Orginal Article

A Realization Method of Navigation Electronic Map for Ground Station based on OpenStreetMap and 90 m SRTM

  • SONG Xiaohu ,
  • ZHU Jihong , *
  • State Key Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
*Corresponding author: ZHU Jihong, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-12-09

  Request revised date: 2017-04-27

  Online published: 2017-07-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Navigation electronic map is the only platform for operators to monitor unmanned vehicles. It is also an important information source for route planning as well as auto decision making. A navigation electronic map which covers wide territory and of high precision can provide more details and is an indispensable guarantee for a ground station task. Nowadays, the implementations of navigation electronic maps for unmanned vehicles are mainly based on secondary development on both online and offline map server platforms. These implementations may bring inevitable drawbacks. For one thing, map data and corresponding software such as MapX are very expensive. Even so, the map data always lacks flexibility for personal extensions such as altitude. Besides, the installation and configuration increases much difficulty for the ground station software developers. Finally, online platforms always rely on stable and high-speed Internet network environment, which is not always satisfied. With the development of free and open source geographic data and tools, individuals can easily modify and even construct their own map servers based on their individual needs. In this paper, we provide a new method to implement a navigation electronic map based on a widely crowd sourced map, which is called OpenStreetMap. Firstly, we set up a background tile service using raw OSM data. Then, we render 90 m SRTM data to a bunch of hill-shading and color coding raster files and define the rendering formats and layers in the configure file of the service style for each raster hill-shading and color coding file. Finally, we implement a client module in ground station to request tiles from the background service and present the map in the user interface. The navigation electronic map we implement covers all 0-18 zoom levels of the whole China and it provides 0-13 zoom levels of vivid topographic information and free of Internet limit. Besides, this navigation map we implement can also render other DEM sources and any other raster-format files, such as population, vegetation, precipitation and so on.

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SONG Xiaohu , ZHU Jihong . A Realization Method of Navigation Electronic Map for Ground Station based on OpenStreetMap and 90 m SRTM[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(7) : 901 -908 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00901

1 引言

当前导航电子地图的实现主要基于2种方式:①借助第三方的软件,如MapX、MapInfo等,通过购买特定格式的地图源数据,然后根据这些软件提供的类库进行二次开发[1];②通过Google Earth等在线地图服务提供的API进行二次开发[2]。这2种方式均有各自的缺陷:第①种方式增加了开发成本,数据量一般也较小;第②种方式依赖于快速稳定的网络环境,从而增加了任务失败的风险。
近年来,众包与自发地理信息的兴起和普及已经成为当前地球空间信息学重要的特征之一[6]。在此背景下,人人都是地理信息的提供者,开放的地理数据和开源易用的数据处理软件也使得普通用户设计实现符合个人需求的个性化地图成为可能[7-9]。本文即利用众包与自发地理信息最典型的代表OpenStreetMap以及公开开放的90 m SRTM数据,实现了应用于无人装备地面站的导航电子地图,并成功应用于某型无人机仿真系统中。由于OpenStreetMap数据全部开源,覆盖全球大部分区域,因此开发成本小、数据量大,并且不依赖互联网;同时,本文通过对90 m SRTM数据进行处理,以及对OpenStreetMap的渲染样式进行配置,使得OpenStreetMap支持高程数据的显示,从而克服了现有2种实现方式的缺陷。

2 数据源

2.1 OpenStreetMap

原始OSM数据不能直接显示为电子地图,需要经过引擎渲染得到瓦片(一般为栅格图片),然后按照需求呈现给用户。与百度地图和谷歌地图类似,OpenStreetMap同样使用墨卡托投影(Mercator Projection)[10]。这些瓦片按照放大缩小的层级以及投影的位置坐标存储在瓦片金字塔(Tile Pyramid)的结构中。瓦片金字塔结构的每个层级都有一张或多张瓦片;层级越高,瓦片数量越多,每张瓦片表示的范围也越小,绘制的信息越详细。经纬度标号相邻的瓦片连接在一起即可组成表示一定区域范围的地图。瓦片金字塔的结构使得一定的缩放层级下,每张瓦片和某个特定的经纬度范围存在一一对应的关系[14],本文中导航电子地图的实现即应用了该性质。
Fig. 1 General view of the tile pyramid

