Automatic Recognition of Fold Landform Types Based on Spatial Structure Pattern Matching

  • CHEN Ying , 1 ,
  • LI Anbo , 1, 2, 3, 4, * ,
  • YAO Mengmeng 1 ,
  • LU Guonian 1, 2, 3, 4
  • 1. School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 2. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment (Nanjing Normal University), Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 3. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 4. State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Geographical Environment Evolution (Jiangsu Province), Nanjing 210023, China;
*Corresponding author: LI Anbo, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-02-24

  Request revised date: 2016-04-15

  Online published: 2016-11-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The automatic recognition of fold structure is one of the bases of tectonic interpretation, geomorphology classification and three-dimensional geological modeling. At present, most of the automatic recognition methods used for landform classification are based on the regular statistical unit. These methods, although effectively extract the characteristic landform by using image or terrain data, cannot recognize the tectonic landforms which combined the structural feature and topographical feature. As one of the most general tectonic landforms, fold landform has featured a symmetric repetitive spatial structure, which can be used to recognize the fold. To realize the automatic recognition of fold landform types, this research provides a method based on the spatial structure pattern matching. This method focuses on building scene models of fold structures by using Attributed Relational Graph (ARG) and identifying the fold landform types by defining different spatial structure patterns through the formal grammar. The implementation process is presented as follows. Firstly, extract the long strip scene that may contain the fold structure according to the principles used in choosing fold cores and section lines. Secondly, build and simplify the spatial structure model of the long strip scene by following the ARG approach. Thirdly, convert the ARG model into sentences, and classify the fold types with respect to different grammatical inferences of the sentences. If the sentences cannot be inferred by Anticline Grammar and Syncline Grammar, then it is not a fold. Fourthly, determine the fold landform types by checking whether the terrain containing the fold is a mountain or a valley. The result shows that the proposed method is capable for automatically recognizing the fold landform types in the northern Lushan area. It basically solves the problem in the auto-recognizing of fold landform types for mountainous area, and can be a supplementary reference to the traditional methods used for landform classification.

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CHEN Ying , LI Anbo , YAO Mengmeng , LU Guonian . Automatic Recognition of Fold Landform Types Based on Spatial Structure Pattern Matching[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(11) : 1500 -1512 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01500

1 引言

目前,利用数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)进行半自动化-自动化的地貌识别是地貌分类的研究热点,其主要利用规则统计单元进行地貌形态自动划分[7]或根据地形特征线来分割地貌单元[8-9]等,基本解决了基于形态特征的地貌划分问题。此外,利用遥感数据进行半自动化地貌解译方法的研究取得一定进展,其方法主要是基于各遥感指数[10]或针对形状、纹理等解译特征[11-12]提取典型地物地貌,且相关研究已主要应用于火山[11]、沙漠[11]、岩溶[10]以及珊瑚海岸[12]地貌等影像特征明显的地貌类型。
Tab.1 Basic types and characteristics of fold landforms

表1 基本褶皱地貌类型与特征[14-16]

基本褶皱地貌类型 特征
背斜 背斜山 对称重复,外新内老
向斜 向斜山 对称重复,外老内新
穹隆 等轴背斜隆起

2 研究思路

Fig.1 Framework of automatically recognition of fold landform types

图1 褶皱地貌类型自动识别框架

(2)基于识别条带绘制邻接属性关系图(Attributed Relational Graph,ARG),建立识别条带场景的ARG模型。为了与褶皱模式进行匹配,需要剔除邻接ARG模型中的后期侵入岩地层对象、第四纪覆盖地层对象以及无关方向上的对象。

3 研究方法

3.1 识别条带的提取

褶皱结构识别的前提是找到褶皱可能存在的位置,继而锁定可能组成褶皱的地层。可基于2个常用的原则来实现褶皱识别目标的锁定:① 核部地层选取原则(表2)。在地质图上,进行褶皱的人工判别,通常是先找到一个较新或较老的地层(即核部地层),再观察其左右地层是否存在对称分布的现象[14],因此寻找核部地层是褶皱识别的前提;②剖面线选取原则。横切褶皱所绘制的剖面图能有效地反映褶皱横剖面的形态和地层组合特征[20],其剖面线一般选定地层出露较全的部位,并尽量垂直区内构造和地层走向[21],因此垂直于褶皱走向的剖面线所穿过的一系列地层最可能反映该褶皱的结构。
Tab.2 Rules for identifying core stratums

