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Spatial-temporal Analysis of Emergency Response Capability of the “Shandong Vaccine Event”

  • ZHANG Ningxu , 1, 2 ,
  • LIAO Yilan , 1, * ,
  • LIU Xiaochi 3, 4 ,
  • CHEN Huiyan 5
  • 1. The State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing, 100101
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 10049
  • 3. China University of Geosciences, Beijing, 100083
  • 4. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing, 210023
  • 5. The School of Earth Science and Resources, Chang’an University, Xi'an 710054, China
*Corresponding author: LIAO Yilan, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-05-13

  Request revised date: 2016-09-18

  Online published: 2017-03-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Emergent public health events have a wide range of effect and serious harm to public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an important institution of disease prevention and control and public health management and technical services in China. Its ability of responding to public health emergency will directly affect the effectiveness of emergency handling and a timely reaction can provide useful information for the public at the first time and reduce the panic caused by this incident to the largest extent. Therefore, it's important to scientifically evaluate the capability of CDC to deal with the public health emergencies. In this study, we took the “Shandong vaccine event” outbreak in March 18, 2016 as an example, collected the relevant information published on the CDC website and used the temporal-spatial analysis to evaluate the capability of CDC in China to deal with the public health emergencies. The data was from the CDC official website of each city which responded to this event. It shows that 73.2% of the total cities has established a CDC official website, of which 69% of the cities have responses. This analysis included the visualization analysis of the speed and the contents of responses and the spatial clustering analysis, using the spatial scan statistics method to detect the spatial cluster of the responded city. The results of this analysis showed that the spatial distribution of the information construction of CDC in China is inequality. Compared with the other regions of China, the CDC department's official websites of cities in southwestern region responded faster on public health emergency, and has a significant spatial clustering in this area. The CDC department of Shandong and Henan provinces which was the huge circulation province of the failing vaccine and the high-risk areas in this vaccine incident, didn't have a timely reaction and the capability of response to the public health emergency is weak.

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ZHANG Ningxu , LIAO Yilan , LIU Xiaochi , CHEN Huiyan . Spatial-temporal Analysis of Emergency Response Capability of the “Shandong Vaccine Event”[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(3) : 346 -354 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00346

1 引言

突发公共卫生事件是指突然发生的,对公众健康已造成或可能造成严重损害的传染病疫情、群体性不明原因疾病、重大食物中毒及其他对公众健康影响严重的事件[1-2],其属于突发公共事件的一种,具有突发性、公共性以及危害严重性的特点[3-4]。近年来,全球已进入突发公共卫生事件的高发时期[5],突发公共卫生事件往往不可避免且不能完全准确预测,但是能够从一定程度上减轻或者从速度上减缓其造成的影响和损失,因此加强对突发公共卫生事件的应急反应能力是重中之重。突发公共卫生事件应急反应能力,是机构在应急准备、预警监测、应急处置等方面有效应对突发公共卫生事件的综合能力的体现[6-7]。疾病预防控制机构(CDC)作为中国应对突发公共卫生事件的重要机构,及时地处置突发公共卫生事件,消除其危害,保障公众健康安全是CDC部门的重要职责, 其应急反应能力的强弱直接关系到突发公共卫生事件应急处置的效果[8-9],因此对疾控中心应对突发公共卫生事件能力进行科学的评价十分重要。

2 数据来源

Fig. 1 Distribution of cities with CDC websites

图1 全国有CDC官网城市分布图

3 研究方法

3.1 各地CDC网络反应可视化


3.2 各地CDC官网反应速度空间聚集性探测分析

LLR = log { c n c n - c n n - c C - c N - n C - c N - n - C - c N - n N - n - C - c I ( ) } (1)
式中:c为扫描圆内实际有反应城市数;n为扫描圆内有反应城市与无反应城市数之和;N为研究区域内有反应城市与无反应城市数之和;C为研究区域内有反应城市数总和;I()为指示函数[33]。当扫描圆内实际有反应城市数高于预期有反应城市数时, I()=1,反之,I()=0,概率P值由蒙特卡洛随机化法计算得到[34]

