Journal of Geo-information Science >
Channel Wetlands Evolution Analysis From Liujiaxia to Togtoh County of Inner Mongolia in the Last Three Decades
Received date: 2016-12-07
Request revised date: 2017-06-14
Online published: 2017-08-20
In the river basin ecosystem, channel wetland is located in aquatic terrestrial ecotone. The bridge and the link between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems play an irreplaceable role in water detention, water purification, soil-water conservation, maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance. In this paper, we used Landsat satellite images of 1986, 1996, 2000, 2006 and 2015 to extract different types of river wetland systems between the Liujiaxia and Togtoh County of inner Mongolia in the last three decades. Then, we used spatial stastics analysis, transfer matrix and centroid position change method to analyze dynamic evolution and driving factors of wetland types. The results shows that, during 1986-2015 years, channel wetland area in the study area gradually decreased from 173×104 ha to 122×104 ha (~29.0%). Wetland transformation of the study area mainly occurs between the river, nude beach, herbal-wetland and farmland. In the last thirty years, the range of active channel wetland changes far greater than non-active channel wetland. The area of active channel wetland decreased from 15.46 ×104 ha in 1986 to 10.41×104 ha in 2015, decreased by 32.7%. The evolution of the active channel wetlands mainly occurs between the natural wetland types, namely, the river-bare Beach-swamp wetland. The non-active wetland area is basically stable, and the area is between 1.84-2.28 ×104 ha. It has characteristics of transformation between the natural wetland -constructed wetland and between natural wetland - agricultural land. The centroid position change of forest wetland, canal wetland and pond wetland are more prominent compared to other wetland types. The results of the single land use dynamics shows that, due to gradually accelerating urbanization pace, antrophy of the natural wetlands, increase the weight of farmland salinity, hydroelectric station system construction caused gradually decrease in the river area. The cropland to forest policy and the grassland to cropland policy result to accelerated dynamic change of forset, pounds, river, farmland, abandonedland and bareland. Through the analysis of channel wetlands, the change of active channel wetland mainly contribute to the wetland change of whole study area. The change of non-active channel wetlands was less affected by channel wetland changes. Our results are related to temperature, water conservancy, hydropower engineering and irrigation water, urbanization degree and ice flood season, but less sensitive to precipitation.