表2 核部地层识别规则

自然语言描述 形式化语言描述 示例
地层S相对所有邻接地层S年代较老或较新 If IsOld(S,S) = Ture
Or IsNew(S,S) = Ture
Then IsCore(S) = Ture
地层S基本被某邻接地层S环绕而内部不存在洞(岛) If IsSurrounded
(S,S) = Ture
Then IsCore(S) = Ture
地层S的邻接地层S集合中存在地层符号属性一致的地层 If HasSameAge(S)
Then IsCore(S) = Ture
识别条带的具体生成步骤为:① 在忽略侵入岩与第四纪覆盖地层的情况下,基于核部地层识别规则(表2)筛选出可能的核部地层;② 基于横切剖面方法,垂直于核部地层的走向绘制剖面线,裁取剖面线一定缓冲域内的地层要素集合作为识别条带。

3.2 基于ARG图的条带场景建模与化简

3.2.1 场景模型
Tab.3 Relational models used in ARG

表3 ARG中采用的关系模型

关系 描述 备注
T T1(相邻),T2(相离) 四交模型[31]
A A1(北),A2(北东),A3(东北),A4(东),A5(东南),A6(南东),A7(南),A8(南西),A9(西南),A10(西),A11(西北),A12(北西) 十二方向的方位模型[32]
D 地层符号在地层年代中的位置的代数差运算,D>0
3.2.2 场景ARG建模方法
Fig.2 Example of a scene modeling

图2 场景建模示例

3.2.3 场景ARG模型的化简

3.3 褶皱构造的空间结构模式定义

Fig.3 Conceptual model of fold scene based on ARG

图3 基于ARG的褶皱场景概念模型

因此,由背斜与向斜的场景概念模型可总结得到2条文法描述:① 地层组合关于核部地层对称;② 褶皱由核部至两翼,地层的新老关系变化单调。对于背斜和向斜2种邻接ARG概念模型,分别有如下文法定义[37]
3.3.1 背斜模式文法定义
(1)VS是文法非终结符的集合,是一个非空有限集,VS ={S};
(2)VAges是文法的终结符,是一个非空有限集,是进行匹配的基本单位。集合 a 3 , , a n } 为地层年代表的映射字符串;n为地层年代表内地层符号的个数。如图4,示例地层年代表内的18个地层符号分别与字母 { a , b , c , , p 一一映射。
S→a1Sa1 | a2Sa2| a3Sa3| | anSan
S→a1aia1 | a2aia2| | anaian
其中,i=1,2,3,…, n。其最短结构是由3个字符组成的中心对称字符串,中心的核部地层可能为任意字母ai,其中i=1,2,3,…,n
定义2:新老关系方位模式文法G(A)={VA, VDirectionS,A,PA},其中:
(4)PA是有限个文法产生式的集合,其定义:PA: A→lr | lAr。
3.3.2 向斜模式文法的定义
定义3:新老方位关系模式文法G(A)={VA, VDirectionS,A,PA},与背斜模式类似。其中:
(2)PA是有限个文法产生式的集合,其定义: PA : A→rl | rAl。
Fig.4 Mapping stratigraphic units to a table

图4 地层年代映射表

3.4 褶皱构造模式匹配

Fig.5 Pattern matching process of fold structure

图5 褶皱构造模式的匹配流程

Tab.4 Simplification scheme of adjacent ARG model

表4 场景邻接ARG模型的化简方案

情景 邻接ARG示例 示例描述 化简方案
化简前 化简后
化简对象位于属性不同的2个对象之间 化简对象B与对象A、C邻接,A与C属性不同 剔除B,剔除关系AB、BC,更新对象A和C的坐标,以及关系AC
化简对象位于属性相同的2个对象之间 化简对象B与对象A、C邻接,A与C属性相同同 剔除B,剔除关系AB、BC,合并对象A和C,更新与A、C关联的关系
化简对象有多于2个邻接对象 化简对象E与对象A、B、C、D、F与G相邻,A与B属性相同且方位与地层走向一致,C与D,F与G情况同上 剔除E,剔除关系AE、BE、CE、DE、FE和GE,合并A与B、C与D、F与G,更新与A、B、C、D、F、G关联的关系
Tab.5 Example of the pattern matching of fold structure

