Orginal Article

Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Driving Mechanisms of Resident Trip in Small Cities

  • WU Jiansheng , 1, 2 ,
  • LI Bo , 1, * ,
  • HUANG Xiulan 1
  • 1. Key Laboratory for Urban Habitant Environmental Science and Technology, School of Urban Planning & Design, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, China;
  • 2. Laboratory for Earth Surface Processes, Ministry of Education, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
*Corresponding author: LI Bo, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-02-24

  Request revised date: 2016-04-15

  Online published: 2017-02-17


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Taxi is an indispensable urban traffic mode in small cities. However, there are limited efforts focusing on explaining traffic congestion or resident commuting from a perspective of land use in small cities. This study attempts to reveal the spatio-temporal dynamics of resident trip activities from the aspect of urban functional features. Based on the GPS taxi data, we build a set of temporal GWR models on an hourly basis, which indicates that urban facilities have various effects on the pick-up and drop-off events during different daytime periods. Nine facilities, including coach station, supermarket, restaurant, residential area, karaoke, hotel, hospital, bank and administrative center, have been observed to be the critical elements to explain the ridership variations. A spatio-temporal mechanism has been proposed based on the discovery that facilities with different urban functions have different impacts on resident trip demands. In contrast to the large cities, the trip activities of residents are spatially and temporally various in the small cities. The primary traffic demands are commuting activities, commerce, entertainment and intercity transfers. More rush hours, especially the “noon rush” and “midnight rush”, are revealed in small cities. The results provide valuable insights for quantitatively predicting the taxi demand as a function of the spatio-temporal variables, which may have implications on the traffic demand management and the urban planning of small cities.

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WU Jiansheng , LI Bo , HUANG Xiulan . Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Driving Mechanisms of Resident Trip in Small Cities[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(2) : 176 -184 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00176

1 引言


2 研究区域与数据来源

2.1 研究区概况

台山市位于广东省南部,隶属于江门市管辖,曾是近代珠江三角洲西南部地区最重要的商业中心。主城区台城街道常住人口24.7万人,根据2014年10月调整后的城市规模划分标准,属于典型的小城市。研究区域为台山市主城区的建成范围,包括台城街道下属的10个社区,总面积17.62 km2。研究区内仅有公共汽车线路8条,分担率不足7%,出租车是城市交通系统的重要组成部分。

2.2 数据来源与预处理

研究使用台山市出租车公司收集的出租车行驶GPS轨迹数据。数据包含出租车编号、GPS坐标、行驶状态、计价状态、实时车速、累计里程,每隔10 s左右记录一次。为了保证数据的时间平稳性,考虑到出租车乘车数量受到天气、节假日等特殊事件的极大影响,选择2014年7月1日(周二)到2014年9月29日(周一)间的13个星期的轨迹数据,识别出533 122个有效的出租车的上下客事件对,作为研究对象进入模型。
为了进一步的空间统计,需要对上下客事件分别进行采样。有关出租车轨迹的文献中选取的采样方式主要有行政区划、邮政分区或规则网格。当研究对象为大城市的主城区或中小城市时,包含行政区划或邮政分区的数量通常较少,建立统计模型所需的样本量不足。如果按照规则网格,则会出现大量没有事件点或事件点非常少的空白网格,样本分布的正态性不佳,极大影响统计模型精度。由于上下客点绝大多数分布在道路附近100 m以内,为了解决上述问题,本研究沿道路选取380个随机点进行采样,并要求点之间的最小距离大于100 m,以保证随机点的分布具有广泛性。统计随机采样点附近100 m以内上下客点总数的时平均密度,用来检验解释变量的有效性并对其进行筛选;将上下客点分为4类(工作日上客、工作日下客、休息日上客、休息日下客),计算随机采样点附近100 m内4类点的时均密度,作为地理加权回归模型中的被解释变量。
研究用到的资料还有台山市2013年土地利用数据,从中提取非建设用地和住宅用地,该数据与道路数据均来源于台山市城乡规划局。兴趣点位置数据主要抓取自百度地图,包括餐馆、商场、酒店、KTV;其余的兴趣点位置数据也来源于台山市城乡规划局,包括医院、学校、观光景点、行政部门。兴趣点被处理为矢量点格式,属性包含了其空间坐标、名称等。对生成的随机点做以20、50、100、200和500 m为半径的五级缓冲区,分别统计缓冲区内的土地利用面积与兴趣点密度,作为模型中的解释变量。

