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The Prediction of Beijing Urban Growth Boundary

  • HU Yecui , 1, 2, * ,
  • FU Ling 1 ,
  • LI Qi 1
  • 1. Department of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
  • 2. Key Lab of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation, the Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100035, China
*Corresponding author: HU Yecui, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-06-21

  Request revised date: 2016-08-16

  Online published: 2017-04-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Urban growth boundary (UGB) is an effective tool to control urban sprawl. China has carried out the UGB delineation for 14 cities since 2014. UGB includes rigid boundary and elastic boundary. The rigid boundary is an external constraint line and the elastic boundary is the developing line of the interior. In this study, from the angle of the urban endogenous development motivation, we selected 6 types of influence factors such as nature, population economy, location, neighborhood, land use type and policy planning, totally 18 factors. We tried to use genetic algorithms, CA and BP neural network to establish the UGB model to define Beijing elastic boundary. From the angle of ecological carrying capacity of land, we selected terrain, topography, parks and water, land use status, urban land distance and nature reserves as the influence factors and we tried to use construction land suitability evaluation method to define Beijing rigid boundary. The results show that by using our urban growth boundary model to predict Beijing elastic urban growth boundary, the percent area match was 96%, kappa value is 0.812, the UGB Model accuracy is good and the prediction area of Beijing elastic UGB is 1738.98 square kilometers. Through the suitability evaluation, the rigid boundary area is 3297.01 square kilometers.

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HU Yecui , FU Ling , LI Qi . The Prediction of Beijing Urban Growth Boundary[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(4) : 486 -492 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00486

1 引言


2 数据与方法

2.1 研究区概况

北京位于华北平原西北隅,总面积164.11 万hm2,是中国的政治、文化、国际交往和科技创新中心。随着人口与经济的增长,北京城市建成区的面积不断向外围呈圈层式扩展。根据中国城市统计年鉴,2000-2010年北京城市建成区面积增加696 km2,到2013年已达1306 km2。划定城市增长边界,实现北京城市用地的高效合理利用刻不容缓。

2.2 基础数据

本研究采用的数据主要有:① 2005年北京市Landsat5 TM遥感影像和2015年北京市Landsat8 OLI遥感影像,影像数据均来自USGS网站;② 北京市交通道路图,由2006年的1:10 000航空摄影图得到,并以2015年的Landsat8 OLI影像进行补充完善;③ 北京市DEM图,从地理空间数据云网站下载;④ 2005年和2015年北京市各区常住人口数据和常住各区GDP数据,均来自各区统计局网站。

2.3 UGB模型构建

2.3.1 遗传神经网络
2.3.2 GANN与CA结合
2.3.3 影响因素的选择
城市增长边界的规模和空间布局受自然、社会、经济及政策等多重因素的影响。本文结合数据的可获得性、CA与GANN模型的适用性,选取了影响北京市城市扩张的6类18个影响因子,包括海拔、坡度和坡向等自然因素;地区GDP、人口密度、到道路的距离、到铁路的距离、到绿地的距离、到建筑物的距离及到行政中心的距离等社会经济因素和土地利用类型因素;《北京市限建区规划(2006­2020年)》、2015年《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》及2015年《北京市城市总体规划(2004­2020年)》修改框架等政策因素; 邻域因素,包括邻近城镇用地、林草地、农村居民点、耕地、水域和其他用地的单元数。
2.3.4 UGB模型设计
在整个UGB模型中,遗传神经网络部分直接通过编程实现,而遗传神经网络和CA模型的结合是将CA模型直接设计在遗传神经网络中,并由其得到土地转换规则,所以最终整个UGB模型是基于BP神经网络进行的。其中,BP神经网络结构采用matlab2012b开发,并分为3层:① 输入层,有18个神经元,对应影响UGB的6类影响因子,共18个预测变量;② 隐含层,有25个神经元,选择tansig()函数作为传递函数;③ 输出层,由6个神经元组成,对应的是6种地类,分别是城镇用地、耕地、林草地、农村居民点、水域、其他用地,传递函数选择logsig()函数。具体结构如图1所示。
Fig. 1 The network structure of the model

