Orginal Article

Analysis of Expressway′s Impact on Vegetation in Its Spatial and Temporal Variation Based on Remote Sensing Monitoring

  • GUO Yunkai , 1 ,
  • GOU Yepei , 2, *
  • 1. Changsha University of Science & Technology, Changsha 410076, China;
  • 2. Chengdu City Land Planning Cadastral Affairs Center, Chengdu 610072, China
*Corresponding author: GOU Yepei, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-10-19

  Request revised date: 2015-12-25

  Online published: 2016-11-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Vegetation dynamics and their coupled relations with ecology are current research hot spots in exploring how the terrestrial ecosystems respond to the climate systems. We have obtained the vegetation leaf area index on both sides for the expressway in the research area, based on the simulations which use the PROSAIL and TM images as the information source. We studied the dynamic changes of road vegetation growth status with LAI from aspects of time and space. The results are shown as follows. (1) The temporal change of vegetation growth pattern in the expressway region shows that: the temporal growth condition of the roadside vegetation is influenced heavily in the first 5-year period after a new expressway has opened. (2) The spatial change of vegetation growth pattern in the expressway region shows that: the spatial growth condition of the roadside vegetation is heavily impacted within the regions that are closer to the expressway, while the vegetation located far from the expressway is mildly affected. Generally, this research provides reliable basic data for guiding the vegetation restoration and protection.

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GUO Yunkai , GOU Yepei . Analysis of Expressway′s Impact on Vegetation in Its Spatial and Temporal Variation Based on Remote Sensing Monitoring[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(11) : 1537 -1543 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01537

1 引言

传统的路域植被生态环境监测主要是到现场实地调查,这种方法费时费力且对于大区域植被监测是不可行的,而遥感的快速发展使其对大区域植被的监测成为可能。随着中国航天航空事业的快速发展,遥感技术的发展已十分成熟,渗入国民经济的各个领域,成为对地观测的有力工具。遥感以其时空分辨率高、覆盖范围广等优点,为陆地植被的分布、季节变化及年际间的变化提供了有效的手段[1-2]。通过学者研究发现许多生物、物理和生态过程都与叶面积指数有关[3-4],因此,叶面积指数已成为一个重要的植物学参数和评价指标,并被学者广泛的应用于农业、林业、生物学以及生态学等领域。研究表明,植被生长的环境受到影响后,区域内叶面积指数会明显降低[5-9]。因此,通过监测叶面积指数的变化情况来反映路域植被生态环境的变化情况,对生态环境监测具有重要的意义。目前,经验统计和物理机理方法是获取植被叶面积指数的主要方法。经验统计方法是通过建立实测数据与遥感影像光谱信息之间的经验模型来实现叶面积指数的反演。因此,该方法工作量大,并且建立的模型使用范围有限,不便于做时空二维扩展分 析[10-13],给区域相对较大的路域植被叶面积指数的反演带来极大的困难。而物理机理模型以数学的方式描述叶片、冠层、叶片-冠层生理、生化参数与辐射能量之间的物理机理作用过程,模型可以定量地估算植被生物物理和生物化学参数,物理过程严密[13-14]。物理机理模型因其适用范围广、受背景和植被类型影响小、模型的输入参数能较快的获取等特点,特别适用于路域这种区域大的植被环境的动态监测[8,15]

2 模型与方法

2.1 模型

PROSAIL模型是在PROSPECT和SAIL模型基础上建立包含化学组分含量的耦合模型。通过改进Allen平板模型,得到辐射传输模型PROSPECT。PROSPECT将叶片视为一个表面粗糙的均匀平板,并将非致密型叶片当做由N层平板和N-1层空气组成,现在N已经被扩展到实数范围内,N实际描述的是叶片内部的结构[16]。模型模拟叶片在400-2500 nm波长范围内的反射和透射光谱特性。简化公式如式(1)-(4)所示。
x = t av ( a , n ) (1)
y = x ( t av ( 90 , n ) - 1 ) + 1 - t av ( a , n ) (2)
R N , a = x R N , 90 + y (3)
T N , a = x T N , 90 (4)
式中: a 是最大入射角; t av ( a , n ) 是所有入射和折射方向的平均辐射在平板表面的透射率; n 是叶肉界面折射指数; N 是叶片叶肉结构参数; R N , a 是最大入射角 a 和叶片叶肉结构参数为 N 时的叶片反射率; T N , a 是最大入射角 a 和叶片叶肉结构参数为 N 时的透射率。
d E s / dx = k E s (5)
d E - / dx = - S E s + a E - - σ E + (6)
d E + / dx = S ' E s + σ E - - a E + (7)
d E o / dx = ω E s + v E - + u E + - k E o (8)
式中: k 为直射辐射的消弱系数; E s 为由上而下传输的直射辐射通量密度; a 为消光系数; σ 为背向散射系数;S为同向直射辐射的散射系数; S 为背向直射辐射的散射系数; E o 为观测方向上的通量密度; E - E + 代表向下或向上传输的辐射通量密度; ω v u 为由 E + E - E s 向观测方向上传输的辐射亮度的转化系数。模型通过解辐射传输方程(式(5)-(8))获得植被冠层反射率。