3 研究方法

3.1 筛选解释变量

Tab. 1 Attribute data after identifying pick-up/drop-off events

表1 识别提取出的上下客事件属性数据

376 546 0903161726 112.786117 22.251945 0903162136 112.7769 22.25272
376 547 0903161733 112.778965 22.265247 0903162138 112.7835 22.25649
376 548 0903161602 112.803337 22.250797 0903162142 112.7840 22.25627
376 549 0903161516 112.778955 22.265227 0903162216 112.7927 22.25392
376 550 0903161632 112.779172 22.265202 0903162217 112.7775 22.25241
376 551 0903161621 112.797722 22.258127 0903162251 112.7929 22.25197
376 552 0903161437 112.771000 22.259725 0903162312 112.7891 22.25273
首先,将全部解释变量与被解释变量的相关程度按照相关性绝对值的大小从大到小排序,在每个类别缓冲区半径不同的解释变量当中,确定与被解释变量相关程度最高(即排序最高)的解释变量。其次,对解释变量进行Pearson相关系数分析,系数大于0.7表示这些解释变量间有很高的共线性,仅需保留其中一个变量。最后,移除在 α = 0.05 显著水平下不满足T检验、不满足模型先验假定的和方差膨胀因子大于10的解释变量。
Tab. 2 Explanatory variables after variable selection

表2 通过筛选的解释变量

变量名 兴趣点类型 缓冲区范围/m
resi_200 居住小区 200
ktv_200 歌厅 200
rest_200 餐馆 200
sta_200 长途车站 200
bank_200 银行网点 200
hos_200 医疗设施 200
shop_100 大型超市 100
hot_100 酒店 100
adm_500 行政办公 500

3.2 建立分层地理加权回归模型

地理加权回归模型(Geographically Weighted Regression, GWR)是将数据的空间位置嵌入到回归参数中,引入地理距离权重进行最小二乘法逐点参数估计,来分析空间数据非平稳性的统计回归模型。其不仅能在从机理方面解释自变量的时空分布特征,而且往往对因变量的解释程度优于常规回归模型,在流行病学、区域经济和城市研究的空间模拟上均有很好表现。地理加权回归模型允许回归参数在局部随地理位置变化,因而可以反映空间非平稳性。
本文结合GWR 4.0软件,选取24 h的时间截面逐时建立地理加权回归模型,进行时空动态及驱动力研究。其表达式如式(1)所示。
y i , t = β 0 , t u i , v i + β k , t u i , v i x k , i , t + ε i , t (1)
式中: ( u i , v i ) 为观测点的地理坐标;t为上客事件的发生时间; β k k=0,1,2,…,n)为第i个观测点的第k个回归参数,用邻近观测点i的数据建立独立的局部回归模型,以加权最小二乘法进行参数估计,使更近的观测点对i点具有更高的权重。权重 w i , j 由式(2)的高斯核函数确定。
w i , j = exp - 0.5 d i , j b 2 , d i , j < b 0 , d i , j b (2)
式中:距离 d i , j 表示观测点j与点i的欧式距离;带宽b表示距离阈值,当b增大时地理加权回归模型将趋近于多元线性回归模型,当b接近0时会导致模型过度拟合。由于点j的分布并不均匀,为确定最佳带宽,使用AICc准则作为确定每个点i带宽的标准。

4 上下客的时空动态

4.1 上下客点的空间分异特征

按照10 m×10 m网格分别统计上客点与下客点的空间分布,初步探讨居民出行行为的空间分异特征,如图1所示。研究区上客点与下客点的空间分布总体呈现为沿道路集中分布、随距离衰减的特点,并在远离道路的地方存在既无上客点也无下客点的空白区域。上下客点随道路远离呈负指数分布而减少,超过90%的上下客点发生在道路两侧 50 m以内。如果采用细网格建立统计模型,上述空白区域会影响模型精度。
Fig. 1 The spatial distribution of pick-up points and drop-off points

