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Study on Rainfall Index Selection for Hazard Analysis of Mountain Torrents Disaster of Small Watersheds

  • LI Huawei , 1, 3 ,
  • WAN Qing , 1, 2, 3, *
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: WAN Qing, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-06-13

  Request revised date: 2016-08-26

  Online published: 2017-03-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Mountain torrents are one of the most dangerous weather-related natural disasters in the world. As the direct driving force and inducing factor of mountain torrent disasters, rainfall can be used as an indispensable index in the hazard analysis of flash flood. In different study areas, the rainfall with different return periods and durations may affect mountain torrent disasters differently and would be therefore selected disparately for the hazard analysis. However, there is little quantitative research on the principles of rainfall index selection in the previous literatures. Based on the small watershed map (1:50,000 scale), the rainstorm atlas and the spatial distribution of mountain torrent disasters, this paper focused on the small watersheds in Wuyuan County in Jangxi Province and used GIS (Geographic Information System), Correlational Analysis, Spatial Cluster and Geographical Detector to obtain the rainfall indices which had great impact on the mountain torrent disasters of the small watersheds. The selected rainfall indices will take part in the hazard analysis of mountain torrent disasters in the study area. The conclusion is drawn as follows: (1) Seven uncorrelated rainfall indices have been obtained from the original 24 rainfall indices by the correlational analysis method. This means that in order to avoid the information overlap, we need to analyze the correlation between pairs of the rainfall indices before the hazard analysis of mountain torrent disaster. (2) By using the Optimized Hot Spot Analysis tool based on Local Getis-Ord Gi* Algorithm to get the estimated hazard values of the mountain torrent disasters of small watersheds, the calculation results are in line with the spatial distribution of mountain torrent disasters in this study area. (3)It’s better to introduce geographical detector to quantify the relevance between rainfall indices and mountain torrent disasters of small watersheds. Through the comprehensive analysis, the final rainfall factors, which cause mountain torrent disasters of the small watersheds with a great probability, will be derived and will participate in the hazard analysis of flash flood. The finally selected rainfall factors of small watersheds in Wuyuan County are the maximum rainfall with 100-year return period and 6-hour duration and the maximum rainfall with 100-year return period and 24-hour duration. The technical method in this paper possesses an important reference value and guidance to the quantitative selection of rainfall indices in the hazard analysis of flash flood of small watersheds.

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LI Huawei , WAN Qing . Study on Rainfall Index Selection for Hazard Analysis of Mountain Torrents Disaster of Small Watersheds[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(3) : 425 -435 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00425

1 引言

中国是一个多山的国家,高强度的降雨、复杂的地形地貌及山区河道较弱的调蓄能力导致山洪灾害的频繁发生,严重威胁着山区人民生命的安全和制约着山区经济的发展。山洪灾害的形成机理非常复杂,影响因子很多。国内外许多专家、学者[1-8]在山洪灾害成因研究的基础上,从自然和社会2个方面归纳了山洪灾害的一级影响因子:气象水文、地形地貌和人类活动。其中,作为气象水文的二级因子,降雨是诱发山洪灾害的直接动力和激发条件[9],是山洪灾害危险分析中不可或缺的重要指标,其值的正确与否直接决定了山洪灾害危险分析的精度。国内外学者在进行山洪灾害危险性分析时所选取的降雨指标不尽相同:黄理军等[10]选取了年平均降雨量、年最大24 h降雨量和年最大6 h降雨量作为致灾因子对湖南进行防治区划分;岳琦等[11]选取了年平均降雨量作为致灾因子对福建闽江上游进行山洪灾害风险区划;黄国如等[12]选取了最大3 d降雨量作为致灾因子对清远市瑶安小流域进行山洪灾害风险评价;唐余学等[13]利用山洪灾害点发生时的日降雨量算出24 h的临界降雨量对重庆市山洪灾害危险分析;管珉[14]选取了年平均降雨量和年平均暴雨日数作为致灾因子对江西省山洪灾害进行风险区划;陆桂华等[15]选取了20年一遇年最大6 h降雨量和20年一遇年最大1 h降雨量作为致灾因子对中小流域进行山洪危险性区划;丁文峰等[16]选取最大24 h暴雨极值、最大24 h暴雨极值变差系数、最大1 h暴雨极值和最大1 h暴雨极值变差系数作为致灾因子参与了四川省山洪灾害风险评估与区划;马建华等[17]建议用年最大6 h降雨量和6 h临界雨量作为致灾因子参与中国山洪灾害防治区划;杜俊,任洪玉等[18]对选取的最大10 min、1 h和6 h多年暴雨极值年均雨量及对应的变差系数分别进行主成分分析,把获得的2个综合降雨指标作为中国大尺度山洪灾害危险性评估的致灾因子;Youssef 等[19]选取重现期为25、50、100和200年的最大24 h降雨量参与了沙特阿拉伯吉达市2009年和2011年山洪灾害的成因分析;Zeleňáková等[20]利用100年一遇最大24小时降雨量作为致灾因子对斯洛伐克的博德瓦河的山洪灾害进行风险分析;Mandal等[21]以6 h降雨量作为HMS模型的雨量输入值对印度的提斯塔小流域上游进行山洪风险评估。

2 研究区概况

婺源县位于江西省东北部,赣、浙、皖3省交界处,东边与浙江省开化县相邻,北边与安徽省休宁县接壤,西边是本省的景德镇市(图1(a))。全县总面积为2948 km2,其中山区面积为2337 km2,占总面积的79.3%。
Fig. 1 Map of the study area

图1 研究区概况图

县域属亚热带东南季风气候,年均降雨量1800 mm,4-6月为汛期,平均月雨量200~300 mm。地形以中低山、丘陵为主,地势由东北向西南倾斜,境内最高海拔1564 m,最低海拔35 m(图1(b))。县内天然水系发育,属饶河水系(图1(c)),各河流均由东北流向西南,注入乐安河,向西汇入鄱阳河[22]

