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Wind Field Retrieval of South China Sea Based on Gaussian-FFT Method

  • TIAN Siyu ,
  • HUANG Xiaoxia , * ,
  • LI Hongga ,
  • WANG Hao ,
  • LI Xia ,
  • CHENG Peng
  • Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: HUANG Xiaoxia, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-07

  Request revised date: 2016-05-05

  Online published: 2016-11-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Wind speed is a basic parameter of oceanography. It plays an important role in the interaction between ocean and atmosphere. Therefore, it is significant and necessary to obtain the wind datasets over the sea surface. However, due to the large area and complex condition, it is usually difficult to get the wind field data of South China to satisfy different demands in time. Conventional approaches, such as placing observation stations or buoys, are not only expensive but also dependent on the weather condition. Therefore it is urgently necessary to find other ways to get the wind datasets timely. ENSISAT ASAR, an all-weather and all-time microwave radar sensor, could collect the real-time and dynamic information over sea surface, which provides a new approach for researchers to acquire wind field datasets over sea surface, especially for the waters with complicated conditions, such as South China Sea. In this paper, the Gaussian-FFT method is firstly applied to retrieve the wind field of South China Sea based on ASAR image. At first, the FFT spectrum of ASAR image is acquired with the FFT algorithm. Secondly, a “cigar-shaped” two-dimensional (2-D) Gaussian function is fitted to the FFT spectrum to find the direction of wind streaks and further to obtain the wind direction which is perpendicular to it. In this experiment, the wind direction acquired from the ASAR image by the Gaussian-FFT algorithm also has a 180 ambiguity in direction. To resolve the 180 ambiguity, CCMP wind field datasets are taken into consideration to act as the wind field references. Besides, the wind direction computed with the Gaussian-FFT method is compared with the wind direction obtained by the Peak-FFT method. Then, the optimal wind direction (Gaussian-FFT wind direction) is input into the CMOD4 and CMOD5 models to compute the wind speed values respectively. Through comparing the wind field retrieval results with the CCMP datasets, we proved that it is valid to retrieve wind direction from ASAR image with Gaussian-FFT algorithm and it is achievable to obtain wind speed value over South China Sea with CMOD4 model. The approach used to obtain the wind field in this paper is of great significance to provide guidance to the wind field inversion in other waters of South China Sea, especially in areas that are lack of field observations. In addition, it is also critical for other researches whose specialties are related to oceanography, as this approach could offer vital wind parameters to these researches.

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TIAN Siyu , HUANG Xiaoxia , LI Hongga , WANG Hao , LI Xia , CHENG Peng . Wind Field Retrieval of South China Sea Based on Gaussian-FFT Method[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(11) : 1544 -1550 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01544

