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Classification of Urban Rail Transit Stations based on SAX

  • ZHANG Liying , 1, 2 ,
  • MENG Bin , 3, * ,
  • YIN Qin 4
  • 1. College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining& Technology, Beijing 100083;
  • 2. College of Geophysics and Information Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249
  • 3. College of Applied Arts & Sciences of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191;
  • 4. College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048
*Corresponding author: MENG Bin, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-08-04

  Request revised date: 2016-10-18

  Online published: 2016-12-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


:Urban rail transit stations are the key nodes of the basic urban rail transit network system. The scientific classification of the rail transit stations is significant to understand the urban functional zoning and evaluate the construction of the rail transit infrastructure. The time series data of urban rail transit stations objectively records the important information of observed stations at all-time points. The time series data contains different patterns, which reflect different sequence genesis. Therefore, studying cluster of the time series data is an important means to recognize and understand the essence of time series data formation. It is also a major method to mine higher value of principle and knowledge that implied in time series data. In this paper, we use smart card data of urban rail transit stations in Beijing, and divide the big data into four data sets: weekdays boarding data set (WB), weekdays alighting data set (WA), weekends (rest day) boarding data set (RB) and weekends alighting data set (RA) to describe characteristics of each station’s daily passenger volume. Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX) is firstly introduced to analyze four data sets, which effectively reduces the dimensionality of high-dimensional data and realizes similarity measure between stations. Finally, it is more reasonable to classify the 195 rail transit stations into 8 types according to the DB index by hierarchical clustering method. They are residential stations, work stations, partial residential-based residential and work mixed stations, dislocation stations, tourist attractions and commercial stations, partial work-based residential and work mixed stations, integrated stations and other stations. The performance of SAX is compared with Euclidean distance similarity measure. The results indicate that SAX outperforms Euclidean distance in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The paper analyzes characteristics of daily passenger boarding and alighting volume on four data sets and spatial distribution of each type. It is found that residence and dislocation stations are mostly located in the far end of the subway, while the types of work stations, tourist attractions and commercial stations, partial work-based residential and work mixed stations, and integrated stations are concentrated in the urban areas. Partial residential-based residential and work mixed stations scatter around the city center. The results can help to interpret the different functional zoning of the city and the characteristics of residents' travel behavior, which provides a basis for understanding the urban spatial pattern and its evolution process, and also provides some objective reference for planning, design and management services of rail transit stations.

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ZHANG Liying , MENG Bin , YIN Qin . Classification of Urban Rail Transit Stations based on SAX[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016 , 18(12) : 1597 -1607 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01597

1 引言

轨道站点是城市轨道交通基本线网系统中的关键节点,随着国内城市轨道交通建设的全面展开,轨道在城市交通中发挥着越来越重要的作用。2013年北京市交通发展年度报告指出北京轨道交通占公共交通出行的比重由2000年13.6%增至 2012年38.2%[1],对改善北京市交通结构、优化城市空间布局、提高生活环境质量发挥了重要作用。不同类型的站点在城市中的区域特征、交通功能、用地功能等方面均存在差异[2],科学的地铁站点分类,对了解城市功能分区、解读居民出行特征、理解城市格局和演化以及评价轨道交通基础设施建设情况具有重要意义。
公交IC卡的使用为研究轨道交通站点的交通职能积累了具有地理标识和时间标签的大数据,其数据具有连续性好、覆盖面广、信息全面且动态更新等优点[13]。国内外学者利用公交IC卡数据也展开了很多研究: Ali等[14]利用公交智能卡数据作为大型活动的输入数据,基于公共交通仿真分析有关公交出行的用户行为;Gitanjali等[15]对公交智能卡数据使用数据挖掘的聚类方法,实现更好地理解旅行模式和评价旅客的旅行行为属性;Long等[16]使用IC卡数据研究北京通勤的模式;Joh和Hwang [17]利用IC卡数据分析了公交卡持有者的出行轨迹与都市区的土地利用特征;Jang[18]利用IC卡数据对公交出行时间和换乘信息进行估计;Bagchi等[19]使用IC卡数据对公共交通市场进行分析;Roth等[20]基于伦敦实时的Oyster卡数据库,获得地铁乘客移动特征;Ma等[21]使用IC卡数据对公共交通乘客的出行模式进行了研究;尹芹等[22] 使用IC卡地铁刷卡客流量数据,引入客流特征的时间序列聚类方法,对地铁站点进行分类研究;戴霄等[23]研究了数据挖掘技术在公交卡信息处理方面的运用;杨智伟等[24]基于大连的IC卡数据进行客流预测。总体上,这些研究侧重于研究用户的出行行为、通勤模式、公共交通市场分析以及客流预测。使用IC卡数据对轨道站点进行分类研究,尤其是从工作日和休闲日进出站形成的多元时间序列的角度对轨道站点进行分类的研究相对较少。
轨道交通站点时间序列中蕴藏着不同的模式,不同的模式反映了不同的时间序列成因。对轨道交通站点的时间序列进行聚类分析,是认识和理解轨道站点时间序列形成本质的重要手段,也是挖掘轨道交通站点时间序列中隐含的有较高价值规律知识的重要方法[25-26]。由于时间序列具有海量、高维的特性,研究者提出了近似表示的思路,实现对时间序列作降维处理[27]。其基本思想是保留时间序列的主要形态,对时间序列进行压缩表示,用新的表示近似替代原始的时间序列。代表性的时间序列近似表示有离散傅立叶变换(the Discrete Fourier, DWT)[28]、分段累积近似(Piecewise Aggregate Approximation,PAA)[29]、符号集合近似(Symbolic Aggregate approXimation,SAX)[30-32]、可索引符号聚集近似(indexable SAX,iSAX)、分段线性近似(Piecewise Linear Approximation,PLA)、分段线性聚集近似(piecewise linear aggregate approximation,PLAA)[33]等方法。其中,符号集合近似(SAX)是由Keogh E在分段累积近似(PAA)的基础上提出的一种有效的时间序列离散化降维方法,因其计算简单且高效、支持下界函数、算法不依赖于具体试验数据等特点而得到越来越多的关注,一经提出,便成为一种非常受欢迎的时间序列降维表示法[30-31,34-36]。IC卡记录刷卡时间精确到秒,轨道交通站点进站或出站的刷卡数据形成的一日时间序列维数达到上万,引入SAX方法可以有效地对IC卡刷卡时间序列实现降维,且能保留时间序列的主要形态,有助于挖掘轨道站点的时间序列中蕴藏的不同模式。