图1 瓦片金字塔示意图

2.2 90 m SRTM

OpenStreetMap应用于无人驾驶装备地面站最大的问题在于其本身对高程信息支持不够,由于OpenStreetMap数据主要由参与者通过支持GPS 功能的设备获得,而通过GPS获取的高程和经纬度相比精度较差,误差较大,因此在原始OSM数据中很少保存采集的高程数据[15]。由于Mapnik样式文件支持用户添加自定义图层,为了将高程信息显示在OpenStreetMap地图中,一般将第三方的高程数据处理成OpenStreetMap渲染引擎能够处理的格式,然后将其与原始的OSM数据一同渲染成瓦片[16-17]
本文利用90 m SRTM高程数据和原始OSM数据搭建了能够提供高程信息的地图服务后台。SRTM全称航天飞机雷达地形测绘任务,其数据是一种典型的栅格类型高程数据 [18]。按照分辨率,SRTM数据可以分为30 m SRTM数据和90 m SRTM数据。目前,中国境内的90 m SRTM数据可以免费获取。

3 无人装备地面站导航电子地图技术实现

3.1 框架概述

Fig. 2 Implementation framework of the navigation electronic map

图2 导航电子地图实现框架

瓦片服务后台可以将原始OSM数据和90 m SRTM数据渲染成瓦片,并通过HTTP协议向地图客户端提供服务。

3.2 OpenStreetMap瓦片服务后台框架

Fig. 3 Framework of the tile server background

图3 瓦片服务后台框架


3.3 瓦片服务后台的90 m SRTM高程数据渲染

地形地貌可以表示为等高线(Elevation Contour Lines)、地形颜色渐变(Color Coding)以及地形阴影(Hill Shading)等[20-21]。其中等高线可以通过矢量格式保存,占用空间小,读取速度快,并且可以提供较为具体的数值,但等高线的读取判断不够直观。地形颜色渐变可以通过不同的颜色表示海拔,地形晕染不能表示海拔高度,而是通过不同的灰度值来描述地形的起伏,将地形颜色渐变层和地形晕染层进行叠加即可立体化地表示地形地貌。
单个90 m SRTM文件通过格式转换即可处理成地形颜色渐变和地形阴影栅格文件,再经过坐标转换即可投影到墨卡托坐标系。但这样会存在2个问题:(1)经过坐标转换会使相邻文件之间出现由于计算精度误差导致的重叠或空缺;(2)较低的层级下每个栅格文件的细节得不到充分表达,但由于渲染的栅格文件数量太多会导致后台服务效率过低。为了解决这些问题,在坐标转换前先将所有90 m SRTM数据文件虚拟为一个整体,经过重新采样以及坐标转换之后再将其分割,最后进行颜色渐变和晕染格式的处理。具体流程如图4所示。
Fig. 4 Processing flow of color coding and hill-shading raster files

图4 颜色渐变和晕染栅格文件处理流程

Fig. 5 General view of the background tile rendering

图5 后台瓦片渲染示意图

在较高的缩放层级下,90 m SRTM高程数据已经不能满足其精度要求,因此本文中在第0-13个缩放层级中显示地形图背景,而在第14-18个层级只显示原始的OSM数据。最终导航电子地图的渲染流程如图6所示。
Fig. 6 Rendering process of the tile server background