表5 褶皱构造模式匹配示例

示例 句子 待推导子句 推导过程 结果
示例1 jdabcbadg
示例2 edcba

3.5 褶皱形态识别

本文基于识别场景的剖面线,通过比较褶皱内核部地层、最左地层与最右地层中心点的海拔,来判别地形。设识别得到核部地层core、最左地层leftn与最右地层rightn对应的海拔位置分别为C、L和R。不同情况的判别规则为:① 若C相对于L、R地势较低,则认为褶皱构造范围内地形以谷为主,如图6中的F1;② 若C相对于L、R地势较高,则认为褶皱构造范围内地形以山为主,如图6中的F2;③ 若C位于L、R高程之间,则褶皱构造范围内地形是坡或山谷并存,此时,判定地形以山为主。判别算法阐述如下:
(1)将剖面线l与褶皱构造(图6中的F1或F2)地层对象相交,计算剖面线在所有地层面要素的中点集P={lefti,lefti-1 left2,left1,core,right1 righti-1,righti};
(2)取P中代表最左、核部和最右的点{lefti,core,righti },在DEM上分别求取高程,记为{L,C,R};
褶皱地貌单元范围的标注,主要分为2种情况进行处理:① 待标注褶皱独立,与其余褶皱地层不重叠时,则以推导最长子句的范围为短轴,以核部地层走向上长度为长轴,划定褶皱单元;② 待标注褶皱与其余褶皱地层有重叠时,重叠的翼部地层为相邻的向斜与背斜共用[16];但为保证褶皱地貌单元的完整性,需要对重叠部分进行划分。则取翼部重复地层的中点均分翼部,将相邻的背斜向斜划分为不重复的单元,并依此确定短轴长度。
Fig.6 Classification of terrain with fold structure

图6 褶皱构造地形判别

4 实验与分析

4.1 实验区域和实验数据

庐山是典型的断块山,受地壳上升运动和南北水平运动的影响,呈东北-西南向伸展,山体呈椭圆形,长约25 km,宽约10 km。该区地层复杂,跨越年代大,岩浆岩、变质岩、沉积岩均有较多分布。以九奇峰-仰天坪为界,南部以断裂构造地貌为主,北部以褶曲构造地貌为主[39]。庐山北部表现有类型丰富的原生地貌和次生地貌,主要受复背斜构造控制,以南华系下统莲沱组地层为主,形成“三背两向,五岭四谷”的形态[40]。本文实验区选定庐山五老峰以北、仙人洞以东的主要山地地区。
实验采用的是1:50 000的庐山北部地区的地质体面数据(图7)与DEM数据,包括震旦纪(Z),寒武纪(€),奥陶纪(O),志留纪(S)地层,并有穿插覆盖了白垩纪(K)侵入岩单元与第四纪(Q)地层覆盖物。实验数据的属性以行业标准《数字化地质图图层及属性文件格式》(DZ/T 0197-1997)[41]为准,不符合标准的数据需要进行预处理。
依据实验数据,可以根据地层年代表[42]先得到地层年代符号对应的字符。除去侵入单元与第四纪地层,将莲沱组(Z_1l)至茅山组下段(S_3m^1)共18个地层的位置{1,2,3, ,18},依次赋值为{a,b, c, ,r}作为地层句子的终结符。
Fig.7 Experimental data

图7 实验数据(庐山北部区域地形地质图)

4.2 实验结果与分析

基于上述方法,在VS.Net 2010平台下,利用C#语言和DotSpatial 1.7组件,开发了原型系统。系统提供了核部地层选取、识别条带提取、条带场景建模等模块,实现了褶皱地貌类型自动化识别的功能,并自动划定褶皱地貌单元。相关实验结果与分析如下。
4.2.1 场景提取
Fig.8 Result of scene extraction

