Orginal Article

Temporal and Spatial Variation Analysis of the Area of Siling Co Lake in Tibet Based on ESTARFM (1976-2014)

  • HAO Guibin , 1, 2 ,
  • WU Bo 1 ,
  • ZHANG Lifu , 2, * ,
  • FU Dongjie 2 ,
  • LI Yao 2
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing of Ministry of Education, Spatial Information Research Center of Fujian Province, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: ZHANG Lifu, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-07-09

  Request revised date: 2015-09-18

  Online published: 2016-06-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Lakes, especially the inland lakes, are sensitive to global climate change, which are the indicator of environmental variation. The area of lakes can reflect local climate change information. Thus, the rapid and accurate monitor of the dynamic change of the lake area is of great significance to analyze regional ecological environment. Based on MODIS data, this study used ESTARFM to simulate the Landsat data which are unavailable after 2000, and utilized two types of water index assisted by DEM data to analyze the dynamic area change of Siling Co Lake in Tibet from 1976 to 2014. Then, we analyzed the reasons of lake area change and its respond to climate change using the meteorological data acquired by six adjacent meteorological stations from 1976 to 2014. Conclusions can be made according to the results as the following statements. (1) The Landsat-like data acquired by ESTARFM was consistent to the real Landsat data in water information extraction, whose determination coefficient can reach a value of greater than 0.93. So, the fused data can be applied to extract the information of lakes. (2) Siling Co kept expanding from 1976 to 2014, the area of which increased approximately 711.652 km2, which is 42.36% larger. The average annual growth was about 18.728 km2, and the largest annual increase was up to 55.954 km2. The whole process of lake area change can be divided into three stages: the smooth change, the rapid change, and the smooth change again. The northern region changed most obviously, extending northward for about 22.812 km2. From 2003 to 2005, the southern region was integrated with Ya Gencuo Lake, and then they expanded together. (3) The snow-ice melting water supply caused by global warming might be the main reason for lake spread, and the decrease of wind speed was the secondary factor. However, the amount of precipitation and sunshine duration were poorly related to the lake area change.

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HAO Guibin , WU Bo , ZHANG Lifu , FU Dongjie , LI Yao . Temporal and Spatial Variation Analysis of the Area of Siling Co Lake in Tibet Based on ESTARFM (1976-2014)[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(6) : 833 -846 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00833

1 引言

在全球变暖的大环境下,西藏北部地区属于气候变化的敏感区域。该地区海拔较高、人口相对稀少,湖面的面积变化受人类活动影响较小,湖泊的自然条件保持较好。因此,该地区的湖泊面积变化可较为真实地反映区域气候的变化情况[13]。近40年来,位于藏北地区的色林错湖面积增长最为迅速,已超过纳木错湖成为西藏地区第一大湖[3,14]。色林错湖湖面的动态变化已引起了广泛的关注[4,12-16],但目前的研究主要利用有限的几景MSS或TM等遥感影像进行分析,缺少时间上的连续性,难以反映色林错湖逐年、逐季度甚至逐月的变化情况;或者使用空间分辨率较低的MODIS数据(250、500和1000 m),缺少对空间细节的刻画,难以反映色林错湖的空间变化信息。时空数据融合可很好地结合二者的优势,获得高时间、高空间分辨率的遥感影像,即通过时空数据融合获得的数据具有MODIS数据的时间分辨率和Landsat数据的空间分辨率(30 m)。本文基于ESTARFM(Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model)[17]时空数据融合算法,获取高时间、高空间分辨率的融合数据,并综合2种水体指数并辅以DEM数据构建湖泊水体的提取模型,对1976-2014年的色林错湖面积时空变化进行了深入分析。