图1 模型网络结构


2.4 建设用地适宜性评价

Tab. 1 The factor and weight of construction land suitability evaluation

表1 建设用地适宜性评价因子及权重

因子 适宜级别 分类条件 单因子得分 权重
坡度/° 不适宜 ≥25 1
较不适宜 15~25 2 0.21
适宜 5~15 3
很适宜 0~5 4
高程/m 不适宜 ≥1000 1
较不适宜 500~1000 2 0.11
适宜 100~400 3
很适宜 0~100 4
公园水面/m 不适宜 0~200 1
较不适宜 200~500 2 0.13
适宜 500~1000 3
很适宜 >1000 4
土地利用现状 不适宜 耕地、水域 1
较不适宜 林草地 2 0.23
适宜 其他用地 3
很适宜 城镇用地、农村居民点 4
自然保护区/m 不适宜 0~500 1
较不适宜 500~800 2 0.07
适宜 800~1000 3
很适宜 >1000 4
城镇用地/m 不适宜 >3000 1
较不适宜 2000~3000 2 0.25
适宜 1000~2000 3
很适宜 0~1000 4

3 结果分析

3.1 UGB模型精度检验结果

3.1.1 面积匹配值法
P = 预测改变面积 实际改变面积 × 100 % (1)
Tab. 2 Area matching values for different directions

表2 方向上的面积匹配值

方向 范围/° 预测2015年改变面积/km2 实际2015年改变面积/km2 面积匹配值/%
东北 0~0 89.37 89.26 100
西北 90~180 87.29 100.18 87
西南 180~270 87.10 93.38 93
东南 270~360 100.72 98.53 102
全部 0~360 364.48 381.35 96
3.1.2 Kappa系数法

3.2 UGB模型预测结果

Fig. 2 The predicted land-use map of Beijing in 2025

图2 预测2025年北京市土地利用类型图

3.3 建设用地适宜性评价结果

将北京市土地进行220 m×220 m的网格重采样,直接利用ArcGIS软件叠加适宜性评价选取的坡度、高程等6类建设用地适宜性评价因子图,得到各网格分值。根据网格分值,剔除公园水域、自然保护区等不适宜的建设用地,利用重分类工具,结合GIS空间分析技术,得到北京市建设用地适宜性等级空间分布图(图3)。统计结果表明(表3),北京市限制建设区占到全市土地总面积的一半以上,如果再加上禁止建设区,不适宜建设的土地面积达70.65%。适宜建设区和比较适宜建设区仅占14.63%、14.72%,整体适宜区占比面积小。
Fig. 3 The results of suitability evaluation of construction land

图3 建设用地适宜性评价结果

Tab. 3 The classification of suitability evaluation results

表3 适宜性评价结果分类表

适宜度评价 分值 面积/km2 占总量比值/%
适宜建设区 3.3-4.0 2395.36 14.63
比较适宜建设区 2.6-3.3 2410.45 14.72
限制建设区 2.1-2.6 8486.93 51.83
禁止建设区 1.1-2.1 3081.56 18.82

3.4 北京市UGB划定

3.4.1 弹性UGB划定
根据2025年土地利用情景模拟图,将主城区最大连片城镇用地划出,作为北京市弹性UGB(图4),总面积1738.98 km2。从图中可看出,2005、2015和2025年3个时期的UGB弹性边界内均包含了城6区及昌平、房山和门头沟部分区域。未来北京市城市扩张将继续沿中心城区向四周扩展,但南部区域方向上的扩展速度明显较西北方向剧烈,尤其是通州、朝阳、大兴和房山等区域扩张最明显。
Fig. 4 The elastic boundary extension situation of Beijing

图4 北京市弹性边界扩张情况图

由3期边界内各区的面积(表4)统计结果可知,2005年至2015年,大兴、通州和朝阳城市扩张面积最明显,分别为60.93、55.21和51.59 km2。这与《北京城市总体规划2004-2020》明确要重点发展通州区、亦庄新城区,并将通州发展为北京城市副中心,承担中心城区人口和职能疏解及新的产业聚集区密切相关。2015-2025年,除房山外,通州区城市扩张面积最多,为43.22 km2,主要是通州区城市副中心职能的发展,政府搬迁、建设用地需求急剧增长导致,整体看模型预测结果与实际情况相符。
Tab. 4 The change of each district area in Beijing elastic boundaries (km2)