图8 场景提取结果

4.2.2 场景邻接ARG建模与简化
4.2.3 褶皱结构自动识别结果
Tab.6 Fold structure′s matching result

表6 褶皱构造匹配结果

编号 句子 匹配部分 结果
1 cbcdcblrrll bcdcbrrll 向斜
2 cbcdbcdcbclrrlrrllr cbclr 背斜
3 fecbcdbcrllrrlr cbclr 背斜
4 gcbcdcbcbcllrrllrlr bcdcbrrll 向斜
5 fgdcbcbcilrlllrlrrr cbclr 背斜
6 cbghjhijilrrrlrrl hjhrl 向斜
7 baghjhijilrrrlrlr ijirl 向斜
4.2.4 识别结果与分析
Fig.9 Simplification of adjacent ARG model

图9 邻接ARG场景模型的化简

Fig.10 Example of fold pattern matching

图10 褶皱构造模式匹配示例

Fig.11 Identification result

图11 褶皱构造场景条带识别结果

Fig.12 Marking the fold landforms

图12 褶皱地貌类型标注

Fig.13 Fold axis in the experimental area

图13 实验区褶皱轴迹[42]

5 讨论


6 结语


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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肖飞,张百平,凌峰,等.基于DEM 的地貌实体单元自动提取方法[J].地理研究,2008,27(2);p>我国传统地貌基本形态类型分类强调地貌单元的完整性,界线划分沿地貌实体边界而非规则统计单元,目前尚缺乏地貌实体单元的有效自动提取方法。针对这一难点,本文提出一种基于DEM的地貌实体单元数字提取方法。利用坡度分级,并搜索相邻栅格单元、计算坡度级别内相互连通栅格的面积,建立坡度、面积阈值综合判别规则进行山地平原的自动划分;利用地形倒置、水文淹没分析,将山体划分的二维判别规则扩展到实际三维地形中,并结合地形结构线提取算法进行山体界线自动提取、确定山地地貌实体单元。结果表明,该方法符合我国传统地貌分类体系,能够较好实现山地/平原的自动划分和山体界线的数字提取。</p>


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汤国安,杨玮莹,杨昕,等.对DEM地形定量因子挖掘中若干问题的探讨[J].测绘科学,2003,28(1):28-32.在地学研究中 ,地形结构信息的提取具有重要意义 ,而如何利用数字高程模型进行提取一直是地学工作者所面临的重要课题。在总结前人研究成果的基础上 ,从地形特征分析和水系特征分析两方面 ,比较了利用数字高程模型自动提取地形定量因子的基本原理、方法以及优缺点 ,并对其中存在的诸多理论与技术问题进行了系统的分析与探讨


[ Tang G A, Yang W Y, Yang X, et al. Some key points in terrain variables deriving from DEMs[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2003,28(1):28-32. ]

杨树文,谢飞,冯光胜,等.基于SOPT5图像的岩溶地貌单元自动提取方法[J].国土资源遥感,2012(2):56-60.通过对峰林、峰丛和岩溶洼地3者的地理特征和影像特征的研究,基 于遥感图像本底值提出了能有效反映目标特征的遥感指数——植被指数、土壤亮度指数、图像主成分变换第1主成分值及地形数据等,并构建了遥感指数的集成计算 法,建立了遥感自动提取模型.指数集成运算法能够有效地增大峰丛、峰林与其他地物之间的光谱差异,使这些岩溶地貌单元的灰度值高于其他地物,从而利于岩溶 地貌单元提取阈值的自动选取.基于构建的遥感自动提取模型先提取了峰丛、峰林信息,并在此基础上提取了岩溶洼地信息.经实验研究表明,该方法具有较高的提 取精度和效率.