2 数据与方法

2.1 研究区概况

色林错湖是西藏地区第一大湖,中国境内第二大咸水湖,属于青藏高原形成过程中产生的一个构造湖[18],位于冈底斯山北麓,申扎县以北,地处西藏自治区申扎、尼玛、班戈3县的交界处,空间范围为31°34′~31°57′N,88°33′~89°21′E[10]。湖面平均海拔4530 m,湖体东西长72 km,南北宽22.8 km,最大水深超过33 m。色林错湖湖区地势略低于周围区域(图1[12,19],位于水流的汇聚中心,发源于格拉丹东、唐古拉山、吉热格帕等雪山的扎加藏布河流,于北岸入湖;发源于巴布日雪山的波曲藏布河流,于东岸入湖;发源于格仁错东部甲岗雪山的扎根藏布河流,于西岸入湖。因此,色林错湖水源的补给属于冰川融水补给。
Fig. 1 The location and DEM distribution of Siling Co Lake

图1 研究区位置及色林错湖区高程分布

Fig. 2 Area changes of Siling Co Lake during the year

图2 色林错湖面积的年内变化

2.2 数据来源

色林错湖区的雨热季均集中在每年的6-9月,冰冻期在每年的1-3月,通常情况下,湖水水位在10-11月达到年内稳定最大值。以2005年为例,利用8 d合成的MOD09A1地表反射率数据提取一年内色林错湖面积的变化情况(图2),由于云的覆盖和湖面结冰导致前期(第25-89天)湖泊的提取面积变小,第33天整个湖区被云覆盖,致使湖泊的提取面积几乎为0,从第289-321天(10-11月)湖泊水位达到年内的稳定最大值。从图2可看出,色林错湖湖泊面积一年内每8 d的变化率大于0,表明其呈季节性扩张显著,而本文主要研究色林错湖面积的年际变化,为减少因季节变化导致的湖面差异,在遥感数据的选择上均选择11月的数据(表1)。
Tab. 1 The list of available Landsat data in November

表1 现有的11月Landsat数据列表

年份 日期(DOY) 传感器类型 行号/列号 空间分辨率/m
1976 11-13(318) MSS 150/38 60
1988 11-30(335) TM 139/38 30
1989 11-18(322) TM 139/38 30
1991 11-08(312) TM 139/38 30
1992 11-10(315) TM 139/38 30
1993 11-13(317) TM 139/38 30
1999 11-06(310) ETM+ 139/38 30
2000 11-08(313) ETM+ 139/38 30
2001 11-11(315) ETM+ 139/38 30
2002 11-30(334) ETM+ 139/38 30
2003 11-09(313) TM 139/38 30
2004 11-02(307) TM 139/38 30
2005 11-14(318) TM 139/38 30
2009 10-31(308) TM 139/38 30
2014 11-07(311) OLI 139/38 30
本文使用的数据主要包括Landsat数据、MODIS数据、DEM数据和气象资料。(1)Landsat数据包括MSS、TM、ETM+、OLI等遥感数据,由美国地质调查局网站(获得,可直接获得的11月数据见表1,需要预测的11月数据见表2。若该年份中可获得包含预测时期在内的质量较好的2景影像,便利用2个时期的影像进行预测,若只有一景时间相接近的影像时,则利用一个时期的影像进行预测,所采用的MODIS数据与Landsat数据的日期前后最多不超过3 d,由于MODIS数据从2000年才开始生产,所以预测数据只能填补2000年以后不能得到的Landsat数据;MODIS数据则采用8 d合成的MOD09A1(地表反射率产品;DEM数据使用ASTER的2级产品GDEM数据。(2)气象数据包括色林错湖附近的申扎、班戈、安多、那曲、当雄、改则6个气象台站(图1)1970-2014年月平均气温、月降水量、月平均风速、月日照时数等气象数据,12个月份的累加和作为当年的年值数据,6个气象站点各气象数据取平均值代表色林错湖地区的气象资料。
Tab. 2 The list of Landsat-Like data needed to predict in November

表2 需要预测的11月Landsat-Like数据列表

年份 预测日期(DOY) 利用的TM数据日期(DOY) 利用的MODIS数据日期(DOY)
2006 313 273 337 273 337
2007 313 276 273
2008 313 279 281
2010 313 220 364 217 361
2011 313 239 241
2012 313 282 346 281 345
2013 313 212 340 209 337

