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Research Progress and Review of High-Performance GIS

  • ZUO Yao , 1, 2 ,
  • WANG Shaohua , 1, 2, 3, * ,
  • ZHONG Ershun 1, 3 ,
  • CAI Wenwen 1, 2
  • 1. SuperMap Software Co. Ltd., Beijing 100015, China
  • 2. SuperMap GIS Technology Institute, Beijing 100015, China
  • 3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author:WANG Shaohua, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-08-24

  Request revised date: 2017-01-20

  Online published: 2017-04-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


The development of Internet technology has given birth to the explosive growth of various information in recent years. The traditional data processing method cannot matched with the rapidly improving performance of computer hardware and more efficient methods are needed to process the numerous data. High performance computing technologies, including Parallel cluster computing technology and distributed network technology, bring hints to the solution of these problems. In practice, there are three major distributed computing systems, namely Hadoop, Spark and Storm. Hadoop improves computational performance by introducing MapReduce distributed computing framework, while Spark make full use of computer memory to store data based on Resilient Distributed Datasets(RDD), which has a more rapid reading and writing functions of data . The Storm does not directly collect data. It realizes the data transmission and processing using network nodes. Nowadays, how to take advantage of the improvement of computational performance brought by the development of new hardware architecture to solve the long existing data intensive, computational intensive and communication intensive problems has become a topical issue in the field of GIS studies. In this paper, reviewing current research progress of high performance GIS, we examine and discuss about the algorithm of high performance GIS, parallel GIS computing, memory computing and core computing and give some prospective on the future development of high performance GIS, which provide a reference for the development of high performance GIS system. In addition, the development of the Internet technology and cloud computing is continuously boosting the popularity of GIS cloud computing and big data technology. In this context, domestic and foreign GIS platform vendors have launched their own cloud GIS platform, such as ArcGIS10.4 developed by ESRI and SuperMap 8C by SuperMap, to give support to cross-platform, parallel computing, 64-bit computing, distributed systems and other technologies.

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ZUO Yao , WANG Shaohua , ZHONG Ershun , CAI Wenwen . Research Progress and Review of High-Performance GIS[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(4) : 437 -446 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00437

1 引言

目前,主流的3大分布式计算系统包括Hadoop,Spark和Storm[22-25]。Hadoop基于MapReduce分布式计算框架,其核心技术在于通过分布式架构实现性能提升。而GIS空间分析常常需要对研究区进行空间划分,进一步细划为地貌特征更加统一的计算单元,利用Hadoop的分布式特性及MapReduce分布式存储,可极大地提高GIS空间分析性 能[26-27]。但由于存储硬件条件的限制,在处理更新快速的GIS模型时,则稍显不足。Spark是另一种重要的分布式计算系统,它基于分布式存储集(RDD)的概念,利用计算机内存来存储数据,因而具有更快速的数据读写功能[28]。相比于Hadoop,Spark的优势在于仅需导入一次数据即可实现多次迭代运算,具有更快的运行效率;缺点在于不适合处理需要长时间保存的数据,如果计算环境发生电力中断故障,即会造成数据丢失。Storm并不直接收集数据,而是通过网络节点实现数据传输、处理。其优势在于处理流式数据时,无需进行数据收集和作业调度,而可以直接进行分析,更适应在线的实时GIS大数据处理[29-30]

2 研究现状

当前GIS发展的重要趋势是服务化、云端一体化,亟待研发高效的高性能GIS关键技术[31-32]。其中,分布式并行技术的应用显著提高了GIS空间分析效率,随着内存计算、高性能算法等先进技术的不断进步,大大加速了高性能GIS技术体系的发 展[33-34]。此外,二三维一体化也是当前GIS发展的一大趋势。随着硬件成本降低,显卡性能提升,众核技术的应用加速了三维GIS的发展[35-36]。因此,本研究将主要从高性能GIS算法、并行GIS计算、内存计算和众核计算4个方面对高性能GIS的发展进行总结和归纳(图1)。
Fig. 1 The architecture diagram of high performance GIS

图1 高性能GIS研究内容

2.1 高性能GIS算法

高性能技术出现不久,就开始应用于地理信息领域[37-39]。作为高性能并行GIS系统中的一个重要的组成部分,高性能GIS算法基于利用向量机和并行计算技术形成的高性能计算系统,对海量地理空间数据进行实时处理的空间算法,使原本难以计算的全球尺度、长时间尺度的地理空间现象分析模拟得以实现。已有许多学者开始了相关技术研究,如Turton等[40]研究了职工上下班交通数据分析,原本在工作站需要运行91 h的双约束地理计算模型,在内存共享模型中执行并行计算后仅需3 min,极大地提高了效率。
随着IT技术的不断进步,高性能GIS算法的研究主要分为2个方面:① 对已存在的高密度计算进行并行化处理,利用高性能GIS技术对全局性的海量时空数据进行地学分析和推演,探索构建新的空间模型等;② 探索新的空间分析方法,并不断赋予新的内涵。具有代表性的空间分析算法有:神经网络模型、遗传算法模型、元胞自动机模型等[41-45]。这2个方面各有侧重,前者侧重于从技术层级提供计算行的优化处理,提升运行效率;后者则通过模型、算法,进一步寻找更加高效、便捷的空间分析方法,通过专业地理信息领域模型达到提高分析效率的目的。
空间索引方面,早期大多研究采用串行空间索引机制,如四叉树索引[61-62]、格网索引[63]等。随着时空数据的种类和数量不断增加,并行的空间索引机制逐渐发展起来,主要,有基于共享存储模型和消息传递模型的2种并行索引机制。它们均通过采用适用的优化策略来提高数据处理效率,且针对特定的硬件环境的空间数据处理及流处理器模型使 用[64]。例如,Papadias等[65]研究了适用于共享虚拟内存的并行空间连接算法;邓亚丹等[66]基于多核处理器技术实现了数据库的优化查询技术。其中,关键技术有地图匹配技术,讲轨迹数据与地图数据进行关联,从而具有实际的地理意义,目前较为成熟的算法有ST-Matching等。