3 数据与研究方法

3.1 数据来源

Tab. 1 Main data type, format, coordinate system and source

表1 研究区主要数据类型、格式、坐标系及来源

数据类型 格式 空间坐标系 来源
江西省暴雨图集 SHAPEFILE GCS_China_Geodetic_Coordinate_System_2000 全国山洪灾害调查评价数据
DEM(90 m)数据 TIF GCS_WGS_1984 SRTM
1:5万小流域数据 SHAPEFILE GCS_WGS_1984 全国山洪灾害调查评价数据
SHAPEFILE Beijing_1954_3_Degree_GK_CM_117E 全国山洪灾害调查评价数据

3.2 数据处理

3.2.1 投影变换
3.2.2 空间插值处理
江西省暴雨图集提供的是等值线矢量图,需要通过空间插值计算,才能获得整个研究区的降雨分布情况。本文借助于ArcGIS 10.3提供的地形转栅格(Topo to Raster)插值模块对降雨等值线进行空间插值,从而获取整个研究区的降雨量,插值的分辨率为90 m×90 m。
3.2.3 标准化处理
a i = x i - μ i σ i ( i = 1,2 , , k ) (1)
式中: a i 为标准化后的数列; x i 为原始数列; μ i x i 的平均值; σ i x i 的标准差。

3.3 研究方法

3.3.1 降雨指标体系的初步构建
由于山丘区沟道短,比降大,一旦发生暴雨,洪水汇流速度快,从降雨到形成山洪,一般只需几小时甚至几分钟,至灾害发生时间一般仅为5-6 h,最多不超过24 h[24-25]。全国山洪灾害防治规划研究表明,诱发中国山洪灾害主要以短历时、高强度降雨为主[3]。因此,本文主要从江西省暴雨图集中初选了重现期为1、5、10、20、50和100年,历时为10 min、1 h、6 h、24 h的降雨量,经过组合获得24个降雨指标(表2)。
Tab. 2 The preliminarily constructed rainfall index system

表2 初步构建的降雨指标体系

历时 编号 指标/mm
10 min S11 年均最大10 min降雨量
S12 5年一遇最大10 min降雨量
S13 10年一遇最大10 min降雨量
S14 20年一遇最大10 min降雨量
S15 50年一遇最大10 min降雨量
S16 100年一遇最大10 min降雨量
1 h S21 年均最大1 h降雨量
S22 5年一遇最大1 h降雨量
S23 10年一遇最大1 h降雨量
S24 20年一遇最大1 h降雨量
S25 50年一遇最大1 h降雨量
S26 100年一遇最大1 h降雨量
6 h S31 年均最大6 h降雨量
S32 5年一遇最大6 h降雨量
S33 10年一遇最大6 h降雨量
S34 20年一遇最大6 h降雨量
S35 50年一遇最大6 h降雨量
S36 100年一遇最大6 h降雨量
24 h S41 年均最大24 h降雨量
S42 5年一遇最大24 h降雨量
S43 10年一遇最大24 h降雨量
S44 20年一遇最大24 h降雨量
S45 50年一遇最大24 h降雨量
S46 100年一遇最大24 h降雨量
3.3.2 相关性分析
山洪灾害的危险性分析通常以小流域为基本单元,婺源县共包含了217个、面积一般在25~50 km2小流域。由于把降雨等值线进行空间插值处理后,所得到的是每个栅格点的雨量值,因此需要计算出婺源县每个小流域内的每个降雨指标的平均值作为该小流域的一个降雨指标值。根据评价指标之间的独立性原则,小流域降雨指标之间需要进行相关分析,整合相关性较大的降雨指标,消除信息的重叠对山洪灾害危险性分析造成的影响。本文采用皮尔逊相关系数法计算各降雨指标之间的相关系数 ρ ij (式(2))。
ρ ij = k = 1 n ( x ki - x ̅ i ) ( x kj - x ̅ j ) k = 1 n ( x k i - x ̅ i ) 2 ( x kj - x ̅ j ) 2 ( n = 217 , i , j = 1,2 , , 24 ) (2)
式中: ρ ij 为第i个降雨指标和第j个降雨指标的相关系数; x ki 为第k个小流域第i个降雨指标的值; x ̅ i 为第i个降雨指标的平均值。
根据文献[26]可知,相关系数的绝对值在0.8以上的是高度相关,需加以合并。合并原则为[27]:① 对于同类型指标(指同为效益型或成本型指标,效益型指标是指越大越好的指标,成本型指标是指越小越好的指标),相关系数为正是真相关,相关系数为负是假相关;② 对于同一层次的指标(指标之间是并列关系,非上下级隶属关系),比较其平均相关系数,平均相关系数大者优先保留。
3.3.3 空间聚类分析
空间聚类分析作为空间数据挖掘的一个分支,对于揭示地理空间自然现象的分布、变化等具有十分重要的作用。详细的历史山洪灾害统计资料在一定程度上能反映山洪灾害的空间分布特征,通过对研究区山洪灾害进行空间聚类分析,可以获取该区域山洪灾害的空间分布趋势。本文采用基于局部Getis-Ord Gi*算法的优化热点分析工具,先对婺源县1955-2014年的179个历史山洪灾害点进行空间聚类,然后计算出小流域山洪灾害的相对危险度估值。具体操作步骤如下:
(1)利用ArcGIS 10.3提供的优化热点分析工具(Optimized Hot Spot Analysis)以渔网面(FISH_NET_POLYGONS)为聚合面对山洪灾害点进行空间聚类分析,获取渔网面每个格网的 G i * 值 (式(3)), G i * 值按式(1)标准化后即为z得分。z得分越高,山洪灾害高值区(热点)越紧密;z得分越低,山洪灾害低值区(冷点)越紧密。z得分不仅反映了单个格网与周围格网山洪灾害的聚集程度,也反映了山洪灾害在整个渔网面中的空间分布趋势。因此,可以用z得分表示单个格网在整个研究区渔网面中的相对危险程度,这比用山洪灾害频次量化会更符合山洪灾害的空间分布。
G i * = j = 1 n w ij x j - X ̅ j = 1 n w ij S n j = 1 n w ij 2 - j = 1 n w ij 2 n - 1 ( i , j = 1,2 , , n ) (3)
X ̅ = j = 1 n x j n (4)
S = j = 1 n x j 2 n - ( X ̅ ) 2 (5)
式中: G i * 表示格网i的山洪灾害统计量; x j 是格网 j 所包含的山洪灾害事件个数; w ij 是格网i和格网j的空间权重;优化热点分析工具默认采用固定距离阈值(FIXED_DISTANCE_BAND)进行要素之间的权重计算,当格网 j 与格网i的距离在阈值范围内时, w ij =1,当超出距离阈值, w ij =0,距离阈值是由优化热点分析工具自动生成的最优的距离;n是渔网面所有格网的个数。
(2)小流域山洪灾害危险度估值的获取。在步骤(1)中,优化热点分析工具根据山洪灾害点自动生成的最优格网的尺寸一般较大。为了方便把格网的z得分统计到小流域单元,本文将其转化为分辨率90 m×90 m的栅格单元,栅格单元值为格网的z得分;然后,统计出婺源县每个小流域内所有栅格单元值的平均值 z * ,即小流域的山洪灾害危险度估值。
3.3.4 地理探测器模型
(1)因子探测器用因子解释力(Power of Determinant, PD)来量化降雨指标对小流域山洪灾害危险性的解释程度,计算模型如式(6)所示。
P D , H = 1 - 1 n σ 2 h = 1 L n h σ h 2 n = 217 , L = 5 , h = 1,2 , , L ) (6)
式中: P D , H 为降雨指标D对小流域山洪灾害危险性H的解释力; n 是小流域的总个数; L 是降雨指标分类数; n h h类中小流域的个数; σ 2 是整个小流域山洪灾害危险度的离散方差; σ h 2 h类中小流域危险度的离散方差。假设 σ 2 0 ,模型成立, P D , H 0,1 ,数值越大说明降雨指标D对小流域山洪灾害危险性的解释力越强,影响度越高。
(2)交互探测器通过对多个降雨指标交互后的因子解释力和单个降雨指标的因子解释力的比较,来探测降雨指标交互后对小流域山洪灾害危险性的影响模式。设 P ( D 1 ) P ( D 2 ) 分别是降雨指标 D 1 D 2 对小流域山洪灾害危险性的解释力, P ( D 1 D 2 ) 是降雨指标 D 1 D 2 交互后的因子解释力,则影响模式主要有以下5种:
① 非线性减弱: P ( D 1 D 2 ) < min ( P D 1 , P ( D 2 ) )
② 单线性减弱: min ( P D 1 , P ( D 2 ) ) < P ( D 1 D 2 ) < max ( P D 1 , P ( D 2 ) )
③ 双线性增强: P ( D 1 D 2 ) > max ( P D 1 , P ( D 2 ) )
④ 相互独立: P D 1 D 2 = P D 1 + P ( D 2 )
⑤ 非线性增强: P D 1 D 2 > P D 1 + P ( D 2 )
影响因子的交互模型在GIS环境中很容易实现。将分类后的降雨指标 D 1 D 2 进行叠加后( C = D 1 D 2 ),每个小流域就得到一个新的综合指标C,其类别为该小流域降雨指标 D 1 D 2 子类别的叠加,分类数为所有小流域综合指标C的类别种类数。然后,把综合指标C和降雨指标 D 1 D 2 代入式(6)计算并进行影响模式的判断。这种模型可以扩展到3个或更多指标之间的交互分析,随着指标的增加,交互分析将会变得更加复杂[28]。由于本文目标是选取影响小流域山洪灾害的主要降雨指标作为山洪灾害危险性分析的致灾因子,所以只进行了2个降雨指标的交互分析。