2.3 数据预处理

利用MRT(MODIS Reprojection Tool)工具把MODIS数据批量重新投影为与Landsat数据相同的投影,并输出为GeoTIFF格式。由于MODIS数据与Landsat数据来自不同的传感器,波段设置有所差异(表3),须将MODIS数据按照B3、B4、B1、B2、B6、B5、B7的顺序重新波段调整,这样可以与Landsat数据的波段一一对应,并将MODIS数据重采样为30 m空间分辨率,与Landsat数据精确配准后进行相同区域的裁剪,作为ESTARFM模型的输入 数据。
Tab. 3 Landsat and MODIS band settings and corresponding relationships

表3 Landsat数据与MODIS数据波段设置及对应关系

光谱范围 Landsat TM波段(分辨率/m) 波段范围/μm MODIS波段(分辨率/m) 波段范围/μm
可见光(蓝) B1(30) 0.450~0.520 B3(500) 0.459~0.479
可见光(绿) B2(30) 0.520~0.600 B4(500) 0.545~0.565
可见光(红) B3(30) 0.620~0.690 B1(250) 0.620~0.670
近红外 B4(30) 0.760~0.900 B2(250) 0.841~0.876
中红外 B5(30) 1.550~1.750 B6(500) 1.628~1.652
热红外 B6(60) 1.040~1.250 B5(500) 1.230~1.250
中红外 B7(30) 2.080~2.350 B7(500) 2.105~2.155

2.4 研究方法

2.4.1 ESTARFM时空数据融合算法
在忽略大气校正误差和配准误差的前提下,假定单一地物类型的均质区域 t k 时刻的较粗分辨率的MODIS影像与较高空间分辨率的Landsat影像之间的差异仅由系统偏差引起的[20],则二者之间的反射率存在线性关系(式(1))[17]
L ( x , y , t k , B ) = a × M ( x , y , t k , B ) + b (1)
式中: L M 分别表示Landsat数据与MODIS数据; ( x , y ) 表示像元的所在位置; t k 为影像的获取时间; B 表示影像的波段; a b 是线性方程的系数且会随着位置的不同而改变。
如果有2个时期( t 0 t p )的2对影像,且地物类型在2个时期都没有发生明显的变化,则根据式(1)可得到式(2)和式(3)[17]
L ( x , y , t 0 , B ) = a × M ( x , y , t 0 , B ) + b (2)
L ( x , y , t p , B ) = a × M ( x , y , t p , B ) + b (3)
L ( x , y , t p , B ) = L ( x , y , t 0 , B ) + a × ( M ( x , y , t p , B ) - M ( x , y , t 0 , B ) ) (4)
实际上地表地物类型一般比较复杂,覆盖地区往往是非均质的,相对于30 m空间分辨率的Landsat数据而言,MODIS数据的像元多为混合像元。而且地表覆盖类型和因光照条件引起的双向反射分布函数(BRDF)也会随时间发生变化,高分辨率影像与低分辨率影像间基本不存在式(4)描述的简单转换关系,如果仅利用单对的像元进行信息的预测,很难保证预测精度[20],需引入邻近的具有相同光谱特征的均质像元作为辅助信息来提高预测精度。因此,以预测像元为中心设定一定大小的邻域窗口,并对窗口内的像元利用权重函数 W 进行卷积运算,得到中心像元的预测值,然后在整幅影像上滑动窗口,得到需要预测的影像,如式(5)[17]所示:
L ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t p , B ) = L ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t 0 , B ) + i = 1 N W i × V i × ( M ( x i , y i , t p , B ) - M ( x i , y i , t 0 , B ) ) (5)
式中: N 为包括预测像元在内的相似像元的数目; ω 为滑动窗口的大小; ( x i , y i ) 是第 i 个相似像元的位置; W i 是是第 i 个相似像元的权重大小,可描述为对预测的中心像元反射率的贡献程度,是依据空间距离、时间距离、光谱距离3项来确定的。空间距离是窗口内中心像元与邻域像元的欧式距离;时间距离是给定位置处的 t p 时刻MODIS与 t 0 时刻MODIS像元的差值;光谱距离是给定位置处的 t 0 时刻Landsat像元值与MODIS像元值的差值。 V i 是考虑了混合像元分解的第 i 个相似像元的转换系数。
通过式(5),选择2个不同时期(tbte)的MODIS数据用于计算预测日期Tp的高分辨率遥感反射率数据,记为 L b ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t p , B ) L e ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t p , B ) 。结合2种预测结果,预测的中心像元反射率更准确。以更靠近预测时期具有更高权重为准则,该权重计算为式(6)[17]。最后,预测的中心像元反射率为式(7)[17]。时空数据融合流程如图3所示。
Fig. 3 Flow chart of data fusion