2 数据与方法

2.1 数据描述

本文使用的轨道交通站点数据为2013年3月北京市1-20日无重大节假日的完整的出行(包含完整进出站刷卡记录)记录数共74 516 278条,轨道站点共208个。为了保证数据的质量,对采集到的数据进行清洗,去掉进出站刷卡记录不完整的站点,包括机场轨道站点T2航站楼、T3航站楼、三元桥j、东直门j、北京西、白碓子、丰台东大街、丰台科技园、丰台南路、科怡路、六里桥、六里桥东、七里庄。最终选择具有完整的进出站刷卡记录的轨道站点共195个作为研究对象,研究日常情况下轨道站点的分类问题。记录包含的基本信息如表1所示。
Tab. 1 Smart card data of some subway stations in Beijing on March 1st, 2013

表1 北京市部分地铁站点2013年3月1日刷卡数据

ID 进站名称 进站刷卡时间 出站名称 出站刷卡时间
10007510*****6142 长椿街 8:03:00 复兴门 8:10:26
10007510*****5723 苹果园 8:12:00 玉泉路 8:29:08
10007510*****2821 通州北苑 8:28:00 军事博物馆 9:25:23
10007510*****6032 和平门 9:36:00 五棵松 10:07:08
10007510*****5779 古城路 11:10:00 王府井 11:58:26

2.2 数据处理

每个轨道站点从每日的早4时到晚24时内进出站客流量数据按时间顺序形成了时间序列,由于IC卡记录刷卡时间精确到秒,因此一日的轨道交通站点进站或出站的刷卡数据形成的时间序列长度为72 000,通常又被称为时间序列的维数[38],大数据带来大样本的同时,也带来了维数灾难,维数膨胀给高维数据中模式识别和规则发现带来极大挑 战[38],如果直接对其进行分析将会带来巨大的计算资源耗费,且不利于发现数据间的内部关系[39]。本文通过PAA[29]方法实现对轨道站点时间序列降维,窗口间隔为3600,把原始时间序列的维数由72000降维到72 000÷3600=20。
Fig. 1 Distribution of daily passenger boarding volume at AN DING MEN on weekdays and weekends

图1 安定门工作日休息日进站日客流量分布

Fig. 2 Distribution of daily passenger boarding and alighting volume at TIAN TONG YUAN on weekdays and weekends

图2 天通苑工作日休息日进出站日客流量分布

2.3 SAX方法

SAX[31,40]是由Keogh E在分段累积近似(PAA)的基础上提出的一种有效的时间序列离散化降维方法,在时间序列相似性度量的研究中作为变换函数有着非常多的优点[30-31,34-36],如具有较高的压缩率,保留了数据的局部信息,有效地实现了数据降维,解决了维数过高引起的问题;对噪声数据有较高的承受能力。分段过程既实现了消除噪声又实现了数据平滑处理,视觉直观简洁,具有多分辨率特性等优点,因此成为一种非常受欢迎的时间序列降维表示法,在时间序列挖掘的诸多领域都有广泛的应用。
2.3.1 符号化表示
SAX把一条任意长度为m的时间序列转换成一个长度为n的(n<<m)符号串,n是分段后子序列的数目。已知时间序列 X = { x 1 , x 2 , , x m } ,SAX的实现过程可分为以下3步:
(1)正规化。把原始时间序列X按式(1)标准化为均值为0方差为1的序列 X = { x 1 , x 2 , , x m } 。此标准化不会改变原始序列X的形状和尺度[41]
x i = x i - u x σ x (1)
式中: x i 是序列X中的某一时刻的观测值; u x 是序列X中所有观测值的平均值; σ x 是序列X所有观测值的标准差。
(2)PAA降维。利用PAA方法,按子序列长度为w把长度为m的时间序列划分为长度为n的序列 X ̅ = { x ̅ 1 , x ̅ 2 , , x ̅ n } ,并根据式(2)计算出每一段子序列的均值。
x ̅ j = n m i = m n ( j - 1 ) + 1 m n j x i (2)
(3)符号化表示。由于序列 X ̅ 近似服从高斯分布,可以将其划分为 α 个等概率的区间,划分区间系列分裂点 β i 是按照表2来取值,位于同一区间的序列值用相同的符号表示,最终得到其符号化表示 X ˜ = { x 1 ˜ , x 2 ˜ , , x n ˜ } 图3是安定门工作日进站客流量时间序列的SAX表示,原始时间序列长度为72 000,窗口间隔为3600,使用PAA方法降维后的时间序列长度为20,将其划分为 α = 6 个等概率区间,划分区间系列分裂点 β i 的值分别为-0.97、-0.43、0、0.43、0.97,最终得其符号化序列表示为AABEFDCCBCCCDFFDBBBA。
Tab. 2 DB index of two clustering methods

