Orginal Article

Optimal Scales Based Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data

  • YANG Haiping , 1, 2, * ,
  • MING Dongping 3
  • 1. College of Computer Science & Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Oceanographic Big Data Mining & Application of Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan 316022, China
  • 3. School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China;
*Corresponding author: YANG Haiping, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-02-15

  Request revised date: 2016-04-18

  Online published: 2016-05-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The quality of image segmentation has a great impact on the results of information extraction from high spatial resolution remote sensing imagery when the object-based method is employed. During the segmentation of high spatial resolution remote sensing images, the scale parameter directly affects the construction of segmented image objects. A small scale is likely to produce broken image objects, while a large scale probably results in the mixed image objects. To solve this problem, an image segmentation framework based on a set of optimal scales is proposed in this paper. First of all, the high spatial resolution remote sensing image is processed using multi-scale segmentation methods with respect to a group of regularly distributed scales. Then the relationship between the global standard deviation of a single segmented layer and its corresponding scale is determined, from which a group of optimal scales are selected. Since the object in a layer that is segmented by a big scale parameter contains the corresponding object in a layer that is segmented by a small scale parameter, a hierarchical tree with nodes of multi-scale image objects can be created. Within this hierarchical tree, the image object of the layer that is segmented by the maximum scale is set as the root. In this manner, each image object of the layer that is segmented by the maximum scale can generate a hierarchical tree, which all together forms the image forest. Two types of features are considered when the optimal image object is selected from each hierarchical tree, which are the comprehensive evaluation index and the spectral features. The comprehensive evaluation index keeps a balance between the homogeneity and heterogeneity of the image objects. And the spectral features of the children nodes should be consistent with the parent nodes in order to dismiss the mixed image objects. Finally, the segmented result is created after the optimal image objects from all hierarchical trees are selected. In the experiment presented in this paper, the Geoeye and ZY3 images are adopted. Results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the percentage of properly segmented image objects.

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YANG Haiping , MING Dongping . Optimal Scales Based Segmentation of High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(5) : 632 -638 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00632

1 引言


2 基于多层优选尺度的分割方法

Fig.1 Process of image segmentation based on a series of optimal scales

图1 基于多层优选尺度的高分影像分割方法

2.1 最优分割尺度的选择

Δ = WS D L - WS D L - 1 WS D L - 1 , L > 0 (1)
式中: L 表示分割层; WSD 表示影像全局的加权标准差,公式如式(2)所示。
WSD = i = 1 m w i S D i w i = are a i A S D i = MAX ( S D ij ) , j = 1,2 , ... , n (2)
式中: S D i 表示第i个影像对象的波段标准差; w i 表示第i个影像对象的面积权重;m表示在当前分割层的影像对象总数;n表示影像波段数目。从加权标准差变化率-尺度关系图中可以选出多个最优尺度,即局部对应的峰值为相应的最优分割尺度。

2.2 多层次对象树的构建

本文以三层对象树为例对多层次对象树的构建进行说明。假设现有影像I通过自底向上的分割方法获得了一组从小到大排列为S1S2S3的分割结果(图2)。尺度S1S2S3中相应位置的影像对象 O S 1 O S 2 O S 3 满足式(3)的父子包含关系。
O S 1 O S 2 O S 2 O S 3 (3)
Fig.2 Diagram of a hierarchical tree with nodes of multiscale image objects

图2 多层次对象树示意图

本文以尺度最大( S 3 )的分割层中的对象 { O i | O i O S 3 , i = 1,2 , , N S 3 } 为根节点, N S 3 S 3 分割层中影像对象的数目,寻找尺度S2的分割层中和对象 { O i | O i O S 3 , i = 1,2 , , N S 3 } 具有相等或被包含关系的对象 { O i | O i O S 2 , i = 1,2 , , N S 2 } ,选中该对象并将其作为对象 { O i | O i O S 3 , i = 1,2 , , N S 3 } 的子节点。依次类推,在尺度S1的分割层中寻找和对象 { O i | O i O S 2 , i = 1,2 , , N S 2 } 具有相等或被包含关系的对象 { O i | O i O S 1 , i = 1,2 , , N S 1 } ,并作为对象 { O i | O i O S 2 , i = 1 , 2 , , N S 2 } 的子节点。通过以上方法构建的树就是多层次对象树。以S3中的分割对象为根节点,分别构建相应的多层次对象树。所有这些多层次对象树形成了影像森林。