2.2 并行GIS计算

并行计算是一种运行于高性能并行计算机上的超级计算方式。并行计算中的计算节点通过网络连接,从而实现数据传输及计算效率的并行加 速[67]。而并行GIS技术将并行计算技术应用于海量空间数据的并行存储、查询、检索及处理等,为建立响应速度快、运行效率高的软件系统来提供海量空间地理数据的处理能力。以高性能并行集群计算技术和算法相结合的新一代多核并行高性能已经成为了研究的热点[68-70]
不同于共享存储模型,在消息传递模型中,并行计算任务被划分到多个相互独立的进程节点中,进程节点通过消息传递的方式实现数据通信[71],如MPI(Message Passing InterFace)、OpenMPI等,其中典型代表的是MPI。消息传递模型适合处理海量数据和计算量比较大的并行计算任务[61]

2.3 高性能内存计算


2.4 众核计算

此外,GPU计算还可用于组织空间索引策略。近年来,国内外学者在利用GPU加速数据索引方面开展了大量研究。Zhang等[68]基于GPU计算对大规模点数据进行并行处理,并提出了CSPT-P 树索引结构。Luo等[74]利用GPU加速实现R树批量加载操作。此外,针对R树接近根结点时检索并行度低等问题,Kim[75]通过SMP算法并行执行搜索子树实现了查询策略优化。

3 评述与讨论

空间数据存储方面,目前空间数据的存储主要包括:传统的关系型数据库、非关系型数据库,以及分布式文件系统。面对新型海量数据,传统的关系型数据库往往计算性能低下,且拓展困难[67],而新一代存储系统(如Ceph、Swift、 MongoDB等)为空间数据的组织、管理提供了新的思路。科研、科技界均作了许多探索,陈崇成,林剑峰等[41]通过引入分布式图数据库和并行图计算框架,基于矢量、栅格数据一体化系统,实现海量空间数据的分布式管理与访问。Google提出了一种采用灵活自由、高可用、结构松散的分布式数据库管理系统,结合GFS和MapReduce实现了海量栅格数据的云存储、管理[5,67]

4 展望

在数据存储方面,并行空间数据库的引入将突破文件系统的限制,为并行GIS提供功能更强大的数据管理平台。众所周知,空间数据存储是GIS系统的基础,现有的GIS系统大多基于文件型的空间数据存储系统。今后应当进一步思考将并行GIS中关键算法同并行空间数据库的设计有机地融合在一起,面向新的应用领域(网络分布式空间信息服务)和新的计算 框架(CyberGIS)形成较为完备的高性能并行GIS研究体系[31,76-78],从而为解决新的问题提供支持和帮助。
随着近年来互联网、云计算、移动技术和物联网的迅猛发展,GIS云计算和大数据技术逐渐成为热门。在云计算方面,国内外GIS平台厂商纷纷推出了自有的云GIS平台,如ESRI推出的ArcGIS 10.4版本采用云+端的方式,国内SuperMap开发的SuperMap 8C,支持虚拟化的GIS等。云GIS技术,并非只是将现有的GIS平台移植到云平台而已,还需要具备支持跨平台、并行计算、64位计算、分布式系统等技术[80-82]。此外,数据中心的虚拟化逐渐成为研究热点,具体包括网络、服务器、存储等的虚拟化技术[83]。时空大数据处理技术方面,面对日益增长的时空大数据,传统的数据处理技术已经捉襟见肘,一些新技术的出现带来了新的发展,如分布式缓存、基于MPP的分布式数据库、分布式文件系统、各种NoSQL分布式存储方案等[84-89]
开源GIS技术,由于不用过分考虑数据兼容性、易用性等问题,开发者可集中精力于软件功能研发,因此开源GIS往往拥有强劲的性能和功能,并涌现出大量各平台各类型的开源GIS软件。例如,开源桌面GIS方面,有QGIS、GRASS GIS、SuperMap iDesktop Cross等;开源技术和工具,有GIS Tools for Hadoop、SpatialHadoop、PySAL、GeoWave和GeoSpark等。开源和互操作是高性能GIS重要的发展方向之一,开源GIS必然集开放、标准与互操作于一体,提供高性能GIS软件服务。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Wang S.A CyberGIS Framework for the synthesis of cyberinfrastructure, GIS, and spatial analysis[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2010,100(3):535-557.Cyberinfrastructure (CI) integrates distributed information and communication technologies for coordinated knowledge discovery. The purpose of this article is to develop a CyberGIS framework for the synthesis of CI, geographic information systems (GIS), and spatial analysis (broadly including spatial modeling). This framework focuses on enabling computationally intensive and collaborative geographic problem solving. The article describes new trends in the development and use of CyberGIS while illustrating particular CyberGIS components. Spatial middleware glues CyberGIS components and corresponding services while managing the complexity of generic CI middleware. Spatial middleware, tailored to GIS and spatial analysis, is developed to capture important spatial characteristics of problems through the spatially explicit representation of computing, data, and communication intensity (collectively termed computational intensity), which enables GIS and spatial analysis to locate, allocate, and use CI resources effectively and efficiently. A CyberGIS implementationGISolveis developed to systematically integrate CI capabilities, including high-performance and distributed computing, data management and visualization, and virtual organization support. Currently, GISolve is deployed on the National Science Foundation TeraGrid, a key element of the U.S. and worldwide CI. A case study, motivated by an application in which geographic patterns of the impact of global climate change on large-scale crop yields are examined in the United States, focuses on assessing the computational performance of GISolve on resolving the computational intensity of a widely used spatial interpolation analysis that is conducted in a collaborative fashion. Computational experiments demonstrate that GISolve achieves a high-performance, distributed, and collaborative CyberGIS implementation.


