Orginal Article

Spatial Pattern Analysis on the Supply and Demand of Registered Parking Lots in Beijing

  • HU Ruishan , 1 ,
  • YANG Zhenshan , 1, 2, * ,
  • ZHANG Wanying 3
  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. Key Lab of Regional Sustainable Development and Modelling at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. Renmin University, Beijing 100872, China
*Corresponding author: YANG Zhenshan, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-06-25

  Request revised date: 2015-10-22

  Online published: 2016-06-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


With the fast growing of vehicle population, parking is turning into an important element of urban management. The tension between the supply and demand of parking has caused a series of serious problems, such as the illegal parking, the increase of cruising time, the safety issues of cars and drivers, and the air pollution. From the spatial perspective, this paper examines the supply-demand relationship of the registered parking plots in Beijing in 2014. Specifically, the two-step floating catchment area method was used to analyze the situation and pressure of parking by comparing the supply of parking plots and the demand at a street level. The study shows that most of the urban centers face the big pressure on the parking demand, and 41.5% of the streets, 72.3% of the area and about 41.7% of the population in Beijing urban area have their accessibility to the registered parking spots to be less than 5 for every hundred people. The accessibility to the registered parking area is higher in the urban center than in the periphery area, and the lowest values are found to be located between the fourth-fifth south ring road, along the fifth ring road, along the third northwest ring road and the urban central axis, excluding the Donghua Gate Street. Higher accessibility is found to be in the financial street and the central business district, while Zhongguancun area does not have a high accessibility to registered parking areas. Future management planning should emphasize and increase the number of registered parking lots, especially in the key urban functional areas and in the old residential communities, with the consideration of adjusting parking fee standard to influence people’s transportation and parking behavior.

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HU Ruishan , YANG Zhenshan , ZHANG Wanying . Spatial Pattern Analysis on the Supply and Demand of Registered Parking Lots in Beijing[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(6) : 779 -786 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00779

1 引言

随着社会经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,汽车开始成为一项重要和常见的交通工具。据统计,中国城市民用汽车从1990年的551万辆增加到2013年的12 670万辆,而同期城市人口从3.1亿增加到7.3亿,民用汽车的年均复合增长速度为14.6%,远高于城市人口增加速度(3.6%)。2009年中国超过美国成为世界第一大汽车产销地[1],停车已成为中国城市管理的重要内容。停车是每一次交通出行的衔接,停车困难将会对出行选择和行为造成影响[2-3]。另外,不合理、不规范的停车,不仅对公共造成了路权的剥夺,也会存在安全隐患和影响交通效率[4]。按照国际上较为合理的城市车辆与车位比例(1:1.3),大城市普遍存在停车位供给不足的问题[5]

2 北京市汽车增长与停车场供给现状

Tab. 1 The number of civilian cars in Beijing in 2012

表1 2012年北京市民用汽车拥有量

每百人拥有民用汽车数量 所需停车面积与区域建成区面积的比值/(%)
全市 4 957 409 100 24 2.35
首都功能核心区 822 176 16.58 37 14.29
城市功能拓展区 2 468 381 49.79 24 4.99
城市发展新区 1 299 610 26.22 20 1.25
生态涵养发展区 367 242 7.41 19 0.71
按照一般车位停放面积16 m2来计算,高昂的土地价格和建设成本使得车辆停放需求对停车场供给构成了巨大压力。2012年,全市停车所需面积与建成区面积的比值为2.35%,其中东城和西城最高,分别达到14.6%和13.9%。停车难的问题在未来城市发展中越发凸显,停车场供给不足不仅体现在数量上,空间分布的差异可能导致供需矛盾更加激烈。