2.2 叶面积指数反演方法

Fig. 1 Technical route

图1 技术路线

3 实验区叶面积指数反演

3.1 研究区概况

潭耒高速公路是京珠高速湘潭至耒阳高速公路段。南起于湘潭马家河,北至耒阳市陈家坪。于1997年7月潭耒高速公路开工建设,2000年12月26日建成通车,是贯通南北的重要交通枢纽工程。研究路段选在湘潭市郊外长12 km路段,该路段车流量较大,日均车流量在8万辆以上。实验区路段两侧植被覆盖度较大,植被类型主要为常绿阔叶林樟树、灌木丛等植被。路段两侧居民区较少,因而人类活动对该区域的植被生长状况影响不大。本文选择该路段两侧外各1.5 km内为研究区,研究区面积为37.00 km2。实验区如图2所示。
Fig. 2 Research area

图2 研究区

3.2 实验数据处理

本文采用5期美国陆地卫星(Landsat)TM数据(30 m × 30 m),过境日期分别是2001年10月28日、2003年11月8日、2005年10月30日、2007年11月3日和2010年11月7日。遥感影像获取日期最早为10月28日,最晚为11月8日,时间差较小,可以排除时间差异对不同时期影像反演叶面积指数带来的影响。而且选取的遥感影像质量良好,图像清晰,无条带,云、雾对影像的影响较小。影像数据均摄于植被生长状况相同时期,可较好地对比分析公路运营后对路域植被生长状况的影响情况。
Fig. 3 Simulated canopy reflectances under different LAIs

图3 不同LAI下模拟的冠层反射率

3.3 叶面积指数反演

通过对PROSAIL模型输入参数的敏感性分析,设置叶绿素步长为5,范围为35~70;叶面积指数步长为0.5,范围为0.5~6,并将影像对应时期野外采集的主要树种理化信息及LOPEX93数据库的相关数据输入PROSAIL模型。具体输入参数为:野外实测干物质平均含量为0.0134 μg·cm-2、叶片等效水厚度为0.0198 cm和平均叶倾角为40°,结构参数N是模型的假设参数,查阅相关文献确定该参数为1.44。通过TM影像的头文件可以获得方位角、太阳天顶角、观测天顶角和方位角等物理输入参数。结合模型与输入参数模拟了不同叶面积指数的冠层光谱反射率,模拟结果如图3所示。通过输入不同步长的叶绿素、叶面积指数参数,构建不同时相的LAI查找表。最后,对预处理后的不同时期遥感影像与对应查找表进行匹配,得到不同时期的叶面积指数,反演结果如图4所示。
Fig. 4 Pictures of LAI distribution in different years

图4 不同年份叶面积指数分级图

3.4 模型模拟结果验证

Fig. 5 The inversion LAI and the measured LAI

图5 反演的LAI与实测LAI

4 实验结果与分析

根据气象局提供的资料,2001、2003、2005、2007和2010年的年降雨量为1340 mm左右,年均降雨量变化幅度在34 mm以内,平均温度为16.8 ℃,年均气温变化幅度在0.3 ℃以内,可以看出研究区不同年份同期气候差异不大,对植被生长变化的影响有限。

4.1 路域植被LAI变化的时间格局分析

Fig. 6 Changes of the average LAI onboth sides of the highway

图6 高速公路两侧植被平均LAI变化情况

4.2 路域植被LAI变化的空间格局分析

分别提取5个时相道路两侧0~100 m、0~200 m、0~300 m、0~400 m、0~500 m区域内的平均LAI,以式(9)计算不同区域内平均LAI的离散度。
f = i = 1 n ( x - x i ) 2 n (9)
式中: x 表示区域内5个时相评价LAI的算术平均值; x i 表示区域不同时相的平均LAI,依次计算5个时相的LAI离散度。从图7可看出,在道路300 m范围内的LAI离散度相对最大。因此,在对反演的不同年限叶面积指数图进行处理时,以300 m为区域,分别提取研究区高速公路两侧0~300 m、300~600 m、600~900 m、900~1200 m、1200~1500 m区域的影像,并求取不同区域内的叶面积指数平均值,结果如图8所示。
Fig. 7 Dispersion of LAI in different regions

