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Urban Micro-climate Simulation Based on 3D Modeling

  • ZHENG Zihao 1 ,
  • CHEN Yingbiao , 1, * ,
  • QIAN Qinglan 1 ,
  • LI Yong 2 ,
  • XIE Jinpeng 1
  • 1. School of Geographical Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
  • 2. Guangzhou Institute of Geography, Guangzhou 510070, China
*Corresponding author: CHEN Yingbiao, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-10-09

  Request revised date: 2016-05-11

  Online published: 2016-09-27


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


With the continuous advancement of urbanization, the aggravating urban heat island effect and a series of environmental problems caused by it is becoming severe, which hurdles the progress of urbanization gradually. The urban local micro-climate study tentatively combines the burgeoning 3D modeling with micro-climate simulation, so as to help the city managers to find an effective way to improve the urban micro-climate quality through adopting the simulation data and the model generated in the study. By taking the Zhujiang New Town Western District as an example, this study builds a 3D model of the city using the CGA rules, summarizes the related sub-models of micro-climate simulation, and runs a simulation of the study area with the weather factors such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and wind direction by using the local micro-climate simulation software. At last, it integrates the results and produces a visual presentation. The micro-climate simulation result is combined with the 3D model of the study area. It gives a visual analysis on the impacts of construction height, density and layout to the local micro-climate weather distribution, and gives the corresponding development advices and planning strategy. This method has overcome the limits of previous micro-climate studies which were constrained to field measurement and depended on previous climate data. The modeling approach gives a detailed presentation of the city construction layout and structure, and integrates ENVI-met into the micro-climate simulation, thus the urban micro-climate study can be improved to incorporate the trend of integrating 3D modeling. It provides a new way of thinking and a new assistant decision-making tool for the urban planning and micro-climate simulation studies in different regions. In terms of the relationship between the structure and the layout of urban construction and urban micro-climate, it presents a more visualized result.

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ZHENG Zihao , CHEN Yingbiao , QIAN Qinglan , LI Yong , XIE Jinpeng . Urban Micro-climate Simulation Based on 3D Modeling[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(9) : 1199 -1208 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01199

1 引言

珠江三角洲和长江三角洲是中国两大经济发达集中地区,1978年改革开发以来这2个地区城市化进程迅猛。高速城市化引发城市热岛效应间接、直接导致了部分地区气候异常、大气污染、热死亡率递增等社会问题日益严峻[1-3]。不科学的城市规划、建筑设计加剧恶化了原本就很脆弱的城市微气候环境,严重影响了城市人口的生活质量。酷热难耐的高温、污浊不堪的空气等一系列环境问题无时无刻不在困扰着城市居民的日常生活。在此背景下,这些深受热岛效应困扰的地区迫切需要展开城市微气候的相关科学研究,寻找能够改善城市微气候质量的有效途径[4]。李晓莉等[5-6]尝试把CityEngine三维建模技术运用到目前前沿的高速铁路建模方面。以CityEngine为平台,辅以C#编程语言自动创建高铁道路以及道路两侧的电力杆、电塔、信号塔、电力房等,同时还实现了高铁不同路段(如路基、隧道等)长度的统计及桥墩生成个数的统计分析。陈卓伦等[7-9]在广州某典型住宅区采用现场定点观测和流动测量结合的方式,对该区域夏季室外温度及校区逐月用电记录进行分析。在此基础上,结合气候流体力学模拟软件ENVI-met,采用耦合动态模拟分析方法探究湿热气候区不同绿化组织结构和设计参数对室外热环境与建筑能耗的影响。林满等[10]选取广州番禺大学城内某典型小区,利用ENVI-met进行微气候的模拟,利用观测数据与模拟数据对比分析,探讨研究区域内的微气候特征。Ariane Middeld等[11-17]探讨城市形态和景观类型对半干旱地区亚利桑那州菲尼克斯市午后微气候的影响,利用微气候模拟软件ENVI-met来模拟菲尼克斯城典型住宅区的近地面空气温度,同时利用位于亚利桑那州立大学理工校园内的North Desert Village(NDV)的景观实验中的气象观测数据进行验证。
综上在城市局地微气候研究中,利用模型软件(如ENVI-met)进行模拟分析并结合实地监测点加密验证,较以往单纯从气象数据研究的方法更有效并具实践意义。但随着城市快速发展,中心城区高层建筑密度不断提高,城市局地微气候的研究分析亟需从平面转向三维立体。如何针对该类区域进行微气候模拟研究将成为城市局地微气候研究的新热点。本文采用基于规则的快速三维建模软件“CityEngine 2012”与局地微气候模拟软件“ENVI-met”相结合的方式进行城市三维热环境动态模拟与仿真实验。利用CityEngine快速构建研究区域三维模型,利用ENVI-met进行相关区域的微气候模拟并建立模型;利用三维模型与微气候模拟相结合,使微气候模拟从传统的平面表现方式转向三维立体方向;尝试将城市的建筑规划与微气候研究关联起来,为基于三维仿真技术方法进行城市微气候研究提供理论支持及技术参考。