表2 2种方法聚类的DB指数表[40]

方法 分类个数
6 7 8 9 10
SAX 1.27 1.30 1.26 1.26 1.29
欧式距离 1.39 1.50 1.38 1.37 1.36
Fig. 3 SAX representation of distribution of passenger boarding volume at AN DING MEN on weekdays

图3 安定门工作日进站客流量时间序列的SAX表示

2.3.2 相似性度量方法
时间序列长度为m的任意2个时间序列Q={ q 1 , q 2 , , q m }和 C = { c 1 , c 2 , , c m } ,使用SAX方法得到长度为n的符号化序列表示分别为 Q ˜ = { q 1 ˜ , q 2 ˜ , , q n ˜ } C ˜ = { c 1 ˜ , c 2 ˜ , , c n ˜ } 。为了对符号化序列进行聚类,首先需要计算各符号化序列之间的相似性,SAX方法里采用式(3)[40]来计算序列 Q ˜ C ˜ 之间的距离值,以此表示它们之间的相似度。其中, dist ( q ˜ i - c ˜ i ) 表示2个符号之间的距离值,其计算方法按照文献[40]表3来计算。
MINDIST ( Q ˜ , C ˜ ) = m n i = 1 n ( dist ( q ˜ i - c ˜ i ) ) 2 (3)
Tab. 3 The time distribution features of eight types of subway stations

表3 8类轨道站点的曲线特征

类别 工作日曲线特征 休息日曲线特征
进站 出站 进站 出站
峰值及时间 峰值个数 峰值及时间 峰值个数 峰值及时间 峰值个数 峰值及时间 峰值个数
1 4.53 7:00 1 3.33 18:00 1 0.74 8:00 1 0.82 18:00 1
2 3.04 18:00 1 5.45 8:00 1 0.26 17:00 1 0.31 8:00 1
3 4.27 7:00
0.96 17:00
2 1.26 8:00
3.20 18:00
2 0.58 8:00
0.13 17:00
2 -0.12 8:00
0.68 18:00
4 3.82 8:00
0.68 18:00
2 0.58 8:00
2.90 18:00
2 0.74 9:00
0.65 16:00
2 0.47 11:00
1.15 17:00
5 1.49 17:00
-0.11 21:00
2 1.93 8:00
0.07 13:00
0.23 18:00
3 2.34 16:00 1 2.05 10:00
1.66 14:00
6 2.27 8:00
2.56 17:00
2 4.43 8:00
2.07 18:00
2 0.14 9:00
0.30 15:00
2 0.22 8:00
0.34 17:00
7 1.42 8:00
2.47 17:00
2 3.60 8:00
1.65 18:00
2 0.08 10:00
0.95 16:00
2 0.80 8:00
0.37 13:00
0.49 17:00
8 0.10 7:00
-0.33 10:00
0.31 12:00
0.50 15:00
4 0.88 8:00
-0.15 11:00
-0.22 13:00
-0.16 15:00
0.41 18:00
5 1.20 9:00
0.78 12:00
1.11 17:00
3 0.68 11:00
2.66 17:00

2.4 层次聚类方法[41]

层次聚类(Hierarchical Clustering)通过计算不同类别数据点间的相似度来创建一棵有层次的嵌套聚类树。在聚类树中,不同类别的原始数据点是树的最低层,树的顶层是一个聚类的根节点。创建聚类树有自下而上凝聚和自上而下分裂2种方法。凝聚型层次聚类的算法是通过计算每一个类别的数据点与所有数据点之间的距离来确定它们之间的相似性,距离越小,相似度越高,并将距离最近的2个数据点或类别进行组合,生成聚类树。本文采用的是凝聚型层次聚类,数据点之间的相似性采用式(3)实现,最终的聚类个数根据DB指标[42]确定。