图1 上客点与下客点密度空间分布格局

研究区形成5个典型的上客、下客热点区域, 如图1中的a、b、c、d、e区域。a区域在环市西路、桥湖路与站西路交叉路口北侧,这里有台山汽车总站,是台山市最重要的对外交通运输区,也是产生市内交通客流的重点区域。b区域在环北大道与健康路交叉路口一带,台山市人民医院与台山市妇幼保健院均在200 m范围内,其中台山市人民医院是台山市最大的医疗机构,拥有全市1732张病床中的900张。由于出租车能提供较细致的交通服务,就诊探病是出租车的主要目标客源之一。c区域位于东门白石路附近,分布有主城区最大的居住社区侨雅花苑,该社区定位高端,居民消费能力较高,更经常乘坐出租车出行。d区域位于环北大道、桥湖路与西南路的三叉路口,e区域位于健康路与通济路的路口,二者分别在台城西宁市街区的两端。西宁市街区是广东省历史文化街区,是台山市的传统商业中心,不仅集聚着综合商场、服装店铺,还涉及到酒店、餐馆和娱乐场所。上述分布特点,充分说明了出租车上下客事件的空间集聚,与周边交通站场、公共服务与商业集聚等因素密切相关。

4.2 上客点与下客点的时间变化特征

Fig. 2 Variation trends of pick-up events and drop-off events in the study area

图2 研究区上客事件与下客事件总数的变化趋势

图3表示5个典型地点周边100 m范围内上下客数的日变化情况,研究区内不同区域的上客和下客具有不同的活跃时段。其中,a区域主要活跃于早8时到晚7时,这与附近长途车站的运营时间相同;b区域在上午8-10时和下午1-4时下客量较多,乘客到此的主要目的可能是就诊,而上客活跃的时段要比下客晚1 h;c区域在上午7-9时和中午1-2时存在明显的上班乘车高峰,在晚8时还有外出娱乐的乘车高峰,而晚9-11时是该处的返程高峰期;d区域地处商业中心,于下午1时到晚上10时比较活跃,下客高峰出现在下午2时和晚上8时,上客高峰出现在下午4时和晚上7时;e区域处于商业中心的另一侧,最活跃的时段是晚上8时到凌晨1时,业态差异可能是造成d区域和e区域活跃时段不同的主要原因,d区域主要集聚着购物场所,而e区域以娱乐设施为主。
Fig. 3 Variation trends of pick-up/drop-off events at five typical places

图3 5个典型地点附近的上下客日变化情况

4.3 上下客事件分布的时空关联

为了进一步考察研究区上客下客点分布的时空关联及其集聚特征,计算全局Moran's I指数。 图4显示,上客点密度在0.01显著性水平下全天Moran's I值在0.169~0.731之间,表示上客点密度存在正的空间自相关。上午7时到下午5时,上客点密度的全局Moran's I指数在0.169到0.259之间小幅波动,表明空间集聚程度较弱;下午6时后空间集聚程度明显加强,全局Moran's I指数在下午7时达到0.367;空间集聚程度在凌晨1时后再次大幅上升,在凌晨2时达到最高值0.731,此时上客点分布最集中。下客点密度的全局Moran's I指数变化趋势与上客点基本相同,但波动幅度比上客点更加平稳,反映下客点分布相对分散。综上所述,上客点与下客点的空间分布呈现显著为正的空间自相关,建立地理加权回归模型进一步探讨其空间异质性。
Fig. 4 Variation of Global Moran′s I for the densities of pick-ups and drop-offs

图4 上客点与下客点密度的全局Moran's I指数变化

5 居民出行时空演变的驱动机制

Fig. 5 Adjusted R2 of GWR models on an hourly basis

图5 分时段建立地理加权回归模型的调整 R2

Fig. 6 Variation of the mean and STD values of each GWR coefficient for the pick-up/drop-off events

图6 影响系数的平均值及方差范围的变化趋势

(2)同一类别的设施对附近区域上客事件和下客事件的影响存在差异。住宅小区在早晨8-10时开始产生上客早高峰,此时其对附近区域下客的影响微乎其微;在晚上8-11时有很强的返程高峰,但此时其对附近区域上客的影响趋于平稳。办公设施产生的上客高峰发生在早上10时、下午4时和晚上10时,而其产生的下客高峰发生在早上8时、下午2时和晚上8时,相比上客高峰均提前2 h左右;另外,行政办公设施产生的上客晚高峰较强、下客晚高峰较弱。这些差异反映出居民通勤活动中居住地与就业地的交互特征。

