,当目标的形状比较规则或者影像覆盖的主要目标类型为人工建筑物时,采用式(5)进行M的估计;当目标的形状非规则,采用式(6)进行M的估计。
Fig. 3 Sketch map of computing the merging threshold

图3 所示合并阈值参数估计示意图


M = INT [ ( h s 2 ) / 2 ] (5)
M = INT [ ( h s 2 ) / 4 ] (6)
M = INT [ ( r h × r v ) / 2 ] (7)
M = INT [ ( r h × r v ) / 4 ] (8)
M = INT [ ( r h × r v ) / 4 ] (9)

4 实验与分析

图4所示,本实验采用4幅大小均为800像元×800像元高空间分辨率影像作为实验数据。building_1为覆盖建筑区的IKONOS全色影像,空间分辨率1 m;building_2为覆盖建筑区的航空全色影像,空间分辨率1 m;farmland_1和farmland_2为覆盖农田区的IKONOS全色影像和Quickbird全色影像,空间分辨率分别是1 m 和0.6 m。为了进行方法对比,数据building_2和farmland_2采用了和文献[17]相同的实验数据。
Fig. 4 Experimental panchromatic high spatial resolution images

图4 高空间分辨率全色实验影像

4.1 基于谱空间统计的高分辨率影像分割尺度参数估计

依据上文提出的方法并根据先验知识,building_1和building_2的空间尺度参数估计不考虑各向异性,采用本文提出的平均局部方差方法,其ALV和SCROC-ALV的计算结果分别如图5(a)和5(b)所示,估计出building_1和building_2的适合空间尺度参数分别为19和15。farmland_1和farmland_2的空间尺度参数估计考虑各向异性,采用本文提出的半方差方法,其半方差及综合半方差变差计算结果分别如图6(a)和6(b)所示,估计出farmland_1和farmland_2的适合空间尺度参数分别为18和22(文献[17]对farmland_2影像数据采用局部方差方法估计出的空间尺度参数是20,说明2种方的估计结果存在一些差别)。 基于合适空间尺度分割参数的结果,绘制合适空间尺度参数的LV图像及其直方图(图7),根据LV直方图确定出各实验数据相对适合的属性分割参数分别为6、8、5和5。结合图6(a)的水平和垂直半方差计算结果,估计出各实验数据相对适合的合并阈值参数分别为181、113、162和242。
Fig. 5 ALvariogram and SCROC-ALV of building_1 and building_2

图5 建筑区平均局部方差及变化率计算结果图

Fig. 6 Semivariogram and the change of synthetic semivariance of farmland_1 and farmland_2

图6 农田区半方差及综合半方差变差计算结果图

Fig. 7 Images and histograms of LV with window size of hs for different features

图7 LV影像及直方图(窗口大小为hs估计参数)

4.2 实验验证和分析

4.2.1 基于固定hrM的空间尺度分割参数的验证
Fig. 8 Changes of segmentation evaluations with respect to different hs values

图8 空间尺度参数hs变化时的分割评价结果

Tab. 1 Peak ranges and peak point in the verifications of hs

表1 hs验证实验中的分割评价峰值范围和峰值点

影像 building_1 building_2 farmland_1 farmland_2
峰值范围 (hs) 18~24 15~21 18~24 18~24
峰值点 (hs) 24 21 24 21
本文方法的估计合适参数 19 15 18 22
4.2.2 基于固定hsM的属性尺度分割参数的验证
Fig. 9 Changes of segmentation evaluations with respect to different hr values

图9 属性尺度参数hr变化时的分割评价结果

Tab. 2 Peak ranges and peak point in the verifications of hr

表2 hr验证实验中的分割评价峰值范围和峰值点

影像 building_1 building_2 farmland_1 farmland_2
峰值范围 (hr) 6~8 3~6 1~2,5~6 5,7~9
峰值点 (hr) 7 6 1, 2, 5 7
本文方法的估计合适参数 6 8 5 5
4.2.3 基于固定hshr的阈值合并参数的验证
Fig. 10 Changes of segmentation evaluations with respect to different M values

图10 合并阈值参数M变化时的分割评价结果

Tab. 3 Peak ranges and peak point in the verifications of M

表3 M验证实验中的分割评价峰值范围和峰值点

影像 building_1 building_2 farmland_1 farmland_2
峰值范围 (M) 150~200 100~200 150~200 100~200
峰值点 (M) 200 150 150 250
本文方法的估计合适参数 181 113 162 242