王尔琪,王少华. 未来GIS发展的技术趋势展望[J].测绘通报,2015(S2):66-69.基于对最新IT的追踪,提出了GIS技术的6大发展趋势。Linux操作系统、云计算、ARM低功耗计算平台、物联网、移动互联网、大数据技术、开源软件等的突飞猛进,推动智慧城市、地理智慧的发展,使得GIS功能为大众所用,拉开了新一轮GIS技术的变革,改变了GIS软件研发和应用模式。

[Wang E Q, Wang S H.Prospects for the future development of GIS Technology[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2015,S2:66-69. ]

Aji A, Sun X, Vo H, et al.Demonstration of Hadoop-GIS:A spatial data warehousing system over MapReduce[C]// ACM Sigspatial International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. ACM, 2013:528-531.

赵春宇. 高性能并行GIS中矢量空间数据存取与处理关键技术研究[D].武汉:武汉大学,2006.

[Zhao C Y.Research on the key technologies of vector space data access and processing in high performance parallel GIS[D]. Wuhan: WuHan University, 2006. ]

Zhang Y, Mueller F.Auto-generation and auto-tuning of 3D stencil codes on GPU clusters[C]// Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization. ACM, 2012:155-164.

杨坤. 可视域分析算法的并行化与容错研究[D].南京:南京师范大学,2014.

[Yang K.Research on parallel and fault tolerance of the horizon analysis algorithm[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, 2014. ]

Zhou Z B, Wang Q, Liang G U, et al.Using ArcGIS REST construct high-performance WebGIS services[J]. Manufacturing Automation, 2010.Key Words】:



[Fan X Y, Ren Y C, Yang C J, et al.Research on scalable cluster-based cloud GIS platform[J]. Application Research of Computers, 2012,29(10):3736-3739. ]

郭菁,郭薇,胡志勇.大型GIS空间数据库的有效索引结构QR-树[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2003,28(3):306-310.在分析R 树索引问题的基础上 ,提出了一种面向大型GIS空间数据库的QR 树索引新方法


[Guo J, Guo W, Hu Z Y.QR-tree: An efficient spatial indexing structure for GIS with very large spatial database[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of WuHan University, 2003,28(3):306-310. ]

Turton I, Openshaw S.High-performance computing and geography: Developments, issues, and case studies[J]. Environment & Planning A, 1998,30(10):1839-1856.In this paper we outline some of the results that were obtained by the application of a Cray T3D parallel supercomputer to human geography problems. We emphasise the fundamental importance of high-performance computing (HPC) as a future relevant paradigm for doing geography. We offer an introduction to recent developments and illustrate how new computational intelligence technologies can start to be used to make use of opportunities created by data riches from geographic information systems, artificial intelligence tools, and HPC in geography.




[Chen C C, Lin J F, Wu X Z, et al.Massive geo-spatial data cloud storage and services based on NoSQL database technique[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2013,15(2):166-174. ]

陈星雨. 基于OPENGL和GDAL的卫星遥感图像处理系统的研究[D].广州:华南理工大学,2013.

[Chen X Y.Research of satellite remote sensing image processing system based on OPENGL and GDAL[D]. Guangzhou: South China University of Technology, 2013. ]

肖伟器,冯玉才,缪勇武. 空间对象数据库的网格索引机制[J].计算机学报,1994(10):736-742.本文提出了针对空间对象的一种新的索引机制,称为网格索引(Ldex).Ldex基于空间对象的位置及其分布,是一种高效实用的空间索引方法.文章全面地讨论了它的查找、插入、删除和修改算法及实现技术.

[Xiao W Q, Feng Y C, Miu Y W.Grid index mechanism of spatial object database[J]. Journal of Computer Science, 1994,10:736-742. ]

周海芳,赵进.基于GPU的遥感图像配准并行程序设计与存储优化[J].计算机研究与发展,2012,49(S1):281-286.遥感图像配准是遥感图像应用的一个重要处理步骤.随着遥感图像数 据规模与遥感图像配准算法计算复杂度的增大,遥感图像配准面临着处理速度的挑战.最近几年,GPU计算能力得到极大提升,面向通用计算领域得到了快速发 展.结合GPU面向通用计算领域的优势与遥感图像配准面临的处理速度问题,研究了GPU加速处理遥感图像配准的算法.选取计算量大计算精度高的基于互信息 小波分解配准算法进行GPU并行设计,提出了GPU并行设计模型;同时选取GPU程序常用面向存储级的优化策略应用于遥感图像配准GPU程序,并利用 CUDA(compute unified device architecture)编程语言在nVIDIA Tesla M2050 GPU上进行了实验.实验结果表明,提出的并行设计模型与面向存储级的优化策略能够很好地适用于遥感图像配准领域,最大加速比达到了19.9倍.研究表明 GPU通用计算技术在遥感图像处理领域具有广阔的应用前景.