1 引言

海面风场对了解海洋中的物理过程以及海洋与大气之间的相互作用至关重要。而南海因其复杂的大气和海面状况,仅依靠传统的观测方法(如岸基观测站、船只和浮标等方法)通常很难获取海面风场的时间和空间序列,并且传统观测方法通常观测点少、费用昂贵、依赖天气气候。合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)以其全天候、全天时、高空间分辨率的成像特点,为反演海面风场,尤其是面积宽阔且海面状况复杂的南海风场,提供了一种新的途径。海面风通过风应力对海面作用产生风生表面波,这些表面波直接或间接地改变了海面粗糙度,SAR通过海面成像记录海面粗糙度信息,进而进行海面风场反演。
利用SAR数据反演海面风场包括反演海面风向和风速2部分。反演海面风向的方法主要是通过SAR影像上与风向垂直的风条纹方向,获得具有180º方向模糊的海面风向。通常借助二维傅里叶变换(FFT方法)[1-2]、小波分析[3]、基于不同空间尺度的局部梯度估计[4-5]以及检测最大方差方向[6]等方法获取风条纹方向。这些方法中,FFT方法计算SAR图像谱准确且速度快。获得傅里叶图谱后,可通过以下2种方法获取风条纹方向:① 通过谱峰值连线获取风条纹方向;② 采用高斯曲线拟合图像傅里叶谱进而得到风条纹方向。采用这2种方法获得的风向,都具有180º方向模糊,需要参考其他辅助风场数据或者利用影像自身信息去除方向模糊,以获得海面风向。
由于卫星传感器波段不同,反演风速方法又可分为基于C波段、基于L波段以及基于X波段等不同的反演方法。基于C波段的反演方法有CMOD4[7],CMOD5、CMOD-IFR2,统称为CMOD[8-12]系列。王珂等[13]基于ENVISAT/ASAR IMP格式数据提出海面风速分段反演算法对青岛海岸附近的风场进行反演,为近岸海面风场反演提供了指导。此外,利用SAR数据还可估算恶劣天气下的海面风场。周旋等[14]利用台风“艾利”、“卡努”和“奥菲利娅”的星载SAR数据估算台风最大风速,估算结果与最佳路径数据基本一致,为台风监测提供了新的技术途径。针对L波段波长较长,其GMF(Geophysical Model Function)对中等风速及较大入射角敏感程度低于C波段GMF的特点,CIsoguchi等[15]将基于C波段的GMF算法进行了改进,得到适合L波段SAR数据反演风场的GMF。张毅[16]通过2次相反飞行方向获取的L波段机载SAR影像去除风向反演中出现的180º模糊,为去除方向模糊提供一种新的方法。基于X波段数据的风速反演模型有XMOD1[17]、XMOD2[18]、X-PR模型[19]。XMOD1用于SIR-X-SAR数据反演风场。XMOD2是使用TerraSAR-X和实测浮标数据开发的适合于X波段数据反演风场的非线性GMF。Shao等[19]通过对C波段的2个PR模型参数(Elfouhaily和Thompson)进行改进,得到2个适用于X波段的模型。
南海是中国面积最大的海域,获取南海风场对了解南海海洋过程具有重要意义。本文基于已获取的ENVISAT ASAR数据,将结合高斯曲线-FFT风向反演方法和CMOD4模型风速方法应用于南海风场反演,并通过与峰值-FFT风向反演方法和CMOD5模型风速反演方法的结果对比,验证了该方法在南海风场反演中的有效性,为南海风场反演研究提供一定参考。

2 实验数据及海面风场反演实验

2.1 实验数据

本文实验数据为ENVISAT卫星ASAR传感器于2006年4月16日14:13(UTC)获得的IMP模式数据,研究区域范围为:东经115°~116.5°,北纬21°~22.5°(图1中黑色方框)。影像是C波段(5.33 GHZ),VV极化数据,方位向和距离向的像元分辨率均为12.5 m。进行风场反演前,先利用NEST软件对获取影像进行预处理,包括辐射校正、LEE滤波处理、地理投影等。
Fig.1 Preprocessed SAR image

图1 预处理后的SAR 影像

2.1.2 CCMP风场数据
CCMP(Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform)风场资料从ESE(NASA Earth Science)获得,时间分辨率为6 h,空间分辨率为0.25°×0.25°。CCMP数据是通过变分同化方法融合了SSM/I、TMI、AMSR-E、QuikSCAT、ADEOS-II多源卫星数据及船舶、浮标实测等数据资料得到的海面风场数据。该数据已广泛应用于海洋风浪及台风研究中[20-21],其中也包括验证反演风场[22]。根据本次实验研究区域范围及ASAR影像的获取时间,截取CCMP数据在2006年4月16日12时(图2(a))和18时(图2(b))的数据,范围为东经115.125°~116.30°,北纬20.875°~22.125°。CCMP数据只在每天4个特定时刻(0:00、6:00、12:00、18:00)(UTC)有数值模拟数据,其他时刻风场数据只能通过插值获得,这并不能满足风场获取的时效性要求,因而有必要利用遥感影像反演海面风场进而获得海面风场信息。
Fig.2 CCMP wind data at UTC 12:00 and UTC 18:00 on April 16, 2006