6 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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van Kempen E, Babisch W. The quantitative relationship between road traffic noise and hypertension: A meta-analysis[J]. Journal OF Hypertension, 2012,30(6):1075-1086.Objective: Reviews have suggested that road noise exposure is associated with high blood pressure (hypertension). No reliable exposure-response relationship is as yet available. A meta-analysis was carried out in order to derive a quantitative exposure-response relationship between the exposure to road traffic noise and the prevalence of hypertension, and to gain some insight into the sources of heterogeneity among study results.<br/>Methods: Twenty-seven observational studies published between 1970 and 2010 in English, German or Dutch, were evaluated. Finally, the results of 24 studies were included into the data aggregation.<br/>Results: Road traffic noise was positively and significantly associated with hypertension: Data aggregation revealed an odds ratio (OR) of 1.034 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.011-1.056] per 5 dB(A) increase of the 16 h average road traffic noise level (LAeq16hr) [range 45-75 dB(A)]. Important sources of heterogeneity were the age and sex of the population under study, the way exposure was ascertained, and the noise reference level used. Also the way noise was treated in the statistical model and the minimum years of residence of the population under study, gave an explanation of the observed heterogeneity. No definite conclusions can be drawn about the threshold value for the relationship between road traffic noise and the prevalence of hypertension.<br/>Conclusion: Based on the meta-analysis, a quantitative relationship is derived that can be used for health impact assessment. The results of this meta-analysis are consistent with a slight increase of cardiovascular disease risk in populations exposed to transportation noise.


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Kok A L, Hans E W, Schutten J M J. Vehicle routing under time-dependent travel times: The impact of congestion avoidance[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2012,39(5):910-918.Daily traffic congestion forms a major problem for businesses such as logistic service providers and distribution firms. It causes late arrivals at customers and additional costs for hiring the truck drivers. Such costs caused by traffic congestion can be reduced by taking into account and avoiding predictable traffic congestion within vehicle route plans. In the literature, various strategies are proposed to avoid traffic congestion, such as selecting alternative routes, changing the customer visit sequences, and changing the vehicle-customer assignments. We investigate the impact of these and other strategies in off-line vehicle routing on the performance of vehicle route plans in reality. For this purpose, we develop a set of vehicle routing problem instances on real road networks, and a speed model that reflects the key elements of peak hour traffic congestion. The instances are solved for different levels of congestion avoidance using a modified Dijkstra algorithm and a restricted dynamic programming heuristic. Computational experiments show that 99% of late arrivals at customers can be eliminated if traffic congestion is accounted for off-line. On top of that, about 87% of the extra duty time caused by traffic congestion can be eliminated by clever congestion avoidance strategies. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


古杰,周素红,闫小培,等.居民日常出行时空集聚视角下的城市交通拥堵形成机制研究——以广州为例[J].地理科学,2012,32(8):921-927.<p>随着大城市的迅速蔓延与扩张, 市内交通拥堵日益成为世界大城市在发展过程中面临的重要问题, 亦成为众多学科研究的热点话题。运用时间地理学的研究方法, 以城市居民日常活动的时空集聚为基本研究视角, 选取广州作为案例, 探讨城市内部交通拥堵形成的机制。研究结果表明, 运动型时空共存是产生交通拥堵的根本原因, 而出行路径的时空集聚必然造成运动型时空共存。广州市居民的出行行为由于受到时空约束的作用下, 造成出行路径的时空集聚, 城市的空间结构和路网结构进一步强化其集聚效应, 从而形成出行路径的时空共存, 并引发交通拥堵。本文的基本结论是城市居民的日常活动受到时间和空间两种因素的共同约束, 当两种约束条件达到一定的程度时将产生时空集聚和运动型时空共存, 并最终形成交通拥堵。良好的交通管理手段只能促使交通拥堵的状况趋于好转, 本质上难以解决交通拥堵问题。城市空间结构、交通线路、交通管制、交通供需状况在一定程度上通过影响居民日常出行路径的时空共存而加剧或缓解交通拥堵现象。所以, 在城市交通供需状况处在一种基本合理的水平下, 解决大城市交通拥堵问题的根本出路在于降低居民日常活动的运动型时空共存。</p>

[ Gu J, Zhou S H, Yan X P, et al.Formation mechanism of traffic congestion in view of spatio-temporal agglomeration of residents′ daily activities: A case study of Guangzhou[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012,32(8):921-927. ]

