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Establishment and Validation of a Meteorological Warning Model for Landslide Hazards in Sichuan Province

  • LI Yunjun , 1 ,
  • LIU Zhihong , 1, * ,
  • LV Yuanyang 2 ,
  • LIU Jinbao 1 ,
  • WANG Ping 3
  • 1. Chengdu University of Information Technology, ChengDu 610225, China
  • 2. HUAYUN ShineTek, Beijing 100081, China
  • 3. Guangan Meteorological Bureau, Guangan 638000, China
*Corresponding author: LIU Zhihong, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-08-10

  Request revised date: 2017-04-26

  Online published: 2017-07-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Landslide disaster is serious in Sichuan province. This influence is more obvious after the year 2008. How to prevent landslide disaster is an effective way to reduce landslide disaster losses and protect people's lives and property. Research on early warning models of landslide hazard is the core issue of landslide disaster prevention. This study collected the landslide data, precipitation data between 2008 and 2013, digital elevation data, geological lithology data and seismic intensity data. Our research can be divided into the following two parts: (1) Evaluation of landslide hazard in Sichuan Province. This study used the method of deterministic coefficient to quantify the slope, relief amplitude, hydrogeological lithology vegetation coverage, seismic intensity and annual rainfall factor. We also established a logistic regression model to quantitatively analyze the risk of landslide disaster in Sichuan Province. The results were also verified. The results indicated that the high risk area of landslide disaster in Sichuan is similar to the shape of the letter "Y". The risk value of landslide disaster is as high as 0.97. In addition, the risk of landslide disaster in northeastern Sichuan is very high, with a maximum of 0.8. According to the statistical analysis of the frequency of landslide and the analysis of risk zoning area, the area of region where the value of landslide hazard is between 0.1 and 0.2 accounted for 22% of the whole province's area. The area of the risk value exceeding 0.9 occupies only 5% of the area of the whole province. 35% of the historical disaster points are located in this area, indicating that the degree of landslide disaster risk is high. The spatial distribution characteristics of landslide hazards in Sichuan Province is as follows: the landslide is zonally distributed along the Longmenshan fault zone, the Xianshui River fault zone and the Anning River fault zone, and clustered in the northeastern Sichuan, which is consistent with the model results.(2) Research on early warning model of the meteorological risk of landslide disaster. Based on the statistical analysis of the early landslide disaster and rainfall, and the risk assessment of landslide disaster, this study took the landslide risk assessment as the static factor and the daily rainfall data as the dynamic factor to determine the precipitation probability value, the zoning value of the landslide disaster risk, precipitation probability value of one day ahead, precipitation probability value of two days ahead as the influence factor of the model. The influence degree of each factor to the warning results is decreasing in the order above. Finally, we established the meteorological coupling warning model of the landslide hazards. According to the verification of 2139 disaster points, 80% of the landslide disaster can be successfully predicted, among which 30% of the landslide disaster warning values are more than 0.75. 18% warning values of the landslide disaster are higher than 0.99. 90% of the large and super large landslide disasters can be successfully predicted. 40% of large-scale landslide disaster warning results are greater than 0.75. 12% of large-scale landslide disaster warning results are more than 0.99. On July 10th, 2003, there was a case of group-occurring landslide. It shows that the warning area decreased greatly. Empty quote rate and missing quote rates are greatly reduced compared with the current model results of Sichuan province.

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LI Yunjun , LIU Zhihong , LV Yuanyang , LIU Jinbao , WANG Ping . Establishment and Validation of a Meteorological Warning Model for Landslide Hazards in Sichuan Province[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(7) : 941 -949 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00941

1 引言

为提高滑坡灾害危险性评价精细化程度和更客观、合理的确定降雨量与滑坡灾害发生概率,本文收集了2008-2013年滑坡灾害灾情数据、30 m分辨率DEM数据、包含加密雨量站和区域气象站在内的小时降水数据等资料,基于目前应用最广泛、适用性最强的显式统计滑坡灾害预警模型[1],建立了报预警模型,以期进一步提高预警精度,限制空报率和漏报率,从而提高滑坡灾害气象预警准确率。