[ Yang S W, Xie F, Feng G S, et al. Automatic extraction of Karst landscape elements based on SPOT5 image[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2012,2:56-60. ]

Dragut L, Blaschke T.Automated classification of landform elements using object-based image analysis[J]. Geomorphology, 2006,81:330-344.This paper presents an automated classification system of landform elements based on object-oriented image analysis. First, several data layers are produced from Digital Terrain Models (DTM): elevation, profile curvature, plan curvature and slope gradient. Second, relatively homogenous objects are delineated at several levels through image segmentation. These object primatives are classified as landform elements using a relative classification model, built both on the surface shape and on the altitudinal position of objects. So far, slope aspect was not used in classification. The classification has nine classes: peaks and toe slopes (defined by the altitudinal position or the degree of dominance), steep slopes and flat/gentle slopes (defined by slope gradients), shoulders and negative contacts (defined by profile curvatures), head slopes, side slopes and nose slopes (defined by plan curvatures). Classes are defined using flexible fuzzy membership functions. Results are visually analyzed by draping them over DTMs. Specific fuzzy classification options were used to obtain an assessment of output accuracy. Two implementations of the methodology are compared using (1) Romanian datasets and (2) Berchtesgaden National Park, Germany. The methodology has proven to be reproducible; readily adaptable for diverse landscapes and datasets; and useful in respect to providing additional information for geomorphological and landscape studies. A major advantage of this new methodology is its transferability, given that it uses only relative values and relative positions to neighboring objects. The methodology introduced in this paper can be used for almost any application where relationships between topographic features and other components of landscapes are to be assessed.


周旻曦,刘永学,李满春,等.多目标珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息提取方法——以西沙永乐环礁为例[J].地理研究,2015,34(4):677-690.南海珊瑚岛礁资源极为丰富,实时、快速、高效、准确地获取大范围珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息具有现实意义。研究提出了一种双尺度转化下的模型与数据混合驱动的岛礁地貌信息提取框架,并设计了珊瑚岛礁地貌分类体系及相应技术流程:首先采用自上而下模型驱动的GVF Snake模型进行宏观地理分带的粗分割,然后采用自下而上数据驱动的云影极值抑制下多阈值OTSU分类算法进行微观地貌类型的精细分类,最终利用区域生长算法提取离散分布的暗沙、暗滩等浅水地貌单元。针对西沙永乐环礁利用CBERS-02B数据进行实验,精度验证表明:珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息提取方法总体精度优于经典数据驱动的监督分类算法,且具有抗噪能力强、顾及空间拓扑关系、自动灵活等特点。


[ Zhou M X, Liu Y X, Li M C, et al. Geomorphologic information extraction for multi-objective coral islands from remotely sensed imagery: a case study for Yongle Atoll, South China Sea[J]. Geographical Research, 2015,34(4):677-690. ]



[ Wang A, Wang G C.Review on Morphotectonic and its analytical methods[J]. Geological Science and Technology Information, 2005,24(4):7-12. ]

张祖陆. 地质与地貌学[M].北京:科学出版社,2012:86-180.

[ Zhang Z L.Geology and geomorphology[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2012:86-180. ]


[ Yang J C, Li Y L.Principle of geomorphology[M]. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2012:175-184. ]

夏邦栋. 普通地质学[M].北京:地质出版社,1983:112.

[ Xia B D.Common geology[M]. Beijing: Geology Press, 1983:112. ]

彭丹青,李京,陈云浩,等.基于卫星遥感数据的地质断裂分形研究——以江西德兴为例[J].自然灾害学报,2008,17(6):119-123.利用分形理论分析了德兴地区断裂构造的特点.结果表明,不仅研究 区内的断裂带有自相似性,子区域也有相似现象.矿产区的分维值略高于整个研究区,铜矿区分维值高于金矿区,NW、NWW走向断裂带的分维值远高于SE走向 的.说明分维值越大,越有利于矿床的形成;分维值越大的断裂走向,对矿床的产出位置控制作用越明显;地质构造复杂程度越高,分维值也越大,线性展布也越复 杂.