Xarapat Ablat , LIU Gaohuan , LIU Qingsheng , HUANG Chong , GUAN Xudong . Channel Wetlands Evolution Analysis From Liujiaxia to Togtoh County of Inner Mongolia in the Last Three Decades[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017 , 19(8) : 1116 -1131 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01116
Fig. 1 The study area图1 研究区范围 |
Tab. 1 Classification system of landscape types of Channel Wetlands From Liujiaxia to Togtoh County of Inner Mongolia wetland system表1 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地系统景观类型分类体系 |
一级 | 二级 | 三级 | 说明 |
湿地 | 天然湿地 | 河流 | 自然水面,流动的 |
裸滩 | 主河槽内部或者两翼的裸地 | ||
草本湿地 | 覆盖植被以灌木或草本为主,湿土 | ||
森林湿地 | 覆盖植被以乔木为主,湿土 | ||
人工湿地 | 坑塘湿地 | 规则四边形人工集水水面,静态 | |
水渠湿地 | 线状规则性人工流动的水面 | ||
水库湿地 | 无规则形状人工集水水面 | ||
非湿地 | 耕地 | 指农作物种植地 | |
林地 | 以乔木植被覆盖地 | ||
草地 | 以草本植被为主地,包括天然和人工草地 | ||
建设用地 | 包括居住地、各级道路、建筑用地 | ||
撂荒地 | 表层盐碱聚集,生长天然耐盐植物地 | ||
裸地 | 表层为土质,基本无植被覆盖地 |
Tab. 2 floodplain wetland classfication表2 河漫滩湿地分类体系 |
一级 | 二级 | 说明 |
老滩湿地 | 草本湿地 | 主河槽以外以及外堤以内湿地类型 |
森林湿地 | ||
水库湿地 | ||
坑塘湿地 | ||
水渠湿地 | ||
嫩滩湿地 | 河流 | 深槽以及紧邻深槽湿地类型 |
裸滩 | ||
草本湿地 | ||
森林湿地 |
Fig. 2 Definition of the flooding area图2 河漫滩湿地范围确定 |
Tab.3 Interpretation symbol library of the land use and land cover types in the study area表3 研究区土地利用/覆被类型解译标志库 |
土地利用类型 | 影像特征 | |||||
Ⅰ级 | Ⅱ级 | 形态 | 色调 | 纹理 | 影像(432合成) | |
湿地 | 河流 | 具有线状特征 | 蓝色和深蓝色 | 无纹理特征,表面平滑 | ||
嫩滩 | 形状不规则 | 暗灰色或者暗灰蓝 | 表面平滑 | |||
草本湿地 | 呈不规则形状 | 红色或深红色 | 具有纹理特征 | |||
森林湿地 | 形状不规则分布 | 深红色 | 具有明显的纹理特征 | |||
水渠湿地 | 规则性线状分布 | 深蓝色 | 无纹理特征 | |||
水库湿地 | 呈不规则面状特征 | 深蓝色 | 无纹理特征 | |||
坑塘湿地 | 呈规则面状特征 | 深蓝色 | 不具有纹理特征 | |||
耕地 | 呈规则形状,方块或矩形 | 深红色、红色、淡红色 | 纹理特征显著 | |||
林地 | 形状不规则分布 | 深红色 | 具有纹理特征 | |||
草地 | 形状不规则分布 | 淡红色 | 无纹理特征 | |||
建设用地 | 呈不规则形状 | 青铜色、暗灰色 | 具有强烈的纹理特征 | |||
未利用地 | 撂荒地 | 呈现花瓣状,不规则形状 | 亮白色 | 无纹理特征 | ||
裸地 | 形状不规则分布 | 灰色 | 无纹理特征 | |||
裸滩 | 形状不规则分布 | 灰色或者深灰色 | 无纹理特征 |
Fig. 3 The distribution map of wetland landscape system of each river section in the study area图3 刘家峡以下黄河上游河段河道湿地景观系统分布图 |
Fig 4 Newly floodplain wetlands area of study area from 1986 to 2015图4 1986-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游嫩滩湿地类型面积 |
Fig 5 Old floodplain wetlands area of Study area from 1986 to 2015图5 1986-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游老滩湿地类型面积 |
Fig. 6 Floodplain wetlands area of the study area from 1986 to 2015图6 1986-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游河漫滩湿地面积图 |
Tab. 4 Structure of channel wetlands of Yellow river upstream between 1986 to 2015 (104 hm2)表4 1986-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地结构(万hm2) |
地类 | 1986年 | 1996年 | 2000年 | 2006年 | 2015年 | |
天然湿地 | 河流 | 9.18 | 5.50 | 5.32 | 5.47 | 5.14 |
裸滩 | 2.65 | 2.78 | 3.50 | 2.35 | 2.11 | |
草本湿地 | 3.03 | 3.65 | 3.13 | 2.78 | 2.40 | |
森林湿地 | 0.84 | 0.53 | 0.39 | 0.51 | 0.71 | |
人工湿地 | 坑塘湿地 | 0.24 | 0.35 | 0.49 | 0.32 | 0.57 |
水库湿地 | 1.15 | 1.15 | 1.00 | 1.08 | 1.15 | |