3 结果分析

3.1 聚类结果

Tab. 4 Eight clusters of hierarchical clustering

表4 层次聚类8类结果类

类别 站点数量 站点名称
1 41 八里桥 北宫门 草房 常营 传媒大学 次渠 次渠南 褡裢坡 稻田 俸伯 巩华城 管庄 广阳城 果园 黄村火车站 黄渠 回龙观 回龙观东大街 霍营 旧宫 梨园 良乡大学城西 临河里 龙泽 苹果园 沙河 沙河高教园 生命科学园 石门 天通苑 天通苑北 天通苑南 通州北苑 土桥 西红门 西苑 小红门 新宫 育新 枣园 朱辛庄
2 39 白石桥南 朝阳门 车公庄 车公庄西 磁器口 大望路 大钟寺 灯市口 东大桥 东单 东四十条 阜成门 复兴门 高碑店 国贸 海淀黄庄 呼家楼 惠新西街北口 建国门 金台夕照 亮马桥 灵镜胡同 柳芳 木樨地 南礼士路 荣京东街 三元桥 苏州街 团结湖 万源街 五道口 西二旗 西土城 宣武门 雍和宫 永安里 张自忠路 知春里 中关村
3 34 安和桥北 八宝山 八角游乐园 北苑 慈寿寺 崔各庄 高米店北 公益西桥 古城路 海淀五路居 后沙峪 花梨坎 角门西 劲松 九棵树 立水桥 立水桥南 林萃桥 刘家窑 马家堡 南法信 蒲黄榆 青年路 十里堡 双桥 四惠东 宋家庄 孙河 陶然亭 同济南路 亦庄桥 亦庄文化园 永泰庄 玉泉路
4 14 高米店南 黄村西大街 篱笆房 良乡南关 马泉营 南邵 清源路 顺义 苏庄 天宫院 肖村 义和庄 圆明园 长阳
5 10 奥林匹克公园 奥体中心 北海北 动物园 南锣鼓巷 森林公园南门 天安门东 天安门西 王府井 西单
6 33 安定门 安华桥 安贞门 北土城 北苑路北 菜市口 大葆台 大屯路东 鼓楼大街 光熙门 和平里北街 和平门 和平西桥 花园桥 惠新西街南口 健德门 金台路 经海路 牡丹园 荣昌东街 上地 芍药居 生物医药基地 双井 四惠 太阳宫 万寿路 望京 望京西 五棵松 西小口 长椿街 知春路
7 22 巴沟 北京大学东门 北京南站 北京站 北新桥 崇文门 东四 东直门 郭公庄 国家图书馆 国展 积水潭 军事博物馆 农业展览馆 平安里 前门 人民大学 天坛东门 魏公村 西四 西直门 新街口
8 2 良乡大学城 良乡大学城北
Fig. 4 Time distribution of passenger boarding and alighting volume of eight types of stations on weekdays and weekends

图4 8类典型站点工作日休息日进出站分时段客流量分布

3.2 聚类有效性指标

DB 指标[42]是基于样本的类内散度与各聚类中心间距的测度,进行类数估计时其最小值对应的类数作为最优的聚类个数。表2是采用SAX方法和欧式距离2种方法对时间序列的相似性进行度量,使用层次聚类聚6~10类,计算其各自的聚类有效性DB指标。从表2可以得出,SAX方法的DB值更小,说明使用SAX方法进行相似性度量,其聚类质量更好。结合图4(a)-(h)的曲线特征,也进一步证明了SAX方法的合理性。

3.3 类别特征分析和空间分布分析

首先按照工作日进站、出站和休息日进站、出站对8类聚类结果求平均值,得到每类站点工作日进站、出站和休息日进站、出站对应的4条时间序列;然后分别对每类时间序列求其峰值、对应的时间以及峰值个数。判断峰值的方法为每类聚类结果的平均值序列中某一元素的值比相邻2个元素的值都大且峰值的最小高度大于此类序列的平均值。8类轨道站点的曲线特征描述见表3。结合 图4(a)-(h)和表3,每类站点的类别特征分析描述 如下:
第4类工作日进站客流时间分布呈双峰型,和第3类类似,但休息日高峰客流量整体比第3类大且相对平缓,休息日进站早高峰比第3类延迟1 h、晚高峰提前1 h,休息日出站早高峰推迟3 h,晚高峰提前1 h。此类站点周边既有居住地又有办公地,在此居住的居民,工作地可能在其它地点,也有部分人居住在别处,但在此类站点附近工作,表现出职住错位。命名为错位型站点。
第7类站点工作日进出站客流时间分布呈双峰型,与第6类相似,但出站早高峰时段一直到12:00,推迟了2 h,进站晚高峰时段从中午12:00开始,提前了3 h。休息日进站日客流量呈双峰,但峰值出现在上午10:00和下午16:00,比第5类峰值出现早且高峰开始时段提前了4 h,出站日客流量呈三峰,与第5类工作日出站相似。命名为综合型站点。典型站点如前门、北京站、西直门站点,此类站点周围用地类型具有多样性特点。
Fig. 5 Space distribution of subway stations types

图5 轨道站点类型空间分布图

4 结论与讨论

首先,根据北京IC卡每个站点工作日及休息日进出站客流量分布图的特征不同,提出了描述轨道站点的4个数据集,即工作日进站数据集(WB)、工作日出站数据集(WA)、休息日进站数据集(RB)和休息日出站数据集(RA)。在此基础上,得到的聚类结果表明从这4个角度刻画站点日客流量特征的有 效性。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[ Beijing Transportation Research Center. Beijing transportation annual report 2013[R]. Beijing: Beijing Transportation Research Center, 2013 ]


[ Duan D G, Zhang F.Study on classification of urban rail transit stations from the perspective of land use optimization: A case study on Xi′an subway line 2[J]. City Planning Review, 2013,37(9):39-45. ]