[Zhou H F, Zhao J.Parallel programming design and storage optimization of remote sensing image registration based on GPU[J]. Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2012,49(S1):281-286. ]

胡树坚,关庆锋,龚君芳,等. pGTIOL:GeoTIFF数据并行I/O库[J].地球信息科学学报,2015,17(5):575-582.在地理栅格并行计算处理中,数据I/O已成为制约计算性能的主要瓶颈之一。本文针对该问题,首先分析广泛应用于GIS栅格数据存储的Geo TIFF格式,重点研究数据的2种存储模式(即条带存储与块状存储),并根据这2种存储方式,分别构建了栅格数据从逻辑结构向物理存储结构的映射模型。然后,针对地理空间并行计算的需要,提出了栅格数据的并行读写框架,并利用MPI并行I/O技术的文件视图方法,实现了Geo TIFF数据并行I/O库(p GTIOL)。结果表明,对比开源栅格空间数据转换库(GDAL)的主从I/O模式,本文提出的p GTIOL准确读写数据,具有更高的性能。该库隐藏了底层并行I/O的细节,提供简单易用的并行读写Geo TIFF栅格数据的接口,支持多数据类型和多种空间分割,实现了对条带存储与块状存储数据的异步并行读写,从而满足动态负载均衡的需求。


[Hu S J, Guan Q F, Gong J F, et al.pGTIOL: A parallel geoTIFF I/O library[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2015,17(5):575-582. ]

Liu Y, Li M, Alham N K, et al.Load balancing in MapReduce environments for data intensive applications[C]// Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. IEEE, 2011:2675-2678.

刘小利,徐攀登,朱国宾,等.结合MapReduce和HBase的遥感图像并行分布式查询[J].地理与地理信息科学,2014,30(5):26-28.提出了一种可扩展的遥感图像多维度并行查询模式,即利用MapReduce实现海量图像数据 金字塔的并行构建,利用HBase实现图像的分布式检索,设计和实现了单张遥感图像金字塔的并行构建方法和图像索引系统.实验结果表明,随着Hadoop 和HBase集群的增长,图像数据的导入和检索速度得到明显提升.


[Liu X L, Xu P D, Zhu G B, et al.Parallel and distributed retrieval of remote sensing image using HBase and MapReduce[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2014,30(5):26-28. ]

Cary A, Sun Z, Hristidis V, et al.Experiences on processing spatial data with MapReduce[C]// Scientific and Statistical Database Management, International Conference, SSDBM 2009, New Orleans, La, Usa, June 2-4, 2009, Proceedings. DBLP, 2009:302-319.

Chen Q, Wang L, Shang Z.MRGIS: A MapReduce-Enabled High Performance Workflow System for GIS[C]// Fourth IEEE International Conference on Escience. IEEE Computer Society, 2008:646-651.

周建鑫,陈荦,熊伟,等. 地理栅格数据并行I/O的研究与实现[J].地理信息世界,2013(6):62-65.随着遥感和测绘技术的进步,日益增大的数据量和高效的数据I/O矛盾逐渐凸显。本文针对这个 问题提出了地理栅格数据的一种并行I/O模式,并对该I/O模式进行了相应的编程实现。通过设计实验验证其正确性和效率,我们发现相比传统的栅格数据I /O库(GDAL库)而言,采用本文提出的并行I/O模式对应的I/O库将能同时保证结果的正确性和高效性。


[Zhou J X, Chen L, Xiong W, et al.Study and Implementation of Parallel I/O for Geospatial Raster Data[J]. Geomatics World, 2013,6:62-65. ]


[Liu L, Yin F, Feng M, et al.Distributed computation of raster data using open source Hadoop[J]. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Nature Science Edition), 2013,41(7):103-108. ]

Yang C, Yu M, Hu F, et al.Utilizing cloud computing to address big geospatial data challenges[J]. Computers Environment & Urban Systems, 2016.Abstract Big Data has emerged with new opportunities for research, development, innovation, and business. It is characterized by the so-called four Vs: volume, velocity, veracity, and variety, and it may bring significant value through the processing of a large amount of data. The transformation of Big Data's four Vs into the fifth V (value) is a grand challenge for processing capacity. Cloud computing has emerged as a new paradigm to provide computing as a utility service for addressing different processing needs with (a) on-demand services, (b) pooled resources, (c) elasticity, (d) broadband access, and (e) measured services. The utility of delivering computing capability fosters a potential solution for the transformation of Big Data's four Vs into the fifth V. This paper investigates how cloud computing can be utilized to address Big Data challenges to enable such transformation. We introduce and review four geospatial scientific examples, including climate studies, geospatial knowledge mining, land-cover simulation, and dust storm modeling. The method is presented in a tabular framework as a guidance to leverage cloud computing for Big Data solutions. It is illustrated that the framework method supports the life cycle of Big Data processing, including management, access, mining analytics, simulation, and forecasting. This tabular framework can also be referred as a guidance to develop potential solutions for other big geospatial data challenges and initiatives such as smart cities.




[Wang Y Z, Liu X G, Zhang W.Raster river networks extraction based on parallel multiple flow direction algorithms[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2015,40(12):1646-1652. ]

Wang S, Armstrong M P.A quadtree approach to domain decomposition for spatial interpolation in grid computing environments[J]. Parallel Computing, 2003,29(10):1481-1504.Spatial interpolation is widely used in geographical information systems to create continuous surfaces from discrete data points. The creation of such surfaces, however, can involve considerable computation, especially when large problems are addressed, because of the need to search for neighbors on which to base interpolation calculations. Computational Grids provide the computing resources to tackle spatial interpolation in a timely way. The objective of this paper is to investigate the use of domain decomposition for a distributed inverse-distance-weighted spatial interpolation algorithm; the algorithm runs using the Globus Toolkit (GT) in a heterogeneous Grid computing environment. The interpolation algorithm is modified for implementation in the Grid by using a quadtree to spatially index and adaptively decompose the interpolation problem to balance processing loads. In addition, the GT allows the distributed algorithm to couple multiple machines, potentially of different architectures, to dynamically schedule the decomposed sub-problems through Globus services and protocols (e.g., resource management, data transfer). Experiments are conducted to test how well this distributed IDW interpolation algorithm scales to heterogeneous grid computing environments using irregularly distributed geographical data sets.