水渠湿地 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.17 | 0.13 | |
草地 | 0.62 | 0.46 | 0.26 | 0.34 | 0.25 | |
耕地 | 16.24 | 19.94 | 19.85 | 21.26 | 21.45 | |
林地 | 0.43 | 0.39 | 0.50 | 0.65 | 0.67 | |
建设用地 | 0.39 | 0.54 | 0.66 | 0.80 | 1.39 | |
撂荒地 | 0.58 | 0.61 | 0.95 | 0.60 | 0.89 | |
裸地 | 2.34 | 1.73 | 1.62 | 1.54 | 0.99 |
Tab. 5 Land use transfer martix of the study area from 1986 to 1996 (hm2)表5 1986-1996年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地景观类型转移矩阵(hm2) |
地类 | 1996年 | |||||||||||||
草本湿地 | 草地 | 耕地 | 河流 | 建设用地 | 坑塘湿地 | 撂荒地 | 林地 | 裸地 | 裸滩 | 森林湿地 | 水库湿地 | 水渠湿地 | ||
1986年 | 草本湿地 | 12 363.19 | 299.77 | 11 542.83 | 2483.20 | 75.18 | 186.03 | 246.42 | 350.56 | 402.20 | 1902.21 | 488.54 | 165.19 | |
草地 | 891.84 | 2347.54 | 1773.80 | 596.66 | 5.62 | 7.98 | 10.86 | 117.34 | 211.93 | 150.08 | 16.53 | 39.91 | ||
耕地 | 4542.42 | 94.03 | 142 368.78 | 5240.52 | 1594.24 | 929.52 | 2057.45 | 749.47 | 1435.26 | 3241.95 | 370.17 | 372.25 | ||
河流 | 10 996.46 | 1009.25 | 21 367.00 | 40 106.10 | 12.47 | 401.46 | 313.46 | 516.54 | 531.80 | 16 086.79 | 286.67 | 282.51 | ||
建设用地 | 23.39 | 1013.16 | 2.88 | 2741.90 | 61.23 | 4.22 | 33.47 | 1.53 | 32.12 | 14.31 | ||||
坑塘湿地 | 97.19 | 42.30 | 737.56 | 75.44 | 2.22 | 1336.26 | 28.11 | 5.80 | 48.31 | 0.11 | 22.34 | |||
撂荒地 | 337.10 | 0.89 | 1934.56 | 265.34 | 116.74 | 4.71 | 2406.28 | 11.73 | 195.53 | 496.18 | 1.00 | 12.97 | ||
林地 | 103.47 | 17.29 | 1737.48 | 170.55 | 400.98 | 16.76 | 13.13 | 1603.78 | 124.77 | 72.57 | 50.61 | 4.64 | ||
裸地 | 1726.48 | 324.58 | 3914.58 | 884.28 | 412.42 | 47.75 | 700.97 | 272.84 | 14 127.74 | 743.41 | 101.75 | 60.65 | ||
裸滩 | 4229.07 | 441.09 | 10 800.16 | 5053.21 | 14.05 | 176.58 | 356.11 | 91.32 | 212.01 | 4876.39 | 50.15 | 153.24 | ||
森林湿地 | 1184.35 | 1.26 | 2292.88 | 335.50 | 5.15 | 287.59 | 7.39 | 126.22 | 64.63 | 138.20 | 3905.82 | 43.70 | ||
水库湿地 | 1.86 | 11 532.63 | ||||||||||||
水渠湿地 | 120.84 | 976.65 | 35.76 | 25.76 | 31.21 | 59.86 | 43.79 | 8.05 | 41.32 | 27.68 | 502.27 |
Tab. 6 Land use transfer martix of the study area from 1996 to 2000 (hm2)表6 1996-2000年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地景观类型转移矩阵(hm2) |
地类 | 2000年 | |||||||||||||
草本湿地 | 草地 | 耕地 | 河流 | 建设用地 | 坑塘湿地 | 撂荒地 | 林地 | 裸地 | 裸滩 | 森林湿地 | 水库湿地 | 水渠湿地 | ||
1996年 | 草本湿地 | 13 515.65 | 553.56 | 13807.00 | 3188.86 | 5.59 | 40.57 | 516.91 | 397.24 | 301.75 | 3485.89 | 629.98 | 88.34 | |
草地 | 739.77 | 1396.93 | 1103.59 | 161.95 | 7.40 | 35.96 | 129.14 | 163.82 | 451.57 | 205.39 | 177.46 | 5.13 | ||
耕地 | 8875.78 | 148.63 | 157 120.92 | 7294.61 | 1791.83 | 2482.24 | 5357.55 | 1991.53 | 970.04 | 12 483.94 | 447.09 | 415.16 | ||
河流 | 3096.12 | 218.48 | 6469.09 | 33 691.28 | 77.19 | 299.39 | 84.29 | 143.88 | 163.33 | 10 548.15 | 13.02 | 147.85 | ||
建设用地 | 2.58 | 1129.69 | 16.81 | 4042.25 | 6.46 | 44.04 | 141.35 | 0.02 | 23.54 | |||||