图2 CCMP 风场2006年4月16日12:00和18:00时(UTC)数据

2.2 海面风场反演实验

2.2.1 风向反演方法
Y l , m = j = 1 N k = 1 N X j , k e - 2 πi ( jl + km ) / N (1)
式中:Y为图像低波数谱;X为图像灰度值;l, m=1,2,3,…,N
F x , y = A 0 + A 1 e - U / 2 (2)
U = x / a 2 + y / b 2 (3)
x = x - h cosT - ( y - k ) sinT (4)
y = x - h sinT - ( y - k ) cosT (5)
式中: F x , y 为对应的 x , y 位置上的FFT谱值; A 0 A 1 分别是高斯曲线的常数项和比例项; a b 分别是高斯曲线的在 x 方向和 y 方向的轴长; h , k 是高斯曲线的中心;T为二维高斯曲线长轴从X轴方向逆时针旋转的角度,该值与风条纹的方向相同或相反,与风向相垂直。获取风条纹方向后,可得到具有180º方向模糊的风向,然后参考CCMP数据风向去除方向模糊,得到海面风向。
2.2.2 风速大小反演原理
σ 0 = b 0 1 + b 1 cos ( ϕ ) + b 3 tan h b 2 cos 2 ϕ 1.6 (6)
σ 0 = B 0 1 + B 1 cos ( ϕ ) + B 2 cos 2 ϕ 1.6 (7)
式中: σ 0 是后向散射系数;b0b1b2B1B2B3均是风速大小 ν 和入射角 θ 的函数; ϕ 是相对风向,即风向与天线方位角之差。从CMOD4模型公式可看出,对于C波段VV极化数据,后向散射系数是入射角、风速大小以及相对风向3个参数的函数。当已知入射角和相对风向时,便可求出海面风场的风速大小。

3 南海风场反演实例结果及分析

3.1 高斯曲线-FFT方法反演南海实验区风向

利用高斯曲线-FFT反演海面风向的主要步骤如图3所示。首先在ENVI软件中,将像元分辨降低到100 m。接着通过IDL编程实现该影像的风向反演。将分辨率为100 m的遥感影像分成每幅250像元×250像元的子图像(本文实验区内有6个子图像,子图像按照经度从低到高,纬度从高到低依次编号1到6,如图4所示),对每幅子图像都进行中值滤波,去除部分与风速无关的低频率波。对经过上述处理的子图像进行FFT(快速傅里叶)变换,得到每幅子图像的傅里叶谱。从傅里叶图谱中可看出,子图像中拖尾现象明显,而峰值现象并不明显(如子图像1与子图像4中,中心有个亮斑,尺度大于2个像元),故适合采用高斯曲线拟合傅里叶谱。图4的红色椭圆代表拟合的高斯曲线,红色实线方向代表风条纹方向,红色虚线方向代表风场方向或者风场方向的逆方向。
Fig.3 Flowchart of wind direction retrieval

图3 风向反演流程图

Tab.1 ASAR sub-images’ wind direction retrieval results with respect to Gaussian-FFT method and PEAK-FFT method (°)

表1 ASAR子图像的高斯曲线拟合-FFT方法和峰值-FFT方法反演风向值(°)

子图名 高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向 峰值-FFT风向 CCMP风向 高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向与CCMP风向差值 峰值-FFT风向与CCMP风向差值
1 218.32 213.69 227.28 8.96 13.59
2 222.01 225.00 226.19 4.18 1.19
3 213.00 209.75 224.99 11.99 15.24
4 222.82 215.54 227.11 4.29 11.57
5 214.46 198.44 226.00 11.54 27.56
6 200.93 191.31 224.75 23.82 33.44
均值 10.80 17.10
方差 7.23 11.63
Fig.4 Fourier spectrum of sub-images and the related Gaussian curves

图4 子图像傅里叶谱及相应高斯曲线图

3.2 CMOD4模型和CMOD5模型反演风速大小

获取风向后,利用IDL语言编程实现CMOD4和CMOD5模型,将校正的后向散射值 σ 0 、高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向值及雷达入射角输入CMOD4模型和CMOD5模型,得到相应风速值(表2)。
Tab.2 Wind speed retrieval by CMOD4 model and CMOD5 model based on the wind direction by Gaussian-FFT