4 结果与分析

4.1 降雨指标的初步筛选结果及分析

Fig. 2 The correlation coefficient matrix of initially selected rainfall indices

图2 初步选取降雨指标的相关系数矩阵图

Fig. 3 Spatial distributions of the preliminarily screened rainfall indices of small watersheds in Wuyuan County

图3 初步筛选的婺源县小流域降雨指标空间分布图

图3可看出,初步筛选的降雨指标在空间分布上存在显著的差异:① 婺源县小流域10年一遇最大10 min降雨量和20年一遇最大6 h降雨量均从西部向东部逐渐减小,但前者主要集中在高值和低值两端,后者分布比较均匀;② 20年一遇最大10 min降雨从西向东先减小后增大,降雨量主要集中在中间段;③ 100年一遇最大1 h降雨和100年一遇最大24 h降雨都是从西北向东南逐渐减小,雨量分布也较均匀,但前者的高值和低值主要集中在西部和南部,而后者的高值集中在北部,低值均匀分布在东南沿线上;④ 100年一遇最大6 h降雨从西南向东北逐渐减小,分布较均匀,而年均最大24 h降雨的空间分布相反,从西南向东北逐渐增大,且雨量主要集中在较低段。

4.2 小流域山洪灾害危险度估算结果与分析

利用优化热点分析工具对婺源县1955-2014年179个历史山洪灾害点进行空间聚类分析,生成了652个渔网面格网,格网的大小为2.3 km×2.3 km,最优的固定距离阈值(FIXED_DISTANCE_BAND)为6901 m。把获取的z得分作为渔网面格网的山洪灾害危险度,继而得到217个小流域的山洪灾害危险度估值 z * 。数值越大,表明该小流域发生山洪灾害的几率越大,危险性越高,其空间分布状况如图4所示。从图4(c)可知:山洪灾害危险度高的小流域主要集中在婺源县的北方(H1区)和西南方(H2区);山洪灾害危险度低的小流域以“凹”字形分布在H1区的周围。
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of the hazard of mountain torrent disaster in Wuyuan County

图4 婺源县山洪灾害危险性空间分布图

4.3 降雨指标的最终选取结果与分析

自然断点分级法是为减少同一级中差异、增加不同级间差异而采用统计公式确定属性值的自然聚类,刘彦随等[34]利用地理探测器分析中国县域城镇化的空间特征和形成机理时对各要素进行了自然聚类的分级分区。本文将采用自然断点法把初步筛选出的各降雨指标值分为5类(级别从低到高为1、2、3、4、5),然后利用因子探测器分别计算反映各降雨指标(表3)对小流域山洪灾害危险性影响能力的 P D , H 值以及反映 P D , H 值显著性的p值(表4)。
Tab. 3 The preliminarily screened rainfall indices