4 结果分析

4.1 各地CDC官网反应速度分析

在所有建立了CDC官网的248个城市中,共171个城市对事件有所反应,占到69%。图2统计了从2016年3月19日到4月5日共18天内每一天首次做出反应的城市数,从此直方图的分布,可以将各城市的反应速度分为4个阶段:以3月18日“疫苗安全事件”曝光为起点,分别是2 d内、3-7 d、一周到两周和两周以上。可以看出,疫苗事件发生之后,各个城市做出反应的时间存在2个较为明显的周期,分别是事件发生后的一周内和两周内。其中,一周内做出反应的城市数更为集中,大部分城市在3-7天内做出反应。在这一时间段内,正是事件最受关注的时期,新闻报道和社会舆论集中出现,是民众广泛关注的焦点,热度最高,因此大部分城市CDC官网做出反应。而事件发生一周之后,热度渐渐降低,关注度减少,相应的做出反应的城市也减少,但是在第二周中还是出现了一个反应的小高峰。
Fig. 2 Number of responded cities every day after the “vaccine event”

图2 疫苗事件后各日反应城市数

图3显示了不同时间段内做出反应城市的分布。在疫苗事件发生后的2 d内(3月19日,3月20日), 全国仅有6个城市迅速对此事件做出了反应 (图3(a)),当事件发生3-7 d时,做出反应的城市数量明显增多(图3(b)),主要集中在中国西南部和中西部城市,四川省、贵州省、云南省、广西壮族自治区以及甘肃省、陕西省都有多个城市做出反应。同时,中国东北、东南地区以及新疆、西藏也有部分城市做出反应,但是数量较少。到了疫苗事件发生一周后反应的城市明显减少,做出反应的主要是东部地区和新疆、西藏部分城市(图3(c)),而事件发生超过两周后,几乎不再有城市CDC官网做出反应,仅有4个城市发布了相关消息(图3(d))。
Fig. 3 Distribution of responded cities at different time

图3 不同时间反应城市分布

疫苗事件发生后,中国西南部地区CDC部门的反应速度要整体快于东部地区的反应速度,西南部地区从时间刚发生的2 d内就开始有所反应,并几乎均在一周之内作出反应,而东部地区主要从事件发生的2 d后才开始反应,并且开始反应时间集中在事件发生后一周到两周内,相对反应速度较慢。
Fig. 4 The offline circulation diagram of the “vaccine event”

图4 疫苗事件线下流通图

4.2 各地CDC官网反应内容分析

Fig. 5 The distribution of response contents of CDC websites

图5 各地CDC官网对疫苗事件反应内容分布

4.3 空间聚集性探测结果分析

经过空间扫描统计,在中国西南部的城市探测到了一个半径为713.48 km的热点区域(图6),具有显著的空间聚集性(LLR=19.65,P<0.001,RR=2.08),共包括了73个地级市,说明对事件做出反应的城市空间分布并非随机化,在中国西南部存在聚集区,在此区域内有反应城市显著多于其他区域。这一结果说明,在中国西南部地区,建立了CDC部门官网,同时能够及时在网站上发布与疫苗事件相关消息的城市显著多于中国其他地区。结合3.1节和3.2节部分的结果,发现在中国西南部,大部分城市的CDC有自己的官网,同时能较迅速地对事件进行反应。从内容上看,此区域发布的内容多是通告本市疫苗安全或是表示相关部门及时对本市疫苗进行检查的信息,此类信息与本市市民接种安全密切相关,信息的价值更高。从这个结果可以看出,中国西南部CDC部门对事件的反应更为迅速,在面对突发公共卫生事件时能更及时的采取相应的措施。
Fig. 6 Results of the spatial clustering detection

