Journal of Geo-information Science >
Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Driving Mechanisms of Resident Trip in Small Cities
Received date: 2016-02-24
Request revised date: 2016-04-15
Online published: 2017-02-17
Taxi is an indispensable urban traffic mode in small cities. However, there are limited efforts focusing on explaining traffic congestion or resident commuting from a perspective of land use in small cities. This study attempts to reveal the spatio-temporal dynamics of resident trip activities from the aspect of urban functional features. Based on the GPS taxi data, we build a set of temporal GWR models on an hourly basis, which indicates that urban facilities have various effects on the pick-up and drop-off events during different daytime periods. Nine facilities, including coach station, supermarket, restaurant, residential area, karaoke, hotel, hospital, bank and administrative center, have been observed to be the critical elements to explain the ridership variations. A spatio-temporal mechanism has been proposed based on the discovery that facilities with different urban functions have different impacts on resident trip demands. In contrast to the large cities, the trip activities of residents are spatially and temporally various in the small cities. The primary traffic demands are commuting activities, commerce, entertainment and intercity transfers. More rush hours, especially the “noon rush” and “midnight rush”, are revealed in small cities. The results provide valuable insights for quantitatively predicting the taxi demand as a function of the spatio-temporal variables, which may have implications on the traffic demand management and the urban planning of small cities.
Key words: small city; resident trip; taxi; GWR model; spatio-temporal dynamics
WU Jiansheng , LI Bo , HUANG Xiulan . Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Driving Mechanisms of Resident Trip in Small Cities[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(2) : 176 -184 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00176
Tab. 1 Attribute data after identifying pick-up/drop-off events表1 识别提取出的上下客事件属性数据 |
EID | PU_TIME | PU_Lg | PU_Lt | DO_TIME | DO_Lg | DO_Lt |
376 546 | 0903161726 | 112.786117 | 22.251945 | 0903162136 | 112.7769 | 22.25272 |
376 547 | 0903161733 | 112.778965 | 22.265247 | 0903162138 | 112.7835 | 22.25649 |
376 548 | 0903161602 | 112.803337 | 22.250797 | 0903162142 | 112.7840 | 22.25627 |
376 549 | 0903161516 | 112.778955 | 22.265227 | 0903162216 | 112.7927 | 22.25392 |
376 550 | 0903161632 | 112.779172 | 22.265202 | 0903162217 | 112.7775 | 22.25241 |
376 551 | 0903161621 | 112.797722 | 22.258127 | 0903162251 | 112.7929 | 22.25197 |
376 552 | 0903161437 | 112.771000 | 22.259725 | 0903162312 | 112.7891 | 22.25273 |
Tab. 2 Explanatory variables after variable selection表2 通过筛选的解释变量 |
变量名 | 兴趣点类型 | 缓冲区范围/m |
resi_200 | 居住小区 | 200 |
ktv_200 | 歌厅 | 200 |
rest_200 | 餐馆 | 200 |
sta_200 | 长途车站 | 200 |
bank_200 | 银行网点 | 200 |
hos_200 | 医疗设施 | 200 |
shop_100 | 大型超市 | 100 |
hot_100 | 酒店 | 100 |
adm_500 | 行政办公 | 500 |
Fig. 1 The spatial distribution of pick-up points and drop-off points图1 上客点与下客点密度空间分布格局 |
Fig. 2 Variation trends of pick-up events and drop-off events in the study area图2 研究区上客事件与下客事件总数的变化趋势 |
Fig. 3 Variation trends of pick-up/drop-off events at five typical places图3 5个典型地点附近的上下客日变化情况 |
Fig. 4 Variation of Global Moran′s I for the densities of pick-ups and drop-offs图4 上客点与下客点密度的全局Moran's I指数变化 |
Fig. 5 Adjusted R2 of GWR models on an hourly basis图5 分时段建立地理加权回归模型的调整 R2 |
Fig. 6 Variation of the mean and STD values of each GWR coefficient for the pick-up/drop-off events图6 影响系数的平均值及方差范围的变化趋势 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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