Vecchiola C, Pandey S, Buyya R.High-performance cloud computing: A view of scientific applications[C]// International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks. IEEE Computer Society, 2009:4-16.



[Cheng G, Chen L, Wu Q Y, et al, A task scheduling method for parallelization of complicated geospatial raster data processing algorithms[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2012,34(6):61-65. ]

欧阳柳. 地理栅格数据并行访问技术研究与实现[D].长沙:国防科学技术大学,2012.

[Ou Y L.Research and implement on parallel access technology for geographic raster data[D]. National University of Defense Technology, 2012. ]

Papadopoulos A, Manolopoulos Y.Parallel bulk-loading of spatial data[J]. Parallel Computing, 2003,29(10):1419-1444.ABSTRACT Spatial database systems have been introduced in order to support non-traditional data types and more complex queries. Although bulk-loading techniques for access methods have been studied in the spatial database literature, parallel bulk-loading has not been addressed in a parallel spatial database context. Therefore, we study the problem of parallel bulk-loading, assuming that an R-tree like access method need to be constructed, from a spatial relation that is distributed to a number of processors. Analytical cost models and experimental evaluation based on real-life and synthetic datasets demonstrate that the index construction time can be reduced considerably by exploiting parallelism. I/O costs, CPU time and communication costs are taken into consideration in order to investigate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.


杨伟光,李文.使用MPI的并行I/O实现及性能分析[J].计算机工程与应用,2006,42(17):96-98.论文讨论了并行环境中I/O的基本方法--串行I/O方法和并行 I/O方法,并使用MPI-1及MPI-2对这两种方法进行了实现.分析了不同的实现方法对I/O带宽产生的影响.通过理论分析和实验表明,基于MPI- 2的并行I/O实现方法与其它I/O实现方法相比,可得到更高的I/O带宽,是解决I/O性能问题的有效途径.


[Yang W G, Li W.Implementation of parallel I/O using MPI and its performance analysis[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2006,42(17):96-98. ]

田光. 并行计算环境中矢量空间数据的划分策略研究与实现[D].武汉:中国地质大学(武汉), 2011.

[Tian G.Research and implementation of partition strategy of vector space data in parallel computing environment[D]. Wuhan: China University of Geosciences, 2011. ]

Finkel R A, Bentley J L.Quad trees a data structure for retrieval on composite keys[J]. Acta Informatica, 1974,4(1):1-9.

Jiang Y H, Lai J, Wang T C.Module placement with pre-placed modules using the B*-tree representation[C]// IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. IEEE, 2001:347-350.

Gargantini I.An effective way to represent quadtrees[J]. Communications of the Acm, 1982,25(12):905-910.Abstract A quadtree may be represented without pointers by encoding each black node with a quaternary integer whose digits reflect successive quadrant subdivisions. We refer to the sorted array of black nodes as the “linear quadtree” and show that it introduces a saving of at least 66 percent of the computer storage required by regular quadtrees. Some algorithms using linear quadtrees are presented, namely, (i) encoding a pixel from a 2n × 2>n array (or screen) into its quaternary code; (ii) finding adjacent nodes; (iii) determining the color of a node; (iv) superposing two images. It is shown that algorithms (i)-(iii) can be executed in logarithmic time, while superposition can be carried out in linear time with respect to the total number of black nodes. The paper also shows that the dynamic capability of a quadtree can be effectively simulated.


Luo Y, Guo K, Wang D, et al.Hyperspectral remote sensing classification processing parallel computing research based on GPU[C]// International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering. IEEE, 2012:258-261.

Papadias D, Mamoulis N, Theodoridis Y.Processing and optimization of multiway spatial joins using R-trees[C]// Acm Pods. 1999:44-55.

邓亚丹,景宁,熊伟.基于现代通用处理器的数据库优化综述[J].计算机科学,2009,36(8):17-20.随着硬件技术的不断发展,计算 机性能不断加强,数据库的性能也日益提高。但也造成了一些新问题,比如Cache延迟的加剧、Cache访问冲突等。针对这些新问题,按照各种优化技术的 分类,深入分析了近10年来现代处理器用于数据库算法优化的各种研究成果,并展望了未来基于新硬件的数据库优化的发展趋势。


[Deng Y D, Jing N, Xiong W.State of the art and future challenge on database algorithm optimization based on modern processor[J]. computer science, 2009,36(8):17-20. ]

Ghemawat S, Gobioff H, Leung S.File and storage systems: The google file system[J]. Acm Symposium on Operating Systems Principles Bolton Landing, 2003,37: 29-43.We have designed and implemented the Google File System, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed data-intensive applications. It provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers high aggregate performance to a large number of clients. While sharing many of the same goals as previous distributed file systems, our design has been driven by observations of our application workloads and technological environment, both current and anticipated, that reflect a marked departure from some earlier file system assumptions. This has led us to reexamine traditional choices and explore radically different design points. The file system has successfully met our storage needs. It is widely deployed within Google as the storage platform for the generation and processing of data used by our service as well as research and development efforts that require large data sets. The largest cluster to date provides hundreds of terabytes of storage across thousands of disks on over a thousand machines, and it is concurrently accessed by hundreds of clients. In this paper, we present file system interface extensions designed to support distributed applications, discuss many aspects of our design, and report measurements from both micro-benchmarks and real world use. Categories and Subject Descriptors D [4]: 3istributed file systems


Zhang J, You S.Speeding up large-scale point-in-polygon test based spatial join on GPUs[C]. ACM Sigspatial International Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data. ACM, 2012:23-32.