图7 不同区域内LAI的离散度

Fig. 8 Changes of the average LAI indifferent regions of road

图8 道路两侧不同区域平均LAI变化情况

图8可看出,高速公路开通后,2001-2005年,道路两侧0~300 m区域内平均叶面积指数变化较大,由0.581下降到0.418,下降了0.087,降幅达15.00%。在2005-2010年,平均叶面积指数反而上升,由0.418上升到0.488,上升了0.070。道路两侧300~600 m区域内,2001-2005年平均叶面积指数由0.542下降到0.510,下降了0.032,在降幅达5.93%。2005-2010年平均叶面积指数有所上涨,但涨幅不大。而在道路两侧600~1500 m区域内,2001-2010年平均叶面积指数几乎没有变化。道路两侧0~300 m区域的植被平均叶面积指数在2001-2005年明显降低,说明公路开通后汽车排放的有害气体对植被的生长带来了较大影响,使植被出现了胁迫生长,进而导致植被叶面积指数降低。而在2005-2010年,平均叶面积指数增加,但没超过2001年均值,说明植被在经过一段时间后适应了这种生长环境,叶面积指数没有继续减少。300~600 m区域的叶面积指数也在2001-2005年发生了变化,但没有0~300 m区域受到的影响大。叶面积指数在600~1500 m区域没有变化,说明汽车尾气对此区域植被影响较小。图9反映了高等级公路开通运营对道路两侧不同区域内的植被影响情况。
Fig. 9 Impact of highway on the vegetation from both sides

图9 高速公路对两侧植被影响情况

5 结束语

高速公路两侧植被环境监测对于气候变化、生态环境演变和全球碳循环研究具有重要意义。本文运用PROSAIL模型对高速公路两侧植被的叶面积指数进行定量反演,研究分析了道路两侧不同区域内的平均叶面积指数随着时间变化而变化的规律。实验研究表明,高速公路的营运对道路两侧 0~300 m区域影响最大,两侧300~600 m区域受影响居其次,而600~1500 m区域基本没有影响。路域植被在高速公路建成后前5年内受到的影响相对最大,之后植被逐渐适应这种胁迫环境,受到的影响也逐渐降低。本文采用的动态监测方法可操作性强,技术路线明确,在道路两侧植被环境评价中具有重要的实际应用价值,可为中国路域植被治理、修复工作提出有针对性的指导,从而促进中国高速公路的可持续发展。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Hui F M, Tian Q J, Jin Z Y, Li H T.Research and quantitative analysis of the correlation between vegetation index and leaf area index[J]. Remote Sensing Information, 2003,2:10-13.Basing on the DN image, apparent reflectance image and atmospheric corrected reflectance image, the NDVI of fir forest from ETM + image over the north of Liping County in Guizhou Province we are calculated. It has been found that the NDVI based on apparent reflectance is 3 - 4 times larger than that based on the DN and the NDVI based on atmospheric corrected reflectance is 4 -5times larger than that based on the apparent reflectance. The research results have also showed that there is a good positive linear correlation between NDVI and ground truth LAI and the removal of influence of remote sensing sensor and atmospheric correction can increase the correlation coefficient. So quantitative analysis of remote sensing information is necessary.


[ Luo S Z, Chen F, Wang F J, et al. Leaf area index inversion based on TM in Linzhi, Tibet[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2012,2(5):740-745. ]