Korf J L,Demetsky MJ. Analysis of rapid transit access mode choice. Transportation research record.1981,817:29-35.The application of the logit modeling methodology to the development of rapid transit access-mode-choice models that are transferable among different stations in a system is described. Rapid transit stations are classified into groups by using discriminant analysis to test for common behavior at sites within groups and to verify differences in behavior among groups. Eighteen variables are used to define the physical nature and accessibility of the terminal and the socioeconomic structure of the surrounding area. Five station groups are identified: (a) central city; (b) dense residential; (c) predominantly residential, some commercial; (d) predominantly commercial, some residential; and (e) sparse residential and undeveloped land. Multinomial logit access-mode-choice models are described for the different station groups in the Bay Area Rapid Transit system. The modes considered are drive alone, kiss-and-ride, bus, carpool, and walk. An areawide model is compared with the station group models. The results show that models for classified station groups have coefficients that differ from each other and from a model calibrated with the data for all stations in all groups. These models, however, do not offer sufficient uniqueness to justify recommendations. More precise, detailed calibration data are needed to establish transferable models. (Author)

Bates Jr EG.A study of passenger transfer facilities(abridgment)[J]. Transportation research record, 1978,662:23-25.Throughout the country, a considerable effort is being made to improve public transit. However, one element of the total transit system which has not been studied at any level of detail and which has not improved to any great extent is the passenger transfer facility. The success of transit is going to depend on improvements made to all segments of the system, including safe, convenient transfer facilities. This study includes an inventory of facilities in some larger communities in New England, and a classification of facilities by size of area served and extent of system. According to an attitude survey, transit operators see a need for improved transfer facilities, minimized transfer times, and provision of shelters. The survey showed that pulsating systems had the highest number of transfers, averaging 27 percent; while transfers on non-pulsating systems generally averaged about 6 percent. The study concludes that transfer facilities must be improved to make transit more efficient and to encourage usage. /Author/

谢屾. 城市轨道交通站点周边空间形态整合浅析:以南京为例[D].南京:南京大学,2011.

[ Xie S.Study on morphological integration of space surrounding urban rail transit stations: A case study of Nanjing[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2011. ]

龚晓芳. 现代城市轨道交通站点地区规划研究[D].西安:长安大学,2009.

[ Gong X F.The planning research of metro rail transit station in modern city[D]. Xi′an: Chang′an University, 2009. ]

吴娇蓉,毕艳祥,傅博峰.基于郊区轨道交通站点分类的客流特征和换乘系统优先级分析[J].城市轨道交通研究,2007,10(11): 23-28.结合大量实地调研数据,按照站点区位条件、站点周边地区土地利用性质、开发规模和强度等数 据,将郊区轨道交通站点划分为七大类。基于郊区轨道交通站点分类,结合轨道交通站点客流调查数据分析了客流时间分布规律,出行目的、换乘方式、合理交通区 域特征指标。提出基于轨道交通站点分类的换乘系统优先级规划要求。


[ Wu J R, Bi Y X, Fu B F.Characteristics of in passenger different suburban rail stations and the priority of transfer system[J]. Urban Mass Transit, 2007,10(11):23-28. ]

傅搏峰,吴娇蓉,陈小鸿.郊区轨道站点分类方法研究[J].铁道学报,2008,30(6):19-23.运用步行接驳客流聚集效应函数曲线,界定郊区轨道站点影响范围; 基于影响区域内土地使用性质,引入景观生态学中景观优势度概念,定义并计算各类用地的优势度指数.综合考虑站点的交通功能与场所特征,采用定性与定量分析 相结合的方法,对郊区轨道站点进行类别划分.研究成果应用于上海申通地铁股份有限公司2012年上海轨道交通基本线网设计.将郊区轨道站点分为"7大类 11小类"的分类方法,可以为大都市郊区轨道站的规划和制定设计标准提供参考.


[ Fu B F, Wu J R, Chen X H.Method of classification of suburban rail transit station sites[J]. Journal of the China Railway Society, 2008,30(6):19-23. ]

余丽洁,李岩,陈宽民.基于谱聚类的城市轨道站点分类方法[J].交通信息与安全,2014,32(1):122-125,129.为明确城市轨道站点的功能与定位,以对站点的设计与建设提供指 导,建立了基于谱聚类算法的城市轨道站点分类方法。在确立影响轨道站点属性因素参数的基础上,应用西安地铁2号线现状及规划特征年的数据分别对快速聚类法 及非规格化谱聚类算法、SM 算法、NJW 算法等谱聚类算法的站点分类效果进行评述。结果显示谱聚类算法中的 NJW 算法,能够抓住站点的特征进行分类,且能准确反映随着轨道线网和城市发展,站点特性的变化。


[ Yu L J, Li Y, Chen K M.Using spectral clustering for urban rail station classification[J]. Journal of Transport Information and Safety, 2014,32(1):122-125,129. ]



[ Ma X Y, Jin A, Liu M M, et al. Rail transit passenger flow characteristics in guangzhou[J].Urban Transport of China, 2013,11(6):35-42. ]



[ Wang J, Liu J F, Ma Y L, et al. Temporal and spatial passenger flow distribution characteristics at rail transit stations in beijing[J]. Urban Transport of China, 2013,11(6):18-27. ]

谭啸. 天津城市轨道交通站点周边土地利用优化研究[D].天津:天津大学,2012.