2 研究区概况

结合ENVI-met软件模拟范围的要求,选定珠江新城西区作为研究区域(图1)。该区域位于广州市天河区西部,东起猎德大道,西至广州大道中,北接黄埔大道西,南临珠江北岸。广州新城市中轴线贯穿其中,区位优势得天独厚,占地面积约3.08 km2,核心地区面积约1 km2,其中花城广场被誉为广州的“城市会客厅”。珠江新城发展目标是成为集金融、商业、文娱、外事、行政和居住等城市一级功能设施的广州城市名片。作为广州CBD,珠江新城超高层建筑密度非常高,广州前10名的摩天大楼中,有9座均位于珠江新城,占比达90%。此外,该区域及周边还分布着大量高档住宅小区,选择珠江新城西区作为建模区域具有代表性。
Fig.1 Location map of Zhujiang New Town Western District

图1 珠江新城西区区位图

3 数据源与处理方法

3.1 数据源

本文以珠江新城西区为研究区域,以CityEngine作为研究区域的三维建模软件平台,利用开源地图“OpenStreetMap”所导出的OSM数据,通过“FME Quick Translator”进行格式转换处理,获得珠江新城及其周边矢量地图。同时,利用珠江新城0.5 m分辨率的航拍图,结合实地考察,对航拍影像中的地块进行辨别、分类。最终生成建筑、绿地、道路列全8类块。核心建筑物高度数据则通过实地考察及访问收录高楼数据的“国家和城市摩天指数排行”数据库确定。ENVI-met微气候模拟过程中所需要的环境条件及参数包括Input-Files(确定一个特定的模拟条件/环境)、Database Files(存储收集所有跟模拟有关的文件)、Output Files(由ENVI-met产生的数据),具体如表1所示。其中,具体的参数、条件数据通过对多期已记录的气象数据进行统计分析后确定。
Tab.1 Overview on all the files in ENVI-met

表1 ENVI-met数据文件类型

文件类型 文件列表 定义
输入文件 A1.配置文件.CF 定义一个单独模拟的设置
A2.区域输入文件.IN 定义模拟的区域(建筑物,植物等)
A3.序列文件.EBF 允许定义单个模拟的次序
数据库文件 B1.土壤数据库SOILS.DAT 定义不同的自然和人工土壤的性质
B2.配置文件数据库PROFILES.DAT 从SOILS.DAT文件中以垂直的土壤三明治结构来定义不同的土壤类型
B3.植被数据库PLANTS.DAT 定义所有的植被
B4.源数据库SOURCES.DAT 定义颗粒或者气体源的输出和喷射高度
输出文件 C1.主数据文件.EDI/.EDT 链接到配置文件中[LOCALDB]部分的描述
C2.接收器文件 模型区域内用户选择的点的数据
C3.1D-Model 文件 包含1维模型的状态
C4.BOTworld 文件 创建BOTworld模型的链接
其它文件 D1.定义别名(MYALIAS.DAT) 使用相对文件路径,便于计算机之间模拟传输

3.2 研究方法

3.2.1 CityEngine三维建模
CityEngine三维建模部分依据航拍影像数据数字化后的地块分类图,并根据地物类型特点进行CGA规则编写,然后将CGA规则赋予给目标地物的“Lot”,“Generate”之后自动生成三维结构。CGA是计算机生成建筑“Computer Generated Architecture”的缩写[18],是CityEngine核心部分,存储在规则文件“.cga”之中。CGA规则是CityEngine软件规则建模语言,也是CityEngine所特有的一种代码语言。它的特点就是越来越详细地迭代“进化”模型,通过规则不断将原始对象细化并替换,直到达到目标要求。
Fig.2 The classification results of each lot

