Journal of Geo-information Science >
Spatial-temporal Analysis of Emergency Response Capability of the “Shandong Vaccine Event”
Received date: 2016-05-13
Request revised date: 2016-09-18
Online published: 2017-03-20
Emergent public health events have a wide range of effect and serious harm to public health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is an important institution of disease prevention and control and public health management and technical services in China. Its ability of responding to public health emergency will directly affect the effectiveness of emergency handling and a timely reaction can provide useful information for the public at the first time and reduce the panic caused by this incident to the largest extent. Therefore, it's important to scientifically evaluate the capability of CDC to deal with the public health emergencies. In this study, we took the “Shandong vaccine event” outbreak in March 18, 2016 as an example, collected the relevant information published on the CDC website and used the temporal-spatial analysis to evaluate the capability of CDC in China to deal with the public health emergencies. The data was from the CDC official website of each city which responded to this event. It shows that 73.2% of the total cities has established a CDC official website, of which 69% of the cities have responses. This analysis included the visualization analysis of the speed and the contents of responses and the spatial clustering analysis, using the spatial scan statistics method to detect the spatial cluster of the responded city. The results of this analysis showed that the spatial distribution of the information construction of CDC in China is inequality. Compared with the other regions of China, the CDC department's official websites of cities in southwestern region responded faster on public health emergency, and has a significant spatial clustering in this area. The CDC department of Shandong and Henan provinces which was the huge circulation province of the failing vaccine and the high-risk areas in this vaccine incident, didn't have a timely reaction and the capability of response to the public health emergency is weak.
ZHANG Ningxu , LIAO Yilan , LIU Xiaochi , CHEN Huiyan . Spatial-temporal Analysis of Emergency Response Capability of the “Shandong Vaccine Event”[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(3) : 346 -354 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00346
Fig. 1 Distribution of cities with CDC websites图1 全国有CDC官网城市分布图 |
Fig. 2 Number of responded cities every day after the “vaccine event”图2 疫苗事件后各日反应城市数 |
Fig. 3 Distribution of responded cities at different time图3 不同时间反应城市分布 |
Fig. 4 The offline circulation diagram of the “vaccine event”图4 疫苗事件线下流通图 |
Fig. 5 The distribution of response contents of CDC websites图5 各地CDC官网对疫苗事件反应内容分布 |
Fig. 6 Results of the spatial clustering detection图6 空间聚集性探测结果 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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