Wang S W, Liu Y.TeraGrid GIScience gateway: Bridging cyber infrastructure and GIScience[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2009,23(5):631-656.Cyberinfrastructure (CI) represents the integrated information and communication technologies for distributed information processing and coordinated knowledge discovery, and is promising to revolutionize how science and engineering are conducted in the twenty-first century. The value of bridging CI and GIScience is significant to advance CI and benefit GIScience research and education, particularly in distributed geographic information processing (DGIP). This article presents a holistic framework that bridges CI and GIScience by integrating CI capabilities to empower GIScience research and education and establish generic DGIP services supported by CI. The framework, the TeraGrid GIScience Gateway, is based on a CI science gateway approach developed on the National Science Foundation (NSF) TeraGrid - a key element of US and world CI. This gateway develops a unifying service-oriented framework with respect to its architecture, design, and implementation as well as its integration with the TeraGrid. The functions of the gateway focus on enabling parallel and distributed processing for geographical analysis, managing the complexity of TeraGrid software environment, and establishing a Web-based GIS for the GIScience community to gain shared and collaborative access to TeraGrid-based geospatial processing services. The gateway implementation uses Web 2.0 technologies to create a highly configurable and interactive multiuser environment. Two case studies, Bayesian geostatistical modeling and a spatial statistic [image omitted] for detecting local clustering, are used to demonstrate the gateway functions and user environment. The service transformation for these analyses is applied to create a shared, decentralized, and collaborative geographical analysis environment in which GIScience community users can contribute new analysis services and reuse existing gateway services.


吴立新,杨宜舟,秦承志,等.面向新型硬件构架的新一代GIS基础并行算法研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2013,29(4):1-8.随着减灾应急、流域模拟、智能交通、宏观规划、区域发展等大型地 学问题的不断涌现,地理信息系统(GIS)处理的数据量和计算规模不断扩大,而主流GIS仍以串行计算为基础框架,不能充分利用和发挥当前新型硬件构架 (单机多核、多机多核、集群等)计算机资源的能力,难以满足实际应用的规模与高效需求.该文在分析了基础地理算法研究现状的基础上,按计算数据的关联性将 基础地理算法的计算特征分为本地计算、邻域计算、区域计算和全局计算,按计算过程的资源消耗分为数据密集型、计算密集型和I/O密集型,提出了相应的并行 计算策略,包括串行算法的并行改造、并行算法的性能提升和并行算法的创新设计等.进而研发了面向新型硬件构架的新一代GIS的基础地理并行计算算法库和中 间件,并已集成到国产高性能GIS平台——HiGIS中,将会促进我国GIS研究、技术、系统和应用的跨越式发展.


[Wu L X, Yang Y Z, Qin C Z, et al.On basic geographic parallel algorithms of new generation GIS for new hardware architectures[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2013,29(4):1-8. ]

刘文闳,熊伟,吴烨,等.空间索引并行批量加载算法研究[J].现代电子技术,2011,34(22):90-94.空间索引是提高空间数据库查询性能的关键技术。空间数据具有海量、空间目标不规则、结构和关系复杂等特征,要动态地维护空间索引结构,传统R树的构建方法插入代价非常高。在深入分析空间索引批量加载算法基础上,面向多核处理器的新型硬件架构,基于OpenMP并行编程模型,实现Hilbert R树索引的并行批量加载算法。实验结果表明,相对于串行经典算法,该算法的并行效率接近50%,通过查询实验验证,并行加载算法保持了串行算法生成索引的优良查询性能。


[Liu W M, Xiong W, Wu Y et al. Research on parallel bulk-loading algorithm for spatial index[J]. Modern Electronics Technique, 2011,34(22):90-94. ]

江岭. 基于DEM的流域地形分析并行算法关键技术研究[D].南京:南京师范大学,2014.

[Jiang L.Research on key technologies of parallel algorithm for watershed terrain analysis based on DEM[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, 2014. ]

黄骞. 面向时空大数据的开放脚本引擎关键技术研究[J].信息技术与标准化,2015(9):7-11.采用"创新2.0"模式下的开源软件开发方法,重点研发时空大数据处理通用框架,研究开放时空脚本引擎,分布式调度等关键技术,打造一套兼容、通用、国际化、敏捷的开源数据处理工具开源工程,并在Git Hub网站上发布运维。

[Huang J.Research on key technologies of open script engine for time and space big data[J]. Information Technology & Standardization, 2015,9:7-11. ]

Luo L, Wong M D F, Leong L. Parallel implementation of R-trees on the GPU[C]// Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference. IEEE, 2012:353-358.

Kim J, Kim S G, Nam B.Parallel multi-dimensional range query processing with R-trees on GPU[J]. Journal of Parallel & Distributed Computing, 2013,73(8):1195-1207.The general purpose computing on graphics processing unit (GP-GPU) has emerged as a new cost effective parallel computing paradigm in high performance computing research that enables large amount of data to be processed in parallel. Large scale scientific data intensive applications have been playing an important role in modern high performance computing research. A common access pattern into such scientific data analysis applications is multi-dimensional range query, but not much research has been conducted on multi-dimensional range query on the GPU. Inherently multi-dimensional indexing trees such as R-Trees are not well suited for GPU environment because of its irregular tree traversal. Traversing irregular tree search path makes it hard to maximize the utilization of massively parallel architectures. In this paper, we propose a novel MPTS (Massively Parallel Three-phase Scanning) R-tree traversal algorithm for multi-dimensional range query, that converts recursive access to tree nodes into sequential access. Our extensive experimental study shows that MPTS R-tree traversal algorithm on NVIDIA Tesla M2090 GPU consistently outperforms traditional recursive R-trees search algorithm on Intel Xeon E5506 processors.