坑塘湿地 | 271.17 | 3.61 | 1162.70 | 176.29 | 24.81 | 1467.78 | 32.30 | 84.35 | 39.16 | 111.75 | 65.94 | 47.45 | ||
撂荒地 | 363.85 | 0.09 | 2533.95 | 53.37 | 247.95 | 2110.57 | 18.07 | 548.79 | 198.09 | 17.31 | ||||
林地 | 392.16 | 0.18 | 1484.96 | 207.04 | 32.93 | 22.74 | 0.16 | 1622.93 | 58.89 | 66.07 | 21.76 | 35.66 | ||
裸地 | 186.18 | 225.07 | 3221.50 | 221.53 | 349.30 | 3.38 | 1097.56 | 88.36 | 11 417.35 | 368.16 | 9.10 | 10.20 | 123.51 | |
裸滩 | 3016.35 | 76.99 | 8346.63 | 7922.22 | 17.43 | 132.43 | 163.82 | 140.89 | 383.07 | 7373.15 | 0.77 | 202.75 | ||
森林湿地 | 659.45 | 0.37 | 1392.31 | 120.12 | 7.36 | 325.92 | 19.74 | 187.84 | 30.66 | 91.06 | 2434.35 | 62.01 | ||
水库湿地 | 1565.69 | 9961.36 | ||||||||||||
水渠湿地 | 184.61 | 654.94 | 122.23 | 8.28 | 34.47 | 0.95 | 78.31 | 1.10 | 61.93 | 48.68 | 478.48 |
Tab. 7 Land use transfer martix of the study area from 2000 to 2006 (hm2)表7 2000-2006年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地景观类型转移矩阵(hm2) |
地类 | 2006年 | |||||||||||||
草本湿地 | 草地 | 耕地 | 河流 | 建设用地 | 坑塘湿地 | 撂荒地 | 林地 | 裸地 | 裸滩 | 森林湿地 | 水库湿地 | 水渠湿地 | ||
2000 年 | 草本湿地 | 10 321.84 | 386.47 | 12 606.34 | 3449.56 | 15.25 | 635.88 | 481.43 | 125.43 | 252.51 | 2122.40 | 868.15 | 32.43 | |
草地 | 846.66 | 540.04 | 1047.91 | 74.90 | 1.02 | 6.28 | 0.44 | 10.10 | 58.60 | 40.53 | ||||
耕地 | 6515.30 | 837.59 | 166 190.29 | 7444.09 | 2616.00 | 848.54 | 1796.02 | 2663.08 | 2344.57 | 4995.37 | 1487.60 | 713.02 | ||
河流 | 3514.92 | 707.42 | 5170.31 | 33 967.63 | 16.77 | 77.80 | 81.21 | 458.67 | 142.96 | 8813.93 | 104.48 | 0.43 | 129.92 | |
建设用地 | 13.38 | 15.70 | 1268.76 | 40.68 | 4763.61 | 21.73 | 0.85 | 74.32 | 373.80 | 4.63 | 2.67 | 26.90 | ||
坑塘湿地 | 274.93 | 10.51 | 2473.03 | 125.73 | 30.06 | 1173.13 | 224.30 | 79.02 | 22.72 | 181.23 | 256.66 | |||
撂荒地 | 489.08 | 40.64 | 4472.33 | 306.22 | 32.90 | 29.39 | 2996.42 | 207.57 | 619.74 | 229.11 | 89.34 | |||
林地 | 231.73 | 8.41 | 1845.38 | 316.64 | 70.21 | 46.76 | 16.93 | 2203.50 | 75.74 | 48.99 | 49.31 | 47.64 | ||
裸地 | 167.52 | 189.37 | 2263.16 | 143.20 | 426.85 | 28.61 | 100.16 | 42.12 | 11 086.82 | 778.36 | 128.39 | 809.75 | 8.25 | |
裸滩 | 5278.39 | 615.86 | 13174.66 | 8001.24 | 27.08 | 184.85 | 250.83 | 527.65 | 303.45 | 6189.21 | 200.39 | 213.32 | ||
森林湿地 | 150.03 | 1460.32 | 53.80 | 169.71 | 2.32 | 101.55 | 47.22 | 0.08 | 1861.86 | 1.26 | ||||
水库湿地 | 1.79 | 6.87 | 9965.86 | |||||||||||
水渠湿地 | 236.77 | 15.58 | 648.01 | 90.94 | 29.71 | 48.17 | 4.16 | 38.42 | 38.90 | 21.61 | 474.78 |
Tab. 8 Land use transfer martix of the study area from 2006 to 2015 (hm2)表8 2006-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地景观类型转移矩阵表(hm2) |
地类 | 2015年 | |||||||||||||
草本湿地 | 草地 | 耕地 | 河流 | 建设用地 | 坑塘湿地 | 撂荒地 | 林地 | 裸地 | 裸滩 | 森林湿地 | 水库湿地 | 水渠湿地 | ||
2006年 | 草本湿地 | 7775.65 | 218.26 | 10 968.25 | 2992.24 | 241.18 | 740.76 | 269.38 | 615.71 | 112.85 | 2949.30 | 812.30 | 142.60 | |