2.3 多层次对象树的合并

本文从局部对多层次对象树进行合并,且合并时综合考虑了图像本身的特性及地物的光谱特征。图像本身的特性包括影像对象的同质性及异质性,理想状况下,希望分割对象的同质性越大同时异质性越小。本文提出了一个融合了同质性及异质性的综合评价指数 ε ,如式(4)所示。
ε = h m 2 + 1 / h t 2 + 1 2 (4)
式中: h m 表示同质性的归一化量度; h t 表示异质性的归一化量度,具体计算如式(5)、(6)所示。
h m = MAX ( h mo ) - h mo MAX ( h mo ) - MIN ( h mo ) + 1 (5)
h t = MAX ( h te ) - h te MAX ( h te ) - MIN ( h te ) + 1 (6)
式中: MAX ( ) 表示取最大值函数; MIN ( ) 取最小值函数; h mo 表示同质性量度; h te 表示异质性量度。本文采用像元标准差作为同质性量度,其值越小说明该对象内部像元波动越小,即同质性越好;光谱均值之差作为异质性量度,其值越大说明对象之间异质性越大。结合式(4),当影像对象的同质性越大(即标准差越小)、异质性越大时, ε 越小,因此本文选择 ε 最小的对象作为候选最佳对象。
在算法自底向上搜索的过程中,以最底层优选尺度中分割对象的光谱特征为基准,给上层最优尺度中分割对象的光谱特征加上限制条件,即在通过综合评价指数 ε 选择了最佳对象之后,要求上层分割对象的地物光谱特征必须和最底层对应分割对象的光谱特征保持一致,从而避免出现混合对象。本文中地物光谱特征主要考虑了植被和水体2类特征明显的地物。

3 实验与分析

3.1 Geoeye多光谱影像分割实验

本实验中采用了Geoeye多光谱影像,实验数据的空间分辨率为2 m,影像大小1000像元×1000像元,有蓝(450~510 nm)、绿(510~580 nm)、红(655~690 nm)和近红外(780~920 nm)共4个波段。该研究区域(图3)的地物类型以耕地、水体、林地为主体,同时还分布有一些村庄。
Fig.3 Geoeye multispectral image

图3 Geoeye多光谱影像

首先,采用eCognition Developer 8.7的多分辨率算法对Geoeye影像进行分割,除了尺度以外的参数都按照算法的默认设置,分割尺度范围设为5-120,间隔设为1。根据2.1节中的方法,由标准差变化率-尺度曲线得到一组Geoeye影像的最优分割尺度,即24、35、49、59、69、94、116。据此,实验将以尺度116的分割对象为根节点,构建一系列深度为7的多层次对象树以形成影像森林。然后,比较多层次对象树中每个节点的综合评价指数 ε ;同时,通过采用NDVI及NDWI限制父层对象的光谱特性,来搜寻局部最优的影像对象。
P OS = N OS N (7)
P US = N US N (8)
P S = N S N (9)
Fig.4 Comparison of the segmentation results using different methods for the Geoeye multispectral image

图4 Geoeye多光谱影像分割实验中不同尺度分割结果和本文方法分割结果的精度比较

Fig.5 Details of the segmentation results for the Geoeye multispectral image

图5 Geoeye多光谱影像分割实验的局部结果图

3.2 ZY3多光谱影像分割实验

本实验采用了ZY3多光谱影像进行分割,实验数据的空间分辨率为5.8 m,影像大小为3000像元×3000像元,有蓝(450~520 nm)、绿(520~590 nm)、红(630~690 nm)和近红外(770~890 nm)共4个波段。该研究区域(图6)的地物类别包括耕地、水体、林地,还有一大一小2个城镇分布。首先,将ZY3影像输入eCognition Developer 8.7中的多分辨率分割算法,除了尺度以外的参数都按照算法的默认设置,分割尺度范围设为10-65,间隔设为1。然后计算标准差变化率-尺度曲线,并从中得到该ZY3多光谱影像的一组最优分割尺度为19、28、31、34、41、44、51、62。由此,实验将以尺度62的分割对象为根节点,构建一系列深度为8的多层次对象树以形成影像森林。其余处理方法与上述3.1节中的实验相同。
Fig.6 ZY3 multispectral image