3 研究数据与方法

3.1 数据来源及预处理

Fig. 1 The population density of Beijing areas in 2010

图1 北京市中心城区2010年人口密度图

3.2 研究方法

首先,建立北京市城乡道路拓扑网络,建立居住人口和备案停车场的对应关系。通过O-D矩阵求取306个乡镇、街道和地区到6320个停车场之间的最短路网距离和网络时间。经过网络分析,在街道和停车场之间共产生了193万多条记录,记录了两两之间最短通行时间。交通数据由国家测绘局提供,路网拓扑在ArcGIS 10.2下完成,具体道路等级和速度设置参考2004年《公路技术标准》,并结合北京市道路实际平均速度进行设置。
Fig. 2 The spatial distribution of registered parking lots in Beijing areas in 2014

图2 2014年北京市中心城区备案停车场空间分布图

A i H = j = 1 n S j d ij - β (1)
式中: A i H 是街道 i 的停车的可达性; S j 是停车场j的供给规模; d ij 是供需两地之间的距离或通行时间;β是交通摩擦系数; n 是停车位的总数。式(1)没有考虑需求者在分享有限供给时的竞争。威布尔[34]对这一模型进行了改进,改进后的模型表达方式如(2)、(3)所示。
A i G = j = 1 n S j d ij - β V j (2)
V j = k = 1 m D k d kj - β (3)
式中: A i G 是基于引力模型的可达性指数;nm分别供应和需求点数目; S j 是供应点j 的服务能力,本文以停车位数来表示; d ij 是需求点 i 和供应点j之间的时间或距离; V j 是供应点影响范围内需求点 i的总和( d ij d 0 , d 0 是供给点的影响阈值,用时间或距离表示),用潜在需求点的人口数表达; D k 为搜索区内的街道、乡镇和地区数; d kj 是需求点k和供给点j之间的距离或者时间;β是交通摩擦系数。 A i G 的值越大,表示空间可达性越好。
穆兰和Radke[35]对早期的引力模型进行了改进,并由罗卫和王法辉等[36]进一步改进为两步移动搜索法。鉴于引力模型对偏远地区的可达性测度有夸大的倾向[37-38],本文采用基于路网时间的两步移动搜索法来计算街道、乡镇和地区与停车场之间的可达性,分析北京市停车场和停车位供给显著不足地区。两步法的第(1)步确定供给点(本文指停车场)服务阈值( d 0 )内的供需比(本文是车位和人口的比值,计量单位为每百人拥有停车位数);第(2)步计算消费者可达性,即计算本文采用的计算街道或者乡镇的停车场数,并把这些停车场的供需比加总,即得到各个街道或者乡镇的停车场可达性。本文分别取街道、乡镇和地区到停车场通行时间4 min为服务阈值( d 0 ),通行距离约为2~3 km,这一距离是居民停车后步行返回居住点近似可以忍受的距离,尺度上和中心城区街道尺度相当,比大的街道和乡镇尺度要小,假设只有处于阈值范围内的供给和需求者才能发生交易。
Tab. 2 Statistics of the accessibility for the registered parking lots in each street within the study areas