图6 空间聚集性探测结果

5 结论与讨论


5.1 中国CDC部门信息化建设地域分布不均


5.2 中国西南地区CDC对突发公共卫生事件的应急反应更迅速


5.3 高风险区域CDC部门对事件反应不及时

疫苗事件发生的2 d内,只有极少数城市CDC立即做出了反应,并发布关于疫苗事件的消息。这些消息的内容主要是向市民公布了该市疫苗的供应渠道以及一些关于疫苗的基本常识,并督促各下级单位加强对全市疫苗的规范化管理。“疫苗事件”发生3-7 d时,正是大众对其关注度较高的时期,此时对疫苗事件做出回应的CDC部门最多,发布的信息内容多为声明相关部门已对本市的疫苗完成排查或是本市未发现问题疫苗。但是作为高风险区域的山东省和河南省在事件发生一周后才有反应,并不及时,没有在疫苗事件成为舆论焦点之前最快做出反应并采取措施,为公众安全提供保障。这一结果体现出该区域CDC部门对突发公共卫生事件的应急反应能力较弱,应重点加强。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Anonymous. The Model State Emergency Health Powers Act[J]. The JournaI of Law, Medicine & Ehties,2002,2: 324-348.The Center for Law and the Public's Health at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities drafted the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA or Model Act) at the request of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Model Act provides state actors with the powers they need to detect and contain bioterrorism or a naturally occurring disease outbreak. Legislative bills based on the MSEHPA have been introduced in 34 states. Problems of obsolescence, inconsistency, and inadequacy may render current state laws ineffective or even counterproductive. State laws often date back to the early 20th century and have been built up in layers over the years. They frequently predate the vast changes in the public health sciences and constitutional law. The Model Act is structured to reflect 5 basic public health functions to be facilitated by law: (1) preparedness, comprehensive planning for a public health emergency; (2) surveillance, measures to detect and track public health emergencies; (3) management of property, ensuring adequate availability of vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and hospitals, as well as providing power to abate hazards to the public's health; (4) protection of persons, powers to compel vaccination, testing, treatment, isolation, and quarantine when clearly necessary; and (5) communication, providing clear and authoritative information to the public. The Model Act also contains a modernized, extensive set of principles and requirements to safeguard personal rights. Law can be a tool to improve public health preparedness. A constitutional democracy must balance the common good with respect for personal dignity, toleration of groups, and adherence to principles of justice.


国务院. 突发公共卫生事件应对条例[S],2006.

[State Council.Regulations for response of public health emergency[S], 2006. ]



[Duan Q H, Zhang J R, Nie S F, et al.Evaluation on public health emergency capability of grass-roots government in Hubei province[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemology, 2003,24(12):1077. ]



[Chen W, Zeng G.Assessment on the ability of emergency response at the county center for disease control and prevention level in flooding-prone areas[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemology, 2006,27(2):112-116. ]

闫梦青,常煜博,刘诗洋,等. 河南省地市级疾控中心突发公共卫生事件应急能力现况分析[J].现代预防医学,2015(6):1032-1034.目的 对河南省18个地市级疾控中心突发公共卫生事件应急能力现状进行分析.方法 在文献研究的基础上,结合德尔菲法设计河南省地市级疾控中心突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价调查问卷;对河南省18个地级市疾控中心进行调查,用描述性流行 病学方法对其进行分析.结果 7个地市独立设置了突发公共卫生事件应急办公室;18个地市均建立了健全的突发公共卫生事件应急相关制度和24 h疫情监测值班制度;12个地市级疾控中心总体响应及时率达100%;5个地市建立并健全突发公共卫生事件应急资源库;16个地市的疾控中心储备有传染病 控制类装备;17个地市有定期培训制度,全省各地市共进行24次模拟演练.结论 河南省各地市级疾控中心均建立了相对完备的应急体系,应急能力有了较大提升,但在人力资源建设、应急预案制定、应急机构设置及实验设备配置和应用方面仍存 在问题.

[Yan M Q, Chang Y B, Liu S Y, et al.Status analysis of response capability for public health emergencies of the municipal CDCs in Henan Province[J]. Modern Preventive Medicine, 2015,6:1032-1034. ]

关于疾病预防控制体系建设的若干规定[J].中华人民共和国卫生部公报,2005(2):3-6.第一章总则 第一条为加强疾病预防控制体系建设,提高疾病预防控制和突发公共卫生事件应急处置能力,保障人民身体健康和生命安全,促进社会稳定与经济发展,特制定本规定.