Wedagama P D M, Bird R N, Metcalfe A V. The influence of urban land-use on non-motorised transport casualties[J]. Accident, Analysis and Prevention, 2006,38(6):1049-1057.ABSTRACT The relationship between non-motorised road traffic casualties and land-use was investigated in two zones of approximately 8 km2 in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. Road traffic accidents are, more usually, analysed in relation to traffic flow, on the assumption that the latter can be derived from land-use data. Here, a direct relationship between primary functional land-use and non-motorised casualties is estimated. We review past work in this area. A shortcoming of casualty data is that it does not record the origin and destination of the journeys being undertaken when the accident occurred. A method was established to identify zones within which most accidents could reasonably be expected to be related to the land-uses within that zone. Generalised linear models were developed using non-motorised casualties as the response variable, with primary functional land-use, population density and junction density as explanatory variables. Separate models were constructed for each combination of cyclists and pedestrians, adults and children, working and non-working hours in city centre and suburban analysis zones. In general, the study found that pedestrian casualties in the city centre zone are particularly associated with an increase in retail and community land-use during working hours. In the city centre zone, out of working hours, an increase in retail land-use (almost certainly clubs and bars) is also associated with an increase in pedestrian casualties. An increase in cyclist casualties during working hours (in the non-pedestrianised area) is associated with an increase in retail land-use.


柳林,宋广文,周素红,等.城市空间结构对惠州市中心城区交通事故影响的时间差异分析[J].地理科学,2015,35(1):75-83.<p>利用惠州的交通事故数据,结合惠州的土地利用类型及重要设施的分布数据来探讨城市空间结构对交通事故的影响,使用Kernel 核心密度法定性探讨交通事故密度的时空变化,把土地类型及重要设施抽象化为点空间要素,建立对数线性回归模型定量讨论城市空间结构对城市交通事故影响的时间差异。分析结果表明,在各个时期惠城区商业用地对交通事故的影响均很显著;工作地和车站对交通事故的影响主要体现在交通流高峰及消散期2 个时间段内,但影响程度比商业用地低;在交通流次高峰时,交叉口和工作地的交互作用容易导致事故的高发;城市空间结构通过聚集人流或影响人们的出行等方式对交通事故的发生产生影响。</p>

[ Liu L, Song G W, Zhou S H, et al.Temporally impact of urban structure on city traffic accidents in Huizhou[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2015,35(1):75-83. ]


[ Liu Y, Xiao Y, Gao S, et al.A review of human mobility research based on location aware devices[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2011,27(4):8-13. ]



[ Zhang X R, Fang Z X, Li Q Q, et al.A spatio-temporal analysis on the heterogeneous distribution of urban road network capacity based on floating car data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(3):336-343. ]



[ Ju W Q, Yang J W, Lin X B.Measuring road mobility by speed and travel time index and its implication: A case study of Shenzhen[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2015,31(5):65-68. ]



[ Tang L L, Zheng W B, Wang Z Q, et al.Space time analysis on the pick-up and drop-off of taxi passengers based on GPS big data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(10):1179-1186. ]



[ Sun F, Zhang X, Tang L L, et al.Temporal and spatial distribution of high efficiency passengers based on GPS trajectory big data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(3):329-335. ]


[ Gui Z M, Xiang Y, Li Y J, et al.Parallel discovery of city hot spot based on taxi trajectories[J]. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Nature Science Edition), 2012,40(S1):187-190. ]

Yue Y, Zhuang Y, Li Q, et al.Mining time-dependent attractive areas and movement patterns from taxi trajectory data[C]. 2009 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics, 2009:1-6.