表3 初步筛选的降雨指标

历时 编号 指标/mm
10 min S13 10年一遇最大10 min降雨量
S14 20年一遇最大10 min降雨量
1 h S26 100年一遇最大1 h降雨量
6 h S34 20年一遇最大6 h降雨量
S36 100年一遇最大6 h降雨量
24 h S41 年均最大24 h降雨量
S46 100年一遇最大24 h降雨量
表4可知:① 100年一遇最大1 h降雨指标的p值为0.08(>0.05),说明该降雨指标对山洪灾害的解释力不显著,无法作为致灾因子,而其他降雨指标的解释力都具有显著性;② 尽管20年一遇最大10 min降雨指标的解释力具有显著性,但 P D , H 值很小,说明其对婺源县小流域山洪灾害危险性的解释力很低,无法作为该县山洪灾害危险性分析的致灾因子;(3)20年一遇最大6 h降雨指标、100年一遇最大6 h降雨指标和年均最大24 h降雨指标的 P D , H 值排在前三位,说明它们对婺源县山洪灾害危险性空间分布的影响较大,即关联性较强。但从图5来看,年均最大24 h降雨指标和小流域山洪灾害危险度估算值呈负相关。对于同类型的指标,这属于假相关现象,表明年均最大24 h降雨指标无法解释婺源县小流域山洪灾害危险性空间分布差异,也不能作为致灾因子。
Fig. 5 Scatter plots and linear fits of rainfall indices and estimated hazard value of small watersheds in Wuyuan County

图5 婺源县小流域降雨指标和危险度估值的散点图及线性拟合图

实际上诱发山洪灾害是多种降雨类型共同作用的结果,不可能只存在单一的降雨指标影响山洪灾害的空间分布。利用交互探测器对10年一遇最大10 min降雨指标、20年一遇最大6 h降雨指标、100年一遇最大6 h降雨指标和100年一遇最大24 h降雨指标进行探测分析,再结合表4,获取交互后对小流域山洪灾害危险性的影响模式(表5)。从表5可以看出:① 降雨指标对山洪灾害危险性的影响是非独立的,相比单个降雨指标,4种降雨指标两两交互后对山洪灾害危险性的影响都起到了协同增强的作用。② 解释力较大的2个降雨指标20年一遇最大6 h降雨(0.4276)、100年一遇最大6 h降雨(0.3923)分别和10年一遇最大10 min降雨(0.1676)交互后增强度都较弱,说明无论在整体还是局部10年一遇最大10 min降雨指标对山洪灾害危险性的影响都较小,无法作为婺源县小流域山洪灾害危险性分析的致灾因子。③ 100年一遇最大24 h降雨(0.1570)分别和其他3个降雨指标交互后对山洪灾害危险性影响的增强度都较大,表明虽然在整个研究区范围内100年一遇最大24 h降雨指标对小流域山洪灾害危险性的解释力较小,但在某些局部地区的解释力很大,可以作为主要降雨指标的辅助因子参与山洪灾害的危险性分析。④ 100年一遇最大6 h降雨和100年一遇最大24 h降雨的协同作用最为显著(0.7211),远大于单个降雨指标的最大解释力(0.4276),说明在这些降雨指标中,婺源县小流域山洪灾害危险性受100年一遇最大6 h降雨和100年一遇最大24 h降雨共同作用的影响最大,可以把这2个降雨指标作为该县小流域山洪灾害危险性分析的致灾因子。
Tab. 4 Detected result of the preliminarily screened rainfall indices

表4 初步筛选降雨指标的探测结果

历时 编号 指标/mm PD,H 排序(从大到小) P
10 min S13 10年一遇最大10 min降雨量 0.1676 4 0.00
S14 20年一遇最大10 min降雨量 0.1008 6 0.00
1 h S26 100年一遇最大1 h降雨量 0.0414 7 0.08
6 h S34 20年一遇最大6 h降雨量 0.4276 1 0.00
S36 100年一遇最大6 h降雨量 0.3923 2 0.00
24 h S41 年均最大24 h降雨量 0.2546 3 0.00
S46 100年一遇最大24 h降雨量 0.1570 5 0.00
Tab. 5 Interaction between pairs of the four rainfall indices

表5 4种降雨指标之间的交互作用

交互指标(C) 解释力(PC,H 结果 影响模式
10年一遇最大10 min降雨20年一遇最大6 h降雨 0.4820 max (PS13,H,PS34,H)&lt;PC,H&lt;PS13,H+PS34,H 双线性增强
10年一遇最大10 min降雨100年一遇最大6 h降雨 0.4808 max (PS13,H,PS36,H)&lt;PC,H&lt;PS13,H+PS36,H 双线性增强
10年一遇最大10 min降雨100年一遇最大24 h降雨 0.5281 PC,H&gt;PS13,H+PS46,H 非线性增强
20年一遇最大6 h降雨100年一遇最大6 h降雨 0.6430 max (PS34,H,PS36,H)&lt;PC,H&lt;PS34,H+PS36,H 双线性增强
20年一遇最大6 h降雨100年一遇最大24 h降雨 0.6660 PC,H&gt;PS34,H+PS46,H 非线性增强
100年一遇最大6 h降雨100年一遇最大24 h降雨 0.7211 PC,H&gt;PS36,H+PS46,H 非线性增强