[The provisions for the construction of the disease prevention and control system[J]. Gazette of the national health and family planning commission of people’s republic of China, 2005,2:3-6. ]



[Peng A F, Pei L.Quality evaluation of province CDC portal websites in China[J]. Journal of Medical Information, 2015,2:7-12. ]

蒋明敏. 突发公共事件管理中政府信息公开的障碍及其消解[J].大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),2010(2):63-68.突发公共事件危及社会公共安全,具有很大的破坏性。能否及时应对事件,化解矛盾,实现公众知 情权,直接考验着政府的管理能力和公信力,关系到社会和谐、稳定的大局。事实说明,坚持信息公开是迅速平息事件的关键。但在实践中,面对突发公共事件,一 些政府部门和领导公开事件信息存在困难。文章认为,消解突发公共事件管理中政府信息公开的障碍,必须将制度、文化建设和行为改进相结合,发挥政府、媒体、 民间组织和广大社会公众的合力。


[Jiang M M.Problems and solutions of the openness of governmental information in the management of publ ic emergencies[J]. Journal of Dalian University of Technology (Social Sciences), 2010,2:63-68. ]


[Wang J F, Liao Y L, Liu X.Tutorials of spatial data analysis[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010. ]

殷菲. 时-空扫描统计量在传染病早期预警中的应用研究[D].成都:四川大学,2007.

[Yin F.A study on the applicability of space-time scan statistic in early warning of infectious disease[D]. Chengdu: Sichuan university, 2007. ]

Kulldorff M.A spatial scan statistic[J]. Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods, 1997,26(6):1481-1496.The scan statistic is commonly used to test if a one dimensional point process is purely random, or if any clusters can be detected. Here it is simultaneously extended in three directions:(i) a spatial scan statistic for the detection of clusters in a multi-dimensional point process is proposed, (ii) the area of the scanning window is allowed to vary, and (iii) the baseline process may be any inhomogeneous Poisson process or Bernoulli process with intensity pro-portional to some known function. The main interest is in detecting clusters not explained by the baseline process. These methods are illustrated on an epidemiological data set, but there are other potential areas of application as well.


唐咸艳,仇小强,黄天壬,等.空间扫描统计在广西肝癌空间格局中的应用研究[J].中国卫生统计,2009(2602):114-116.目的 探测广西肝癌发病率的空间分布规律,为肝癌防治提供科学依据.方法 应用空间扫描统计方法对广西肝癌病例在全区范围内的空间分布格局进行探测,并结合地理信息系统实现探测结果的可视化.结果 空间扫描统计表明广西肝癌高发区聚集在圆心为东经107.8152°、北纬22.5677°、半径为78.53km的区域内(LLR=997.661、 RR=4.918、P=0.001);疾病专题图亦显示肝癌高发区聚集在桂西南.结论 空间扫描统计可用于探测疾病的高发聚集区,并对聚集区大小和位置进行准确定位,为广西肝癌防治提供科学依据.


[Tang X Y, Qiu X Q, Huang T R, et al.Application of spatial scan statistic on study spatial pattern analysis of liver cancer in Guangxi[J]. Chinese Journal of health statistics, 2009,2602:114-116. ]

Duczmal L, Kulldorff M, Huang L.Evaluation of spatial scan statistics for irregularly shaped clusters[J]. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2012.

Ionita-Laza I, Makarov V, Buxbaum J D, et al.Scan-statistic approach identifies clusters of rare disease variants in LRP2, a gene linked and associated with autism spectrum disorders, in three datasets[J]. The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2012,90(6):1002-1013.Cluster-detection approaches, commonly used in epidemiology and astronomy, can be applied in the context of genetic sequence data for the identification of genetic regions significantly enriched with -risk variants (DRVs). Unlike existing association tests for sequence data, the goal of cluster-detection methods is to localize significant disease mutation clusters within a gene or region of interest. Here, we focus on a 2q replicated linkage region that is associated with () and that has been sequenced in three independent datasets. We found that variants in one gene, , residing on 2q are associated with in two datasets (the combined variable-threshold-test p value is 1.2 脳 10(-5)). Using a cluster-detection method, we show that in the discovery and replication datasets, variants associated with cluster preponderantly in 25 kb windows (adjusted p values are p(1) = 0.003 and p(2) = 0.002), and the two windows are highly overlapping. Furthermore, for the third dataset, a 25 kb region similar to those in the other two datasets shows significant evidence of enrichment of rare DRVs. The region implicated by all three studies is involved in ligand , suggesting that subtle alterations in either expression or primary sequence modulate the uptake of ligands. is a ligand of particular interest given its role in , and modest changes in , which binds to near the mutation cluster, might subtly affect and could lead to -associated phenotypes.