Wu J J, Gao Z H, Li Z Y, et al. Estimation for parse vegetation information in desertification region based on Tiangong-1 hyperspectral image[J]. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2014,34(3):751-756.In order to estimate the sparse vegetation information accurately in desertification region, taking southeast of Sunite Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, as the test site and Tiangong-1 hyperspectral image as the main data, sparse vegetation coverage and biomass were retrieved based on normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and soil adjusted vegetation index(SAVI), combined with the field investigation data. Then the advantages and disadvantages between them were compared. Firstly, the correlation between vegetation indexes and vegetation coverage under different bands combination was analyzed, as well as the biomass. Secondly, the best bands combination was determined when the maximum correlation coefficient turned up between vegetation indexes (VI) and vegetation parameters. It showed that the maximum correlation coefficient between vegetation parameters and NDVI could reach as high as 0.7, while that of SAVI could nearly reach 0.8. The center wavelength of red band in the best bands combination for NDVI was 630nm, and that of the near infrared(NIR) band was 910 nm. Whereas, when the center wavelength was 620 and 920 nm respectively, they were the best combination for SAVI. Finally, the linear regression models were established to retrieve vegetation coverage and biomass based on Tiangong-1 VIs. of all models was more than 0.5, while that of the model based on SAVI was higher than that based on NDVI, especially, the of vegetation coverage retrieve model based on SAVI was as high as 0.59. By intersection validation, the standard errors RMSE based on SAVI models were lower than that of the model based on NDVI. The results showed that the abundant spectral information of Tiangong-1 hyperspectral image can reflect the actual vegetaion condition effectively, and SAVI can estimate the sparse vegetation information more accurately than NDVI in desertification region.


Jégo G, Elizabeth Pattey E, Liu J G.Using leaf area index, retrieved from optical imagery, in the STICS crop model for predicting yield and biomass of field crops[J]. Field Crops Research, 2012,131:63-74.Yield and biomass predictions were greatly improved through the re-initialization of seeding date, seeding density and field capacity. Almost no bias was observed, and the relative root mean square error (RMSE%) was 13% for yield and 23% for biomass (versus 22% and 44% without optimization). The improvement in model predictions was particularly noticeable in the case of water-stress conditions or a deficit of growing degree-days, indicating that the method is sensitive to climate variability. The results were very close to the yield and biomass predictions (i.e., RMSE% of 11% for yield and 17% for biomass) obtained with actual management and soil properties. Most of the improved predictions were associated with re-initialization of the seeding date. When only two LAI values were used to re-initialize the seeding date, the RMSE% values for yield and biomass predictions were 15% and 27%, respectively. Finally, we showed that overlaying field boundaries onto soil texture was sufficient to accurately predict yields. The addition of a third layer, based on LAI-homogeneous zones, did not improve yield predictions because the model was not able to capture some of the small within-field yield variations (<0.5聽t聽ha 鈭1 ).


Croft H, Chen J M, Zhang Y Q, et al. Modelling leaf chlorophyll content in broadleaf and needle leaf canopies from ground, CASI, Landsat TM 5 and MERIS reflectance data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,133:128-140.Foliar chlorophyll content in forested ecosystems plays a fundamental role in plant photosynthesis and can indicate vegetation stress and disturbance. However, leaf chlorophyll retrieval is complicated as canopy reflectance in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths is affected by confounding effects not only from leaf pigment concentration but also leaf area index (LAI), canopy architecture, illumination and viewing geometry and understory vegetation. Unlike empirical indices, which are often developed at leaf-level and can be species, site and time specific, a process modelling approach can account for the variation of other variables affecting canopy reflectance; therefore providing a more accurate estimate of chlorophyll content over multiple vegetation species, time-frames and across broader spatial extents. This study used a linked canopy (4-Scale) and leaf (PROSPECT) modelling approach to investigate the ability of radiative transfer models to estimate foliar chemistry for different vegetation types (broadleaf and needle leaf) from optical remote sensing data. Coniferous and deciduous sites were selected in Ontario, Canada, representing different dominant vegetation species, including black spruce ( Picea mariana ), sugar maple ( Acer saccharum ) and trembling aspen ( Populus tremuloides ), and a variety of canopy closures and structures. These sites were sampled over multiple time-frames to collect ground data including leaf area index, leaf reflectance spectra (400鈥2500nm) and laboratory leaf chlorophyll content. Canopy reflectance data were acquired from the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI), Landsat 5 TM and Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS). The model results show that leaf chlorophyll content derived from satellite images demonstrates a good relationship with measured leaf chlorophyll content, with validation results of R 2 =0.62; p<0.001 (MERIS) and R 2 =0.65; p<0.001 (Landsat 5 TM), and a strong linearity with negligible systematic bias. CASI data gave a regression coefficient of R 2 =0.41 (p<0.05) on a reduced dataset. This research provides theoretical and operational bases for the future retrieval of leaf chlorophyll content across different vegetation species, canopy structures and over broad spatial extents; crucial characteristics for inclusion in photosynthesis and carbon cycle models.