Liu Y, Wang F, Xiao Y, et al.Urban land uses and traffic ‘source-sink areas’: Evidence from GPS-enabled taxi data in Shanghai[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2012,106(1):73-87.Most of the existing literature focuses on estimating traffic or explaining trip lengths from land use. This research attempts to reveal intraurban land use variations from traffic patterns. Using a seven-day taxi trajectory data set collected in Shanghai, we investigate the temporal variations of both pick-ups and drop-offs, and their association with different land use features. Based on the balance between the numbers of drop-offs and pick-ups and its distinctive temporal patterns, the study area is classified into six traffic 'source-sink' areas. These areas are closely associated with various land use types (commercial, industrial, residential, institutional and recreational) as well as land use intensity. The study shows that human mobility data from location aware devices provide us an opportunity to derive urban land use information in a timely fashion, and help urban planners and policy makers in mitigating traffic, planning for public services and resources, and other purposes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Tang L, Kan Z, Zhang X, et al.A network kernel density estimation for linear features in space-time analysis of big trace data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2016,30(9):1-21.ABSTRACT Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) is an important approach to analyse spatial distribution of point features and linear features over 2-D planar space. Some network-based KDE methods have been developed in recent years, which focus on estimating density distribution of point events over 1-D network space. However, the existing KDE methods are not appropriate for analysing the distribution characteristics of certain kind of features or events, such as traffic jams, queue at intersections and taxi carrying passenger events. These events occur and distribute in 1-D road network space, and present a continuous linear distribution along network. This paper presents a novel Network Kernel Density Estimation method for Linear features (NKDE-L) to analyse the space–time distribution characteristics of linear features over 1-D network space. We first analyse the density distribution of each linear feature along networks, then estimate the density distribution for the whole network space in terms of the network distance and network topology. In the case study, we apply the NKDE-L to analyse the space–time dynamics of taxis’ pick-up events, with real road network and taxi trace data in Wuhan. Taxis’ pick-up events are defined and extracted as linear events (LE) in this paper. We first conduct a space–time statistics of pick-up LE in different temporal granularities. Then we analyse the space–time density distribution of the pick-up events in the road network using the NKDE-L, and uncover some dynamic patterns of people’s activities and traffic condition. In addition, we compare the NKDE-L with quadrat method and planar KDE. The comparison results prove the advantages of the NKDE-L in analysing spatial distribution patterns of linear features in network space.


Pan G, Qi G, Wu Z, et al.Land-use classification using taxi GPS traces[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013,14(1):113-123.Detailed land use, which is difficult to obtain, is an integral part of urban planning. Currently, GPS traces of vehicles are becoming readily available. It conveys human mobility and activity information, which can be closely related to the land use of a region. This paper discusses the potential use of taxi traces for urban land-use classification, particularly for recognizing the social function of urban land by using one year's trace data from 4000 taxis. First, we found that pick-up/set-down dynamics, extracted from taxi traces, exhibited clear patterns corresponding to the land-use classes of these regions. Second, with six features designed to characterize the pick-up/set-down pattern, land-use classes of regions could be recognized. Classification results using the best combination of features achieved a recognition accuracy of 95%. Third, the classification results also highlighted regions that changed land-use class from one to another, and such land-use class transition dynamics of regions revealed unusual real-world social events. Moreover, the pick-up/set-down dynamics could further reflect to what extent each region is used as a certain class.


王妤岌,程龙,冯岑,等.中小城市居民出行特征片区差异性分析——以浙江省长兴县为例[J]. 市交通,2015,13(2):55-62.由于城市规模的差异,中小城市的出行需求与大城市存在较大区别,且由于区域发展进程的不同,中小城市内部也多呈现明显的片区差异。以浙江省长兴县中心城区居民出行调查数据为基础,在城区总体居民出行特征框架下,从出行次数、出行目的、出行距离、出行方式和出行时耗等方面分析各片区居民出行特征的差异,并以此挖掘片区的发展症结。最后以优化出行结构为目的,从用地规划、非机动交通环境营造、公共交通优化和小汽车管控等四个方面对中小城市的交通发展提出对策。


[ Wang Y J, Cheng L, Feng C, et al.Area difference in travel characteristics of residents in small and medium-sized cities: A case study in Changxing county, Zhejiang Province[J]. Urban Transport of China, 2015,13(2):55-62. ]

关美宝. 时间地理学研究中的GIS方法:人类行为模式的地理计算与地理可视化[J].国际城市规划,2010,25(6):18-26.在过去的四十多年里,人类在时空间中的活动与移动吸引了地理学领域的广泛关注.时间地理学是最早研究人类在时空间中的活动与移动模式的分析视角之一.尽管时间地理学在地理研究的很多领域中显示出其有效性,但是直到20世纪90年代中期,很少有研究将其作为一种分析方法.随着与地理相关的个体数据的可获取性以及地理信息系统(GIS)的地理计算能力的增强,时间地理学概念的操作与应用越来越成为可能.本文讨论了基于GIS的地理计算与三维地理可视化方法在时间地理学中的应用.这些方法的有效性可在笔者近期的研究中找到案例.结果表明,GIS为时间地理学概念的应用以及操作方法的未来发展提供了有效的平台.


[ Kwan M-P.GIS methods in time-geographic research: geocomputation and geovisualization of human activity patterns[J]. Urban Planning International, 2010,25(6):18-26. ]