Atwell J E, Van Otterloo J, Zipprich J, et al.Nonmedical vaccine exemptions and pertussis in California, 2010[J]. Pediatrics, 2013,132(4):624-630.In 2010, 9120 cases of pertussis were reported in California, more than any year since 1947. Although this resurgence has been widely attributed to waning immunity of the acellular vaccine, the role of vaccine refusal has not been explored in the published literature. Many factors likely contributed to the outbreak, including the cyclical nature of pertussis, improved diagnosis, and waning immunity; however, it is important to understand if clustering of unvaccinated individuals also played a role.We analyzed nonmedical exemptions (NMEs) for children entering kindergarten from 2005 through 2010 and pertussis cases with onset in 2010 in California to determine if NMEs increased in that period, if children obtaining NMEs clustered spatially, if pertussis cases clustered spatially and temporally, and if there was statistically significant overlap between clusters of NMEs and cases.Kulldorff's scan statistics identified 39 statistically significant clusters of high NME rates and 2 statistically significant clusters of pertussis cases in this time period. Census tracts within an exemptions cluster were 2.5 times more likely to be in a pertussis cluster (odds ratio = 2.47, 95% confidence interval: 2.22-2.75). More cases occurred within as compared with outside exemptions clusters (incident rate ratios = 1.20, 95% confidence interval: 1.10-1.30). The association remained significant after adjustment for demographic factors. NMEs clustered spatially and were associated with clusters of pertussis cases.Our data suggest clustering of NMEs may have been 1 of several factors in the 2010 California pertussis resurgence.


Kauhl B, Pilot E, Rao R, et al.Estimating the spatial distribution of acute undifferentiated fever (AUF) and associated risk factors using emergency call data in India. A symptom-based approach for public health surveillance[J]. Health & place, 2015,31:111-119.The System for Early-warning based on Emergency Data (SEED) is a pilot project to evaluate the use of emergency call data with the main complaint acute undifferentiated fever (AUF) for syndromic surveillance in India. While spatio-temporal methods provide signals to detect potential disease outbreaks, additional information about socio-ecological exposure factors and the main population at risk is necessary for evidence-based public health interventions and future preparedness strategies. The goal of this study is to investigate whether a spatial epidemiological analysis at the ecological level provides information on urban鈥搑ural inequalities, socio-ecological exposure factors and the main population at risk for AUF. Our results displayed higher risks in rural areas with strong local variation. Household industries and proximity to forests were the main socio-ecological exposure factors and scheduled tribes were the main population at risk for AUF. These results provide additional information for syndromic surveillance and could be used for evidence-based public health interventions and future preparedness strategies.


Kulldorff M.2015. SaTScanTM User Guide for version 9.4

Kulldorff M, Nagarwalla N.Spatial disease clusters: Detection and inference[J]. Statistics in Medicine, 1995,14:799-810.