[ Tan X.Study on optimization of land-use surrounding the urban rail station in Tianjin[D]. Tianjin: Tianjin University, 2012. ]

龙瀛,张宇,崔承印.利用公交刷卡数据分析北京职住关系和通勤出行[J].地理学报,2012,67(10):1339-1352.基于位置服务(Location Based Service, LBS) 技术为研究城市系统的时空动态规律提供了新的视角, 已往多基于移动通讯(GSM)、全球定位系统(GPS)、社会化网络(SNS) 和无线宽带热点(Wi-Fi) 数据开展研究, 但少有研究利用公交IC 卡刷卡数据进行城市系统分析。普遍存在的LBS数据虽然具有丰富的时间和空间信息, 但缺乏社会维度信息, 使其应用范围受到一定限制。本文基于2008 年北京市连续一周的公交IC 卡(Smart Card Data, SCD) 刷卡数据, 结合2005 年居民出行调查、地块级别的土地利用图, 识别公交持卡人的居住地、就业地和通勤出行, 并将识别结果在公交站点和交通分析小区(TAZ) 尺度上汇总:① 将识别的通勤出行分别从通勤时间和距离角度, 与居民出行调查数据和其他已有北京相关研究进行对比, 显示较好的吻合性;② 对来自3 大典型居住区和去往6 大典型办公区的通勤出行进行可视化并对比分析;③ 对全市基于公交的通勤出行进行可视化, 并识别主要交通流方向。本研究初步提出了从传统的居民出行调查和城市GIS 数据建立规则, 用于SCD数据挖掘的方法, 具有较好的可靠性。


[ Long Y, Zhang Y, Cui C Y.Identifying commuting pattern of beijing using bus smart card data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(10):1339-1352. ]

Ali A, Kim J, Lee S.Travel behavior analysis using smart card data[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2016,20(4):1532-1539.Electronic fare payment systems have gained much popularity in large public transport systems across the world. Though their main purpose is to collect the revenue and improve passenger鈥檚 comfort, they also generate huge amount of detailed and accurate data on onboard transactions which is of extreme importance for transit planners for efficient short-term and long-term transit operation and service planning. This paper attempts to utilize the smart card data as an input for large-scale activity based public transport simulation for analyzing travel behavior pertaining to transit users, using an open source agent-based transport simulation package, MATSim. Transit vehicles are optimized based on input demand generated by smart card and a high temporal resolution of waiting time and its components at different stations is extracted which is very important in managing the frequency and headway of transit vehicles. Since no card swipe is needed for transfers within subway system in Seoul, the data is not readily available to detect frequent transfer locations. However, after validating the boarding and alighting volumes at different stations, a methodology is presented to calculate within subway transfer volumes at different stations. We suggest that by improving the statistical analysis and utilizing advanced data mining techniques, smart cards can effectively generate the microsimulation travel demand models. 漏 2015 Korean Society of Civil Engineers and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Gitanjali J.Data mining from smart card data using data clustering[J]. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2016,11(1):347-352.

Long Y, Thill J C.Combining smart card data and household travel survey to analyze jobs-housing relationships in Beijing[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2015,53:19-35.Location Based Services (LBS) provide a new perspective for spatiotemporally analyzing dynamic urban systems. Research has investigated urban dynamics using LBS. However, less attention has been paid to the analysis of urban structure (especially commuting pattern) using smart card data (SCD), which are widely available in most large cities in China, and even in the world. This paper combines bus SCD for a one-week period with a oneday household travel survey, as well as a parcel-level land use map to identify job鈥揾ousing locations and commuting trip routes in Beijing. Two data forms are proposed, one for jobs鈥揾ousing identification and the other for commuting trip route identification. The results of the identification are aggregated in the bus stop and traffic analysis zone (TAZ) scales, respectively. Particularly, commuting trips from three typical residential communities to six main business zones are mapped and compared to analyze commuting patterns in Beijing. The identified commuting trips are validated by comparison with those from the survey in terms of commuting time and distance, and the positive validation results prove the applicability of our approach. Our experiment, as a first step toward enriching LBS data using conventional survey and urban GIS data, can obtain solid identification results based on rules extracted from existing surveys or censuses.


Joh C, Hwang C.Time-geographic analysis of trip trajectories and land use characteristics in Seoul metropolitan area by using multidimensional sequence alignment and spatial analysis[C]. 2010 AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2010.

Jang W.Travel time and transfer analysis using transit smart card data[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2010,2144(1):142-149.Automatic fare collection systems using smart card technology have become popular because they provide an efficient and cost-saving alternative to the manual fare collection method. In 2004, the City of Seoul, South Korea, introduced a smart card-based transit fare scheme, which was a distance-based, integrated fare collection and calculation system. Over the years, the system was extended twice and now can provide detailed information about public transit use in the region. This information includes each trip鈥檚 boarding and alighting times and locations, as well as the connected trip chains with transfers. This paper examines possibilities for using such data for transportation planning application. First, a process to generate a travel time map is presented. For this, more than 100 million trip data are used to estimate travel times among stops. It is also demonstrated that transfer data can be readily obtainable because the on- and off-boarding information reside in the data set. Although transfers are considered to be important information for public transit planning, it has not been easy to collect such information. This study illustrates that transfer data can be used to locate the critical transfer points that need improvement. It is also demonstrated that a simple data query can quickly identify these locations. In addition, transfer trip patterns between two zones are analyzed, which provides meaningful information about passengers鈥 transfer location choice.