表4 北京市弹性边界内各区面积变化表(km2

年份 丰台区 石景山区 通州区 朝阳区 海淀区 昌平区 大兴区 房山区 门头沟区
3.4.2 刚性UGB划定
生态限建要素的存在增加了刚性UGB的性能,使得其成为城市扩张的“生态安全底线”,在城市开发过程中设置为最大土地容量界限。除去国家重大建设项目之外,未来城市发展都要控制在最大容量范围内。外界范围内可以适当设立自然保护区、森林公园、生态隔离带等以保护土地资源为目的的生态保护区域。对于北京市刚性边界的划分,可以将区域范围进行建设用地适宜性评价,将主城区的比较适宜和适宜建设区较大区域划在一起,形成其刚性UGB边界。如图5所示,该边界内包含了城六区,通州、房山、大兴、顺义、昌平和门头沟大部分地区,以及怀柔和密云的部分地区,总面积3297.01 km2
Fig. 5 Beijing urban growth rigid boundary

图5 北京市刚性边界图

4 结论

基于UGB模型和数据的可获得性,本文选定了自然、人口经济、区位、邻域、土地利用类型和政策规划6类因素18个因子,结合土地生态适宜性评价结果,预测北京市2025年城市增长边界。研究结果表明,2025年北京市弹性UGB总面积为1738.98 km2,刚性UGB总面积为3297.01 km2,北京市城市扩张明显,尤其是通州区,城市扩张面积达43.22 km2
实验表明,本文设计的基于GANN-CA模型的UGB划定方法对确定城市未来扩展方向有较好的指导意义,规划部门可根据划定结果,结合实际情况和政策需求,指导城市规划和土地利用总体规划编制。但本模型仍存在不足之处:① 本研究的GANN-CA模型只能引入较片面的政策规划因子,尚不能将更多的相关影响因素引入;② 在进行建设用地适宜性评价时,选取的评价因子还不够全面,评价方法仍需进一步优化;③ 选择的判断模型精度的方法仍显粗糙,只能从四个方向进行判断,尚不能深入评估模型模拟过程的精准度。同时,本文还需对未来城市增长边界的稳定状态进行评价,从划定、实施、管理及评价一体化出发,建立全套的UGB评判框架体系,以便引入到实践当中。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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苏伟忠,杨桂山,陈爽,等.城市增长边界分析方法研究——以长江三角洲常州市为例[J].自然资源学报,2012,27(2):322-331.诸多国家已采取城市增长边界(Urban growth boundary, UGB)对策以抑制城市蔓延,我国目前城市与土地利用规划也明确要求划定UGB,但其分析方法研究还较薄弱。综合系统动力学模型、元胞自动机及城市承载力分析研究常州市区UGB,结果表明:预测到2020年常州市区城市建设用地面积为30 847 hm<sup>2</sup>北部和南部组团外延增长、主城区及南北组团内部填充同步发展,UGB由沿江&mdash;德胜河&mdash;沪宁高速&mdash;新孟河&mdash;德胜河&mdash;武宜运河&mdash;沿江高速&mdash;沪宁高速&mdash;市域界限等围合而成;模型预测的UGB与GH-UGB(实际规划UGB)北部和东部空间拟合良好,西部和南部拟合较差,表明模型预测对空间整体和要素联系考虑不足,而用地规模偏差则表明模型预测更为客观;UGB分析方法在政策、空间规划理念和整体格局上有待完善。


[Su W Z, Yang G S, Chen S, et al.Analysis method of urban growth boundary of the Changzhou city in the Yangtze river delta[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2012,27(2):322-331. ]

徐康,吴绍华,陈东湘,等.基于水文效应的城市增长边界的确定——以镇江新民洲为例[J].地理科学,2013,33(8):979-985.<p>城市增长边界(UGB)是城市增长管理、控制城市无序蔓延的重要工具,但如何科学定量划定城市增长边界一直是一个技术难题。针对目前城市增长边界定量划定研究的不足,提出一种基于城市水文效应,适用于城市内涝易发区的城市增长边界划定方法。该方法整合了元胞自动机(CA)模型与区域水文模型(SCS),通过CA模型预测城市不透水面积的扩张范围与形态,并以此作为城市水文模型的参数,评估城市淹水面积的比例及风险,最后根据风险水平确定城市增长边界。以镇江新民洲为例,实证研究了该地区的城市增长边界的合理划定,研究发现该区域城市扩张规模控制500 hm<sup>2</sup>之内,城市在最大降雨条件下城市积水面积的风险水平能有效降低。研究结果可为新民洲的水文风险控制及城市规划提供依据,同时可为其他城市增长边界划定提供方法参考。</p>