Kulldorff M, Huang L, Konty K.A scan statistic for continuous data based on the normal probability model[J]. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2009,8:58.Spatial and space-time scan statistics [1-4] have become popular methods in disease surveillance for the detection of disease clusters, and they are also used in many other fields. In most applications to date, the interest has been in count data such as disease incidence, mortality or prevalence, for which a Poisson or Bernoulli distribution is used to model the random nature of the counts. For example, in papers published in 2008, Chen et al. [5] studied cervical cancer mortality in the United States; Osei and Duker [6] studied cholera prevalence in Ghana; Oeltmann et al. [7] looked at multidrug-resistant tuberculosis prevalence in Thailand; Mohebbi at al. [8] studied gastrointestinal cancer incidence in Iran; Rubinsky-Elefant et al. [9] looked at human toxocariasis prevalence in Brazil; Frossling et al. [10] evaluated the Neospora caninum distribution in dairy cattle in Sweden; Heres et al. [11] studied mad-cow disease in the Netherlands; and Reinhardt et al. [12] developed a system for prospective meningococcal disease incidence surveillance in Germany.It is also of interest to detect spatial clusters of individuals or locations with high or low values of some continuous data attribute. Gay et al. [13] developed a spatial hazard model which they applied to detect geographical clusters of dietary cows with a high somatic cell score, which is a continuous marker for udder inflamation. Stoica et al. [14] has proposed a cluster detection method based on a number of random disks that jointly cover the cluster pattern in a marked point process. Huang [15] and Cook et al. [16] have developed spatial scan statistics for survival type data with censoring. The former applied the method to prostate cancer survival while the latter used their method for the time from birth until to asthma, allergic rhinitis or exczema. Other continuous data, such as birth weight [17] or blood lead levels, may be better modeled using a normal distribution, sometimes after a suitable transfor


唐咸艳,周红霞. 扫描统计及其在流行病学中的应用[J].中国卫生统计,2011(2803):332-337.扫描统计(scan statistic)是空间统计学方法之一,其目的在于探测空间、时间、时空范围内某事件发生数的异常增加,并检验这种改变是否由于随机变异所造成.即探 测研究区域内是否存在聚集性、聚集性的确切位置、聚集性的风险大小,并检验聚集性有无统计学意义.疾病的发生与流行常常表现为地域性病例数的增加与减少, 地域性病例分布的聚集与消失.


[Tang X Y, Zhou H X.Scan statistic and the application in epidemiology[J]. Chinese Journal of health statistics, 2011,2803:332-337. ]

Dwass M.Modified randomization tests for nonparametric hypotheses[J]. Annals of Mathematical Statisitcs, 1957,28(1):181-187.Suppose $X_1, \cdots, X_m, Y_1, \cdots, Y_n$ are $m + n = N$ independent random variables, the $X$'s identically distributed and the $Y$'s identically distributed, each with a continuous cdf. Let $$z = (z_1, \cdots, z_m, z_{m + 1}, \cdots, z_N) = (x_1, \cdots, x_m, y_1, \cdots, y_n)$$ represent an observation on the $N$ random variables and let $$u(z) = (1/m) \sum^m_{i = 1} z_i - (1/n) \sum^N_{i = m + 1} z_i = \bar x - \bar y$$. Consider the $r = N! N$-tuples obtained from $(z_1, \cdots, z_N)$ by making all permutations of the indices $(1, \cdots, N)$. Since we assume continuous cdf's, then with probability one, these $r N$-tuples will be distinct. Denote them by $z^{(1)}, \cdots, z^{(r)}$, and suppose that they have been ordered so that $$u(z^{(1)} \geqq \cdots \geqq u(z^{(r)})$$. Notice that since $$\bar x - \bar y = (1/m) \sum^N_{i = 1} z_i - (N/m)\bar y = (N/n)\bar x - (1/n) \sum^N_{i = 1} z_i,$$ the same ordering can be induced by choosing $u(z) = c\bar x$ or $u(z) = - c\bar y$ for any $c > 0$. Assuming that the cdf's of $X_1, Y_1$ are of the form $F(x), F(x - \Delta)$ respectively, Pitman [2] suggested essentially the following test of the hypothesis $H'$ that $\Delta = 0$. Select a set of $k (k > 0)$ integers $i_1, \cdots, i_k, (1 \leqq i_1 0$. A practical shortcoming of this procedure is the great difficulty in enumerating the points $z^{(i)}$ and the evaluation of $u(z^{(i)})$ for each of them. For instance, even after eliminating those permutations which always give the same value of $u$, then for sample sizes $m = n = 5$, there are $\binom{10}{5} = 252$ permutations to examine, and for sample sizes $m = n = 10$, there are $\binom{20}{10} = 184,765$ permutations to examine. In the following section, we propose the almost obvious procedure of examining a "random sample" of permutations and making the decision to accept or reject $H$ on the basis of those permutations only. Bounds are determined for the ratio of the power of the original procedure to the modified one. Some numerical values of these bounds are given in Table 1. The bounds there listed correspond to tests which in both original and modified form have size $\alpha$, and for which the modified test is based on a random sample of $s$ permutations drawn with replacement. These have been computed for a certain class of alternatives which is described below. For simplicity, we have restricted the main exposition to the two-sample problem. In Section 5, we point out extensions to the more general hypotheses of invariance studied in [1].