2 数据与方法

2.1 数据源

本文选取国内外研究中普遍适用[5-11]的地形因子、地质因子和气象因子作为静态评价指标,以滑坡灾害发生当日降水量和前期累积降水量作为动态指标,结合四川省环境特征,使用坡度、地形起伏度、地质岩性、地震烈度、植被覆盖指数、年均降雨量、日降水量等因子建立显式滑坡灾害预警模型。主要数据如表1所示。根据国土资源部的《县(市)地质灾害调查与区划基本要求》实施细则,地质灾害预警最佳单元为1~3 km,因此,每个影响因子数据分辨率经ArcGIS软件重采样为1 km。
Tab.1 Model data collection

表1 模型数据整理

数据类型 名称 时间 来源 分辨率/比例尺
文本数据 四川省滑坡灾害灾情数据 2008-2013 四川省地质环境监测总站 9354个
四川省降水数据 2008-2013 四川省气象台 小时
矢量数据 四川省水文地质岩性数据 1981 四川省环境科学研究院 1:20万(53 m)
栅格数据 四川省DEM 2009 地理空间数据云( 30 m
四川省NDVI 2000-2011 地理空间数据云( 250 m
四川省地震烈度 2010 四川省地质环境监测总站 3000 m

2.2 研究方法

Z = ln P 1 - P = A + B 1 X 1 + B 2 X 2 + + B n X n (1)
P = EXP ( Z ) 1 + EXP ( Z ) (2)

3 滑坡灾害危险性评价


3.1 滑坡灾害危险性区划

将剔除误差数据后的8761条有效滑坡灾害历史灾害记录分为建模数据(占总记录的70%)和检验数据(占总记录的30%)。根据张锡涛等[19]、常鸣等[20]的研究,地质灾害点影响范围在2 km内,建立地质灾害点3 km缓冲区,使用ArcGIS软件空间分析功能、矢量数据工具集等功能在缓冲区外随机生成与有效地质灾害点相应数量的未发生地质灾害点。
Fig. 1 Relationship between slope CF and distribution of landslide hazard points

图1 坡度CF与滑坡灾害点分布的关系

Fig. 2 Relationship between lithology CF and distribution of landslide hazard points

图2 地质岩性CF与滑坡灾害点分布的关系

Fig. 3 Relationship between vegetation coverage CF and distribution of landslide hazard points

图3 植被覆盖度CF与滑坡灾害点分布的关系

Fig. 4 Relationship between relief amplitude CF and distribution of landslide hazard points

图4 地形起伏度CF与滑坡灾害点分布的关系

Fig. 5 Relationship between annual rainfall CF and distribution of landslide hazard points

图5 年均降雨量CF与滑坡灾害点分布的关系

Fig. 6 Relationship between seismic intensity CF and distribution of landslide hazard points

图6 地震烈度CF与滑坡灾害点分布的关系

Tab. 2 Correlation of different factors

表2 因子间相关性

地震烈度 地质岩性 坡度 地形起伏度 年均降雨量 植被覆盖度
地震烈度 1.000 -0.001 -0.008 -0.011 -0.281 0.014
地质岩性 -0.001 1.000 0.011 0.032 -0.152 -0.016
坡度 -0.008 0.011 1.000 0.610 0.015 0.097
-0.011 0.032 0.610 1.000 0.012 0.083
-0.281 -0.152 0.015 0.012 1.000 -0.310
0.014 -0.016 0.097 0.083 -0.310 1.000
多次随机生成未发生地质灾害点并循环建模,似然比检验-2LL值无明显变化,卡方检验结果较小,说明模型结果稳定;Cox & Snell R Square超过0.4,Nagelkerke R Square超过0.5,表明模型总体拟合度较好;各因子均通过显著水平为0.05的Wald检验,且因子间相关系数很小,相互独立;模型对地质灾害发生的预测准确率达到78.9%。
H = EXP - 0.343 X 1 + 1.774 X 2 + 0.742 X 3 + 1.216 X 4 + 1.458 X 5 - 0.144 1 + EXP - 0.343 X 1 + 1.774 X 2 + 0.742 X 3 + 1.216 X 4 + 1.458 X 5 - 0.144 (3)
Fig. 7 Risk division of landslide geological hazard