表2 高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向反演的CMOD4和CMOD5风速

子图名 CCMP风向/° CCMP风速值/(m/s) 高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向/° CMOD4风速值/(m/s) CMOD4风速值与CCMP风速值差/(m/s) CMOD5风速值/(m/s) CMOD5风速值与CCMP风速值差/(m/s)
1 227.28 11.29 218.32 14.46 3.17 19.25 7.96
2 226.19 11.57 222.01 14.19 2.62 17.57 6.00
3 224.99 11.77 213.00 15.85 4.08 18.53 6.76
4 227.11 11.21 222.82 13.16 1.95 17.13 5.92
5 226.00 11.44 214.46 14.15 2.71 18.05 6.61
6 224.75 11.61 200.93 17.50 5.89 21.38 9.77
均值 3.40 7.17
方差 1.41 1.47
将风速计算结果分别与CCMP风速值进行对比,发现CMOD4风速与CCMP风速差值的均值约为3.40 m/s,方差为1.41 m/s,均小于CMOD5模型相应值。从对比结果看,CMOD4风速值与CCMP风速值更接近。利用高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向值和CMOD4模型反演风速值,得到每个子图像的风场矢量(图5)。
Fig.5 Wind retrieval result of ASAR image

图5 ASAR影像风场反演结果图

4 结论

本文利用ENVISAT ASAR影像数据反演了南海部分区域的海面风场。在风向反演过程中,通过对比高斯曲线拟合-FFT方法和峰值-FFT方法反演结果,发现在风条纹现象不明显时,高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向与CCMP风向更接近。将高斯曲线拟合-FFT风向分别输入CMOD4模型和CMOD5模型得到风速大小值。通过2种反演风速值与CCMP风速值对比,发现CMOD4模型反演结果与CCMP风速值更接近。由此可看出,利用结合高斯曲线拟合的FFT方法反演南海海面风向是有效的。这对于反演南海大面积海域风场信息,具有重要的理论和实际意义。在后续工作中,将对南海其他部分区域进行风场反演实验,以不断改进反演南海大面积海面风场的方法。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Fetterer F, Gineris D, Wackerman C C.Validating a scatterometer wind algorithm for ERS-1 SAR[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1998,36(2):479-492.The ocean surface wind field is observed from space operationally using scatterometry. The European Space Agency's (ESAs) ERS-1 satellite scatterometer routinely produces a wind product that is assimilated into forecast models. Scatterometry cannot give accurate wind estimates close to land, however, because the field of view of a spaceborne scatterometer is on the order of 50 km. Side lobe contamination, due to the large contrast in backscatter between land and water, compounds the problem. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can provide wind speed and direction estimates on a finer scale, so that high-resolution wind fields can be constructed near shore. An algorithm has been developed that uses the spectral expression of wind in SAR imagery to estimate wind direction and calibrated backscatter to estimate wind strength. Three versions, based on C-band scatterometer algorithms, are evaluated for accuracy in potential operational use. Algorithm estimates are compared with wind measurements from buoys in the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Strait, and off the Pacific Northwest coast by using a data set of 61 near-coincident buoy and ERS-1 SAR observations. Representative figures for the accuracy of the algorithm are 卤2 m/s for wind speed and 卤37掳 for wind direction at a 25-km spatial resolution


Kim D J, Moon W M, Nam S H.Evaluation of ENVISAT ASAR data for measurement of surface wind field over the Korean cast coast[C]. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2003.

Nie C, Long D G.RADARSAT ScanSAR wind retrieval and rain effects on ScanSAR measurements under hurricane conditions[C]. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2008.

王珂,洪峻,张问一,等.SAR 反演邻近岸海面风场方法[J].电子与信息学报,2013,35(8):1800-1805.该文对SAR反演邻近岸海面风场的有关问题进行了深入研究。 首先提出了邻近岸海面风向估计方法,在最小距离准则下利用邻近海域的风向估计所需的邻近岸海面风向。然后给出了使用 ENVISAT/ASAR 的 IM 成像模式PRI数据反演邻近岸海面风速的方法,比较了地球物理模型函数(Geophysical Model Function, GMF)模型性能,提出了海面风速分段反演算法。它们组成了完整的SAR反演邻近岸海面风场方法。通过实验、比较,验证了上述方法的有效性和合理性。


[ Wang K, Hong J, Zhang W Y, et al. Method of SAR retrieving ocean surface wind in near shore[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2013,35(8):1800-1805. ]