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Hay G J, Castilla G, Wulder M A, et al.An automated object-based approach for the multiscale image segmentation of forest scenes[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2005,7(4):339-359.Over the last decade the analysis of Earth observation data has evolved from what were predominantly per-pixel multispectral-based approaches, to the development and application of multiscale object-based methods. To empower users with these emerging object-based approaches, methods need to be intuitive, easy to use, require little user intervention, and provide results closely matching those generated by human interpreters. In an attempt to facilitate this, we present multiscale object-specific segmentation (MOSS) as an integrative object-based approach for automatically delineating image-objects (i.e., segments) at multiple scales from a high-spatial resolution remotely sensed forest scene. We further illustrate that these segments cognitively correspond to individual tree crowns, ranging up to forest stands, and describe how such a tool may be used in computer-assisted forest inventory mapping. MOSS is composed of three primary components: object-specific analysis (OSA), object-specific upscaling (OSU), and a new segmentation algorithm referred to as size constrained region merging (SCRM). The rationale for integrating these methods is that the first two provide the third with object-size parameters that otherwise would need to be specified by a user. Analysis is performed on an IKONOS-2 panchromatic image that represents a highly fragmented forested landscape in the Sooke Watershed on southern Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.


Myint S W, Gober P, Brazel A, et al.Per-pixel vs. object-based classification of urban land cover extraction using high spatial resolution imagery[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011,115(5):1145-1161.In using traditional digital classification algorithms, a researcher typically encounters serious issues in identifying urban land cover classes employing high resolution data. A normal approach is to use spectral information alone and ignore spatial information and a group of pixels that need to be considered together as an object We used QuickBird image data over a central region in the city of Phoenix, Arizona to examine if an object-based classifier can accurately identify urban classes. To demonstrate if spectral information alone is practical in urban classification, we used spectra of the selected classes from randomly selected points to examine if they can be effectively discriminated. The overall accuracy based on spectral information alone reached only about 63.33%. We employed five different classification procedures with the object-based paradigm that separates spatially and spectrally similar pixels at different scales. The classifiers to assign land covers to segmented objects used in the study include membership functions and the nearest neighbor classifier. The object-based classifier achieved a high overall accuracy (90.40%), whereas the most commonly used decision rule, namely maximum likelihood classifier, produced a lower overall accuracy (67.60%). This study demonstrates that the object-based classifier is a significantly better approach than the classical per-pixel classifiers. Further, this study reviews application of different parameters for segmentation and classification, combined use of composite and original bands, selection of different scale levels, and choice of classifiers. Strengths and weaknesses of the object-based prototype are presented and we provide suggestions to avoid or minimize uncertainties and limitations associated with the approach. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Dronova I, Gong P, Clinton N E, et al.Landscape analysis of wetland plant functional types: the effects of image segmentation scale, vegetation classes and classification methods[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012,127:357-369.Remote sensing-based analyses of vegetation function such as photosynthesis and productivity are challenging in wetlands with complex cover and difficult field access. Recent advances in object-based image analysis (OBIA) and machine-learning algorithms offer new image classification tools; however, few comparisons of different approaches have been discussed to date. We applied OBIA to delineate wetland plant functional types (PFTs) for Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China and Ramsar wetland conservation site, from a spring 2008 Landsat TM image. We targeted major PFTs that represent dominant vegetation groups along wetland inundation gradients and affect ecosystem biogeochemical cycles and ecological habitats. Classification results were compared among: a) several “small” object segmentation scales (with average object sizes 1350–900002m 2 ); b) algorithms from six families of statistical machine-learning classifiers (Bayesian, Logistic, Neural Network, Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machines) and c) two hierarchical levels of vegetation classification, a generalized 3-class set and a more specific 6-class set. We also examined the response of classification accuracy to four basic object-level texture metrics. The highest accuracies (>0285–90%) and best agreement among algorithms occurred at coarser object scales rather than close-to-pixel scales. No single machine-learning algorithm was consistently superior at all scales, although support vector machine, k-nearest neighbor and artificial neural network most frequently provided the highest overall and PFT-specific accuracies. Including texture metrics had both positive and negative low-magnitude effects on classification accuracy that were not consistent among scale values, algorithms or PFT classes. Individual PFTs differed in scales at which they were best discriminated from others, reflecting their unique landscape positions, ecology of dominant species and disturbance agents. There was a 29–35% disagreement between mapped areas of generalized PFTs and their respective subclasses, suggesting potential mismatches between the ecological classification scheme and PFT landscape patch structure, and raising concern on error propagation in multi-scale classifications. We conclude that OBIA with machine-learning classifiers is useful for landscape vegetation analyses, however, considerations of spatial scale and image segmentation outcomes are critical in mapping PFTs and should be more thoroughly investigated in future work.