图7 滑坡地质灾害危险性区划

3.2 评价结果的合理性验证

Fig. 8 Proportion of different landslide hazard partition

图8 滑坡灾害分区面积及检验区灾害点危险性比例

Fig. 9 Distribution of different landslide hazard scales

图9 滑坡灾害规模级别分布

4 滑坡灾害气象风险预警模型建立


4.1 滑坡灾害与降雨量统计分析

本文通过对2008-2013年有准确降水量的7872个历史滑坡灾害点当日和前期降水量进行统计,初步确定滑坡灾害发生当日、前期降水量的规律。如图10所示,有5160个(约占总滑坡灾害的65%)历史灾害当日降水量对累积降水量(7日累计降水量,下同)的贡献超过40%,其中1395个(约占总滑坡灾害的18%)历史灾害当日降水量对累积降水量的贡献率超过80%,说明四川省滑坡灾害受当日降水量影响很大,历史灾害的当日降水量在100~200 mm频次最多;有2093次滑坡灾害(约占总滑坡灾害的27%)前一日降水量对累积降水量的贡献率超过40%,滑坡灾害次数随降水量贡献率增大而减少,近50%的滑坡灾害前一日降水量超过50 mm,说明四川省滑坡灾害同样受前一日降水量影响;均有7%左右滑坡灾害前两日、前三日、前四日降水量对累积降水量的贡献率超过40%,前两日、前三日、前四日降水量集中分布在25 mm之下,说明四川省滑坡灾害与前两日、前三日、前四日降水有一定的关系,但是相关性较小;由此为了节约计算成本,本研究只提取滑坡灾害的当日降水和前四日降水建立滑坡灾害预警模型。
Fig. 10 Contribution of precipitation to cumulative precipitation on the day of the landslide hazard and the first four days

图10 滑坡灾害发生当日及前四日降水对累积降水量的贡献

4.2 滑坡灾害气象预警模型

Tab. 3 Variables in the equation

表3 方程中的变量

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)
3.589 0.130 791.509 1 0.000 33.048
归day 11.545 0.368 1053.980 1 0.000 133 175.572
归day1 9.748 0.648 250.309 1 0.000 31 081.809
归day2 14.302 1.190 159.988 1 0.000 3 668 158.024
Constant -4.31 0.109 1739.165 1 0.000 0.011
剔除前三日、前四日概率化降水量后重新建模,根据SPSS分析得到的结果,Cox & Snell R Square为0.54,Nagelkerke R Square为0.72,表明模型总体拟合度很高;各因子均通过显著水平为0.05的Wald检验,且因子间相关系数很小,相互独立;模型对滑坡灾害发生的准确预测率达82.3%。建模结果如下:
P = EXP 3.589 H + 11.545 D 0 + 9.748 D 1 + 14.302 X 2 - 4.31 1 + EXP 3.589 H + 11.545 D 0 + 9.748 D 1 + 14.302 X 2 - 4.31 (4)
Tab. 4 Wald value of different factors

表4 因子Wald值

因子 Wald
滑坡灾害危险性 791.509
归day 1053.980
归day1 250.309
归day2 159.988
Constant 1739.165

4.3 预警结果验证

Tab. 5 Statistics of the model verification

表5 模型验证统计表

P 滑坡灾害预警比例(%) 大型、特大型滑坡灾害预警比例(%)
≥0.5 80 90
≥0.75 30 40
≥0.99 18 12
Fig. 11 Probabilistic early warning model

图11 概率化预警模型

Fig. 12 Logistic regression model

图12 逻辑回归模型


5 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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兰恒星, 伍法权. 基于GIS 的云南小江流域滑坡因子敏感性分析[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报,2002,21(10):1500-1506.进行滑坡因子敏感性分析是滑坡研究的一个重要的步骤,有利于研究滑坡的变形破坏机理及分析滑坡的空间分布规律。采用滑坡确定性系数的方法对云南小江流域进行了影响因子敏感性分析,确定了有利于滑坡发育的岩性、结构、坡度、高程、断裂等影响因子。


[ Lan H X,Wu F Q.Analysis on susceptibility of GIS based landslide triggering factors in Yunnan Xiaojiang watershed[J]. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2002,21(10):1500-1506. ]