周旋,杨晓峰,李紫薇,等.基于星载SAR数据的台风参数估计及风场构建[J].中国科学:地球科学,2014,44(2):355-366.传统的星载SAR数据海面风场反演方法是利用海面风场与雷达后向散射系数之间的经验关系即CMOD5模式函数求解海面风场.但在台风条件下,由于降雨对雷达信号的影响及高风速条件下CMOD5模式函数的停滞效应,海面风场的反演精度迅速下降.针对降雨对雷达信号的影响,本文基于星载SAR卫星平台未搭载降雨测量载荷的特点,将多时次的静止气象卫星红外云图用于推导台风云系的运动矢量,并由该运动矢量及非同步观测降雨数据估算星载SAR数据过境时的降雨强度.最后,利用订正模型和降雨强度数据进行降雨订正.针对高风速条件下CMOD5模式函数的停滞效应,本文基于台风的SAR图像特征和改进的HOLLAND台风模型,提出了台风参数估计及风场构建方案.首先,利用基于小波分析的风向提取算法提取台风风场的海面风向信息,并通过地球物理模式函数和风向信息反演海面风速.然后,根据台风眼的SAR图像特征计算台风中心位置和最大风速半径,并将其代入改进的HOLLAND台风模型.最后,利用中低风速数据通过最小二乘法拟合台风中心气压和最大风速,并将台风风向、中心位置、最大风速半径、中心气压和最大风速等参量代入改进的HOLLAND模型构建台风海面风场.为了验证方案的精度,选择台风"艾利"、"卡努"和"奥菲利娅"的星载SAR数据进行试验,并利用美国联合台风预警中心和飓风研究中心的最佳路径数据和风场数据进行精度检验.结果表明,本文利用星载SAR数据估算的台风中心位置、中心气压、最大风速与最佳路径数据基本一致,构建的海面风场精度较高,其中,海面风速的均方差为1.4 m s-1,风向的均方差为2.1°,为台风监测提供了新的技术途径.

[ Zhou X, Yang X F, Li Z W, et al. Estimation of tropical cyclone parameters and wind fields from SAR images[J]. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2014,44(2):355-366. ]

Isoguchi O, Shimada M.An L band ocean geophysical model function derived from PALSAR[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2009,47(7):1925-1936.This paper examines L-band normalized radar cross section (NRCS) dependence on ocean surface wind. More than 90 000 match-ups, each consisting of the L-band HH NRCS, incidence angles, wind speeds, and wind directions, were collected from the Phased-Array L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) and scatterometer wind vectors. Based on the match-ups, the L-band HH NRCS dependence on incidence angle and wind vector is modeled for 0-20-m/s wind speeds and 17deg-43deg incidence angles. The derived relation indicates that the wind sensitivity of the L-band NRCS is less than that of the C-band at moderate winds and large incidence angles, whereas comparable at stronger winds ((>10 m/s) and small incidence angles. The upwind-crosswind difference is amplified in the 10-15-m/s range followed by an almost zero amplitude from 4 to 8 m/s, which represents a clear phase shift with the C-band VV and Ku-band HH models. Wind speeds are then estimated from the match-ups, based on the derived model function. A comparison with the reference scatterometer winds reveals a 0.05-m/s bias and a 1.85-m/s root mean square error, where crosswind data give rise to large errors due to low wind sensitivity at wind speeds of around 10 m/s, particularly at large incidence angles. The L-band NRCS behavior in strong winds (>20 m/s), at which the C-band is saturated, was not determined in the current model due to the limited number of the match-ups.


张毅. L 波段 SAR 海面风场反演研究[D].北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2007.

[ Zhang Y.Study of ocean surface wind field retrievals from L-band SAR[D]. Beijing: Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Science, 2007.