[Xu K, Wu S H, Chen D X, et al.The urban growth boundary determination based on hydrology effect: Taking Xinminzhou as an example[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013,33(8):979-985. ]



[Long Y, Han H Y, Mao Q Z.Establishing urban growth boundaries using constrained CA[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2009,64(8):999-1008. ]

Tayyebi A, Pijanowski B C, Pekin B.Two rule-based urban growth boundary models applied to the Tehran Metropolitan Area, Iran[J]. Applied Geography, 2011,31(3):908-918.Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) that limit urban expansion out are being implemented by planning agencies worldwide. Thus, there is a need to create models that can simulate changes in urban boundaries. The aim of this paper is to present two rule-based spatial-temporal models, one which employs a Distance Dependent Method (DDM) and the other a Distance Independent Method (DIM), to simulate UGBs. These rule-based Urban Growth Boundary Models (UGBMs) use azimuths and distances, vector-based predictive variables, directed from central points within the urban area, to simulate UGB change. DDM employs a single urban boundary in the initial time step to predict the urban boundary in any subsequent time according to the increment of distances across different azimuths. Similarly, the DIM uses the change in distance between two boundaries, one in the initial time step and one in subsequent time step, across different azimuths, to predict the future urban boundary. We use the two rule-based models, DDM and DIM, to project the urban boundary of the Tehran Metropolitan Area in 2012 using data from 1988 to 2000. We compare these rule-based simulation UGBMs to a null UGBM developed from the same data but lacking in specificity of predictive variables. Percent Area Match (PAM) quantity and location goodness of fit metrics are used to assess the agreement between simulated and observed urban boundaries. Results indicate that rule-based UGBMs have a better goodness of fit compared to a null UGBM using PAM quantity and location goodness of fit metrics. We discuss how UGBMs can be used to assist planners in developing future UGBs. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


石伟伟. 武汉市城市发展边界的设定研究[D].武汉:华中农业大学,2008.

[Shi W W.A study on setting of the urban growth boundary of Wuhan city[D]. Wuhan: Huazhong Agricultural University, 2008. ]

Arsanjani J J, Helbich M, Vaz E D N. Spatiotemporal simulation of urban growth patterns using agent-based modeling: The case of Tehran[J]. Cities, 2013,32(4):33-42.Rapid urban growth is becoming a serious problem in most developing countries. Tehran, the capital of Iran, stands out as a vibrant metropolitan area, facing uncontrolled urban expansion. Public authorities and decision makers require planning criteria regarding possible spatial developments. To monitor past developmental trends and to simulate emerging spatiotemporal patterns of urban growth, this research applies a geosimulation approach that couples agent-based modeling with multicriteria analysis (MCA) for the period between 1986 and 2006. To model the major determinants controlling urban development, three agent groups are defined, namely developer agents, government agents, and resident agents. The behaviors of each agent group are identified by qualitative surveys and are considered separately using multi-criteria analysis. The interactions of the agents are then combined through overlay functions within a Geographic Information System (GIS). This analysis results in the creation of a propensity surface of growth that is able to identify the most probable sites for urban development. Subsequently, a Markov Chain Model (MCM) and a concise statistical extrapolation are used to determine the amount of probable future expansion in Tehran. For validation purposes, the model is estimated using 2011 data and then validated based on actual urban expansion. Given the accurate predictions of the Markov Chain Model, further predictions were carried out for 2016 and 2026. This simulation provides strong evidence that during the next decade planning authorities will have to cope with continuous as well as heterogeneously distributed urban growth. Both the monitoring of growth and simulation revealed significant developments in the northwestern part of Tehran, continuing toward the south along the interchange networks.