图2 各地块分类结果分布图

3.2.2 微气候模型ENVI-met的验证分析
城市微气候仿真软件ENVI-met是由德国Michael Bruse(University of Mainz,Germany)开发的一个免费多功能系统软件[19-20]。ENVI-met适合中尺度模式,尤其是城市街区规模的微气候模拟。模拟包括热流量、风流量、湍流量和辐射通量等大气过程中所涉及的环境变量交换过程的完整耦合计算,其在城市微气候环境整体数值计算上(包括各种微气候环境参量的整合计算和日循环的非稳态计算)有明显优势[21]。ENVI-met 微气候模拟结合现场实测校正,对复杂城市街区微气候环境模拟、预测和评估有很大潜力与优势。
ENVI-met由4个板块组成,分别为建模板块 (ENVI-met Eddi Version)、编程模块(ENVI-met Configuration Editor)、计算板块(ENVI-met V3.1 Default Config)以及结果显示板块(LEONARDO 3.75)。ENVI-met V3.1内置地面、水体、植物等子模型,与其它通用CFD软件相比,其特点优势主要包括:利用CFD和热力学联合求解(风/热/湿耦合模拟)、动态模拟(随时间变化,区别于一般的稳态模拟)、高分辨率(1~5 m,可精细描述建筑、道路、植物等元素)、建模方便、定义参数少、操作简单,并且在与实测对比验证、应用现状及前景上表现颇佳。
Fig.3 Schematic overview of the ENVI-met model layout

图3 ENVI-met模型布局概述示意图

根据实验区域的范围,确定模拟区域大小的格网(750×500×20)、格网的尺寸(dx=4,dy=4,dz=4)、所在地(Guangzhou/China)、时区(CCT+8)、经纬度(23.04/113.36)等。由于研究区域存在超高建筑物(>150 m),因此个别建筑的高度将不受整体高度的限制。利用ENVI-met提供的编辑板定义建筑物的高度、植物的种类、水域、土壤类型、地砖类型,在选择合适的下垫面后按照建筑物、植物、下垫面的顺序进行不同图层的绘制。建好的模拟底图如图4所示。模拟过程中配置代码定义了整个模拟实验最基本的参数,包括了模拟实验的名称、起始时间、时间间隔、近地面10 m高度的风速、风向、粗糙度长度、初始温度、湿度等一系列气象指标参数。图5是模拟实验中关于配置参数的核心部分,每个功能块中的信息必须要按照固定的格式进行配置。
Fig.4 ENVI-met regional model

图4 ENVI-met区域模型图

Fig.5 The configuration file of ENVI-met

图5 ENVI-met的配置文件

ENVI-met模型的模拟计算时间根据模拟区域、模拟时间及运行机器的配置会有所不同。从模拟结果来看,本文研究区域实际用时是每模拟一小时需6~7 h。考虑模拟区域的特点,在ENVI-met提供的参数库中,选取了“时间功能块”(主要是配置在整个模拟实验过程中提供改变不同的进程时间设置。包括更新表面的温度和湿度的时间间隔、流场和湍流数据的时间间隔、更新辐射和阴影的时间间隔、更新植被数据时间间隔等)、“湍流空能块”(对研究区域中的湍流模型进行设置,“Turbulence Closure ABL”是以1D为参考的湍流封闭模型;“Turbulence Closure 3D Model”则是以3D模型为参考的湍流封闭模型;“Upper Boundary for e-epsilon”用来选择介于“开”(零梯度)和“闭”(设定值)之间的上边界)、“建筑功能块”(主要是为了对研究区域的建筑物做出更为详细的描述;建筑物是模型区域内活跃的元素,因此需要大量的数据来确保模拟的正确性。该版本的ENVI-met,所有的建筑物将被赋予同一个配置。因此,对于一个房子定义不同热属性和颜色是不切实际的。在该功能模块中分别定义了:建筑物内部温度、墙体的热传导率、屋顶的热传导率、墙体和屋顶的反射率等)这几个对整个模拟过程至关重要的模块。

4 结果与分析


4.1 温度模拟结果

在模拟结果中,选取9:00-15:00对气温分布状况及变化情况进行分析。图6分别展示了研究区域9:00-15:00内4个时间点,距地面1.8 m高度水平面的空气温度分布。
Fig.6 The temperature distribution of Zhujiang New Town Western District