[ Peng D Q, Li J, Chen Y H, et al. A fractal dimension study on geological fracture system based on remote sensing data: a case study of Dexing, Jiangxi[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2008,17(6):119-123. ]

Dhont D, Chorowicz J, Yücrür T, et al. Polyphased block tectonics along the North Anatolian Fault in the Tosya basin area (Turkey)[J]. Tectonophysics, 1998,299:213-227.The Tosya basin is located in the bending segment of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) in Turkey. We have obtained original observations on the neotectonics from SAR ERS images, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and field structural analysis. Regional Neogene deformation is characterised by the occurrence of several basins that are superimposed in time and space. They result from differently oriented movements since 12 Ma, including southwestward motion along a fault subparallel to the NAF. We propose a model of polyphased tectonics related to the displacement of several individualised blocks. In the first stage (Tortonian), the North Tosya block has moved toward the N250° azimuth, parallel to the dextral N70°-striking segment of the NAF. As a consequence, a triple-junction-related compatibility basin was opened at the intersection with a N60° to N30°-striking fault. This pattern is similar to the Karliova corner where the NAF and the East Anatolian Fault meet. In the second stage (Early Pliocene–Middle Pleistocene), a segment of the former N70°-NAF was abandoned and the NAF propagated eastward to form a N90°-striking segment (N90°-NAF), cutting the former Tosya block and basin into two parts. The North Tosya block has moved again and this new geometry has permitted a South Tosya block to move parallel to the NAF but with a higher rate which has induced compression in the Tosya basin. In the third stage (Holocene), the South Tosya block moved toward N240°, obliquely to any of the NAF segments. This has resulted in the formation of two Holocene pull-apart type basins along the previous N60° to N30°-striking fault while extensional faults were formed in the South Tosya block. Estimated dextral displacement along the NAF is 5.9 to 8.5 km at this stage. This model of blocks moving in different directions, including Holocene local movements toward N240°, means that the NAF can be considered not to be a simple transform fault. Our model implies that the N90°-NAF was non-existent before the Early Pliocene.


Adiyaman Ö, Chorowicz J, Köse O.Relationships between volcanic patterns and neotectonics in eastern Anayolia from analysis of satellite images and DEM[J]. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,1998,85:17-32.


[ Li D L, Wang E L.Structural geology[M]. Changchun: Jilin University Press, 2001:238-240. ]

方世明,吴冲龙,刘刚,等.基于GIS的地质图图切剖面计算机辅助编绘[J].中国地质,2002(4):440-445.图切剖面是区域地质图的重要组成部分,用于反映地下的地层和构造 特征.传统的图切剖面是靠手工制作的,不但效率低下,而且不易保存和更新,作者研究开发了一种基于GIS的地质图图切剖面计算机辅助编绘系统.其编绘过程 主要包括以下几个步骤:(1)矢量化地质图的准备;(2)图切剖面的自动绘制;(3)人机交互修编与输出.本文以武汉市喻家山地质图的图切剖面编绘为例, 证明该系统具有高效率、高质量的特征,可以满足现有各种比例尺的地质图图切剖面的制作要求.


[ Fang S M, Wu C L, Liu G, et al. Computer-aided production of the cutting section of a geological map based on GIS[J]. Geology in China, 2002,4:440-445. ]

Nedas K A, Egenhofer M J.Spatial-scene similarity queries[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2008:12(6):661-681.Assessing spatial scenes for similarity is difficult from a cognitive and computational perspective. Solutions to spatial-scene similarity assessments are sensible only if corresponding elements in the compared scenes are identified correctly. This matching process becomes increasingly complex and error-prone for large spatial scenes as it is questionable how to choose one set of associations over another or how to account quantitatively for unmatched elements. We develop a comprehensive methodology for similarity queries over spatial scenes that incorporates cognitively motivated approaches about scene comparisons, together with explicit domain knowledge about spatial objects and their relations for the relaxation of spatial query constraints. Along with a sound graph-theoretical methodology, this approach provides the foundation for plausible reasoning about spatial-scene similarity queries.


Egenhofer M J.Query processing in spatial-query-by-sketch[J]. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 1997,8(4):403-424.Query processing in spatial-query-by-sketch EGENHOFER M. J. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing 8(4), 403-424, 1997


宋腾义,汪闽.多要素空间场景相似性匹配模型及应用[J].中国图象图形学报,2012,17(10):1274-1282.提出综合考虑空间对象的面积、属性及其相互间的拓扑、方位关系等 多要素的空间场景相似性匹配模型.首先利用“逐步转变模型”和属性关系图实现场景语义建模,而后构建场景匹配模型,利用所提出的相似度指标评价场景间的相 似性.该模型能够较为客观地刻画空间场景特别是地理场景的语义内涵,并且具有很好的场景匹配效果,在空间数据的智能查询检索上具有较好的应用前景.