图6 瓦片服务后台的渲染流程

3.4 地面站软件中地图客户端模块的实现

Tab. 1 Variables used in the map client module

表1 地图客户端模块中所使用的变量

变量 描述
lon 地图中心点的经度
lat 地图中心点的纬度
z 当前缩放层级
fx 地图中心点所在瓦片经度标号计算值
fy 地图中心点所在瓦片纬度标号计算值
cen_x 地图中心点所在瓦片的经度标号
cen_y 地图中心点所在瓦片的纬度标号
off_x 地图中心点经度坐标在所在瓦片的偏移
off_y 地图中心点纬度坐标在所在瓦片的偏移
w 瓦片的宽度,即256
h 瓦片的高度,即256
pw 窗口的宽度
ph 窗口的高度
left_x 地图面板最左侧瓦片的经度标号
right_x 地图面板最右侧瓦片的经度标号
up_y 地图面板最上方瓦片的经度标号
down_y 地图面板最下方瓦片的经度标号
Fig. 7 General view of the tile plotting in the map client module

图7 地图客户端瓦片绘制示意图

left _ x = ( 1 2 × pw - off _ x ) / w (1)
rig h t _ x = ( 1 2 × pw - ( w - off _ x ) ) / w (2)
up _ y = ( 1 2 × p h - off _ y ) / h (3)
down _ y = ( 1 2 × p h - ( h - off _ y ) ) / h (4)
通过地图中心所在瓦片的偏移可以确定所有瓦片的显示位置。假设某张瓦片的经纬度标号为xy,那么该瓦片左上角顶点在地图面板的显示坐标(coord_x, coord_y),如式(5)和(6)所示。
coord _ x = 1 2 × pw - off _ x + x - cen _ x × w (5)
coord _ y = 1 2 × p h - off _ y + y - cen _ y × h (6)
Fig. 8 A plotting period of the map client module

图8 地图客户端模块绘制周期

4 应用实验与结果分析

本文使用可以覆盖全中国的原始OSM数据,大小为249 M;能够覆盖中国的90 m SRTM数据,共1899个文件,大小为5.1 G左右。对90 m SRTM数据进行3种采样,将其分辨率处理为5760、720和90 m,并分别在0-4、5-9以及10-13的缩放层级下进行显示。表2是最终处理的栅格文件信息,“C”表示颜色渐变栅格文件,“S”表示地形阴影文件。如表2所示,栅格文件所占的空间远远大于同样的地域范围下矢量的原始OSM数据。
Tab. 2 Information of the raster files after processing

表2 处理后的栅格文件信息

5760 m C 5760 m S 720 m C 720 m S 90 m C 90 m S
文件数量/个 2 2 63 63 3300 3300
大小 3.3 M 4.4 M 221.2 M 295.5 M 13.2 G 2.94 G
Fig. 9 Ground station software requesting tile services from the backstage supporter

图9 地面站软件向后台请求瓦片服务

Fig. 10 A simulation system of the UAV flight dynamics

图10 某型无人机动力学仿真系统

Fig. 11 The display effect of a map panel at different zoom levels

图11 不同缩放层级下的导航地图显示效果

5 结论

OpenStreetMap作为一种完全免费开放并可自由编辑的地图服务,在国内外被广泛应用于科学研究和项目开发。本文使用原始OSM以及90 m SRTM数据搭建了能够立体显示地形地貌的瓦片服务后台。通过实现地图客户端模块,成功将瓦片服务后台应用到无人驾驶装备的地面站导航电子地图中。该方法可不依赖网络使利用规模适中的数据显示范围广、内容详细的导航地图成为可能。使用本文中显示高程数据的方法,也可以将栅格格式的植被、人口等数据显示在地图中,从而使应用于无人装备的地面站导航地图能够提供更多类型的信息。
本文提出的导航电子地图设计方法还有如下不足:①相比于美国、日本以及大部分欧洲国家,中国部分的原始OSM数据量并不大,数据的完善程度和更新速度还有一定的差距,对精度要求较高的任务场景可能需要多源数据进行验证。② 本文所采用的90 m SRTM在缩放层级较低或适中的情况下尚可通过不同采样进行快速显示,而较高缩放层级下精度已不能满足要求,这极大地限制了地面站软件所能提供的高程支持。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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Goetz M, Zipf A.OpenStreetMap in 3D-Detailed insights on the current situation in germany[C]. Proceedings of the AGILE'2012 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Avignon, 2012.