表2 各研究城区按街道统计的备案停车场可达性统计

0AiF<5 5AiF<10 10AiF<15 15AiF<24 AiF24
区县 街道数/个 面积/km2 人口/人 街道/个 面积/km2 人口/人 街道数/个 面积/km2 人口/人 街道数/个 面积/km2 人口/人 街道数/个 面积/km2 人口/人
东城区 6 14.1 280 726 5 13 340 765 2 3 80 433 2 4.62 109 945 2 7.40 107 384
西城区 2 8.83 226 662 4 13.16 394 566 5 11 301 234 4 17.68 310 295
朝阳区 16 302.08 1 259 831 12 76.97 1 097 576 3 15 196 412 4 13.75 166 397
海淀区 13 334 1 454 343 8 47.46 1 048 637 4 34.30 368 825 4 14.713 380 423
丰台区 11 265.29 918 947 4 34.50 521 459 2 5.99 166 884 4 34.3 368 825 4 14.71 380 423
石景山区 6 72 479 627 3 12.65 113 607
合计 54 996.3 4 620 136 36 197.74 3 516 610 16 69.29 1 113 788 18 85.063 1 335 885 6 22.11 487 807
占城六区同类指标比例/(%) 41.54 72.30 41.72 27.69 14.35 31.75 12.31 5.03 10.06 13.85 6.17 12.06 4.62 1.60 4.40
第(1)步,对于每个停车场j,搜索所有离j距离阈值( d 0 )范围内的街道、乡镇和地区(k),计算出每个停车场的供需比 R j (式(4))。
R j = S j D k (4)
式中: d kj 为街道、乡镇和地区中心k和停车场j之间的距离; S j j点的停车位数,即总供给。
第(2)步,对每个乡镇、街道和地区i,搜索所有在服务阈值( d 0 )范围内的停车场的车位数,将所有停车场的供需比 R j 加在一起即得到街道、乡镇和地区i点的备案停车场的可达性 A i F (式(5))。
A i F = R j = S j D k (5)
式中: d ij 是街道、乡镇和地区i和停车场j之间的距离; R j 是以街道、乡镇和地区为中心的i搜索区( d ij d 0 )内的停车场j的车位的供需比。 A i F 越大,则可达性越好。

4 备案停车场空间潜在可达性分布

Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of the accessibility for the parking lots in Beijing downtown areas in 2014

图3 2014年北京市中心城区停车场可达性空间分布图

Fig. 4 The ratio of the potential spatial accessibility of parking lots to the demands in Beijing downtown areas in 2014

图4 2014年北京市中心城区中心城区停车场潜在可达性与需求比

分析结果显示,主城区129个街道和乡镇分析单元中,只有三里屯街道潜在的规范停车可达性和实际每百人拥有车辆比值大于1.3,从居住人口停车需求的角度来说实现供需基本平衡。有15个街道在2~3 km通行距离内没有可供选择的备案停车场,其中有14个分布在五环外,其余113个街道和乡镇停车位可达性与人均汽车拥有量的比都小于1.3,比值在0.5以下的有110个街道,占中心城区街道数85.27%。停车位严重缺乏区域主要为南四环与南五环之间,五环附近及五环外,西北三环附近,二环内备案停车位不足区域主要位于城市中轴线上除了东华门街道外的街道。和居住停车可达性类似,核心区和城市功能拓展区四环内部分供需比状况要好于外围地区。CBD和金融街供需比整体较好且高于周边地区,中关村地区供需相对居住可达性,也有所提升,要好于周边地区。二环和三环之间老旧小区占比较高的街道居住停车供需比要低于周边地区,这些小区多是20世纪80年代以前建成,缺乏备案停车场。

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Honarmand M, Zakariazadeh A, Jadid S.Optimal scheduling of electric vehicles in an intelligent parking lot considering vehicle-to-grid concept and battery condition[J]. Energy, 2014,65:572-579.The anticipation of a large penetration of EVs (electric vehicles) into the market brings up many technical issues. The power system may put at risk the security and reliability of operation due to uncontrolled EV charging and discharging. It is necessary to carry out intelligent scheduling for charging and discharging of EVs. In this paper, a smart management and scheduling model is proposed for large number of EVs parked in an urban parking lot. The proposed model considered practical constraints such as desired charging electricity price, remaining battery capacity, remaining charging time and age of the battery. The results show that the proposed parking lot energy management system satisfies both financial and technical goals. Moreover, EV owners could earn profit from discharging their vehicles as well as having desired SOC (state of charge) in the departure time.


Pierce G, Shoup D,石飞,等.停车收费合理定价——基于需求的旧金山停车定价模式评价[J].城市交通,2014(6):82-94.