图3 时空数据融合流程

β t = 1 j = 1 w i = 1 w M ( x i , y j , t β , B ) - j = 1 w i = 1 w M ( x i , y j , t p , B ) ( 1 j = 1 w i = 1 w M ( x i , y j , t β , B ) - j = 1 w i = 1 w M ( x i , y j , t p , B ) ) , ( t = b , e ) (6)
L ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t p , B ) = β b × L ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t b , B ) + β e × L ( x ω 2 , y ω 2 , t e , B ) (7)
2.4.2 综合2种水体指数的湖泊提取方法
水体指数法是将水体反射强的波段和反射弱的波段通过比值运算构建的指数,并结合一定的阈值提取水体信息。NDWI(Normalized Difference Water Index)和MNDWI(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index)是最常用的水体指数,计算公式如式(8)[31]和式(9)[25]所示。
NDWI = CH 2 - CH 4 CH 2 + CH 4 (8)
MNDWI = CH 2 - CH 5 CH 2 + CH 5 (9)
式中: CH 2 CH 4 CH 5 分别表示TM数据的 B 2 B 4 B 5 波段的反射率值。

3 时空融合模型结果与分析

3.1 ESTARFM时空融合结果与评价

Fig. 4 The input data of data fusion by the ESTARFM

图4 ESTARFM时空融合输入数据情况

图5为ESTARFM时空融合的结果对比,均为4、3、2波段标准假彩色合成。对比图5(a)-(c),目视效果上,ESTARFM时空融合的结果(图5(b))与真实的Landsat数据(图5(c))较为相近,空间分辨率从500 m提高到了30 m,且较好地保留了光谱信息。
Fig. 5 Comparison of the data fusion results by ESTARFM

图5 ESTARFM时空融合结果对比

Fig. 6 Comparison of two types of water index and the correlation of data fusion by ESTARFM and the actual Landsat

图6 融合结果与真实的Landsat数据计算的2种水体指数对比及相关性

图6可知,ESTARFM时空数据融合结果计算的NDWI和MNDWI与真实的Landsat数据计算的NDWI和MNDWI的相关性均达到0.93以上,拟合趋势线的斜率均接近于1,其中,NDWI二者的相关系数 R 2 为0.9344,斜率 K 为1.0733,MNDWI二者的相关系数 R 2 可达0.9404,斜率 K 为1.0899。因此,通过ESTARFM时空数据融合模型得到的数据融合结果可用于湖泊水体信息的提取。

3.2 色林错湖湖泊面积监测结果分析

Fig. 7 Remote sensing images of Siling Co Lake from 1976 to 2014

图7 1976-2014年色林错湖遥感影像监测

基于本文研究方法提取得到了1976-2014年色林错湖空间分布范围,分析了色林错湖近40年湖面面积的时空变化情况(图8)。由图8可看出,色林错湖从1976-2014年湖面面积呈较为显著的持续增加趋势:(1)近40年来,色林错湖向北扩展了22.812 km,向西扩展了4.146 km,向东扩张了4.421 km,最大扩张范围可达7.484 km;(2)2003年前后,雅根错湖西南方向派生出一个新的小湖区,并向外扩张了约1.990 km,2004年前后,色林错湖南部湖区在昌都岗处与雅根错湖连为一体,随后雅根错湖又向南扩张了3.806 km。
Fig. 8 Spatial distributions and changes of Siling Co Lake from 1976 to 2014