兰恒星,伍法权. GIS支持下的降雨型滑坡危险性空间分析预测[J].科学通报,2003,48(5):507-512.基于GIS的滑坡分析模型的基础上, 针对现有模型的优势和不足, 提出了改进的SINMAP模型. 该模型将滑坡确定性模型与基于DEM的水文分布模型进行有效的集成, 考虑了由于降雨引起的地下水的不同分布, 所造成的静水压力及地下水渗流过程中产生的动水压力对滑坡稳定性的影响. 以中国西南典型的降雨型滑坡分布区--云南小江流域为例, 探讨了模型应用的有效性, 详细研究分析了小江流域滑坡危险性在不同降雨条件下的空间分布规律, 特别是随降雨条件的变化、滑坡变形失稳区域的扩展趋势以及失稳位置、失稳面积等的空间变化特征, 给出了滑坡发生与降雨、地形坡度、集水区面积等因素之间的定量关系. 在此基础上, 推算出小江流域滑坡失稳的降雨量阈值, 对区域性降雨型滑坡危险性进行快速有效的分析和预测.


[ Lan H X,Wu F Q.Spatial evaluation and forecast landslide risk based on GIS[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003,48(5):507-512. ]

王济川,郭志刚.Logistic 回归模型:方法与应用[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2001.

[ Wang J C, Guo Z G.Logistic regression models: methods and application[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2001. ]

许冲,徐锡伟.逻辑回归模型在玉树地震滑坡危险性评价中的应用与检验[J].工程地质学报,2012,20(3):326-333.At 07: 49(Beijing time)on April 14, 2010,a catastrophic earthquake with Ms 7.1 struck Yushu County,Qinghai Province,China.2036 landslides were interpreted from aerial photographs and remote sensing images,verified by selected field checking.The spatial distribution of the landslides was evidently strongly controlled by the locations of the main surface fault ruptures.The landslides commonly occurred close together.Most of the landslides were small.The landslides were of various types.They were mainly shallow,disrupted landslides,but also included rock falls,deep-seated landslides,liquefied landslides, and compound landslides.The aim of this study was to apply and validate logistic regression model for the Yushu earthquake triggered landslide hazard mapping.The Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and Remote Sensing(RS)technologies were used.A spatial database was developed and analyzed using GIS technology.It includes the landslides and associated controlling parameters which may have influence on the occurrence of landslides..The twelve factors that influence landslide occurrence were created in raster data format base on GIS platform.They include elevation,slope angle,slope aspect,slope curvature,slope position,drainages,lithology,faults,roads,normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI),co-seismic main surface fault-ruptures, and peak ground acceleration(PGA).the coefficients of the evaluation variables were estimated using logistic regression model and were used to calculate the landslide hazard index for the entire study area within a GIS environment.The validation result showed a success rate of 83.21% between the hazard map and the locations of Yushu earthquake triggered landslides.The landslide hazard assessment rank result showed that the"very high hazard"level covers about 4.97% of the total study area but has a number of 766 landslides(37.62% of the total landslides number),which representing good quality of the landslide hazard map.The sequence of the landslide number density percentage descends expeditiously accompany with the hazard level decreasing.


[ Xu C,Xu X W.Logistic regression model and ITS validation for hazard mapping of landslides triggered by Yushu earthquake[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology,2012,20(3):326-333. ]

许冲,戴福初,徐素宁,等.基于逻辑回归模型的汶川地震滑坡危险性评价与检验[J].水文地质工程地质,2013,40(3):98-104.以2008年5月12日汶川地震区为研究区,基于高分辨率航片与 卫星影像开展地震滑坡目视解译,制作了汶川地震滑坡编录图.选择坡度、坡向、高程、与水系距离、与公路距离、与映秀-北川断裂距离、地震烈度、岩性共8个 影响因子开展地震滑坡危险性评价工作.滑坡样本采用前期48007处滑坡编录点数据,不滑样本为在基于证据权重模型的滑坡危险性评价结果的低危险区与极低 危险区随机选择的48000个点.基于这8个影响因子与逻辑回归模型,建立了汶川地震滑坡危险性索引图.采用这48007个滑坡样本点与汶川地震滑坡最新 编录的增加滑坡,分别进行模型的成功率与预测率检验.结果表明,模型成功率为81.739%,预测率达到86.278%.