5 结论与讨论

(2)运用GIS技术和基于局部Getis-Ord Gi*算法的优化热点分析工具对研究区的历史山洪灾害点进行空间聚类分析,获得研究区每个小流域山洪灾害危险度的估值,该值能够较好的反映小流域山洪灾害危险性的空间分布。
(3)利用地理探测器模型中的因子探测器和交互探测器对已筛选出的降雨指标和小流域山洪灾害危险度进行探测分析,不仅能够获得单个降雨指标对小流域山洪灾害的影响力,还能获得两个降雨指标交互后对山洪灾害危险性的解释力。通过综合比较分析,选取对小流域山洪灾害影响最大的降雨指标作为山洪灾害危险性分析的致灾因子。对于婺源县小流域而言,100年一遇最大6 h降雨和100年一遇最大24 h降雨的交互作用对山洪灾害的解释力(0.7211)远大于单个降雨指标的最大解释力(0.4276),可以把它们作为致灾因子参与该研究区山洪灾害的危险性分析。
(4)本文着眼于小流域山洪灾害危险性分析之降雨指标的选取,用一系列算法定量的筛选出与山洪灾害密切相关的降雨指标,为山洪灾害危险性分析致灾因子的客观选取提供了参考和指导作用。其中,用优化热点分析工具对山洪灾害点进行空间聚类能够较好的反映山洪灾害的空间分布趋势,这种连续性的空间分布比离散的山洪灾害频次既能更好的反映地理事物的空间自相关性,又能方便的与降雨指标的空间分布进行比较分析。同时,用地理探测器模型的因子探测器筛选出的两个降雨指标(20年一遇最大6 h降雨指标和100年一遇最大6 h降雨指标)和用主成分分析法筛选出的降雨指标一样,但地理探测器模型的交互探测器能进一步筛选出交互作用后对山洪灾害影响最大的降雨指标,这说明地理探测器模型能够有效的诊断影响山洪灾害的主要降雨指标,可应用于山洪灾害危险性分析中。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

黄国如,程国栋,冼卓雁,等.清远市瑶安小流域山洪灾害成因分析[J].水资源与水工程学报,2015,26(3):136-141.以清远市瑶安小流域为例,从降雨条件、地形地貌条件、固体物质环 境条件等方面分析该流域山洪灾害的成因。利用M-K法分析得知该流域各历时降雨均呈较为明显的上升趋势,未来该流域发生暴雨山洪灾害的可能性较大,降雨为 山洪灾害形成提供了直接的外动力因素。基于GIS技术分析可知该流域陡坡主要集中于流域上游河道两岸,不利的坡度势能条件为山洪灾害形成提供了有利的地形 地貌条件,该流域岩体风化和人类不合理活动为山洪灾害形成提供了重要的环境条件。


[ Huang G R, Cheng G D, Xian Z Y, et al.Analysis of causes of mountain flood disaster at Yaoan small watershed of Qingyuan[J]. Journal of Water Resources & Water Engineering, 2015,26(3):136-141. ]

周存旭,金世海.河南省山洪灾害的危害、成因及防治对策[J].自然灾害学报,2008,17(3):148-151.通过对河南省山洪灾害的危害与 成因分析,指出暴雨是造成山洪灾害的根源,特殊的地理环境和不合理的人为活动等因素加剧了山洪灾害的形成与发展。提出山洪灾害的防治对策是:加强宣传,增 强防灾避灾意识;进一步完善山洪灾害的政策法规保障措施;科学制订防灾预案;加强山洪灾害的监测预报系统建设;因地制宜,分类防治;搞好水土保持,增强防 灾减灾能力。


[ Zhou C X, Jing S H.Cause, damage and control measures of mountain flood hazard in Henan Province[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2008,17(3):148-151. ]

李中平,毕宏伟,张明波. 我国山洪灾害高易发降雨区分布研究[J].中国水利,2007(14):25-27.分析了降雨诱发山洪灾害的成因,研究了降雨诱发山洪灾害重要时段临界雨量的分布特征;针对降雨地域性差异大的特点,提出临界雨量系数作为降雨诱发山洪灾害区划的重要指标;在此基础上提出全国降雨诱发山洪灾害易发程度分布图.

[ Li Z P, Bi H W, Zhang M B.Studies on precipitation distribution in mountain flood-prone areas in China[J]. China Water Resources, 2007,14:25-27. ]

任洪玉,邹翔,张平仓. 我国山洪灾害成因分析[J].中国水利,2007(14):18-20.山洪灾害是现阶段对我国山丘区危害最为严重的自然灾害之一.从我国山洪灾害现状出发,从自然因素和社会因素两个方面入手,将山洪灾害成因归纳为降雨、地形地质和人类活动等3个因素,对每个因素中影响山洪灾害发生的因子进行了具体分析.分析表明,降雨特别是强降雨和长历时降雨是山洪灾害形成的激发因素和主导因素,地形地质条件是山洪灾害形成的基础,控制着山洪灾害的形成和分布.而不合理的人类活动则加速加剧了山洪灾害的形成及灾害程度.

[ Ren H Y, Zou X, Zhang P C.An elementary study on causing-factors of Chinese mountain torrents disaster[J]. China Water Resources, 2007,14:18-20. ]

樊建勇,单九生,管珉,等.江西省小流域山洪灾害临界雨量计算分析[J].气象,2012,38(9):1110-1114.临界雨量是预报山洪灾害的重要指标。针对江西省山洪灾害特征,以小流域为基本单元研究了小时雨量与山洪灾害发生时间及小流域参数之间的关系,结果表明:山洪与小时雨量有很紧密的联系,流域面积、主沟长度和主沟比降等影响山洪的小流域参数与小时雨量之间存在着很大的相关性。结合1950—2002年全省小流域山洪灾害与气候统计数据,计算出资料完整的小流域1、3、6和24 h的临界雨量,进而建立了流域面积、主沟长度和主沟比降等流域参数与对应小流域山洪临界雨量之间的统计模型,推算出全省1045个小流域的山洪灾害临界雨量,并对2009年7月2—3日赣州地区一次山洪过程进行模拟,能够准确预报出山洪风险等级,效果良好。


[ Fan J Y, Shan J S, Guan M, et al.Research on analysis and calculation method of critical precipitation of mountain torrents in Jiangxi Province[J]. Meteorological Monthly, 2012,38(9):1110-1114. ]

Špitalar M, Gourley J J, Lutoff C, et al.Analysis of flash flood parameters and human impacts in the US from 2006 to 2012[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2014,519:863-870.Several different factors external to the natural hazard of flash flooding can contribute to the type and magnitude of their resulting damages. Human exposure, vulnerability, fatality and injury rates can be minimized by identifying and then mitigating the causative factors for human impacts. A database of flash flooding was used for statistical analysis of human impacts across the U.S. 21,549 flash flood events were analyzed during a 6-year period from October 2006 to 2012. Based on the information available in the database, physical parameters were introduced and then correlated to the reported human impacts. Probability density functions of the frequency of flash flood events and the PDF of occurrences weighted by the number of injuries and fatalities were used to describe the influence of each parameter.<br/>The factors that emerged as the most influential on human impacts are short flood durations, small catchment sizes in rural areas, vehicles, and nocturnal events with low visibility. Analyzing and correlating a diverse range of parameters to human impacts give us important insights into what contributes to fatalities and injuries and further raises questions on how to manage them. Published by Elsevier B.V.