Ren Y Z, Lehner S, Brusch S, et al. An algorithm for the retrieval of sea surface wind fields using X band TerraSAR-X data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012,33(23):7310-7336.TerraSAR-X (TS-X) is a new, fully polarized X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite, which is a successor of the Spaceborne Imaging Radar X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SIR-X-SAR) and the SRTM. TS-X has provided high-quality image products over land and oceans for scientific and commercial users since its launch in June 2007. In this article, a new geophysical model function (GMF) is presented to retrieve sea surface wind speeds at a height of 10聽m () based on TS-X data obtained with VV polarization in the ScanSAR, StripMap and Spotlight modes. The X-band GMF was validated by comparing the retrieved wind speeds from the TS-X data with observations, the high-resolution limited area model (HIRLAM) and QuikSCAT scatterometer measurements. The bias and root mean square (RMS) values were 0.03 and 2.33聽m s, respectively, when compared with the co-located wind measurements derived from QuikSCAT. To apply the newly developed GMF to the TS-X data obtained in HH polarization, we analysed the C-band SAR polarization models and extended them to the X-band SAR data. The sea surface wind speeds were retrieved using the X-band GMF from pairs of TS-X images obtained in dual-polarization mode (i.e. VV and HH). The retrieved results were also validated by comparing with QuikSCAT measurements and the results of the German Weather Service (DWD) atmospheric model. The obtained RMS was 2.50聽m swhen compared with the co-located wind measurements derived from the QuikSCAT, and the absolute error was 2.24聽m swhen compared with DWD results.


Li X M, Lehner S. Sea surface wind field by TerraSAR-X and Tandem-X data: algorithm development[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2012, in press.Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST); European Space Agency (ESA)

Shao W Z, Li X M, Lehner S, et al. Development of polarization ratio model for sea surface wind field retrieval from TerraSAR-X HH polarization data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014,35(11-12):4046-4063.In this article, the polarization ratio (PR) of TerraSAR-X (TS-X) vertical-vertical (VV) and horizontal-horizontal (HH) polarization data acquired over the ocean is investigated. Similar to the PR of C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR), the PR of X-band SAR data also shows significant dependence on incidence angle. The normalized radar cross-section (NRCS) in VV polarization data is generally larger than that in HH polarization for incidence angles above 23掳. Based on the analysis, two PR models proposed for C-band SAR were retuned using TS-X dual-polarization data. A new PR model, called X-PR hereafter, is proposed as well to convert the NRCS of TS-X in HH polarization to that in VV polarization. By using the developed geophysical model functions of XMOD1 and XMOD2 and the tuned PR models, the sea surface field is retrieved from the TS-X data in HH polarization. The comparisons with in situ buoy measurements show that the combination of XMOD2 and X-PR models yields a good retrieval with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.03 m s



[ Tang J, Shi J, Li X Q, et al. Numerical simulation of typhoon waves with typhoon wind model[J]. Transaction of Oceanology and Limnology, 2013,2:24-30. ]

张鹏,陈晓玲,陆建忠,等.基于CCMP卫星遥感海面风场数据的渤海风浪模拟研究[J].海洋通报,2011,30(3):266-271.CCMP(Cross Calibrated Multi-Platform)风场数据是一种具有较高的时间、空间分辨率和全球海洋覆盖能力的新型卫星遥感资源。在充分分析CCMP海面风场数据可靠性 的基础上,以该卫星遥感海面风场数据为强迫输入项,运用第三代浅水波浪模式SWAN对渤海一次风浪过程进行了模拟,将模拟的结果与T/P、Jason卫星 高度计观测得到的有效浪高数据进行比较分析,发现两者相关性达到0.78,模拟结果平均偏高0.3 m。试验表明CCMP卫星遥感风场数据能满足海洋浪高预报需求,能在海洋数值预报和海洋环境研究中发挥重要作用。


[ Zhang P, Chen X L, Lu J Z, et al. Research on wave simulation of Bohai Sea based on the CCMP remotely sensed sea winds[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2011,30(3):266-271. ]

张康宇. 基于ASAR近海风场反演方法研究[D].杭州:浙江大学,2015.