[ Pierce G, Shoup D, Shi F, et al.Getting the prices right: an evaluation of pricing parking by demand in San Francisco[J]. Urban Transport of China, 2014,6:82-94. ]

郑士源. 信息不完全时公共停车场停车费和规模优化[J].交通运输工程学报,2010(5):81-89.为了对信息不完全情况下公共停车场的费率和规模进行规划,建立了规制经营和竞争经营2种管理模式下的停车费和规模优化模型。运用二维逆向选择和动态博弈方法得出了公共停车场最优停车费和规模的制定准则,分析了各因素对最优停车费和规模的影响。通过对2种模式下公共停车场的经营状况和社会福利的比较得知经营模式对停车费的影响不定;竞争经营模式下停车场的规模较规制经营模式下大94.21%;私人停车管理公司的利润较规制经营模式下高67.13%;停车服务需求较规制经营模式下大36.70%,社会福利较规制经营模式下高41.34%,可以看出竞争经营模式对公共停车场的经营管理和社会福利较为有利。

[ Zheng S Y.Parking fee and scale optimization of public parking lot with incomplete information[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2010,5:81-89. ]

吕国林,孙正安.深圳市停车收费调整探索[J].城市交通,2014(1):12-17.为了有针对性地实施交通需求管理、调控小汽车通勤出行,对深圳市 停车收费调整方案及其立法保障进行研究和探索。首先对深圳市交通拥堵状况和停车收费状况进行分析,在此基础上提出“分区、分类、分时”差别化的停车收费调 整总体思路。重点针对小汽车通勤出行停车时间长、进出停车场时间集中两个特征,提出两种停车收费调整方案--交通方式转移和鼓励错峰出行,同时创新性地提 出征收行政性收费--路外停车场停车调节费,并将提高停车收费后停车场经营者新增的收益纳入市财政。最后,从制度层面探讨落实停车收费方案的相关立法保 障。


[ Lv G L, Sun Z A.Parking charge adjustment in Shenzhen[J]. Urban Transport of China, 2014,1:12-17. ]

晏勇. 黄石市老城区停车系统改善策略[J].城市交通,2014(1):28-33.

[ Yan Y.Parking system improvement strategies for old districts in Huangshi city[J]. Urban Transport of China, 2014,1:28-33. ]

Ibeas A, Dell’Olio L, Bordagaray M, et al. Modelling parking choices considering user heterogeneity[J]. Transportation Research Part A Policy & Practice, 2014,70:41-49.



[ Yang Z S, Zhang H, Ding Y, et al.Progress and prospect on urban green space research[J]. Progress in Geography, 2015,34(1):18-29. ]


[ Liu J, He Y L, Zhao X.Parking behavior survey of big city center[J]. Shanxi Architecture, 2015,41(9):1-3. ]


[ Zong G, Chen M.The research on the parking market concentration ratio[J]. Price: Theory & Practice, 2014,9:42-44. ]

Hansen W G.How accessibility shapes land use[J]. Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 1959,25(2):73-76.An empirical examination of the residential development patterns illustrates that accessibility and the availability of vacant developable land can be used as the basis of a residential land use model. The author presents an operational definition and suggests a method for determining accessibility patterns within metropolitan areas. This is a process of distributing forecasted metropolitan population to small areas within the metropolitan region. Although the model presented is not yet sufficiently well refined for estimating purposes, the concept and the approach may be potentially useful tools for metropolitan planning purposes.


Weibull J W.An axiomatic approach to the measurement of accessibility[J]. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 1976,6(4):357-379.

Radke J, Mu L.Spatial decompositions, modeling and mapping service regions to predict access to social programs[J]. Geographic Information Sciences, 2000,6(2):105-112.ABSTRACT Although social programs intend to provide equal access for all, in the final evaluation, fairness of the distribution of services is usually dictated by location. Measuring and predicting access to social services can help these programs adjust and better accommodate under-served regions. A method is proposed which delineates the service area of providers delivering social services and produces a probability metric that maps the equity of the program of services for each household. We begin with a computationally trivial method for delineating service areas, map the probability of households being served, and propose an adjustment process, an allocation, to level access to services. We argue such methods can serve to better locate service providers and insure equity when implementing social programs.