Nemmour H, Chibani Y.Multiple support vector machines for land cover change detection: An application for mapping urban extensions[J]. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2006, 61(2):125-133.The reliability of support vector machines for classifying hyper-spectral images of remote sensing has been proven in various studies. In this paper, we investigate their applicability for land cover change detection. First, SVM-based change detection is presented and performed for mapping urban growth in the Algerian capital. Different performance indicators, as well as a comparison with artificial neural networks, are used to support our experimental analysis. In a second step, a combination framework is proposed to improve change detection accuracy. Two combination rules, namely, Fuzzy Integral and Attractor Dynamics, are implemented and evaluated with respect to individual SVMs. Recognition rates achieved by individual SVMs, compared to neural networks, confirm their efficiency for land cover change detection. Furthermore, the relevance of SVM combination is highlighted.


周锐,王新军,苏海龙,等. 基于生态安全格局的城市增长边界划定——以平顶山新区为例[J]. 城市规划学刊,2014(4):57-63.基于景观安全格局理论和GIS空间技术,构建了水资源安全、地质灾害规避、生物多样性保护和游憩资源安全4种关键性单一生态过程的安全格局,并整合叠加形成不同安全水平的综合生态安全格局。随后,以综合生态安全格局为城镇增长的阻力因子,并结合城镇中心吸引力、道路吸引力、邻域开发强度等动力因子,利用最小阻力模型对城镇建设用地增长进行模拟预测,进而划定了城镇增长的刚性边界与弹性边界。结果表明:首先,高、中、低三种安全水平下,生态系统的连通性和完整性逐级下降,适宜的建设用地规模依次为108.69km~2、135.43km~2、153.72km~2;其次,基于生态安全格局的城市增长边界划定方法,指明了维护城市生态安全和基本生态系统服务的底线安全格局,有效地限制了城市无序蔓延,并引导城市呈组团式紧凑发展。


[Zhou R, Wang X J, Su H L. Delimitation of urban growth boundary based on ecological security pattern: A case of Pingding new district[J]. Urban Planning Forum, 2014(4):57-63. ]

Hu Y, Zheng Y, Zheng X.Simulation of land-use scenarios for Beijing using CLUE-S and Markov composite models[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 2013,23(1):92-100.This study investigated and simulated land use patterns in Beijing for the year 2000 and the year 2005 from the actual land use data for the year 1995 and the year 2000, respectively, by combining spatial land allocation simulation using the CLUE-S model, and numerical land demand prediction using the Markov model. The simulations for 2000 and 2005 were confirmed to be generally accurate using Kappa indices. Then the land-use scenarios for Beijing in 2015 were simulated assuming two modes of development: 1) urban development following existing trends; and 2) under a strict farmland control. The simulations suggested that under either mode, urbanized areas would expand at the expense of land for other uses. This expansion was predicted to dominate the land-use conversions between 2005 and 2015, and was expected to be accompanied by an extensive loss of farmland. The key susceptible to land-use changes were found to be located at the central urban Beijing and the surrounding regions including Yanqing County, Changping District and Fangshan District. Also, the simulations predicted a considerable expansion of urban/suburban areas in the mountainous regions of Beijing, suggesting a need for priority monitoring and protection.


Yang X, Zheng X Q, Chen R.A land use change model: Integrating landscape pattern indexes and Markov-CA[J]. Ecological Modeling, 2014,283(7):1-7.Landscape pattern indexes are quantitative descriptions of the spatial composition and configuration of land use, which can influence a variety of ecological phenomena. In this paper, we propose a land use change simulation model based on landscape pattern indexes, Markov chain and cellular automata. In the model, Markov Chain is applied to predict the amount of land use change; transition potential maps generated from natural and socioeconomic indexes are used to control the spatial distribution of land use; landscape pattern indexes in the start year are used to differentiate the transition probabilities of land use classes within different sub-regions of the study area. First, the principles and implementation of the model were described. Then the model was successfully applied to the simulation of land use change in Changping, a district of Beijing. Based on land use maps in years 1988 and 1998, the land use map in year 2008 was simulated. By analyzing the simulation result, the effectiveness of the model for land use change simulation was demonstrated. By comparing results simulated by this model and the results simulated by Markov-CA model with the actual land use map, the advantage of this model in spatial accuracy was shown.