Wang S W, Armstrong M P.A theoretical approach to the use of cyberinfrastructure in geographical analysis[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2009,23(2):169-193.ABSTRACT This paper presents a theoretical approach that has been developed to capture the computational intensity and computing resource requirements of geographical data and analysis methods. These requirements are then transformed into a common framework, a grid-based representation of a spatial computational domain, which supports the efficient use of emerging cyberinfrastructure environments. Two key types of transformational functions (data-centric and operation-centric) are identified and their relationships are explained. The application of the approach is illustrated using two geographical analysis methods: inverse distance weighted interpolation and the spatial statistic. We describe the underpinnings of these two methods, present their conventional sequential algorithms, and then address their latent parallelism based on a spatial computational domain representation. Through the application of this theoretical approach, the development of domain decomposition methods is decoupled from specific high-performance computer architectures and task scheduling implementations, which makes the design of generic parallel processing solutions feasible for geographical analyses.


Wright D J, Wang S.The emergence of spatial cyberinfrastructure[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011,108(14):5488.ABSTRACT Cyberinfrastructure integrates advanced computer, information, and communication technologies to empower computation-based and data-driven scientific practice and improve the synthesis and analysis of scientific data in a collaborative and shared fashion. As such, it now represents a paradigm shift in scientific research that has facilitated easy access to computational utilities and streamlined collaboration across distance and disciplines, thereby enabling scientific breakthroughs to be reached more quickly and efficiently. Spatial cyberinfrastructure seeks to resolve longstanding complex problems of handling and analyzing massive and heterogeneous spatial datasets as well as the necessity and benefits of sharing spatial data flexibly and securely. This article provides an overview and potential future directions of spatial cyberinfrastructure. The remaining four articles of the special feature are introduced and situated in the context of providing empirical examples of how spatial cyberinfrastructure is extending and enhancing scientific practice for improved synthesis and analysis of both physical and social science data. The primary focus of the articles is spatial analyses using distributed and high-performance computing, sensor networks, and other advanced information technology capabilities to transform massive spatial datasets into insights and knowledge.


Yang C, Raskin R, Goodchild M, et al.Geospatial cyberinfrastructure: Past, present and future[J]. Computers Environment & Urban Systems, 2010,34(4):264-277.A Cyberinfrastructure (CI) is a combination of data resources, network protocols, computing platforms, and computational services that brings people, information, and computational tools together to perform science or other data-rich applications in this information-driven world. Most science domains adopt intrinsic geospatial principles (such as spatial constraints in phenomena evolution) for large amounts of geospatial data processing (such as geospatial analysis, feature relationship calculations, geospatial modeling, geovisualization, and geospatial decision support). Geospatial CI (GCI) refers to CI that utilizes geospatial principles and geospatial information to transform how research, development, and education are conducted within and across science domains (such as the environmental and Earth sciences). GCI is based on recent advancements in geographic information science, information technology, computer networks, sensor networks, Web computing, CI, and e-research/e-science. This paper reviews the research, development, education, and other efforts that have contributed to building GCI in terms of its history, objectives, architecture, supporting technologies, functions, application communities, and future research directions . Similar to how GIS transformed the procedures for geospatial sciences, GCI provides significant improvements to how the sciences that need geospatial information will advance. The evolution of GCI will produce platforms for geospatial science domains and communities to better conduct research and development and to better collect data, access data, analyze data, model and simulate phenomena, visualize data and information, and produce knowledge. To achieve these transformative objectives, collaborative research and federated developments are needed for the following reasons: (1) to address social heterogeneity to identify geospatial problems encountered by relevant sciences and applications, (2) to analyze data for information flows and processing needed to solve the identified problems, (3) to utilize Semantic Web to support building knowledge and semantics into future GCI tools, (4) to develop geospatial middleware to provide functional and intermediate services and support service evolution for stakeholders, (5) to advance citizen-based sciences to reflect the fact that cyberspace is open to the public and citizen participation will be essential, (6) to advance GCI to geospatial cloud computing to implement the transparent and opaque platforms required for addressing fundamental science questions and application problems, and (7) to develop a research and development agenda that addresses these needs with good federation and collaboration across GCI communities, such as government agencies, non-government organizations, industries, academia, and the public.




[Kang J F, Du Z H, Liu R Y, et al.Parallel image resample algorithm based on GPU for land remote sensing data management[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University(Science Edition), 2011,38(6):695-700. ]

Park S J, Choi K H, Park J, et al.A study on spatial analysis using R-based deep learning[J]. International Journal of Software Engineering & Its Applications, 2016,10(5):87-94.

蔡蕾. 地理计算并行处理技术及性能评价模型研究[D].长沙:国防科学技术大学,2011.

[Cai L.Study on parallelized geographic computing technology and performance evaluation models[D]. Changsha: National University of Defense Technology, 2011. ]

霍树民. 基于Hadoop的海量影像数据管理关键技术研究[D]. 长沙:国防科学技术大学,2010.