Wang F, Wei L.Assessing spatial and nonspatial factors for healthcare access: towards an integrated approach to defining health professional shortage areas[J]. Health & Place, 2005,11(2):131-146.Abstract This research considers both spatial and nonspatial factors in examining accessibility to primary healthcare in Illinois. Spatial access emphasizes the importance of geographic barrier between consumer and provider, and nonspatial factors include nongeographic barriers or facilitators such as age, sex, ethnicity, income, social class, education and language ability. The population and socioeconomic data are from the 2000 Census, and the primary care physician data for the same year are provided by the American Medical Association. First, a two-step floating catchment area method implemented in Geographic Information Systems is used to measure spatial accessibility based on travel time. Secondly, the factor analysis method is used to group various sociodemographic variables into three factors: (1) socioeconomic disadvantages, (2) sociocultural barriers and (3) high healthcare needs. Finally, spatial and nonspatial factors are integrated to identify areas with poor access to primary healthcare. The research is intended to develop an integrated approach for defining Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA) that may help the US Department of Health and Human Services and state health departments improve HPSA designation.


Hu R, Dong S, Zhao Y, et al.Assessing potential spatial accessibility of health services in rural China: a case study of Donghai county[J]. International Journal for Equity in Health, 2013,35(20):414-414.Introduction: There is a great health services disparity between urban and rural areas in China. The percentage of people who are unable to access health services due to long travel times increases. This paper takes Donghai County as the study unit to analyse areas with physician shortages and characteristics of the potential spatial accessibility of health services. We analyse how the unequal health services resources distribution and the New Cooperative Medical Scheme affect the potential spatial accessibility of health services in Donghai County. We also give some advice on how to alleviate the unequal spatial accessibility of health services in areas that are more remote and isolated. Methods: The shortest traffic times of from hospitals to villages are calculated with an O-D matrix of GIS extension model. This paper applies an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) method to study the spatial accessibility of health services and to determine areas with physician shortages in Donghai County. The sensitivity of the E2SFCA for assessing variation in the spatial accessibility of health services is checked using different impedance coefficient values(a). Geostatistical Analyst model and spatial analyst method is used to analyse the spatial pattern and the edge effect of potential spatial accessibility of health services. Results: The results show that 69% of villages have access to lower potential spatial accessibility of health services than the average for Donghai County, and 79% of the village scores are lower than the average for Jiangsu Province. The potential spatial accessibility of health services diminishes greatly from the centre of the county to outlying areas. Using a smaller impedance coefficient leads to greater disparity among the villages. The spatial accessibility of health services is greater along highway in the county. Conclusions: Most of villages are in underserved health services areas. An unequal distribution of health service resources and the reimbursement policies of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme have led to an edge effect regarding spatial accessibility of health services in Donghai County, whereby people living on the edge of the county have less access to health services. Comprehensive measures should be considered to alleviate the unequal spatial accessibility of health services in areas that are more remote and isolated.


Ngui A N, Vanasse A.Assessing spatial accessibility to mental health facilities in an urban environment[J]. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology, 2012,3(3):195-203.Canadian provincial health systems are obligated to ensure access to health services for all citizens, based primarily on the principles of "universality" and "accessibility" which is enshrined in the Canada Health Act. Nevertheless, less than 40% of Canadian with mental health problems uses mental health services. Efforts to understand underutilization of mental health services have focused on individual and neighborhood characteristics. The aim of this study was to examine whether we could identify areas with mental health facilities shortage in the southwest of Montreal which may possibly explain disparities in access to mental health facilities. We applied the two-step floating catchment area method for our analyses. The results of our analysis show that mental health services are not equally distributed in the southwest of Montreal and in consequence, accessibility scores vary greatly from one DA to another.