图6 ZY3影像

Fig.7 Comparison of the segmentation results using different methods for the ZY3 multispectral image

图7 ZY3多光谱影像分割实验中不同尺度分割结果和本文方法分割结果的精度比较

Fig.8 Details of the segmentation results of factory buildings for the ZY3 multispectral image

图8 ZY3多光谱影像分割实验的局部结果图

4 结语

本文针对高分辨率影像分割中地物多尺度的问题,提出了一种基于多层优选尺度的高分辨率影像分割算法。由Geoeye多光谱影像分割实验和ZY3多光谱影像分割实验的结果可知,本文算法得到的分割结果中正常影像对象的比例高于任一单一优选分割尺度的分割结果。本文算法通过构建多层次对象树,将单尺度分割结果作为树的一层节点参与计算,并采用了一个融合了同质性及异质性的综合评价指数 ε 在局部选择最优的分割影像对象。与大的单尺度分割相比,其能够避免大量的欠分割影像对象;与小的单尺度分割相比,其能够避免大量的过分割影像对象。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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刘大伟,黄磊,李斌兵.一种基于对象相似性的遥感影像最优分割尺度评价方法[J].大地测量与地球动力学,2013,33(6):137-140.<p>针对遥感影像分割中最优尺度的选择问题,提出了根据参考对象和分割对象的灰度相似性和形状相似性构建分割尺度评价函数的方法。首先通过实地调绘和目视解译的方法选取典型地物作为参考对象,然后计算参考对象与分割对象的灰度相似性和形状相似性,并最终得到评价函数值,从而确定最优分割尺度。基于该评价函数,对World View2多光谱影像进行了实验,通过实验验证了该方法的有效性和适用性。</p>

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李秦,高锡章,张涛,等. 最优分割尺度下的多层次遥感地物分类实验分析[J].地球信息科学学报,2011,13(3):410-417.为了快速、准确地提取我国海岸带地区土地利用及其变化信息,选择 高分辨率遥感影像作为数据源,提出了最优分割尺度下的遥感多层次地物识别分类方法。首先,通过改进的局部方差法进行最优分割尺度的确定,建立影像中各对象 的方差均值与变化率随分割尺度变化曲线,确定方差均值的峰值,以变化率开始呈现下降趋势时所对应的分割值为最优分割尺度参考;然后,针对地物分类特征差异 选取各自适宜的分割尺度,建立多层次地物特征表达与规则,最后,实现最优尺度分割选择下的遥感多层次识别分类,即实现较大尺度下分割形成父对象,而较小尺 度下分割出其若干子对象的目标,提出了快速、自动化获取土地利用/覆盖图的策略流程。本文选取了广东省珠海市海岸带地区作为实验区,利用多层次遥感分类方 法进行地物识别分类。结果表明,其目视效果以及总体精度、Kappa系数,均优于传统方法和单一分割尺度下的影像分类方法。


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Drǎguţ L, Tiede D, Levick S R.ESP: a tool to estimate scale parameter for multiresolution image segmentation of remotely sensed data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2010,24(6):859-871.ABSTRACT The spatial resolution of imaging sensors has increased dramatically in recent years, and so too have the challenges associated with extracting meaningful information from their data products. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) is gaining rapid popularity in remote sensing science as a means of bridging very high spatial resolution (VHSR) imagery and GIS. Multiscalar image segmentation is a fundamental step in OBIA, yet there is currently no tool available to objectively guide the selection of appropriate scales for segmentation. We present a technique for estimating the scale parameter in image segmentation of remotely sensed data with Definiens Developer庐;. The degree of heterogeneity within an image-object is controlled by a subjective measure called the 'scale parameter', as implemented in the mentioned software. We propose a tool, called estimation of scale parameter (ESP), that builds on the idea of local variance (LV) of object heterogeneity within a scene. The ESP tool iteratively generates image-objects at multiple scale levels in a bottom-up approach and calculates the LV for each scale. Variation in heterogeneity is explored by evaluating LV plotted against the corresponding scale. The thresholds in rates of change of LV (ROC-LV) indicate the scale levels at which the image can be segmented in the most appropriate manner, relative to the data properties at the scene level. Our tests on different types of imagery indicated fast processing times and accurate results. The simple yet robust ESP tool enables fast and objective parametrization when performing image segmentation and holds great potential for OBIA applications.