Youssef A M, Sefry S A, Pradhan B, et al.Analysis on causes of flash flood in Jeddah city (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) of 2009 and 2011 using multi-sensor remote sensing data and GIS[J]. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2016,7(3):1018-1042.We tackle the issue of scalability when synthesizing controllers for large signalized vehicular traffic networks with linear temporal logic specifications. Traffic networks lend themselves to a compositional synthesis approach because they are naturally decomposed into sub-networks. However, naively synthesizing controllers for individual sub-networks and interconnecting them can violate the specifications on the monolithic network. By exploiting notions of supply and demand in our system dynamics, we construct contracts between sub-networks that guarantee the soundness of the overall synthesized controller. The resulting decentralized control architecture consists of controllers that rely only on local state information


Modrick T M, Georgakakos K P.The character and causes of flash flood occurrence changes in mountainous small basins of Southern California under projected climatic change[J]. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2015,3:312-336.Study region Small watersheds (O[25 km2]) in the mountain regions of southern California comprise the study region. Study focus This paper examines changes in flash flood occurrence in southern California resulting from projected climatic change. The methodology synthesizes elements of meteorological modeling, hydrology and geomorphology into an integrated modeling approach to define flash flood occurrence in a systematic and consistent way on a regional basis with high spatial and temporal resolution appropriate for flash flooding. A single climate model with three-dimensional atmospheric detail was used as input to drive simulations for historical and future periods. New hydrological insights for the region Results indicate an increase in flash flood occurrence for the study region. For two distributed hydrologic models employed, the increase in flash flood occurrence frequency is on average between 30% and 40%. Regional flash flood occurrence is characterized by near saturation of the upper soil layer, and wider ranges in lower soil layer saturation and in precipitation. Overall, a decrease in the total number of precipitation events was found, although with increased precipitation intensity, increased event duration, and higher soil saturation conditions for the 21st century. This combination could signify more hazardous conditions, with fewer precipitation events but higher rainfall intensity and over soils with higher initial soil moisture saturation, leading to more frequent occurrence of flash floods.


Douinot A, Roux H, Garambois P A, et al.Accounting for rainfall systematic spatial variability in flash flood forecasting[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016,541:359-370.



[ Huang L J, Wang H, Zhang W P, et al.Research on origin of mountain torrents disaster and preventing and controlling regionalization in Hunan Province[J]. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2007,28(4):483-486. ]



[ Yue Q, Zhang L B, Liu C C, et al.GIS-based risk zoning of flood disasters in upstream of the Minjiang River[J]. Journal of Environmental Engineering Technology, 2015,5(4):293-298. ]


[ Huang G R, Cheng G D, Xian Z Y, et al.Risk assessment of mountian torrent disaster at yaoan small watershed in qingyuan city based on GIS technique[J].Water Resources and Power, 2015,33(6):43-47. ]



[ Tang Y X, Liao X H, Li J, et al.Regionalization of torrential flood disasters in Chongqing based on GIS[J]. Meteorology Science and Technology, 2011,39(4):423-428. ]



[ Guan M, Chen X W.Research of regional torrent risk zonation in Jiangxi Province[J]. Torrential Rain and Disasters, 2007,26(4):339-343 ]



[ Lu G H, Zhong L, Wu Z Y, et al.Zoning of mountain torrent hazards in medium-small river basins[J]. Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2014,39(10):1538-1544. ]



[ Ding W F, Du J, Chen X P, et al.Risk assessment and regionalization of mountain torrent disaster in Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, 2015,32(12):41-45,97. ]

马建华,张平仓,任洪玉. 我国山洪灾害防治区划方法研究[J].中国水利,2007(14):21-24.探讨了山洪灾害防治区划原则、方法和依据,根据部门区划叠加原理,将中国山洪灾害防治区划分成一级重点防治区、二级重点防治区和一般防治区等三个类型区,在此基础上初步拟定出中国山洪灾害防治区划方案,并对各分区特征进行了简要描述.

[ Ma J H, Zhang P C, Ren H Y.The study on the method of Chinese mountain torrents disaster prevention regionalization[J]. China Water Resources, 2007,14:21-24. ]



[ Du J, Ren H Y, Zhang P C, et al.Comparative study of the hazard assessment of mountain torrent disasters in macro scale[J]. Journal of Catastrophology, 2016,31(3):66-72. ]

Youssef A M, Sefry S A, Pradhan B, et al.Analysis on causes of flash flood in Jeddah city (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) of 2009 and 2011 using multi-sensor remote sensing data and GIS[J]. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2016,7(3):1018-1042.We tackle the issue of scalability when synthesizing controllers for large signalized vehicular traffic networks with linear temporal logic specifications. Traffic networks lend themselves to a compositional synthesis approach because they are naturally decomposed into sub-networks. However, naively synthesizing controllers for individual sub-networks and interconnecting them can violate the specifications on the monolithic network. By exploiting notions of supply and demand in our system dynamics, we construct contracts between sub-networks that guarantee the soundness of the overall synthesized controller. The resulting decentralized control architecture consists of controllers that rely only on local state information


tZeleňáková M, Gaňová L, Purcz P, et al. Flood risk assessment from flash floods in Bodva River Basin, Slovakia[A]. In Zamojski W, Mazurkiewicz J, Sugier J, et al. Dependability Engineering and Complex Systems[C]. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016:583-593.