[Huo S M.Research on key technologies of massive image data management based on Hadoop[D]. Chagnsha: National University of Defense Technol, 2010. ]

钟耳顺. 地理控制与实况地理学关于GIS发展的思考[J].地球信息科学学报,2013,15(6):783-792.本文在分析信息技术的发展趋势和GIS的发展模式的基础上,提出了地理控制(GeoControl)的概念。地理控制是GIS与众多技术集成和融合的结果,是在地理空间信息支持下,根据地理环境的动态特征对主体或客体施加影响,调节和控制主体或客体的运动与状态变化的过程;是以地理系统为目标,充分考虑地理空间维度要素的一项复杂系统控制技术。地理控制已在无人飞机的飞行控制和自动驾驶汽车技术中成功应用,对于智慧城市、智能机器、智能交通和物联网的发展具有重要意义。地理控制是地理信息技术发展的重要阶段,是地理信息技术社会功能和角色的再一次提升。本文还介绍了莱斯驰所提出的实况地理学(Live Geography)方法,实况地理学是传感器网络与GIS的集成与融合的产物。实况地理学实现了地理环境数据的实时采集、处理、分析与应用,也是地理控制动态数据获取的重要手段。实况地理学与地理控制改变了许多传统地理学应用模式,将给GIS带来广泛的影响。


[Zhong E S.Geocontrol and live geography:Some thoughts on the direction of GIS[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2013,15(6):783-792. ]

殷兵. 基于Hadoop的分布式遥感图像处理研究[D].上海:华东师范大学,2015.

[Yin B.Research on distributed remote sensing image processing based on Hadoop[D]. Shanghai: East China Normal University, 2015. ]

尹芳,冯敏,诸云强,等.基于开源Hadoop的矢量空间数据分布式处理研究[J].计算机工程与应用,2013,49(16):25-29.为实现大规模矢量数据的高性能处理,在开源项目Hadoop基础上,设计与开发了一个基于MapReduce的矢量数据分布式计算系统。根据矢量空间数据的特点,通过分析Key/Value数据模型及GeoJSON地理数据编码格式,构建了可存储于Hadoop hdfs的矢量数据Key/Value文本文件格式;探讨矢量数据的MapReduce计算过程,对Map数据分片、并行处理过程及Reduce结果合并等关键步骤进行了详细阐述;基于上述技术,建立了矢量数据分布式计算原型系统,详细介绍系统组成,并将其应用于处理关中地区1∶10万土地利用矢量空间数据,取得较好效果。

[Yin F, Feng M, Chu Y Q, et al.Research on vector spatial data distributed computing using Hadoop projects[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2013,49(16):25-29. ]

张传明,潘懋.基于格网索引的GIS矢量数据拓扑重建研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2006,22(4):20-24.GIS中对原始矢量数据进行拓扑分析和重建是对其进行存储和使用 的前提.引入包括规则格网和四叉树格网在内的索引结构,将全局的矢量拓扑分析转化为单个格网范围内足够少的矢量线段求交过程,减少了运算的复杂度;并用一 种重组算法实现将原始矢量数据转化为符合"逢交必断"标准的矢量数据.试验表明,该算法适合海量和高散乱度的矢量数据.


[Zhang C M, Pan M.A study on topological reconstruction of GIS vector data based on grid index[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2006,22(4):20-24. ]

张明波,陆锋,申排伟,等. R树家族的演变和发展[J].计算机学报,2005,28(3):289-300.近年来,针对空间数据库索引的研究引起了人们越来越多的兴趣和关注.为了快速、有效地处理存储于空间数据库中的海量空间数据,专家学者提出了大量的基于磁盘的空间索引方法.其中,1984年由Guttman提出的R树是目前最流行的动态空间索引结构,广泛应用于原型研究和商业应用中.其后,人们在此基础上针对不同空间运算提出了不同改进.经过20年的发展,不断产生的R树变体逐渐形成了一个枝繁叶茂的空间索引R树家族.该文回顾了R树及其各种主要变体;描述了基于R树的各种批量操作、空间查询处理算法、查询代价模型及查询优化过程;介绍了基于R树的并行处理、并发控制与锁定策略等方面的进展;并且分析了R树的未来研究方向.


[Zhang M B, Lu F, Shen P W, et al.The evolvement and progress of R-Tree family[J]. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2005,28(3):289-300. ]

张凯,秦勃,刘其成.基于GPU-Hadoop的并行计算框架研究与实现[J].计算机应用研究, 2014,31(8):2548-2550. ]针对原生的Hadoop云平台处理海洋环境信息可视化效率不高的问题,提出了一种GPU嵌入Hadoop云平台的并行计算框架.该框架以原生Hadoop为基础,GPU并行计算与MapReduce相结合,实现了高效的海洋流场可视化和特征可视化.实验结果表明,提出的并行计算框架在处理数据密集型和计算密集型的海洋数据的效率上优于原生的Hadoop云平台,可达到6~8倍的加速比.因此,提出的云平台框架可以有效提高海洋信息可视化的计算效率,对我国海洋事业的信息可视化发展具有重要的推动作用.


[Zhang K, Qin B, Liu Q C. Study of parallel computing framework based on GPU-Hadoop[J]. Application Research of Computers. 2014,31(8):2548-2550. ]

赵园春,李成名,赵春宇.基于R树的分布式并行空间索引机制研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2007,23(6):38-41.为提高分布式并行计算环境下海量空间数据管理与并行化处理的效率,基于并行空间索引机制的研究,设计一种多层并行R树空间索引结构.该索引结构以高效率的并行空间数据划分策略为基础,以经典的并行计算方法论为依据,使其结构设计在保证能够获得较好的负载平衡性能的前提下,更适合于海量空间数据的并行化处理.以空间范围查询并行处理的系统响应时间为性能评估指标,通过实验证明并行空间索引结构具有设计合理、性能 高效的特点.


[Zhao Y C, Li C M, Zhao C Y.Research on the distributed parallel spatial indexing schema based on R-Tree[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2007,23(6):38-41. ]