Bagchi M, White P R.Use of public transports smart card data for understanding travel behavior[C]. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference, Strasbourg, 2003.

Roth C, Kang S M, Batty M, et al. Structure of urban movements: polycentric activity and entangled hierarchical flows[J]. PloS one,2011,6(1):e15923.

Ma X, Wu Y J, Wang Y, et al. Mining smart card data for transit riders’ travel patterns[J].Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2013,36:1-12.To mitigate the congestion caused by the ever increasing number of privately owned automobiles, public transit is highly promoted by transportation agencies worldwide. A better understanding of travel patterns and regularity at the "magnitude" level will enable transit authorities to evaluate the services they offer, adjust marketing strategies, retain loyal customers and improve overall transit performance. However, it is fairly challenging to identify travel patterns for individual transit riders in a large dataset. This paper proposes an efficient and effective data-mining procedure that models the travel patterns of transit riders in Beijing, China. Transit riders' trip chains are identified based on the temporal and spatial characteristics of their smart card transaction data. The Density-based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm then analyzes the identified trip chains to detect transit riders' historical travel patternsand the K-Means++ clustering algorithm and the rough-set theory are jointly applied to cluster and classify travel pattern regularities. The performance of the rough-set-based algorithm is compared with those of other prevailing classification algorithms. The results indicate that the proposed rough-set-based algorithm outperforms other commonly used data-mining algorithms in terms of accuracy and efficiency.




[ Yin Q, Meng B, Zhang L Y. 2016. Classification of subway stations in Beijing based on passenger flow characteristics[J].Progress In Geography,2016,35(1):126-134. ]



[ Dai X, Chen X W, Li W Y.Study of data mining technique for bus intelligent card data processing[J]. Computer and Communications, 2006,24(1):40-42. ]

杨智伟,赵骞,赵胜川,等. 基于公交IC卡数据信息的客流预测方法研究[J].交通标准化,2009(9):115-119.根据大连市公交IC卡的历史数据绘制公交线路客流曲线,采用有序聚类Fisher算法划分公交峰值区间,在具有典型特征的峰值区间内进行有针对性的公交客流调查,可得到实际客流数据样本。通过将3EIC卡客流数据与随车客流调查数据相结合,建立不同峰值条件下预测客流的回归方程,可实现对不同峰值区间内总体客流量的预测。


[ Yang Z W, Zhao Q, Zhao S C, et al. Passenger flow volume forecasting method based on public transitintelligent card (IC) survey data. Transport Standardization, 2009,9:115-119. ]

何晓旭. 时间序列数据挖掘若干关键问题研究[D].中国科学技术大学,2014.

[ He X X.Study on several key issues of time series data mining[D]. University of Science and Technology of China, 2014. ]

宋辞,裴韬.基于特征的时间序列聚类方法研究进展[J].地理科学进展,2012,31(10):1307-1317.时间序列聚类可以根据相似性将对象集分为不同的组, 从而反映出同组对象的相似性特征和不同组对象之间的差异特征。当序列维度较高时, 传统的时间序列聚类方法容易受噪声影响, 难以定义合适的相似性度量, 聚类结果往往意义不明确。当数据有缺失或不等长时, 聚类方法也难以实施。基于上述问题, 一些学者提出了基于特征的时间序列聚类方法, 不仅可以解决上述问题, 还可以发现序列本质特征的相似性。本文根据时间序列的不同特征, 综述了基于特征的时间序列聚类方法的研究进展, 并进行了分析和评述;最后对未来研究进行了展望。


[ Song C, Pei T.Research progress in time series clustering methods based on characteristics. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(10):1307-1317. ]

Faloutsos C, Ranganathan M, Manolopoulos Y.Fast subsequence matching in time-series databases[C]. Proceedings of the 1994 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1994.

Chan K P, Fu A C.Efficient time series matching by wavelets[C]. Proceedings - International Conference on Data Engineering, 1999:126-133.

Keogh E, Chakrabarti K, Pazzani M, et al. Locally adaptive dimensionality reduction for indexing large time series databases[J]. ACM SIGMOD Record, 2001,30(2):151-162.

Keogh E, Lin J, Fu A.Hot sax: Efficiently finding the most unusual time series subsequence[C]. Data mining,IEEE fifth international conference on, 2005:226-233.