图8 1976-2014年色林错湖空间分布及面积变化

选取包括色林错湖区域且时相相近的MODIS影像(2000年后)提取湖水面积并与Landsat数据提取的结果进行对比,统计结果见表4。二者提取的湖面面积结果相关系数 R 2 可达0.99,但Landsat数据较好地刻画了湖水边界的细节变化。
Tab. 4 Water area derived from Landsat and MODIS data for Siling Co Lake from 1976 to 2014(km2

表4 色林错湖各年份湖泊面积统计表(km2

年份 Landsat面积 MODIS面积 年份 Landsat面积 MODIS面积
1976 1679.911 - 2004 2153.267 2139
1988 1753.616 - 2005 2244.368 2245.5
1989 1771.530 - 2006 2254.180 2258.5
1991 1814.634 - 2007 2275.484 2272
1992 1815.849 - 2008 2301.161 2294
1993 1821.047 - 2009 2330.384 2308
1999 1908.646 - 2010 2349.389 2336.75
2000 1948.622 1955 2011 2370.803 2370.25
2001 2014.540 2011.5 2012 2379.063 2385
2002 2063.507 2053.5 2013 2381.619 2383.75
2003 2122.813 2122 2014 2391.563 2392.75
图9表明色林错湖呈显著的持续扩张状态。近40年间,面积增长了近711.652 k m 2 ,年平均增长速率为18.728 k m 2 a - 1 ,且湖面变化经历了平稳变化、迅速增加、平稳变化3个阶段:
(1)1976-1999年为平稳变化阶段,色林错湖湖面面积在1976年为1679.911 k m 2 ,到1999年增长为1908.646 k m 2 ,面积增加了228.735 k m 2 ,增加速率约为9.945 k m 2 a - 1
(2)1999-2005年为迅速增加阶段,2005年色林错湖面积增长为2244.368 k m 2 ,面积增加了335.722 k m 2 ,增加速率约为55.954 k m 2 a - 1 ,此阶段为湖面面积变化最快的时期。
(3)2005-2014年为平稳变化阶段,到2014年,色林错湖面积已达2391.563 k m 2 ,面积增加了147.195 k m 2 ,增加速率约为16.355 k m 2 a - 1 ,与上一阶段相比,该阶段增速放缓,但湖面面积仍处于持续扩张状态。
Fig. 9 Spatial and temporal variation of Siling Co Lake from 1976 to 2014

图9 1976-2014年色林错湖湖面面积时空变化

3.3 湖面变化与气象因素相关分析

3.3.1 气象资料分析
Fig. 10 Inter-annual variability of meteorological elements in Siling Co Lake from 1970 to 2014

图10 1970-2014年色林错湖区各气象要素的年际变化

图10可发现,1970年以来色林错湖地区(1)年平均气温总体上呈较为显著的上升趋势,增长速率约为0.49 a ,除了1974-1983年和1997年的年平均气温稍有下降外,其他年份均呈增加趋势;(2)年平均风速总体上呈较为显著的下降趋势,下降速率约为-0.379 m s - 1 a - 1 ,除了1970-1976年的年平均风速稍有上升趋势外,其他年份均呈下降趋势;(3)年平均降水量与年平均日照时数总体上没有明显的上升或者下降趋势,年平均降水量在1994年前基本保持不变,自1994年后有一定的上升趋势,而年平均日照数在1988年以前呈明显的上升趋势,1988年以后则呈下降趋势。
3.3.2 湖面面积变化与气象数据相关性分析
通过将统计得到的色林错湖面面积与各气象数据之间做相关性分析,结果表明色林错湖面积的变化同年平均气温和年平均风速变化有较好的相关性,相关系数 R 2 分别可达0.609和0.606(图11(a)、(b)),而与年平均降水量和年平均日照时数变化相关性并不明显。这表明近40年的湖面面积变化与长期区域气温升高趋势和区域风速降低趋势有一定的相关性。根据部分学者对青藏高原地区冰川的研究[33-37],发现自20世纪80年代以来,气温的快速升高,使高原冰川末端在近几十年加速退缩,其中格拉丹东冰川面积从1969年的899.31 km2减少到2000年的884.4 km2,降幅为1.7%,这会为色林错湖带来大量的冰雪融水,造成湖面的不断扩张。
Fig. 11 Correlation between the area and the meteorological elements