Mandal S P, Chakrabarty A.Flash flood risk assessment for upper Teesta river basin: using the hydrological modeling system (HEC-HMS) software[J]. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2016,2(2):1-10.Flash flood is one of the devastating natural disaster in the mountainous region of India. In Sikkim-Darjeeling Himalaya Teesta Watershed is a probable flash flood occurrence zone. The present study is an attempt to develop a simulation model of surface runoff in upper Teesta basin, which directly related to catastrophic flood happenings. At the first stage, a primary unit hydrograph is developed with time for an excess rainfall event by estimating the stream flow response at the outlet of the watershed. Specifically, the methodology was based on meteorological and morphological data processing in the geospatial environment and on data editing. Rainfall time-series data collected from India Meteorological Department and processed to calculate water flow to evaluate peak Discharge over time and estimate the runoff volume. Apart from the meteorological data, background data such as topography, drainage network, land cover and geological data were also collected. Clipping off the watershed from the entire area and the streamline generation for Teesta watershed was done from Aster DEM data using the LPS Tool and Arc GIS environment. A part of this model is to build geospatially input CN grid data based on land use, hydrological soil group and eluviation of the area. The analysis of the different hydraulic model to detect flash flood probability was done using HEC-RAS, and HEC-HMS Software, which was of great importance to achieve the final result. 313 km2 area was found to be most vulnerable to flash flood includes Singtam, Melli, Jourthang, Chungthang and Lachung and 655 km2 as moderately susceptible includes Teesta Bazar, Rangpo, Yumthang, Dambung and Thangu Valley. The simulation model based on the watershed and its surface characteristics of the soil, land use land cover and altitude of the area and the discharge volume of water with time. This model validated by inserting the rainfall data of a flood event, which took place on 2nd to 5th October in 1968, and 78 % of the actual area flooded reflected in the output of the model.


张爱华. 江西省婺源县地质灾害现状与形成机制研究[J].资源调查与环境,2010,31(3):221-229.婺源县是具有悠久历史的古县,也是江西省著名的旅游胜地。本文对其地质灾害现状与形成机制作了深入研究,为有计划地开展地质灾害防治,减少灾害损失,保护人民生命财产安全提供了技术依据。


[ Zhang A H.Study on geologic disaster status and formation mechanism in Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province[J]. Resources Survey & Environment, 2010,31(3):221-229. ]


[ Ba D X, Xu J H.Based on community participation in rural tourism research: A case study of Wuyuan County in Jiangxi Province[J]. Resource Development &Market, 2013,29(8):867-869. ]



[ Xu J, Li W H.Characteristics of rainfall for typhoon rainstorm induced geological hazards[J]. Meteorological Monthly, 2009,35(8):42-48. ]

Gaume E, Bain V, Bernardara P, et al.A compilation of data on European flash floods[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2009,367(1):70-78.Flash floods are one of the most significant natural hazards in Europe, causing serious risk to life and destruction of buildings and infrastructure. This type of flood, often affecting ungauged watersheds, remains nevertheless a poorly documented phenomenon. To address the gap in available information, and particularly to assess the possible ranges for peak discharges on watersheds with area smaller than 500 km 2 and to describe the geography of the hazard across Europe, an intensive data compilation has been carried out for seven European hydrometeorological regions. This inventory is the first step towards an atlas of extreme flash floods in Europe. It contains over 550 documented events. This paper aims at presenting the data compilation strategy, the content of the elaborated data base and some preliminary data analysis results. The initial observations show that the most extreme flash floods are greater in mag-nitude in the Mediterranean countries than in the inner continental countries and that there is a strong seasonality to flash flood occurrence revealing different climatic forcing mechanisms in each region.


张娟,许金泉,马琼瑜,等.大学课程的相关分析[J].云南大学学报(自然科学版),2008,30(S2):160-164.利用数理统计,以土木工程专业为蓝本,分析了43门功课,2 343份实测数据,用直方图和相关系数来分别描述该门课程的量特征和彼此之间的量关系,以进行课程之间相关性的分析.

[ Zhang J, Xu J Q, Ma Q Y, et al.The analysis of university course interdependency[J]. Journal of Yunnan University (Science and Technology), 2008,30(S2):160-164. ]


[ Cao L J, Wang D H.A study on the principle and method of installation of sustainable development assessment Index[J]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 1998,18(5):526-532. ]

Wang J F, Li X H, Christakos G, et al.Geographical detectors-based health risk assessment and its application in the neural tube defects study of the Heshun region, China[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2010,24(1):107-127.Physical environment, man‐made pollution, nutrition and their mutual interactions can be major causes of human diseases. These disease determinants have distinct spatial distributions across geographical units, so that their adequate study involves the investigation of the associated geographical strata. We propose four geographical detectors based on spatial variation analysis of the geographical strata to assess the environmental risks of health: the risk detector indicates where the risk areas are; the factor detector identifies factors that are responsible for the risk; the ecological detector discloses relative importance between the factors; and the interaction detector reveals whether the risk factors interact or lead to disease independently. In a real‐world study, the primary physical environment (watershed, lithozone and soil) was found to strongly control the neural tube defects (NTD) occurrences in the Heshun region (China). Basic nutrition (food) was found to be more important than man‐made pollution (chemical fertilizer) in the control of the spatial NTD pattern. Ancient materials released from geological faults and subsequently spread along slopes dramatically increase the NTD risk. These findings constitute valuable input to disease intervention strategies in the region of interest.