Claudio R J.Combining wavelets and watersheds for robust multiscale image segmentation[J]. Image and Vision Computing, 2007,25(1):24-33.<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper proposes a new segmentation technique that combines multiresolution wavelet decompositions with the watershed transform. The wavelet transform is applied to the intensity image, producing detail and approximation coefficients. Gradient magnitudes of the approximation image at the coarsest resolution are computed, and an adaptive threshold is used to remove small gradient magnitudes. The watershed transform is then applied, and the segmented image is projected up to higher resolutions using inverse wavelet transforms. Typically, if a low resolution is chosen for the initial segmentation, large relevant objects will be captured; on the other hand, a higher initial resolution will lead to smaller (and more detailed) segmented objects. The low-pass filtering involved in the wavelet decomposition provides robust segmentation results for noisy images, even when the amount of noise is very large.</p>


Kim M, Madden M, Warner T.Estimation of optimal image object size for the segmentation of forest stands with multispectral IKONOS imagery[A]. In: Blaschke T, Lang S, Hay G J(eds.). Object-based image analysis-spatial concepts for knowledge driven remote sensing applications[M]. Berlin: Springer, 2008:291-307.

Johnson B, Xie Z.Unsupervised image segmentation evaluation and refinement using a multi-scale approach[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2011,66:473-483.In this study, a multi-scale approach is used to improve the segmentation of a high spatial resolution (30 cm) color infrared image of a residential area. First, a series of 25 image segmentations are performed in Definiens Professional 5 using different scale parameters. The optimal image segmentation is identified using an unsupervised evaluation method of segmentation quality that takes into account global intra-segment and inter-segment heterogeneity measures (weighted variance and Moran's I, respectively). Once the optimal segmentation is determined, under-segmented and over-segmented regions in this segmentation are identified using local heterogeneity measures (variance and Local Moran's I). The under- and over-segmented regions are refined by (1) further segmenting under-segmented regions at finer scales, and (2) merging over-segmented regions with spectrally similar neighbors. This process leads to the creation of several segmentations consisting of segments generated at three different segmentation scales. Comparison of single- and multi-scale segmentations shows that identifying and refining underand over-segmented regions using local statistics can improve global segmentation results. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS).


Tian J, Chen D M.Optimization in multi-scale segmentation of high-resolution satellite images for artificial feature recognition[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2007,28(20):4625-4644.

Anders N S, Seijmonsbergen A C, Bouten W.Segmentation optimization and stratified object-based analysis for semi-automated geomorphological mapping[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2011,115(12):2976-2985.Semi-automated geomorphological mapping techniques are gradually replacing classical techniques due to increasing availability of high-quality digital topographic data. In order to efficiently analyze such large amounts of data, there is a need for optimizing the processing of automated mapping techniques. In this context, we present a novel approach to semi-automatically map alpine geomorphology using stratified object-based image analysis. We used a 1 m Digital Terrain Model (DTM) derived from laser altimetry data from a mountainous catchment from which we calculated various Land-Surface Parameters (I-SPs). The LSPs 'slope angle' and 'topographic openness' have been combined into a single composite layer for selecting reference material and delineating training samples. We developed a novel method to semi-automatically assess segmentation results by comparing 2D frequency distribution matrices of training samples and image objects. The segmentation accuracy assessment allowed us to automate optimization of the scale parameter and LSPs used for segmentation. We concluded that different geomorphological feature types have different sets of optimal segmentation parameters. The feature-dependent parameters were used in a new approach of stratified feature extraction for classifying karst, glacial, fluvial and denudational landforms. In this way, we have used stratified object-based image analysis to semi-automatically extract contrasting geomorphological features from high-resolution digital terrain data. A further step would be to also automate the optimization of classification rules. We would then be able to create a library of feature characteristics that could be transferred and applied to other mountain regions and further automate geomorphological mapping strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Clinton N, Holt A, Scarborough J, et al.Accuracy assessment measures for object-based image segmentation goodness[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2010,76(3):289-299.中国科学院机构知识库(中国科学院机构知识库网格(CAS IR GRID))以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。


Liu Y, Bian L, Meng Y, et al.Discrepancy measures for selecting optimal combination of parameter values inobject-based image analysis[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2012,68:144-156.