[ Song T Y, Wang M.Multi-feature based spatial scene matching model and its application[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2012,17(10):1274-1282. ]

Egenhofer M J, Al-Taha K K. Reasoning about gradual changes of topological relationships. Theories and methods of spatio-temporal reasoning in geographic space[C]. Proceedings of the International Conference GIS - from Space to Territory: Theories and Methods of Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Geographic Space, 1992,639:196-219.

El-Kwae E A, Kabuka M R. A robust framework for content-based retrieval by spatial similarity in image databases[J]. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 1999,17(2):174-198.A framework for retrieving images by spatial similarity (FRISS) in image databases is presented. In this framework, a robust retrieval by spatial similarity (RSS) algorithm is defined as one that incorporates both directional and topological spatial constraints, retrieves similar images, and recognizes images even after they undergo translation, scaling, rotation (both perfect and multiple), or any arbitrary combination of transformations. The FRISS framework is discussed and used as a base for comparing various existing RSS algorithms. Analysis shows that none of them satisfies all the FRISS specifications. An algorithm, SIMDTC, is then presented. SIMDTC introduces the concept of a rotation correction angle (RCA) to align objects in one image spatially closer to matching objects in another image for more accurate similarity assessment. Similarity between two images is a function of the number of common objects between them and the closeness of directional and topological spatial relationships between object pairs in both images. The SIMDTC retrieval is invariant under translation, scaling, and perfect rotation, and the algorithm is able to rank multiple rotation variants. The algorithm was tested using synthetic images and the TESSA image database. Analysis shows the robustness of the SIMDTC algorithm over current algorithms.


Aksoy S.Modeling of remote sensing image content using attributed relational graphs[J]. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006,56:475-483.Automatic content modeling and retrieval in remote sensing image databases are important and challenging problems. Statistical pattern recognition and computer vision algorithms concentrate on feature-based analysis and representations in pixel or region levels whereas syntactic and structural techniques focus on modeling symbolic representations for interpreting scenes. We describe a hybrid hierarchical approach for image content modeling and retrieval. First, scenes are decomposed into regions using pixel-based classifiers and an iterative split-and-merge algorithm. Next, spatial relationships of regions are computed using boundary, distance and orientation information based on different region representations. Finally, scenes are modeled using attributed relational graphs that combine region class information and spatial arrangements. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach in query scenarios that cannot be expressed by traditional approaches but where the proposed models can capture both feature and spatial characteristics of scenes and can retrieve similar areas according to their high-level semantic content.


Eshera M A, Fu K S.A graph distance measure for image[J]. IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1984,14(3):353-363.Attributed relational graphs (ARGs) have shown superior qualities when used for image representation and analysis in computer vision systems. A new, efficient approach for calculating a global distance measure between attributed relational graphs is proposed, and its applications in computer vision are discussed. The distance measure is calculated by a global optimization algorithm that is shown to be very efficient for this problem. The approach shows good results for practical size ARGs. The technique is also suitable for parallel processing implementation.


杜世宏,秦其明,王桥.空间关系及其应用[J].地学前缘 2006,13(3):69-80.

[ Du S H, Qin Q M, Wang Q.The spatial relations in GIS and applications[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2006,13(3):69-80. ]

艾廷华,郭仁忠.基于格式塔识别原则挖掘空间分布模式[J].测绘学报,2007,36(3):302-308.面向空间群目标的分布模式识别 是空间数据挖掘比较关注的问题。本研究基于空间认知原理与视觉识别格式塔完形原则并结合空间聚类方法对该问题进行研究,提出用于描述实体间差异的"视觉距 离"概念,其定义综合考虑视觉识别中的位置、方向、大小差异,通过Delaunay三角网计算几何构造建立该距离计算的模型。在实验基础上提出基于最小支 撑树MST的聚类方法,获得与视觉认知相一致的结果。研究试图表明一个观念,即通用性的数据处理模型在GIS实际应用时,需要根据GIS作为"空间认知" 科学的原理,作技术方法上的改进,需要考虑认知主体在感知、辨析、识别、推理不同思维过程中的认知心理原则。