Wang J F, Hu Y.Environmental health risk detection with GeogDetector[J]. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2012,33:114-115.Human health is affected by many environmental factors. Geographical detector is software based on spatial variation analysis of the geographical strata of variables to assess the environmental risks to human health: the risk detector indicates where the risk areas are; the factor detector identifies which factors are responsible for the risk; the ecological detector discloses the relative importance of the factors; and the interaction detector reveals whether the risk factors interact or lead independently to disease. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




[ Hu D, Shu X B, Rao B, et al.The evolvement of spatio-temporal pattern of per capita grain possession in Counties of Jiangxi Province[J]. Areal Research And Development, 2014,33(4):157-162. ]

毕硕本,计晗,陈昌春,等.地理探测器在史前聚落人地关系研究中的应用与分析[J].地理科学进展,2015,34(1):118-127.遗址—河流距离是史前聚落遗址人地关系研究的重要内容。本文以河南省卢氏县为例,引入地理探测器模型,采用基于<i>P</i><sub><i>D,H</i></sub> 值计算的连续性地理数据最优离散法,获取遗址—河流相关性定量数值,讨论和总结模型中等间距(EI)、百分位(QV)、自然断点(NB)、几何间隔(GI)4 种分类方法,分别在裴李岗时期、仰韶前期、仰韶后期、龙山时期所表现的性能及适用情况;并在此基础上揭示聚落的结构、发展规律、分布和范围规律。研究结果表明:①4个文化时期分别采用NB、QV、NB、GI及其分类数分别为8,8,8,6 时,为离水距离因子的最优离散。该因子对遗址密度分布的决定力分别为39.5%、70.8%、73.0%和59.8%;②洪水切割作用导致河岸两旁的阶地逐渐崩塌,阶地的面积越来越小,古人类为了赢得更多的生存空间,将遗址沿河散开呈条带装分布。当阶地面积小到一定程度,聚落沿河流长度扩展的成本过高,便开始向远离河流部分扩张,因此离河距离因子呈先升后降;③从Q 值提升强度看,NB/EI>GI>QV;从提升效率看,EI/GI>NB>QV;从决定力大小来看,GI>QV/NB>EI;④聚落结构由裴李岗时期的简单、稀疏和松散不断发展,分别在仰韶前、后期和龙山时期出现两极化、三段式,聚落发展影响因素由人口数量增长变为社会内部结构变化,聚落的分布和古人类活动范围距河流约正常人步行1~2.5 h 的距离,且不断扩大。


[ Bi S B, Ji H, Chen C C, et al.Application of geographical detector in human-environment relationship study of prehistoric settlements[J]. Progress in Geography, 2015,34(1):118-127. ]

于佳,刘吉平.基于地理探测器的东北地区气温变化影响因素定量分析[J].湖北农业科学,2015,54(19):4682-4687.利用地理探测器,结合Arc GIS技术及线性倾向率方法,对东北地区1960-2011年气温变化情况以及影响因素进行定量分析。研究结果表明,1960-2011年东北地区气温线性倾向率介于0.22~0.64℃/10 a之间,气温呈升高趋势,升温幅度由南向北逐渐增大;影响因子贡献量由大到小为植被类型、地貌类型、湿地率、GDP、土壤类型、人口密度、农田率、气候类型、海拔高度、森林率,自然因子影响气温变化的贡献量大于社会因子;因子之间具有交互作用,主要表现为协同作用和非线性协同作用,社会因子增强了自然因子的贡献量,共同导致气温变化。本研究为更加准确认识气温变化的影响因素及制定有效预防气候变化的相关政策提供科学依据。


[ Yu J, Liu J P.Quantitative analysis with geographical detector on the influence factor of temperature variation in Northeast China[J]. Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2015,54(19):4682-4687. ]

Luo W, Jasiewicz J, Stepinski T, et al.Spatial association between dissection density and environmental factors over the entire conterminous United States[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, Available Online, 2016,43(2):692-700.Carbon cycling in inland waters has been identified as an important, but poorly constrained component of the global carbon cycle. In this study, we compile and analyze particulate organic carbon (POC) concentration data from 1145 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) gauge stations to investigate the spatial variability and environmental controls of POC concentration. We observe substantial spatial variability in POC concentration (1.43 2.56 mg C/L, mean one standard deviation), with the Upper Mississippi River basin and the Piedmont region in the eastern U.S. having the highest POC concentration. Further, we employ generalized linear models (GLMs) to analyze the impacts of sediment transport and algae growth as well as twenty-one other environmental factors on the POC variability. Suspended sediment and chlorophyll-a explain 26% and 17% of the variability in POC concentration, respectively. At the national level, the twenty-one environmental factors combined can explain ca. 40% of the spatial variance in POC concentration. At the national scale, urban area and soil clay content show significant negative correlations with POC concentration, whereas soil water content and soil bulk density correlate positively with POC. In addition, total phosphorus concentration and dam density correlate positively with POC concentration. Furthermore, regional scale analyses reveal substantial variation in environmental controls of POC concentration across eighteen major water resource regions in the U.S. The POC concentration and associated environmental controls also vary non-monotonically from headwaters to large rivers. These findings indicate complex interactions among multiple factors in regulating POC concentration over different spatial scales and across various sections of the river networks. This complexity, together with the large unexplained uncertainty, highlights the need for considering non-linear interplays of multiple environmental factors and developing appropriate methodologies to track the transformation and transport of POC along the terrestrial-aquatic interfaces.


刘彦随,杨忍.中国县域城镇化的空间特征与形成机理[J].地理学报,2012,67(8):1011-1020.本文综合运用样带、地统计、地理探测器等多种研究方法, 分析了1990 年以来中国县域城镇化的时空特征及形成机理。研究表明:①中国县域城镇化水平时空动态的差异特征显著, 北方边境县域高城镇化和东部沿海县域高城镇化形成的“人字形”空间形态逐渐凸显;以武汉都市圈为中心的两湖地区、成渝地区、关中—天水经济区的县域城镇化水平提升较快, 西南地区、青藏高原地区保持较低的城镇化水平;②2000 年以来中国县域城镇化水平及其变化速度的区域差异逐渐缩小, 陇海兰新线、长江沿线、北方边境、106 国道、东部沿海样带县域城镇化差异明显;县域经济发展阶段、固定资产投资、离中心城市距离、二三产业水平、农民人均纯收入、人口密度是影响县域城镇化空间分异的主要因素, 同时粮食生产主导定位、非农业人口统计口径、城镇设置标准等因素也影响县域城镇化水平及发展过程。未来城镇化发展应遵循地域差异, 凸显主导功能, 推进优化与重点发展区的集约型城镇化、耕地与粮食主产区的分流型城镇化、生态与水源保护区的迁移型城镇化, 以及园区与城镇近郊区的融入型城镇化, 实现城乡土地资源集约利用, 促进城镇化进程中人—地—业耦合与协调发展。


[ Liu Y S, Yang R.The spatial characteristics and formation mechanism of the county urbanization in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2012,67(8):1011-1020. ]