图11 色林错湖的湖面面积与各气象要素之间的相关性

3.3.3 地形和相对水深分析
为了进一步佐证湖面积变化是由湖水水位增高自然引起,而非人类扰动造成,本文对色林错湖周围地区的地形(图1(b))做了分析,并利用2014年的Landsat 8 OLI数据反演了整个湖区的相对水深(图12)。
Fig. 12 Relative water depth distribution of Siling Co Lake

图12 色林错湖相对水深分布


4 结论与展望

(1)ESTARFM时空数据融合模型,在大幅度提升空间分辨率的同时,可较好地保持原有的光谱信息。融合后的Landsat-Like数据与真实的Landsat数据,提取的水体结果相关系数 R 2 可达0.93,通过ESTARFM时空数据融合算法,得到的数据融合结果可用于湖泊水体信息的提取。所以,利用ESTARFM时空数据融合模型进行逐月乃至逐天的高空间分辨率影像合成,进行更长时间序列的动态变化监测研究。
(2)1976-2014年色林错湖一直处于扩张状态,面积增长了近711.652 km2,增幅为42.36%,年平均增长速率约为18.728 k m 2 a - 1 ,且湖面变化经历了平稳变化、迅速增加、平稳变化3个阶段。湖区发生扩张的区域主要集中在3条内流河入湖的低洼地带,北部湖区变化最为明显,向北扩张了22.812 km,向西扩张了4.146 km,向东扩张了4.421 km,而南部湖区在2003-2005年与雅根错湖在昌都岗处联通在一起,并在西南方向派生出一个新的小湖泊。下一步可利用得到的色林错湖的空间分布范围,寻找一个合理的预测模型,建立相应的转移矩阵,对未来的湖泊面积的扩张做一个合理的预测分析。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Aerts R, Cornelissen J H C, Dorrepaal E. Plant performance in a warmer world: general responses of plants from cold, northern biomes and the importance of winter and spring events[J]. Plant Ecology, 2006,182(1-2):65-77.<a name="Abs1"></a>During the past three decades the Earth has warmed with a rate unprecedented during the past 1000 years. There is already ample evidence that this fast climate warming has affected a broad range of organisms, including plants. Plants from high-latitude and high-altitude sites (&#8216;cold biomes&#8217;) are especially sensitive to climate warming. In this paper we (1) review the response in the phenology of plants, changes in their range and distribution, soil nutrient availability, and the effects on the structure and dynamics of plant communities for cold, northern biomes; and (2) we show, by using data from an ongoing snow and temperature manipulation experiment in northern Sweden, that also winter and spring events have a profound influence on plant performance. Both long-term phenological data sets, experimental warming studies (performed in summer or year-round), natural gradient studies and satellite images show that key phenological events are responsive to temperature increases and that recent climate warming does indeed lead to changes in plant phenology. However, data from a warming and snow manipulation study that we are conducting in northern Sweden show that plants respond differently to the various climatic scenarios that we had imposed on these species and that especially winter and spring events have a profound impact. This indicates that it is necessary to include several scenarios of both summer and winter climate change in experimental climate change studies, and that we need detailed projections of future climate at a regional scale to be able to assess their impacts on natural ecosystems. There is also ample evidence that the range shift of herbs and shrubs to more northern regions is for the vast majority of species mainly caused by changes in the climate. This is in line with the observed &#8216;up-greening&#8217; of northern tundra sites. These rapid northern shifts in distribution of plants as a result of climate warming may have substantial consequences for the structure and dynamics of high-latitude ecosystems. An analysis of warming studies at 9 tundra sites shows that heating during at least 3 years increased net N-mineralization from 0.32±0.31 (SE) g N m<sup>&#8722;2</sup> yr<sup>&#8722;1</sup> in the controls to 0.53±0.31 (SE) g N m<sup>&#8722;2</sup> yr<sup>&#8722;1</sup> in the heated plots (<i>p</i>&lt;0.05), an increase of about 70%. Thus, warming leads to higher N availability in high-latitude northern tundra sites, but the variability is substantial. Higher nutrient availability affects in turn the species composition of high-latitude sites, which has important consequences for the carbon and water balance of these systems.