图6 珠江新城西区温度模拟图

从模拟的结果来看,实验期间在1.8 m高度上珠江新城西区的空气温度及其水平分布发生了较为明显的变化。从9:00到15:00,研究区域的空气温度整体呈上升趋势。上午9时,研究区域的最低气温出现在西侧的植被覆盖面积较多的区域,该区域的空气气温大部分低于290.39 K。东侧集中分布的城中村(冼村、猎德)、学校、高层写字楼和商品房,建筑密度较高,在同一时刻,该区的空气温度高于西侧。随着时间的推移,以花城广场为界线,东侧的气温上升不显著,缓中有升。而与之对应的西侧,高温气团开始围绕着高密度建筑聚集,加之该区植被覆盖低,高温范围逐渐扩大,形成了沿猎德大道的高温带。

4.2 风速、湿度模拟结果

Fig.7 The wind speed distribution of Zhujiang New Town Western District at 9:00

图7 珠江新城西区9:00水平面风速模拟图

Fig.8 The spec.humidity distribution of Zhujiang New Town Western District at 9:00

图8 珠江新城西区9:00水平面相对湿度模拟图


4.3 微气候模拟结果与三维模型的结合

Fig.9 The micro climate distribution maps stacking with the 3D model of Zhujiang New Town Western District

图9 珠江新城三维模型与微气候分布模拟图


5 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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Middel A, Häb K, Brazel A J, et al.Impact of urban form and design on mid-afternoon microclimate in Phoenix local climate zones[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014,122:16-28.This study investigates the impact of urban form and landscaping type on the mid-afternoon microclimate in semi-arid Phoenix, Arizona. The goal is to find effective urban form and design strategies to ameliorate temperatures during the summer months. We simulated near-ground air temperatures for typical residential neighborhoods in Phoenix using the three-dimensional microclimate model ENVI-met. The model was validated using weather observations from the North Desert Village (NDV) landscape experiment, located on the Arizona State University's Polytechnic campus. The NDV is an ideal site to determine the model's input parameters, since it is a controlled environment recreating three prevailing residential landscape types in the Phoenix metropolitan area (mesic, oasis, and xeric). After validation, we designed five neighborhoods with different urban forms that represent a realistic cross-section of typical residential neighborhoods in Phoenix. The scenarios follow the Local Climate Zone (LCZ) classification scheme after Stewart and Oke. We then combined the neighborhoods with three landscape designs and, using ENVI-met, simulated microclimate conditions for these neighborhoods for a typical summer day. Results were analyzed in terms of mid-afternoon air temperature distribution and variation, ventilation, surface temperatures, and shading. Findings show that advection is important for the distribution of within-design temperatures and that spatial differences in cooling are strongly related to solar radiation and local shading patterns. In mid-afternoon, dense urban forms can create local cool islands. Our approach suggests that the LCZ concept is useful for planning and design purposes. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Wong N H, Jusuf S K.GIS-based greenery evaluation on campus master plan[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2008,84(2):166-182.<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">In the previous study, it was found that urban heat island intensity in National University of Singapore (NUS) campus as high as 4&#xA0;&deg;C at around 13:00. It is also concluded that the presence of dense greenery in NUS environment is very important in keeping low ambient temperature.</p><p id="">National University of Singapore has announced its new master plan in 2005, entitled NUS Master Plan 2005. Many new buildings will be built and in some areas existing greenery will be removed. Geographical Information System (GIS) was use to evaluate the greenery condition. It was found that the greenery rate of NUS Master Plan 2005 will drop by about 3% from 55.10% of NUS current condition to 52.31%. In order to have a sustainable environment, the greenery condition should be at least maintained at the same rate or even make it better.</p><p id="">For this purpose, potential of increasing greenery area by rooftop greenery application was also done. The target is to maintain the green rate of different zones at the same rate with current condition. In total, there will be more than 56% new buildings in NUS Master Plan 2005. Therefore, there is a good opportunity to plan and introduce the rooftop greenery or vertical greenery since in the early design stage.</p><p id="">The ENVI-met simulation predicts that the ambient temperature in NUS environment will increase about 1&#xA0;&deg;C when NUS Master Plan 2005 is completed. It is due to the reduction of greenery rate.</p>