[ Xu C,Dai F C,Xu S N,et al.Application of logistic regression model on the Wenchuan earthquake triggered landslide hazard mapping and its validation[J]. Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology, 2013,40(3):98-104. ]

刘明学,陈祥,杨珊妮.基于逻辑回归模型和确定性系数的崩滑流危险性区划[J].工程地质学报,2014,22(6):1250-1256.This paper aims at finding out the functional relationship between landslide and impact factors, using statistics analysis under logistic regression model and certainty factor. It tries to draw the block map of the hazard zonation according to the level of risk of landslide occurrence in Guizhou Province using GIS technology. First, a calculation of the certainty factor of landslide occurrence is done according to the area of occurred disasters in impact factor subset and the area of impact factor subset. Secondly, the possibility of landslide occurrence is defined as dependent variable. The certainty factor of occurring disaster in subset is defined as independent variable. Then, an analysis is done to find out the functional relationship between them under logistic regression model. Thirdly, a calculation of the probability of landslide occurrence is initiated. It tries to divide the research area into 10 risk level sub-areas according to the result with the aim to draw block map of the hazard zonation of landslide. Finally, an evaluation on the hazard zonation of landslide is carried out. The result shows that the hazard zonation method, based on logistic regression model and certainty factor for landslide, is effective.


[ Liu M X, Chen X, Yang S N.Zonation of landslide risk with logistic regression model and certainty factor[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology, 2014,22(6):1250-1256. ]

Heckerman D.Probabilistic interpretations for MYCIN's certainty factors[C]. Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Inteligence, AUAI press, 1985:9-20.

Shortliffe E H, Buchanan B G.A model of inexact reasoning in medicine[J]. Mathematical biosciences, 1975,23(3):351-379.Medical science often suffers from having so few data and so much imperfect knowledge that a rigorous probabilistic analysis, the ideal standard by which to judge the rationality of a physician's decision, is seldom possible. Physicians nevertheless seem to have developed an ill-defined mechanism for reaching decisions despite a lack of formal knowledge regarding the interrelationships of all the variables that they are considering. This report proposes a quantification scheme which attempts to model the inexact reasoning processes of medical experts. The numerical conventions provide what is essentially an approximation to conditional probability, but offer advantages over Bayesian analysis when they are utilized in a rule-based computer diagnostic system. One such system, a clinical consultation program named mycin, is described in the context of the proposed model of inexact reasoning.


张锡涛,刘翔宇,谢谟文,等.基于岩质滑坡引发泥石流的影响范围评价模型[J].工程地质学报,2013,21(4):598-606.Debris or mud flow caused by the landside is one of complicated geologic hazards in mountain area, which is usually related to geology, lithology, the mechanical characteristics of the rock and soil, rainfall, groundwater, and land usage condition. The analysis of immanent relationships between landslide and mud flow can not only afford a reference for the analysis of landslide failure mechanism, but also be used as the basis of evaluation of mud flow triggered by landslides. In this paper, the depth integral is applied two two-dimensional mathematical model of mud flow. The model is based on the principle of conservation of mass and viscous Newtonian fluid Navier-Stovkes equation. Then, this equation is numerically computed by using the finite difference method. The relational expression between streams tilt angle and the width of affected range of mud flow is obtained from statistics. It is applied to analyzing the possibility of mud flow induced by landslides which once failed under the similar geological conditions. Combining with GIS,the model can also be used to predict impacted range of mud flow by using risk map to show the zones that may be affected by the mud flow.


[ Zhang X T, Liu X Y, Xie M W, et al.Mathematical model for evaluating affected range of debris flow induced by rock landslide[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology,2013,21(4):598-606. ]

常鸣,唐川,苏永超,等.雅鲁藏布江米林段泥石流堆积扇危险范围预测模型[J].工程地质学报,2012,20(6):971-978.The Milin county along Yarlungzangbo river is closed to the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate collision zones, where the tectonic movement is intense and the seismic activity is frequent. So debris flow are widely distributed. This paper uses the remote sensing and field investigation and examines 34 debris flow gullies which have an integrated deposit fan. Using geographical information system and remote sensing software, the paper analyses the basic parameters of the basin such as basin relief and the volume source. The regression analysis on the maximum length and width runout and their topographical factors is conducted using the software Mat lab. It is found that the maximum length and width runout have an obvious index correlation with the basin relief and the volume source. Based on the found single factor regular, the predicting model on evaluating the debris flow's hazardous range is established. This model absorbs the previous model advantages, distinguishes the risk range by less factors and saves time. It can be better and faster against the disaster.


[ Chang M, Tang C, Su Y C, et al.Prediction model for debris flow hazard zone on alluvial fan in Milin section of Yarlungzangbo river, Tibet[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology, 2012,20(6):971-978. ]