Jing C, Shortridge A, Lin S, et al.Comparison and validation of SRTM and ASTER GDEM for a subtropical landscape in Southeastern China[J]. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2014,7(12):969-992.This paper evaluates the quality characteristics of existing versions of 3-arc-second SRTM and 1-arc-second GDEM over Anji County, Zhejiang, China using reference elevations from a high-quality 1:10 k topographic map. Results show that SRTM has higher accuracy (RMSE =12.44 m) than GDEM (RMSE=14.20 m for Version 1, 12.76 m for Version 2); however, unsatisfactory void filling and an overall 1/2 pixel shift exits in SRTM version 4.1. Although spurious elevations over omitted water bodies still persist, GDEM Version 2 demonstrated significant improvement over Version 1. Accuracies of both SRTM and GDEM decrease on steeper slopes. Aspect also influences both the magnitude and the sign of errors. DEM accuracy in non-forested areas is considerably higher than that in forested areas. SRTM version 4.1 and GDEM version 2 possessed actual spatial resolutions of 90 m, despite both of them failed to match their nominal accuracies. SRTM Version 4.1 could be the first choice, while ASTER GDEM Version 2 would be a good alternative for areas where extensive voids exist in SRTM.


Amir P, Jeremy M, Steven F, et al.Towards an authoritative OpenStreetMap: Conflating OSM and OS opendata national maps’ road network[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2013,2(3):704-728.The quality aspects of OpenStreetMap (OSM), as the global representation of crowd-sourced mapping, have always been of priomary concern to academics. While the methodologies for checking its quality against the national maps have been implemented by a number of studies, there are minimal works on how to practically improve the quality of OSM towards being an authoritative map source. This paper presents a method for conflating road attributes, namely the name and reference code, of OSM with the Open Data provided by Ordnance Survey (the British national mapping agency). The added values in the proposed methodology include the daily updates and serving of the conflated maps via open Web Services. More importantly, the OSM crowd correction is facilitated by frequently highlighting and web-serving the individual differences. There are currently over 5,800 differences in matching road names and references between the two datasets. In addition to describing the conflation methodology, the different geographic distribution patterns of the identified differences are discussed. A negative effect of the road density on the ratio of the mismatched features between the two datasets is observable, evidenced by their different geographical distribution over the map. It is shown that the best correspondence between attributes exists in the very dense areas, followed by the very low density areas, and lastly in the middle to large sized cities.


Kennelly P J.Terrain maps displaying hill-shading with curvature[J]. Geomorphology, 2008,102:567-577.Many types of maps can be created by neighborhood operations on a continuous surface such as provided by a digital elevation model. These most commonly include first derivatives slope or aspect, and second derivatives planimetric or profile curvature. Such variables are often used in geomorphic analyses of terrain. First derivatives also provide subtle enhancements to hill-shaded maps. For example, some maps combine oblique and vertical illumination, with the latter reflecting variations in slope. This study illustrates how second derivative maps, in conjunction with hill-shading, can cartographically enhance topographic detail. A simple conic model indicates that image-tone edges where slope or aspect varies by less than 0.5 are visible on curvature maps. Hill-shaded images combined with curvature enhance the continuity of naturally occurring tonal edges, especially in strongly illuminated areas. Variations in planimetric and profile curvature seem to be especially effective at highlighting convergent and divergent drainages and variations in erosion rate between or within sedimentary units, respectively. Shading curvature with consideration given to illumination models can add detail to hill-shaded terrain maps in a manner similar to cognitive models employed by map viewers.




[ Han L T, Fan K N.Research on smooth transition of color rendering for 3D terrain[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2015,17(1):31-36. ]