Lin J, Keogh E, Wei L, et al. Experiencing SAX: a novel symbolic representation of time series[J]. Data Mining and knowledge discovery, 2007,15(2):107-144.<a name="Abs1"></a>Many high level representations of time series have been proposed for data mining, including Fourier transforms, wavelets, eigenwaves, piecewise polynomial models, etc. Many researchers have also considered symbolic representations of time series, noting that such representations would potentiality allow researchers to avail of the wealth of data structures and algorithms from the text processing and bioinformatics communities. While many symbolic representations of time series have been introduced over the past decades, they all suffer from two fatal flaws. First, the dimensionality of the symbolic representation is the same as the original data, and virtually all data mining algorithms scale poorly with dimensionality. Second, although distance measures can be defined on the symbolic approaches, these distance measures have little correlation with distance measures defined on the original time series. <div class="AbstractPara"> <div class="">In this work we formulate a new symbolic representation of time series. Our representation is unique in that it allows dimensionality/numerosity reduction, and it also allows distance measures to be defined on the symbolic approach that lower bound corresponding distance measures defined on the original series. As we shall demonstrate, this latter feature is particularly exciting because it allows one to run certain data mining algorithms on the efficiently manipulated symbolic representation, while producing identical results to the algorithms that operate on the original data. In particular, we will demonstrate the utility of our representation on various data mining tasks of clustering, classification, query by content, anomaly detection, motif discovery, and visualization.


Keogh E, Chakrabarti K, Pazzani M, et al. Dimensionality reduction for fast similarity search in large time series databases[J]. Knowledge and information Systems, 2001,3(3):263-286.<a name="Abs1"></a> The problem of similarity search in large time series databases has attracted much attention recently. It is a non-trivial problem because of the inherent high dimensionality of the data. The most promising solutions involve first performing dimensionality reduction on the data, and then indexing the reduced data with a spatial access method. Three major dimensionality reduction techniques have been proposed: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and more recently the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In this work we introduce a new dimensionality reduction technique which we call Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA). We theoretically and empirically compare it to the other techniques and demonstrate its superiority. In addition to being competitive with or faster than the other methods, our approach has numerous other advantages. It is simple to understand and to implement, it allows more flexible distance measures, including weighted Euclidean queries, and the index can be built in linear time.


Hung N, Anh D.An improvement of PAA for dimensionality reduction in large time series databases[J]. PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 2008,5351:698-707.Many dimensionality reduction techniques have been proposed for effective representation of time series data. Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) is one of the most popular methods for time series


Camerra A, Palpanas T, Shieh J, et al. iSAX 2.0: Indexing and mining one billion time series[C]. Data Mining (ICDM), 2010 IEEE 10th International Conference on, IEEE, 2010.

李桂玲,王元珍,杨林权,等.基于SAX的时间序列相似性度量方法[J].计算机应用研究,2012,29(3):893-896.符号化表示是一种有效的时间序列降维技术,其相似性度量是诸多挖掘任务的基础。基于SAX(sym-bolic aggregate approximation)的距离MINDIST_PAA_iSAX不满足对称性,在时间序列挖掘中具有局限性,提出了对称的度量Sym_PAA_SAX,且下界于欧拉距离。在真实数据集和合成数据集上的实验说明下界紧密性较好,相似搜索错报率较低。


[ Li G L,Wang Y Z,Yang L Q, et al. Research on similarity measure for time series based on SAX[J]. Application Research of Computers, 2012,29(3):893-896. ]



[ Liu W, Shao L S, Zeng F H, et al. Research on the stock time series data similarity based on sax[J].Computer Engineering&Science, 2009,31(9):115-118. ]



[ Qin X, Zhen F, Xiong L F, et al. Methods in urban temporal and spatial behavior research in the big data era[J].Progress in Geography, 2013,32(9):1352-1361. ]

谭璐. 高维数据的降维理论及应用[D].长沙:国防科学技术大学,2005.

[ Tan L.The theory and application of the dimension reduction on the high-dimensional data set[D]. Changsha: National University of Defense Technology,2005. ]



[ Hao X J, Yan J H, Fan Y Y.Dimensionality reduction of large volumes of data analysis[J]. Aerospace Electronic Warfare, 2014,30(4):58-60. ]

Lin J, Keogh E, Lonardi S, et al. A symbolic representation of time series, with implications for streaming algorithms. Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGMOD workshop on Research issues in data mining and knowledge discovery, 2003:2-11.The parallel explosions of interest in streaming data, and data nfining of time series have had surprisingly little intersection. This is in spite of the fact that time series data are typically streaming data. The main reason for this apparent paradox is the fact that the vast majority of work on streaming data explicitly assumes that the data is discrete, whereas the vast majority of time series data is real valued.


Kaufman L, Rousseeuw P J.Finding groups in data: an introduction to cluster analysis[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2009:157-159.


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林琳,卢道典.广州重大交通设施建设与空间结构演化研究[J].地理科学,2011,31(9):1050-1055.1949年以来广州实施重大交通设施项目,带动城市空间结构形态发生较大变化,主要可分为3个阶段:①新中国成立至改革开放的30 a间着重实施了以城市道路和桥梁为主体的交通设施项目,使广州形成了沿珠江前航道"带状分散组团状"的空间结构形态;②改革开放后的20 a间,广州重点实施了快速路和高速公路为主体的交通设施项目,使城市空间沿珠江前航道向东和白云山西侧向北拓展,空间结构形态呈现"L形三大组团状";③2000年后的10 a间,番禺、花都"撤市设区"使广州市区范围大大拓展,新白云国际机场、广州铁路客运南站(高铁车站)、南沙深水港、地铁等重大交通设施和轨道交通设施项目在更大范围内进行合理布局和建设,促使了广州"多中心、网络状"空间结构的形成。

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