Taleb D, Abu-Hijleh B.Urban heat islands: potential effect of organic and structured urban configurations on temperature variations in Dubai, UAE[J]. Renewable Energy, 2013,50:747-762.Urban heat islands are phenomena that occur coupled with rapid urban developments. The study was carried out to show the effect of organic and structured urban configurations on temperature variations throughout the year, especially in summer. The study investigated a larger area of the city rather than merely building-to-building relationships. It went beyond the confinement of street and building geometries and investigated how a number of these geometries put together in one context contributed to temperature variations. Computer simulation software was used to simulate three different urban configurations, representing an organic configuration in the Bastakiyah model and two structured configurations represented in the Orthogonal and Volume Ortho configurations. The simulations were carried out in Dubai, UAE for summer, winter, and autumn with fixed initial input temperature value of 32 degrees C and varying initial wind speeds (0.1 m/s and 3.6 m/s; and 7 m/s for summer case only).<br/>Assessment of the results showed that the organic configuration recorded lower temperatures in summer than both the structured configurations. The Orthogonal structured configuration did not behave as an intermediate configuration between the organic and highly structured grid configurations. The Volume Ortho configuration, though recorded the highest wind speeds, did not result in lower temperature values. It was shown that different configurations manipulated the behavior of the wind within the configuration. The sky-view factor and standard deviation were plausible explanations in the absence of obvious trends in some cases. and showed how urban configurations impacted temperature variations. It was concluded that, given this specific site location and the alignment of prevailing winds parallel to the roads, the organic configuration showed the better thermal performance amongst the three configurations. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Fahmy M, Sharples S.On the development of an urban passive thermal comfort system in Cairo, Egypt[J]. Building and Environment, 2009,44(9):1907-1916.<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper investigates how urban form can be designed to act as a passive thermal comfort system in Cairo. The system utilizes two main elements, the urban fabric form, with its green structure, and thermal comfort adaptation by introducing urban green scene stimulation with the time of exposure to the urban environment. The courtyard form on a large scale is used to study comfort levels, the effect of compactness on solar access and the local radiant heat island potential in a theoretical neighborhood design using a medium population housing concept as required by Egyptian urban planning laws. Urban canyons in a grid network, with three mid latitude orientations 15&deg; 45&deg; and 75&deg; from the E&ndash;W axis, were examined, with one canyon having virtually no shade. Other canyons had a green structure containing two types of native Egyptian trees. Numerical simulations using ENVI-met were performed for hot climate conditions. Although some very hot conditions were recorded, there were evident examples of more acceptable comfort levels and cooling potential for some orientations and degrees of urban compactness due to the clustered form with green cool islands and wind flow through the main canyons. Some design guidance on how to form urban passive cooling systems is presented.</p>


Reiter S.Correspondences between the conception principles of sustainable public spaces and the criteria of outdoor comfort[C]. Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2004.

Lenzholzer S.Microclimate perception analysis through cognitive mapping[C]. Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, 2008.

Spangenberg J O R, Shinzato P, Johansson E, Duarte D. Simulation of the influence of vegetation on microclimate and thermal comfort in the city of São Paulo[J]. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana, 2008,3:1-19.Lipid oxidation system in which the fat is dispersed as emulsion droplets is stiil not well understood, although a large number of food exist partially or entirely in the form of emulsions. Therefore, this study was intended to examine how surfactant micelles influence the partitioning of antioxidants and hydroperoxides and how it alter the oxidative stability of oil-in-water emulsion. To determine the ability of surfactant micelles upon the partitioning of antioxidant in oil-in-water emulsion, this type of emulsion, containing quercetin at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 ppm, were prepared with polyoxyethylene 100 stearyl ether (Brij 700) or polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate (Tween 20) with acetate or phosphate buffer (pH 3.0 or 7.0). Structurally Brij 700 has 5 times longer polyoxyethylene groups than Tween 20. After preparation of the emulsion, surfactant micelles (0 鈥 2%) were incorporated into the continuous phase to give a final lipid concentration of 5%. Lipid oxidation rates, as determined by the formation of lipid hydroperoxides, decreased with increasing quercetin concentrations. At pH 3, the peroxide value was higher than that at pH 7. Brij 700 decreased production of lipid hydroperoxides from palm oil-in-water-emulsions compared to the emulsions stabilized by Tween 20. The result showed that solubilization of quercetin into the aqueous phase by Brij or Tween micelles did not alter the oxidative stability of palm oil-in-water emulsion, suggesting that surfactant micelle influenced the oxidation rate by mechanism other than antioxidant solubilization.

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