漆莉,贾庆良,孙军,等.疾病控制系统应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价指标体系研究[J].检验医学与临床,2010,7(22):2443-2445.目的 建立疾病控制系统应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力的综合评价模型及评价指标体系.方法 运用层次分析法建立综合评价初步指标体系,采用德尔菲法确定指标及其权重,综合评分法建立综合评价模型,并通过计算专家权威系数、积极系数、协调系数及显 著性检验对模型进行评价.结果 建立了由7个一级指标、22个二级指标和94个三级指标组成的综合评价体系.参与两轮咨询的专家的权威系数为0.83,应答率分别为100%和 93.3%,第1轮咨询的协调系数为0.31(χ2=95.72,P>0.05),第2轮咨询协调系数为 0.53(χ2=130.25,P<0.05).结论 通过德尔菲法建立的综合评价指标体系涵盖了疾病控制系统应对突发事件应急能力的各方面,具有较强适用性,同时,专家的权威系数、积极系数和协调系数显示该 体系具有较高的可信度.


[Qi L, Jian Q L, Sun J, et al.Study of evaluation indicator system for emergency response ability of the control and prevention of diseases[J]. Lab Med Clin, 2010,7(22):2443-2445.]


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廖俊. 县级疾病预防控制中心网站的建设探讨[J].世界最新医学信息文摘,2016,36:242-243.随着互联网络应用的日益发展与普及,互联网已成为人们获取知识和信息的重要渠道。文章从互联网的优势角度出发,介绍了县级疾病预防控制中心网站建设情况,最后提出了加强县级疾病预防控制中心网站建设的思考。


[Liao J.Research on the construction of county-level CDC websites[J]. World Latest Medicine Information, 2016,36:242-243. ]



[Ma J Q, Zhao Z X. Status and prospect of public health informatization in Mainland China[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management, 2016(1):18-21. ]



[Guan J, Long L, Hu D W, et al.Investigation on and countermeasures for horizontal coordination ability among hospitals in dealing with public health emergency[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Informatics and Management, 2015,1:55-60. ]

省人民政府印发《关于加快大数据产业发展应用若干政策的意见》、《贵州省大数据产业发展应用规划纲要(2014-2020年)》的通知[J]. 贵州省人民政府公报,2014(3):9-21.同志们:为了贯彻落实贵州省人民政府印发的《关于加快大数据产业发展应用若干政策的意见》和《贵州省大数据产业发展应用规划纲要(2014—2020)》,谋划我省电子政务云应用与发展工作,省信息中心(省电子政务中心)决定召开这次全省电子政务云应用与发展研讨会,主要目的就是全省电子政务工作机构深入学习贯彻省政府印发的两个文件精神,如何发挥自身的职能作用和人才技术优势,服务全省大数据产业发展应用,推进我省电子政务云建设和应用发展。

[The people government document of Guizhou province[J]. Gazette of Guizhou Provincial People's Government, 2014,3:9-21. ]

叶南均. 基于中国—东盟自由贸易区的广西大数据产业发展研究[J].企业科技与发展,2014(11):21-22.大数据是新一代信息技术的重要发展方向,是我国新一代信息技术产业实现创新突破、跨越式发展的战略机遇。中国—东盟自由贸易区的建立,给广西大数据产业的发展提供了更为广阔的平台,但机遇与挑战并存。文章通过对中国—东盟自由贸易区的广西大数据产业SWOT进行分析,提出发展对策,以期对广西大数据产业的发展提供借鉴。


[Ye N J.Study on the development of the big data industry in Guangxi province based on the China-ASEAN free trade area[J]. Enterprise Science and Technology & Development, 2014,11:21-22. ]