[ Ai T H, Guo R Z.Polygon cluster pattern mining based on gestalt principle[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2007,36(3):302-308. ]

Mark D M, Egenhofer M J.Modeling spatial relations between lines and regions: combining formal mathematical models and human subjects testing[J]. Cartography & Geographic Information Science, 1994,21(4):195-212.This paper describes the results of two human-subjects experiments to test how people think about spatial relations between lines and regions. The experiments focused on a formal model of topological spatial relations called the 9-intersection. For unbranched lines and simply connected regions, this model identifies 19 different spatial relations. Subjects were presented with two or three geometrically distinct drawings of each spatial relation (40 drawings in all), with the line and the region said to be a road and a park, respectively. In the first experiment, the task was to group the drawings so that the same phrase or sentence could be used to describe every situation in each group. A few subjects differentiated all 19 relations, but most identified nine to 13 groups. Although there was a great deal of variation across subjects in the groups that were identified, the results confirm that the relations grouped by the 9-intersection model are the ones most often grouped by the subjects. No consistent language-related differences were identified among 12 English-speaking subjects, 12 Chinese-speaking subjects, and four other subjects tested in their own native languages. A second experiment presented subjects with a short sentence describing a spatial relation between a road and a park, and the same 40 diagrams. Each subject was asked to rate the strength of their agreement or disagreement that the sentence described each relation. For each of the two different predicates tested—“the road crosses the park” and “the road goes into the park”—there was a great deal of consensus across the subjects. The results of these experiments suggest that the 9-intersection model forms a sound basis for characterizing line/region relations in the case of roads and parks, and that many spatial relations can be well-represented by particular subsets of the primitives differentiated by the 9-intersection.


Peuquet D J, Zhan C X.An algorithm to determine the directional relationship between arbitarily-shaped polygons in plane[J]. Pattern Recognition, 1987,20(87):65-74.The directional relationship between two polygons (e.g. left, above, beside, east, north) is an important spatial property and can also be used as a selection criterion for retrieving objects from a spatial database. If the database is large, this could help significantly in speeding search by reducing the size of the necessary search space. This paper builds upon past work to develop a model for determining the directional relationship in 2-D space between two simply-connected polygons of arbitrary shape, size and distance from each other. The model is based on visual interpretation and is data structure independent. The model is also stated in algorithmic terms, and is found to have a computational complexity of O ( n ), where n is the total number of vertices or cells used to represent the two polygons.


Mackaness W A, Edwards G.The importance of modelling pattern and structure in automated map generalization[C]. Joint Workshop on Multi-Scale Representations of Spatial Data, 2007:7-8.

Heinzle F, Anders K H.Characterising space via pattern recognition techniques: identifying patterns in road networks[J]. Generalisation of Geographic Information, 2007:233-253.


Robert C W, Zuell C, Landmann J, et al. Modality analysis: a semantic grammar for imputations of intentionnality in Texts[J]. Quality & Quantity, 2008,44(2):239-257.No abstract is available for this item.


Rao G, Agaewal C, Chaudhry S, et al. Natural language query processing using semantic gramma[J]. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 2010,1(2):219-223.The field of natural language processing (NLP) has seen a dramatic shift in both research direction and methodology in the past several years. In the past, most work in computational linguistics tendedto focus on purely symbolic methods. Recently, more and more work is shifting toward hybrid methods that combine new empirical corpus-based methods, including the use of probabilistic and information theoretic techniques, with traditional symbolic methods.The main purpose of Natural Language Query Processing is for an English sentence to be interpreted by the computer and appropriate action taken. Asking questions to databases in natural language is a very convenient and easy method of data access, especially for casual users who do not understand complicated database query languages such as SQL. This paper proposes the architecture for translating English Query into SQL using Semantic Grammar.

Hopcroft J E.自动机理论、语言和计算机导论[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2012:120-122.

[ Hopcroft J E.Introdution to automata theory, languages, and computation third edition[M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2012:120-122. ]



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