Zhang Y Q, Chen J M, Miller J R, et al. Leaf chlorophyll content retrieval from airborne hyperspectral remote sensing imagery[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2008,112(7):3234.ABSTRACT Hyperspectral remote sensing has great potential for accurate retrieval of forest biochemical parameters. In this paper, a hyperspectral remote sensing algorithm is developed to retrieve total leaf chlorophyll content for both open spruce and closed forests, and tested for open forest canopies. Ten black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.)) stands near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, were selected as study sites, where extensive field and laboratory measurements were carried out to collect forest structural parameters, needle and forest background optical properties, and needle biophysical parameters and biochemical contents chlorophyll a and b. Airborne hyperspectral remote sensing imagery was acquired, within one week of ground measurements, by the Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) in a hyperspectral mode, with 72 bands and half bandwidth 4.25&ndash;4.36 nm in the visible and near-infrared region and a 2 m spatial resolution. The geometrical&ndash;optical model 4-Scale and the modified leaf optical model PROSPECT were combined to estimate leaf chlorophyll content from the CASI imagery. Forest canopy reflectance was first estimated with the measured leaf reflectance and transmittance spectra, forest background reflectance, CASI acquisition parameters, and a set of stand parameters as inputs to 4-Scale. The estimated canopy reflectance agrees well with the CASI measured reflectance in the chlorophyll absorption sensitive regions, with discrepancies of 0.06%&ndash;1.07% and 0.36%&ndash;1.63%, respectively, in the average reflectances of the red and red-edge region. A look-up-table approach was developed to provide the probabilities of viewing the sunlit foliage and background, and to determine a spectral multiple scattering factor as functions of leaf area index, view zenith angle, and solar zenith angle. With the look-up tables, the 4-Scale model was inverted to estimate leaf reflectance spectra from hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. Good agreements were obtained between the inverted and measured leaf reflectance spectra across the visible and near-infrared region, with R2 = 0.89 to R2 = 0.97 and discrepancies of 0.02%&ndash;3.63% and 0.24%&ndash;7.88% in the average red and red-edge reflectances, respectively. Leaf chlorophyll content was estimated from the retrieved leaf reflectance spectra using the modified PROSPECT inversion model, with R2 = 0.47, RMSE = 4.34 渭g/cm2, and jackknifed RMSE of 5.69 渭g/cm2 for needle chlorophyll content ranging from 24.9 渭g/cm2 to 37.6 渭g/cm2. The estimates were also assessed at leaf and canopy scales using chlorophyll spectral indices TCARI/OSAVI and MTCI. An empirical relationship of simple ratio derived from the CASI imagery to the ground-measured leaf area index was developed (R2 = 0.88) to map leaf area index. Canopy chlorophyll content per unit ground surface area was then estimated, based on the spatial distributions of leaf chlorophyll content per unit leaf area and the leaf area index.


蔡博峰,绍霞.基于PROSPECT+SAIL模型的遥感叶面积指数反演[J].国土资源遥感,2007,72(2):39-43.以PROSPECT+SAIL模型为基础,从物理机理角度反演植 被叶面积指数(LAI).首先,通过FLAASH模型进行大气校正,使得图像像元值表达植被冠层反射率;然后,根据LOPEX 93数据库和JHU光谱数据库选择植物生化参数和光谱数据,以PROSPECT模型模拟出的植物叶片反射率和透射率作为SAIL模型的输入参数,得到植被 冠层反射率,将结果与遥感影像的植被冠层反射率对应,回归出植被LAI;最后,以地面实测数据对遥感反演数据进行验证,并分析了误差的可能来源.


[ Cai B F, Shao X.Leaf area index retrieval based on remotely sensed data and PROSPECT+SAIL model[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2007,72(2):39-43. ]



[ Li J, Yan G J, Mu X H.A parameterized SAILH model for LAI retrieval[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,14(6):1189-1195. ]

郭云开,曾繁.基于FLAASH与QUAC模型的SPOT5影像大气校正比较[J].测绘通报,2012(11):21-23.卫星遥感影像的大气校正是定量遥感研究的前提与难点之一,大气校正有多种方法和模型。采用FLAASH与QUAC模型对覆盖长株潭地区的SPOT 5遥感影像进行大气校正,进而对校正前后的影像进行视觉、地物光谱曲线对比分析。结果表明,两种模型有其特定的适用范围,均能基本消除大气的影响,能较好地恢复各类地物光谱的典型特征;采用FLAASH模型的精度较QUAC模型的精度高;应用QUAC模型较FLAASH简便,它对输入参数和仪器标定精度的依赖性小。

[ Guo Y K, Zeng F.Atmospheric correction comparison of SPOT 5 image based on FLAASH and QUAC model[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2012(11):21-23. ]