Drǎgut L, Tiede D, Levick S R.ESP: a tool to estimate scale parameter for multiresolution image segmentation of remotely sensed data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2010,24(6):859-871.ABSTRACT The spatial resolution of imaging sensors has increased dramatically in recent years, and so too have the challenges associated with extracting meaningful information from their data products. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) is gaining rapid popularity in remote sensing science as a means of bridging very high spatial resolution (VHSR) imagery and GIS. Multiscalar image segmentation is a fundamental step in OBIA, yet there is currently no tool available to objectively guide the selection of appropriate scales for segmentation. We present a technique for estimating the scale parameter in image segmentation of remotely sensed data with Definiens Developer庐;. The degree of heterogeneity within an image-object is controlled by a subjective measure called the 'scale parameter', as implemented in the mentioned software. We propose a tool, called estimation of scale parameter (ESP), that builds on the idea of local variance (LV) of object heterogeneity within a scene. The ESP tool iteratively generates image-objects at multiple scale levels in a bottom-up approach and calculates the LV for each scale. Variation in heterogeneity is explored by evaluating LV plotted against the corresponding scale. The thresholds in rates of change of LV (ROC-LV) indicate the scale levels at which the image can be segmented in the most appropriate manner, relative to the data properties at the scene level. Our tests on different types of imagery indicated fast processing times and accurate results. The simple yet robust ESP tool enables fast and objective parametrization when performing image segmentation and holds great potential for OBIA applications.


Eid M E, Khaled M E, Onsi H M.A proposed multi-scale approach with automatic scale selection for image change detection[J]. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, 2010,13:1-10.

Goodchild M, Quattrochi D A.Introduction: scale, multiscaling, remote sensing, and GIS[A]. In: Quattrochi D A, Goodchild M(eds.). Scale in remote sensing and GIS[M]. Boca Raton, FL: Lewis Publishers, 1997:1-12.

Definiens A G.Definiens developer 7 user guide (version[Z]. Definiens, 2007:23.

Ming D, Li J, Wang J, et al.Scale parameter selection by spatial statistics for GeOBIA: using mean-shift based multi-scale segmentation as an example[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015,106:28-41.Geo-Object-Based Image Analysis (GEOBIA) is becoming an increasingly important technology for information extraction from remote sensing images. Multi-scale image segmentation is a key procedure that partitions an image into homogeneous parcels (image objects) in GEOBIA. Hierarchical image objects also provide a better representation result than a single-scale representation. However, scale selection in multi-scale image segmentation is always difficult for high-performance GEOBIA. This paper first generalizes the commonly used segmentation scale parameters into three aspects: spatial bandwidth (spatial distance between classes), attribute bandwidth (difference between classes) and merging threshold. Next, taking mean-shift multi-scale segmentation as an example, this paper proposes a spatial and spectral statistics-based scale parameter selection method for object-based information extraction from high spatial resolution remote sensing images. The main idea of this proposed method is to use the ALV graph to replace the semivariogram to pre-estimate the optimal spatial bandwidth. Next, the selection of the optimal attribute bandwidth and the merging threshold are based on the ALV histogram and simple geometric computation, respectively. This study uses Ikonos, Quickbird and aerial panchromatic images as the experimental data to verify the validity of the proposed scale parameter selection method. Experiments based on quantitative multi-scale segmentation evaluation testify to the validity of this method. This pre-estimation-based scale parameter selection method is practically helpful and efficient in GEOBIA. The idea of this method can be further extended to other segmentation algorithms and other sensor data.


Ming D, Ci T, Cai H, et al.Semivariogram-based spatial bandwidth selection for remote sensing image segmentation with mean-shift algorithm[J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2012,9(5):813-817.Image segmentation is a key procedure that partitions an image into homogeneous parcels in object-based image analysis (OBIA). Scale selection in image segmentation is always difficult for high-performance OBIA. This letter is aimed at scale selection before segmentation in OBIA and proposes a spatial statistics-based spatial bandwidth selection method based on mean-shift segmentation. This study uses Ikonos and Quickbird panchromatic images as the experimental data and then computes their semivariances to select the optimal spatial bandwidth for mean-shift segmentation. To validate this method and interpret the relationship between the semivariances and segmentation scale, this letter implements an image segmentation evaluation based on the homogeneity within and the heterogeneity between the segmentation parcels. The evaluation results basically support the proposed scale selection method based on the semivariogram. Consequently, the semivariogram-based spatial bandwidth selection method is practically meaningful for pre-estimating the appropriate scale and thus contributes to improving the performance and efficiency of OBIA.


Comaniciu D, Meer P.Mean shift: a robust approach toward feature space analysis[J]. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2002,24(5):603-619.

Espindola G, Camara G, Reis I, et al.Parameter selection for region growing image segmentation algorithms using spatial autocorrelation[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006,27(14):3035-3040.