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Song C Q, Huang B, Ke L H.Modeling and analysis of lake water storage changes on the Tibetan Plateau using multi-mission satellite data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,135:25-35.Estimation of the water storage changes in the lakes of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is essential for an accurate evaluation of climate change in this alpine region and its impact on the surrounding hydrologic environment. Because of the remoteness and poor accessibility of these alpine lakes, and a lack of lake bathymetric data, estimating their mass budget over the TP poses a considerable challenge. However, the integration of optical remote sensing images, satellite altimetry data, and gravimetry data makes it possible to monitor the overall variations in lake water storage in this extensive region. The ICESat/GLAS altimetry data used in this study reveal that most of the lakes in the TP showed a significant upward tendency (0.2-0.6 m/year) in water level between 2003 and 2009, particularly those lakes that are supplied with a large proportion of glacial meltwater. A series of lake area data derived from Landsat MSSaM/ETM + imagery over the past four decades indicate that during the 1970-1990 period most of the lakes experienced severe shrinkage, with only some of those in central and western Tibet undergoing expansion. During the 1990-2011 period, in contrast, the majority of the lakes on the TP displayed a remarkably expansion tendency. The total lake area increased from 35,638.11 km(2) in the early 1970s to 41,938.66 km(2) in 2011. Based on the statistical relationships between the extent of the lake surface area and lake water levels from 2003 to 2009, an empirical model for each of the region's 30 lakes is established to estimate the lake water level from the corresponding area data, thereby reconstructing time series of lake level data for each lake from the 1970s to 2011. Based on time series of lake area and water level data, a time series of lake water volume is also reconstructed. The results show that total lake water storage increased by 92.43 km(3) between the early 1970s and 2011, with lakes with an area larger than 100 km(2) accounting for 77.21% of the total lake water volume budget. Moreover, the GRACE signals confirm a similar spatial pattern in water mass changes, i.e., a significantly positive water mass balance in the north and center of the TP and mass loss in southeastern Tibet and along the Himalayas. The water mass budget (6.81 km(3)/year) derived from satellite gravimetry signals in the Chiangtang Plateau are in good agreement with the estimated rising rate of 6.79 km(3)/year of lake water storage in this region based on the empirical model developed in this study. The mechanism of lake water storage changes is discussed and analyzed with reference to previous studies. (C) 2013 Ersevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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鲁安新,姚檀栋,刘时银,等.青藏高原各拉丹冬地区冰川变化的遥感监测[J].冰川冻土, 2002,24(5):559-562.以位于青藏高原长江源头的各拉丹冬地区冰川为例, 利用2000年的TM数字遥感影像资料、 1969年的航空相片遥感资料、地形图及数字地形模型, 通过遥感图像处理和分析提取研究区小冰期最盛期(LIA)、 1969年和2000年的冰川范围, 并在地理信息系统技术支持下分析该地区冰川的进退情况. 研究结果表明, 该地区1969年冰川面积比小冰期最盛期的冰川面积减少了5.2%, 2000年的冰川面积比1969年的冰川面积减少了1.7%. 从1969年到2000年最大冰川退缩速度为-1.5 m&#183;a<sup>-1</sup> 最大冰川前进速度为+21.9 m&#183;a<sup>-1</sup>. 本区的冰川基本处于稳定状态, 冰川退缩的速度不是太大, 并有前进的冰川存在.

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[ Lu A X, Yao T D, Wang L H, et al.Study on the fluctuations of typical glaciers and lakes in the Tibetan Plateau using remote sensing[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2005,27(6):783-792. ]