草地 | 231.80 | 902.05 | 1008.70 | 296.84 | 86.41 | 89.86 | 89.14 | 107.62 | 102.16 | 314.09 | 113.46 | 19.20 | 5.71 | |
耕地 | 7007.98 | 294.71 | 174 087.96 | 10 103.48 | 4465.60 | 2161.52 | 3325.72 | 2174.63 | 1051.81 | 5143.32 | 2263.20 | 120.87 | 387.06 | |
河流 | 4063.70 | 348.03 | 8796.96 | 30 619.58 | 119.36 | 390.10 | 443.02 | 383.85 | 606.46 | 7840.76 | 565.11 | 212.70 | ||
建设用地 | 5.70 | 1690.14 | 72.46 | 6049.80 | 38.06 | 1.87 | 22.69 | 68.09 | 76.51 | 1.40 | 5.37 | |||
坑塘湿地 | 189.55 | 0.30 | 897.56 | 152.13 | 78.36 | 1691.77 | 19.13 | 60.73 | 39.98 | 13.50 | 96.26 | 0.51 | ||
撂荒地 | 473.75 | 0.12 | 1775.00 | 29.02 | 96.65 | 53.15 | 3207.51 | 1.84 | 226.19 | 63.87 | 21.47 | 2.38 | ||
林地 | 11.05 | 38.81 | 2580.30 | 354.80 | 64.36 | 51.74 | 47.24 | 2991.95 | 81.87 | 220.05 | 6.42 | 5.59 | ||
裸地 | 181.26 | 56.45 | 3313.25 | 331.05 | 2550.10 | 143.73 | 547.39 | 190.94 | 7214.34 | 155.52 | 96.84 | 579.20 | 13.90 | |
裸滩 | 3580.92 | 284.26 | 7445.13 | 6198.36 | 123.90 | 72.42 | 845.02 | 126.32 | 332.49 | 4131.39 | 209.96 | 99.52 | ||
森林湿地 | 411.24 | 12.56 | 1224.50 | 155.11 | 2.65 | 152.72 | 49.96 | 19.99 | 0.67 | 143.48 | 2904.33 | 4.60 | ||
水库湿地 | 0.08 | 14.61 | 10 758.47 | |||||||||||
水渠湿地 | 51.70 | 7.06 | 731.06 | 88.06 | 21.98 | 154.11 | 48.20 | 7.04 | 17.39 | 48.57 | 15.60 | 456.68 |
Tab. 9 Land use transfer martix of the study area from 1986 to 2015 (hm2)表9 1986-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地景观类型转移矩阵(hm2) |
地类 | 2015年 | |||||||||||||
草本湿地 | 草地 | 耕地 | 河流 | 建设用地 | 坑塘湿地 | 撂荒地 | 林地 | 裸地 | 裸滩 | 森林湿地 | 水库湿地 | 水渠湿地 | ||
1986年 | 草本湿地 | 4689.48 | 470.88 | 16 618.04 | 3099.13 | 382.76 | 989.16 | 1030.48 | 616.04 | 316.94 | 1291.33 | 955.63 | 32.89 | |
草地 | 350.23 | 12.15 | 3410.58 | 614.13 | 192.77 | 111.05 | 536.08 | 170.34 | 34.71 | 689.58 | 26.35 | 4.72 | ||
耕地 | 5884.52 | 378.17 | 129 730.11 | 7221.28 | 6492.30 | 1470.11 | 3113.55 | 2142.88 | 776.27 | 4202.36 | 1225.56 | 369.67 | ||
河流 | 7860.02 | 1026.26 | 32 287.05 | 32 916.97 | 336.04 | 1001.64 | 987.79 | 1464.18 | 819.79 | 11437.70 | 1171.33 | 437.38 | ||
建设用地 | 8.70 | 1251.02 | 35.83 | 2544.78 | 29.05 | 4.64 | 14.34 | 6.81 | 22.16 | 7.01 | ||||
坑塘湿地 | 117.03 | 6.86 | 1266.67 | 91.23 | 105.96 | 554.65 | 30.46 | 112.15 | 16.22 | 10.91 | 68.61 | 10.47 | ||
撂荒地 | 225.00 | 0.10 | 3009.10 | 88.40 | 286.58 | 106.55 | 1701.22 | 150.83 | 120.12 | 61.62 | 19.74 | 13.78 | ||
林地 | 218.85 | 34.89 | 1853.68 | 382.58 | 357.81 | 76.30 | 18.17 | 1055.99 | 72.19 | 79.40 | 147.07 | 6.38 | ||
裸地 | 804.60 | 58.42 | 7980.70 | 1199.64 | 3072.29 | 298.35 | 952.00 | 302.95 | 7352.03 | 526.67 | 664.59 | 96.21 | 53.03 | |
裸滩 | 3208.43 | 166.88 | 13291.65 | 5265.28 | 97.53 | 486.55 | 489.84 | 394.58 | 136.42 | 2604.43 | 182.72 | 106.91 | ||
森林湿地 | 461.39 | 9.02 | 3954.17 | 425.64 | 22.99 | 487.50 | 304.25 | 62.24 | 119.88 | 2598.59 | 10.44 | |||