[ Zhang K.Measurements of offshore ocean surface wind using ASAR[D]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2015. ]

Stoffelen A, Anderson D.Scatterometer data interpretation: estimation and validation of the transfer function CMOD4[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 1997,102(C3):5767-5780.In this paper we estimate the 18 coefficients of the CMOD4 σ 0 -to-wind transfer function using a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method in order to improve the prelaunch function. We show that a MLE method has to be used with caution when dealing with a nonlinear relationship or with measurement errors that depend on the measured values. In the transfer function estimation it is crucial to use the components of the wind, rather than wind speed and direction, to use σ 0 in logarithmic units rather than physical ones, and to use well-sampled input data. In Stoffelen and Anderson [1997a] we showed that the triplets of measured backscatter are very coherent and, when plotted in a three-dimensional measurement space, they lie on a well-defined conical surface. Here we propose a strategy for validation of a transfer function, the first step of which is to test the ability of a transfer function to fit this conical surface. We derive an objective measure to compute the average fit of the transfer function surface to the distribution of measured σ 0 triplets. The transfer function CMOD4, derived in the first part of this paper, is shown to fit the cone surface to within the observed scatter normal to the cone, i.e., within roughly 0.2 dB, equivalent to a root-mean-square wind vector error of 650.5 m s 611 The second step in the validation strategy is the verification of retrieved scatterometer winds at each position on the cone surface. Scatterometer winds computed from CMOD4 compare better to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts model winds than real-time conventional surface wind data (ship, buoy, or island reports) with the root-mean-square wind vector difference typically 3.0 m s 611 . This surprising result can be explained by the so-called representativeness error. We further show that no significant spatial wind error correlation is present in scatterometer data and therefore conclude that the ERS 1 scatterometer provides winds useful for weather forecasting and climate studies.


Hersbach H, Stoffelen A, De Haan S.An improved C-band scatterometer ocean geophysical model function: CMOD5[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2007,112(C3):C03006.In this paper CMOD5, a new C-band geophysical model function (GMF), is derived on the basis of measurements from the scatterometer on board of the European Remote Sensing Satellite ERS-2. First-guess winds from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts were used as a reference for the period from August to December 1998, adding up to more than 22,000,000 collocations. CMOD5 corrects some deficiencies of the currently widely used CMOD4 GMF. Linear and higher-order wind speed corrections as computed with a triple collocation method are implemented. Recent measurements of extreme backscatter and wind obtained by aircraft and in situ data are fitted. Also, a more accurate fit of the two-dimensional cone surface in three-dimensional measurement space is established, especially in the regime of strong winds. These improvements result not only in better wind retrievals at high wind speed, but also in a more uniform performance across the ERS scatterometer swath. Moreover, the wind ambiguity problem has been reduced owing to the improved fit of the cone surface, resulting in about 75% skill of the first rank solution for winds above 10 m/s. These improvements aid the general usefulness of retrieved C-band scatterometer winds for climate and weather applications, and the ambiguity removal in dynamical and extreme weather conditions in particular.


Gerling T W.Structure of the surface wind field from the SeasatSAR[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research, 1986,91(C2):2308-2320.An intensive analysis of the vector wind field of one Seasat data set: pass 1339 is described. Wind speed and direction signatures are found in Seasat SAR (synthetic aperture radar) images, and the resulting estimates are compared with the Seasat-A scatterometer system (SASS) and simultaneous NOAA P-3 aircraft measurements. A power law is presented to relate SAR-measured backscatter to SASS-estimated wind speed, and the SAR estimates are shown to agree with the SASS estimates to within a standard error of 0.7 m/s over a range of wind speeds from 3 m/s to 13 m/s. The surface expressions of atmospheric roll vortices are apparent in several of the SAR images and may be responsible for the wind-direction signature in these cases. Wind field estimates averaged over regions of variable sizes are possible because of the high resolution of SAR imagery. A method for extracting low wave number directionality and its variability from SAR spectra is described, and SAR direction estimates obtained from spectra of 6.4-km-square images are shown to have a precision of approximately 10掳. Although a comparison data set that could validate these higher resolution estimates is lacking, averages over 40-km-square regions are in good agreement with the other wind field information. The SAR wind direction estimates yield a more complete interpretation in a region with a turning wind field near a front that is ambiguous with only SASS observations. In this region the flow patterns of the high-resolution estimates appear consistent with our knowledge of the overall circulation, considering all the observations. However, in another region the small-scale variability is too large and random to represent real wind variability, although averages derived from these estimates are still reliable.