水库湿地 | 1.51 | 145.95 | 11 385.71 | |||||||||||
水渠湿地 | 156.10 | 1.54 | 1088.14 | 56.76 | 13.71 | 129.05 | 31.51 | 3.48 | 9.32 | 53.51 | 46.15 | 283.93 |
Tab. 10 Single land use dynamics of the study area from 1986 to 2015表10 1986-2015年刘家峡以下黄河上游河道单一土地利用类型动态度表(%) |
时段 | 河流 | 裸滩 | 草本湿地 | 森林湿地 | 坑塘湿地 | 水库湿地 | 水渠湿地 | 草地 | 耕地 | 林地 | 建设用地 | 撂荒地 | 裸地 |
1986-2015 | -1.468 | -0.677 | -0.690 | -0.517 | 4.653 | -0.015 | -0.709 | -2.165 | 1.069 | 1.843 | 8.462 | 1.793 | -1.929 |
Fig. 7 The centriods position change of typical types of wetland during the five periods图7 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道典型湿地类型5个时期质心位置变化图 |
Fig. 8 Curve chart of mean annual temprature of the study area图8 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道年平均气温曲线图 |
Fig. 9 Curve chart of the mean annual precipitation of the study area图9 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道年平均降雨量曲线图 |
Fig. 10 The curve chart of ice area of the study area in five periods图10 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道5期冰凌面积曲线图 |
Fig. 11 Correlation index between the wetland types area and the ice area图11 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道湿地类型面积与冰凌面积相关系数 |
Tab. 11 The water erosion and deposition behavior change of the Liujiaxia reservoir hydrological station表11 刘家峡水库进出库水文站不同时段水量变化 |
站名 | 时段 | 水量/亿m3 | 汛期占年 水量/% | ||
非汛期 | 汛期 | 全年 | |||
入库 (循化+红旗+折桥) | 1950-1968 | 115 | 178.02 | 293.02 | 60.8 |
1969-1986 | 113.01 | 173.47 | 286.48 | 60.6 | |
1987-2006 | 129.85 | 89.04 | 218.89 | 40.7 | |
2007-2014 | 154.59 | 109.08 | 263.67 | 41.4 | |
小川 | 1950-1968 | 115.35 | 177.27 | 292.62 | 60.6 |
1969-1986 | 141.07 | 145.68 | 286.75 | 50.8 | |
1987-2006 | 134.51 | 81.95 | 216.46 | 37.9 | |
2007-2014 | 156.89 | 108.31 | 265.2 | 40.8 |
Tab. 12 The water erosion and deposition behavior change of the Longyangxia reservoir hydrological station表12 龙羊峡水库进出库水文站不同时段水量变化 |
站名 | 时段 | 水量/亿m3 | 汛期水量占年水量/% | ||
非汛期 | 汛期 | 全年 | |||
唐乃亥 | 1950-1968 | 79.81 | 125.24 | 205.05 | 61.1 |
1969-1986 | 85.17 | 133.79 | 218.96 | 61.1 | |
1987-2006 | 75.51 | 99.09 | 174.60 | 56.8 | |
2007-2014 | 85.11 | 128.14 | 213.25 | 60.1 | |
贵德 | 1950-1968 | 80.63 | 131.86 | 212.49 | 62.1 |
1969-1986 | 87.59 | 135.48 | 223.07 | 60.7 | |
1987-2006 | 108.14 | 63.61 | 171.75 | 37.0 | |
2007-2014 | 130.39 | 76.51 | 206.90 | 37.0 |
Fig. 12 Comparison results of flow erosion and deposition behavior after flooding season days of the Longyangxia reservoir图12 龙羊峡水库运用后汛期各级流量进出库天数对比 |
Fig. 13 The chart of construction area of the study area in the five periods.图13 刘家峡以下黄河上游河道5期建设用地面积图 |
Fig. 14 Water displacement processes between the Liuzuishan to Sanhehukou segment of Yellow river图14 石嘴山至三河湖口河段引水排水量过程 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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